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I really try to avoid sharing opinions on any of my social media accounts - especially in
today’s world. Someone is always going to disagree with you and they could get
extremely angry over a difference in opinion. This is why I stay away from sharing
political, religious, or social views online. I have many different social media accounts (a
personal page, my fashion blog page, my online store page, a person Tiktok account, a
business Tiktok account, a Pinterest, etc.), so I have a lot of opportunities to share
content that may or may not go well with my audience. The only opinions I share online
are ones surrounding fashion, since it is the industry that I am in and promote on my
pages. I do not believe that there are any posts that I have made in the past 30 days that
would make a potential employer decide to not hire me. I am always thinking before I
post, especially since I want to become a social media content creator with my fashion
blog. I am also working on opening my own online store, which drives me to be as
appropriate online as possible. I only try to post “fun” content that isn’t going to upset
people or make them dislike me or my brand.
a. My posts are opinion based since they are about fashion. I post what I think is
cute, fun, or stylish in hopes that others like my style and choose to use my blog
as their style guide. As I explained above, I never post controversial content
because I want my page to be a fun place to appreciate and express yourself via
b. All of my posts have a purpose - either to educate about fashion, share my
personal style, or inspire others to branch out in their style. I post funny content
every once in a while, but it is usually about something stupid I did or making
jokes about a current trend, etc.
c. I do not believe that any of my statements or postings on social media would
ever offend a current or future employer nor would it be considered defamation or
libel to a person reading it.

1. I would consider deleting zero of my posts from the last 30 days.

2. I would consider that maybe 5 of my posts from the last 30 days were considered funny.
3. I would consider that 50% of my posts from the last 30 days were informative - about
trends, the fashion industry, different stores, styles, etc.
4. I would consider that 90% of my posts from the past 30 days would be considered bias. I
only say this because when you are talking about fashion, it is usually biased because it
is based on my personal style and what I like. I also think that this is why people enjoy
and are drawn to my blog. I have a good sense of style and understand fashion trends.
5. Like I said above, I would consider that 90% of my posts from the past 30 days would be
considered opinionated. My posts are my personal opinions on what trends are cute or
not, what styles are good or not, etc.
6. I would consider that zero of my posts from the last 30 days would make a future
employer pause.
7. I would consider that zero of my posts from the last 30 days were not worth posting. I
spend a lot of time creating content/debating what to post, which results in never posting
things that I regret. I have a content schedule that helps me post on time and enough to
help grow my account. This takes so much time, effort, and thought so it’s basically
impossible for me to post something that I would regret down the line.

2. I think that the reason for the majority of the firings being from posts from the past 5 years is
because people treat social media as an expressive outlet or therapist. I see countless posts
every single day that are so based on emotions and strong opinions about current events that
people lose sight of the purpose of social media and how it should be used. People get so fired
up about certain topics that they forget what is or isn’t appropriate for social media. I also
believe that Gen Z is at the head of this and they lack the maturity that it takes to understand
what is right to post on social media and what you should keep to yourself. Gen Z has created a
culture of online bullying, which is a major issue. Social media has become too “laxed”,
especially in the past 5 years. This statistic makes a lot of sense to me because the younger
generation don’t understand the impact and longevity that social media has.

3. I have fortunately never had an incident on social media where I posted something that I
regretted or shouldn’t have posted and then received backlash. Luckily, I have always been
taught and remembered to not post things on social media that I will regret in a day or that are
out of emotion. I avoid commenting on controversial posts or topics, I never leave hateful or
mean comments, and I don’t post anything that is out of my field. This has enabled me to be
able to answer no to this question. As someone who is building a brand, it is very important to
me to stay out of controversial subjects so I do not get “cancelled”.

4. This question does not apply to me since I answered no - but I do want to share what I think
about cancel culture (since it is somewhat mentioned in the question). There are obviously
some things that are unforgivable and sometimes people do not deserve a second chance. I do
think that cancel culture has gone way too far in the past and people take it way too lightly.
Cancel culture can literally ruin the lives of people who simply made a mistake or made a
mistake that was over 5 years ago.

5. I definitely only give second chances to certain people. I think that I have the gift of being able
to see through people’s facades, which enables me to understand whether or not a person has
good intentions. I am quick to like or not like someone because I can immediately tell whether
they are a genuine person or not from one conversation. This is a blessing and a curse because
it makes me brutally honest but also it comes off as judgemental because I don’t really give
people the time of day who don’t deserve it. Slightly off topic (but somewhat related to question
#6), but one of my favorite quotes is, “Do you like everyone? No. So why should you expect
everyone to like you?”, and I live by that.
6. In this situation, I would try to take everything offline and handle it in person with the worker
who filed the complaint. I feel like everyone puts out these lengthy statements online
apologizing for their actions and no one takes it seriously. I would want to take a different route
by commonunicating in person and resolving the issue - and then, possibly put out a statement.

7. Sometimes people don’t feel comfortable with confrontation or are nervous around their
bosses, so I definitely wouldn’t blame them for not talking to me directly. HR is in place for a
reason, and I would completely understand why a worker of mine would go to HR. Of course, I
would try to have better relationships with my workers so they felt like they could come to me
instead of HR, but you have to understand why they would go to HR instead.

8. I would definitely not choose to be that petty and I would simply ask to meet with the
worker who filed the complaint and handle it face-to-face and just between the two of us.
If they didn’t feel comfortable meeting with just me, I would ask them if they wanted to
have HR join in on the meeting.

9. If we couldn’t resolve our issues, then maybe the negative social media post would
affect the worker’s future employment. If we could talk out the issue and come to a
resolution that we are both happy with, then I definitely wouldn’t have any issue with
keeping them on board.

10. As someone who is working on opening their own business and knows they will one day
be the boss of many people, I 100% believe that I will make a good boss. I also have
experience as a manager of a retail store and a bar & grill, so I feel as though I am a
versatile boss. I have worked with many kinds of people and personalities, so I feel like I
am equipped to handle many different situations. I already know that I don’t always
agree with people all the time and people don’t always agree with me, so this would not
affect me. I am able to compartamentalize situations so that I can understand it from an
objective standpoint.

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