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May, 2014

JIMMA, Ethiopia

Every researcher gives great deal to others, and I am not exception among them. Above all,
praise goes to almighty of Allah. Next, I would like to express my appreciation to my adviser
Wendmu Abule for his unlimited support, critical comments and guidance for the success of this

Those played key role for my today’s personalty by supporting me financially as well as being as
family. Specially, I would like to thank the society who live in Gojeb town which is my
homeland that found in Kaffa Zone of south west Ethiopia and I would like to thank “Darrie’s
family” i.e. Yusuf Dari, Zulfa Dari, and A/hadi Dari for their kindness to me without any blood
relation, any contribution that they got from me.

CRM-Conflict resolution method

CMM-Conflict management method

ECSC-European committee for social cohesive

CEP-Continuing educational program

IALCF-Argonne leadership computing facility


What was given a considerable amount of focus throughout this study was of
course, one of the basic elements that affect the peace of any students, which is
conflict and its management system. The objective of this study is to find better
ways of conflict management and to improve awareness of the students about
conflict. The types and source of data used include both primary and secondary
data. The primary data was collected by questionnaires and interviews and the
secondary data have been gathered by referring different books and documents.
The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive method. Taken the relatively
large number of population in to consideration, the study was conducted on the
sample of the population. The sampling techniques was used in this case were
purposive sampling. The four important research questions were answered. The
questions related with: The major problems in conflict managements, the current
and future methods of conflict managements and frequently occurred conflict.
Accordingly, it was found that proper management of frequently occurred types of
conflict among students brought significant change for students grade in
particular and Jimma University in general. After the data was analyzed, the
researcher finds out summery, conlusion and recommendation for the research.
Table of contents
Contents pages




Table of contents.......................................................................................................................................IV

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1


1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem.....................................................................................................................2

1.3. Basic Research Question......................................................................................................................3

1.4.1. General Objective......................................................................................................................3

1.4.2. Specific objective.......................................................................................................................3

1.5. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................................3

1.6. Scope of the study................................................................................................................................3

1.8. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................4

1.9. Data source...........................................................................................................................................4

1.7. Study area, population and selection rationale....................................................................................4

1.8. Study area.............................................................................................................................................4

1.9. Study population..................................................................................................................................4

1.10 Selection rational sample design.........................................................................................................4

1.11 Sampling size.......................................................................................................................................5

1.12. Significance of the study.....................................................................................................................6

1.13. Limitation of the study.......................................................................................................................6

1.14. Organization of the paper...................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................7

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE........................................................................................7

2.1 Definition of conflict..............................................................................................................................7

2.2.1. Inter-personal conflict...............................................................................................................7

2.2.2 Intra personal conflict.................................................................................................................8

2.2.3 Inter-Group Conflict....................................................................................................................8

2.2.4 Intra-group conflict.....................................................................................................................8

2.3 Consequence of Conflict........................................................................................................................8

2.3.1 Positive effect of conflict............................................................................................................8

2.3.2 Negative Effects of Conflict.........................................................................................................8

2.4 Sources of conflict.................................................................................................................................9

2.5 Types of Conflict..................................................................................................................................10

2.5.1 Goal conflict..............................................................................................................................10

2.5.2 Cognitive conflict......................................................................................................................10

2.5.3 Affective Conflict.......................................................................................................................10

2.5.4 Behavioral conflict....................................................................................................................10

2.6 Conflict Management Methods...........................................................................................................10

2.6.1 Competition..............................................................................................................................11

2.6.2 Collaboration............................................................................................................................11

2.6.3 Avoidance.................................................................................................................................11

2.6.4 Accommodation........................................................................................................................11

2.6.5 Compromise.............................................................................................................................12

2.7 Handling Inter-group Conflict..............................................................................................................12

2.7.1 Negotiation...............................................................................................................................12

2.7.2 Mediation.................................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................13

3. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.......................................13

3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................13

3.2 Demographic Of the Sample...............................................................................................................13

3.3 General Characteristics of Respondents..............................................................................................13

3.4 The type of conflict emerged among the student frequently and major to minimize it......................15

3.4.1 Occurrence of conflicts.............................................................................................................16

3.4.2 Source of Conflict......................................................................................................................16

3.5 Assessment of currently existing conflict management methods and associated problem of it........17

3.5.1 Suggestion as to when to resolve conflict.................................................................................18

3.2.5 Conflict resolution techniques..................................................................................................18

3.5.3 Effects of Improper management of conflicts...........................................................................19

3.5.4 Possibility to avoid conflicts......................................................................................................19

3.6 The conflict management methods that is relevant for future conflict in university among students in
Jimma University.......................................................................................................................................20

3 .7 the influence of the conflict on the student performance..................................................................20

3.7.1 Effects of conflict......................................................................................................................21

Chapter Four.............................................................................................................................................23

4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation......................................................................................23

4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................23

4.2 Summary of main finding.....................................................................................................................23

4.3 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................24

4.4 Recommendation................................................................................................................................25


1.1. Background of the study
Conflict can be defined disagreement between two or more persons or work groups, resulting
from an incompatibility of goals expectations, precipitous or values (ECSC, 2008).

Conflict occur when one party perceived that another party is frustrated or is about to frustrate in
its efforts to achieve a desire outcome conflict is not limited to interacting groups since it can
also occur within groups, and between individuals and between organizations. It occurs when
two groups have mutually exclusive or not shared goals and when their interactions are designed
to defeat, suppress or inflict damage on the other.

Again conflict can be defined as a process in which one party perceived that its interest are being
opposed or negatively affected by another party (Steven 1-MC Shane, 2005). It is also a natural
issue that occurs among individuals or groups irrespective of culture , political, economical,
social as well as historical setting (IALCSF, 2006).

Since conflict is unavoidable from the world, the conflict management is essential thing in order
to solve conflict. Hence, it is about how parties can move from zero sum (destructive) pattern of
conflict to positive sum (constructive) outcome. The aim is to develop process of conflict
resolution that appears to be acceptable to parties in dispute, and effective in resolving conflict
(Azar and Burton, 1986).

Conflict management is also strategy for getting real issue keeping discussion open and
minimizing hurt feeling so as that people can find a solution which feels good to very one
involved (Kitty, 1996).

Conflict management intervention that alters the level forms of conflict in ways that maximize its
benefits and minimize its dysfunctional consequences (Steven L.MC Shane and Mary Ann Von
Glinow, 2005).
1.2 Statement of the problem
Despite its various types, its level of impact and frequently of occurrence, conflict is an attribute
of many today’s organizations. That is regardless of its size nature of activities it run,
geographical location if found an organization face conflict in some way or another way.

The more heterogeneous members is, the less likely they are to work smoothly and cooperatively
together. It has been found that personal dissimilarities such as background, values, education,
age and social pattern lower the probability of interpersonal report between their respective units
(step in P. Robins, 1990). Conflict arises among the students in universities since there is
heterogeneity of ethnic, religion, personal, and social pattern. Also shortage of recoveries such as
books in library, chairs in library, water shortage, problem of cafeteria and entertainment.
Furthermore, misbehavior of some students is major source of conflict among the students in
Jimma University

When the effect of conflict is destruction, it is said to be dysfunctional. It has a negative impact
on the student’s effectiveness; something needs to be done therefore, to bring the conflict it down
to an acceptable level. Therefore to bring peace in the university, the concerning body’s use
some basic conflict management methods.

Competing method can be beneficial when quick, decisive action is vital emergencies.
Accommodating strategy is appropriate strategy when the issue at stake is much more important
to the other person. Avoiding strategy is appropriate when the issue involved is relating
unimportant to people. Also if people have little power or are in situation is very difficult to
change avoiding may be the best choice, compromising method is to find mutually acceptable
around that partially satisfies both parties (Curtis W. Cook, 2001). None of this conflict
management is better or worse than any other purse. It depends up on the cause of conflict and
its situation. Therefore, the researcher was going to assess conflict management methods and its
problem among students in Jimma University.
1.3. Basic Research Question
Based on the above problem the researcher going to address the following questions.

 Which type of conflict occurs frequently?

 What is the current conflict management method of the company?

 What is the major problems in solving conflict among the students?

1.4. Objectives of the study

1.4.1. General Objective
The general objective of this study is to assess conflict management methods and its problems
among students in Jimma University.

1.4.2. Specific objective

1. To identify most frequent occurring conflict types

2. To assess currently existing conflict management methods

3. To identify major problems in solving conflict among the students

1.5. Significance of the study

This study is significance at least on the ground that it proposes or recommends conflict
management method for various types o conflict that’s May occurred among the students. By
doing so, it improves the performance of the students. It may help students to be aware the
negative effects of conflicts and develop the spirit of tolerance and co-existence among them. It
also provides necessary suggestion for higher education institution the appropriate conflict
resolution methods. Furthermore, it will be also used as reference for other study on related

1.6. Scope of the study

Because of time, financial cost and function of the research, the researcher was focused to
restrict the scope only in Jimma university. Mainly on students and students service offices
which is being opened the road for the ethnic, religious, and ideological conflicts among
students, students and teachers,students and different management bodies within the university.


1.9. Data source

In this study both primary and secondary source of data will be used. The primary data was
gathered from the selected respondents through data gathering tools that were open-end personal
questionnaires because of its advantage to respondents to able to give their opinions as risible in
their own words and closed-end personal questionnaires for its advantage to collect factual data
and are usually easy to analysis as well as structured interview as this proposal is being prepared
for descriptive research. Secondary data will be collected from different materials such as
journals, books, published and unpublished materials which are believe to be valuable study.

1.7. Study area, population and selection rationale

1.8. Study area

The researcher conducted this research on Jimma University the data would be gathered from
student’s service officials and students of university.

1.9. Study population

According to Jimma University office of registrar’s report the total numbers of students are
22097 students exist in the organization. Among them the researcher was selected from some
stratified groups. Between students and students services service office there are students service
officials from the students service office “20” respondents selected from them, “160”
respondents from the students of the organization.

1.10 Selection rational sample design

Of the non-probability sampling methods stratified sampling techniques has been employed.
Which means,non-probability sampling method for those student’s service officials by choosing
judgmentally because of all officials are not related towards the issue and probability sampling
techniques for the students by using finite sampling formula.
1.11 Sampling size
Because of time, cost and other constraints, it would be difficult to study the whole population.
Thus this study would have performance by conducting sample survey from the total population
number of “22097” the researcher conducted 2 groups of respondents.One student and the other
student’s service officials.So byusing finite formula,the researcher is conducted the research on
180 respondents.

design Approaches to research

To achieve out the objective of study properly, the researcher used case study methods by
employing qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The researcher selected these
methodologies since data analysis in qualitative are done early in the collection process and
continued throughout the study period.

Qualitative method invites researcher to digout qualitative information through observation and
interviews and quantitative data was generated using questionnaires for analysis, percentage
mean frequency and the likes.

1 Data Analysis method

Descriptive analysis was used to obtain information dealing with the present pattern of situation
and to form conclusion from the concern discover a description method describe and interpreted
what was studied with the patterns that there opinion that was held process which are going on
optimistic which are trend that are developing then after relevant raw data would be collected,
the data was analyzed in to table, percent and expressed and interpreted.

2 Data collection techniques and instrument

The researcher was used different data collection instruments and techniques like interviews and

When going that, researcher was used an English language to collected data because most of the
respondents are literate. They understood selected language but there was unclarity the
researcher was interpreted it.
1.12. Significance of the study
This study is significance at least on the ground that it proposes or recommends conflict
management method for various types o conflict that’s May occurred among the students. By
doing so, it improves the performance of the students. It may help students to be aware the
negative effects of conflicts and develop the spirit of tolerance and co-existence among them. It
also provides necessary suggestion for higher education institution the appropriate conflict
resolution methods. Furthermore, it will be also used as reference for other study on related

1.13. Limitation of the study

The researcher was faced of shortage of time, lack of financial strength, and unwillingness of the
respondents to provide information as well as of documented material which is done in related

1.14. Organization of the paper

The paper was organized by four chapters; in turn each chapter again grouped by sub-topics. The
first chapter of this paper discusses about background of the study, statement of the problem,
objectives of the study, methodology, scope of the study, limitation of the study, significance of
the study and organization of the paper.

The second chapter of the paper was discusses about the review literatures of related theories and
empirical evidence that help the researcher in understanding and analyzing the problem depth
from various aspect.

The third chapter in all data analysis and discussion.

The fourth chapter discusses lastly the paper end up by summarizing, concluding the finding and
suggesting suitable recommendation.


2.1 Definition of conflict

Conflict is a disagreement between two or more parties who perceive that they have
incompatible concern .it may be between individuals, groups, department, organization or
countries (Curtis W. and Phillip L. Humsker, 2001)

It is also a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively
affected by another party conflict can escalate (strength) or deescalate (weaken) over time. it is
an ever-present process in human relation (Robert, 1998).

It is also defined as disagreement between two or more persons or work group resulting from
incomparability of goals, resource, expectation, perception or value (Ecsc, 2008)

it can rise over multiple of organization experience such as incompatible goals ,differences in the
interpretation of facts , negative feeling , differences of values and philosophic , or disputes over
shared resources (Curtis W. and Phillip L. Humsker 2001 ).

conflict is inevitable among humans .it is always with us in our everyday life, everywhere we go
and in everything we do .it is also integral part of our every day or organization life .(Ecsc,2008).

Generally, conflict in the organization context can thus be defined as disagreement between two
or more organization members or groups arising from the fact that they have different status,
goals value or perception (Ecsc, 2008).

2.2 levels of conflict

In any organization conflict can be occur on several levers among them.

2.2.1. Inter-personal conflict

interpersonal conflict involves two or more individuals why perceive themselves as being in
opposition to each other over preferred outcomes and / or attitude , value or behavior , inter-
personal conflict is everywhere (ECSC, 2008).

Many interpersonal conflicts involves what are commonly called personality clashes’ that is
when one person’s style of behavior routinely battles or irritates the other person (Patrick, 1995).
2.2.2 Intra personal conflict
Intra personal conflict occurring within an individual often some form of goal or cognitive
conflict. It involves interplay of positive outcome, negative outcome, or both (ECSC. 2008).

2.2.3 Inter-Group Conflict

Inter-group conflict because groups have different interest, goal, and value or need (Keslie,

2.2.4 Intra-group conflict

Intra-group conflict refers to clashes among some or all of the group’s members, which often
affects the group process and output. The task, social and emotional process within the group
influences the cause or resolution of intergroup conflict (ECsC, 2008).

2.3 Consequence of Conflict

2.3.1 Positive effect of conflict
Conflict always perceived as it has a negative effect. Most people have a tendency of focusing on
the negative effects of conflict a result they go easily upset and frustrated when they face conflict
in their relationship. Even though conflict has a negative effect, it has also a positive effect.

Positive outcome of conflict include expand understanding of the issue, mobilization of party
resources and energies clarification of competing solution and creative search for alternatives
and enhanced ability in the future (Brown M. 1983).

2.3.2 Negative Effects of Conflict

Hence, too much conflict produce the energy coupled with antagonistic attitudes, restricted and
distorted flow of In fact, conflict is also distributive, dangerous, and indicates of underlying
social pathologies. information. Low quality decision, based on poor commitment and continuing
tensions that under culture future relations among the parties (brown M, 1983).Furthermore,
according to brown M. there are other positive and negative effects of conflict which listed
below in the table.
Table 2.1 Positive and negative effect of conflict

Positive effect Negative effect

 Leads to behavioral change  Instability
 Creates self-awareness  Poor health, mental state of mind
 Creates opportunities of building peaceful  Emotional problems
relationship  Stress, frustration of digression
 Leads to creative innovation believers  Less of confidence
 Enhances constructive and decision making  Fear, arguer, insecurity
 Helps to strength relationship  Leads to temperamental behaviors
 Helps to clarify miss understanding between the  Leads to fatigue
parties  Results in the absence of peace
 Help to find out the root causes of disputation  Leads to too much individualism
 Constructive conflict resolution enhance effective
communication skill

(Source: Brown M, 1999:12)

2.4 Sources of conflict

There are many different generating factors of conflict. Some of these are:

1. Different in value and perceptions, the value system an perception of each individual
differ from those of other. These differences can lead to conflict; groups as well as
individuals may have conflicting values and perceptions (James, 1989).

2. Conflict arises when people are competing for scarce resources because resources are
limited the compete for those resources as well as they are not fairly distributed,
(Abraham Maslow, 1981).

3. Conflicts arise when people beliefs cash religious and ideological views are particularly
sensitive, because people often depend on these for sense of identity and belongings.

4. Breaking down in communications may-communication selfdom perfect and imperfect

communication may result in perception and miss understanding. Because of the receiver
is not listening actively, the receiver may simply misunderstanding the sender intention
(Plunked and Attner, 1994).
5. The environment of the organization, thus for we have been concerned with factors inside
the organization that cause major conflict within the organization (Plunked and Attner).

2.5 Types of Conflict

Conflict refers to any situation in which there is compatible goals, cognitions, or emotions
among individuals or group that lead to opposition. This definition recognizes four basic types of

2.5.1 Goal conflict

Goal conflict occurs when one person or group desires a different outcome than other, do. This is
a situation in which desired end states or petered out comes appear to be incompatible. This is
disagreement over whose goals are going to be pursued (ECsC, 2008).

2.5.2 Cognitive conflict

Cognitive conflict can result when person or group holds ideas or opinions that are inconsistent
with those of others. Cognitive conflict a situation in which ideas or thoughts are perceived

2.5.3 Affective Conflict

This type of conflict emerged when individuals or a groups feeling or emotions/ attitudes are
incompatible with those of others. Affective conflict is a situation in which feeling or emotions
are incompatible, that is, people literally become angry with one another.

2.5.4 Behavioral conflict

Behavioral conflicts exist when one person or group does something, which is unacceptable to
other (ECsC, 2008).

2.6 Conflict Management Methods

Conflict resolution refers to a process which has its objective the ending of the conflict between
the disagreeing parts.

It includes five approaches, which are competition (assertive and uncooperative) collaborative
(assertive and cooperative), avoidance (unassertive and uncooperative), accommodation
(unassertive and co-operative) and compromise (mid-range on both dimensions) (David B
Ansrzey H, 1997).
2.6.1 Competition
The major objective of this approaches getting the way themselves to solve conflict. It use, when
quick, decision is vital, on important issue where unpopular actions need implementing, on
issues vital to an organization’s welfare when you know you are right, and against people who
take advantage of non-competitive behavior (David B, Arderzej H. 1997).

2.6.2 Collaboration
This approach is characterized by genuine attempt to find solutions that satisfy all of the need for
all parties. These intention of parties are to solve the conflict by clarifying difference
(pattick:1995), this approach used, when to find an integrative solution when both sets of
concerns are to merge in sight from people with different perspective, to gain commitment by
incorporating concerns in to a consensus, to work through felling that have interfered with a
relationship. The major objective is solving the problem (conflict) together (David B. Andrezej
H. 1997).

2.6.3 Avoidance
This approach calls for manager to with draw or ignore the conflict, letting the participant
resolve it themselves. The problem is not solved, it is only postponed, but the short run this
technique may work (Robert: 1998) it is appropriate when an issue is travel or more important
issue are pressing, you perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns, potential disruption out
weight the benefits of resolution, to let people cool down and regain perspective, gathering
information suppressed immediate seem tangential of symptomatic of other issue (David B.
Andrezej H. 1997).

2.6.4 Accommodation
This approach is no assertive, cooperation one may also give in, some people give in the other all
time. The win-lose situation must have the loser. Sometimes one must accommodate other
people (Patrick; 1999).

This approaches is appropriate when you find you are wrong to allow a better position to be
heard, to learn and to show you are reasonableness issues, are more important to others than your
self-to satisfy others and maintain cooperation, to build social credits for later issue to minimize
loss when you are out matched and losing harmony and stability are especially important, and to
allow subordinates to develop by learning, from mistakes (David B. Andrezej H. 1997).
2.6.5 Compromise
Moderate assertive moderate cooperative, it is bargain power each party is to give up some time
of value involve to get another thing each party makes a middle ground. There is no clear winner
or loser (Robert, 1998). It is appropriate the situation, when goals are important, but not worth
the effort or potential disruption of more assert model, opponent with equal power are committed
to mutually exclusive goals, to achieve temporary segment to complex issue, to move expedient
solution under time pressure, and as a back up when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful
(David Bhelcon, Andrezej H. 1997).

2.7 Handling Inter-group Conflict

Management prefers that groups of rate and work toward the accomplishment of organizational
and individual goals. However, conflict often develops among groups (James, 1995).

2.7.1 Negotiation
Negotiation is a give and take process between conflict interdependent parts. Negotiation skill
are important than today (Robert, 1998) distributive bargaining is a negotiation situation in
which a fixed sum of resources is dived up, it leads to a win-lose between the parties.

Integrative bargaining is a negotiation situation that seeks to increase the total, amount of
resources. It create a win-win situation between the parties no third person need (David B.
Andrezej H. 1997).

2.7.2 Mediation
Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party to the conflict assists in achievement of
negotiated solution using reason, pervasion and the presentation of alternative. These techniques
include asking each prom to state the problem to state the other’s view of the problem, and to ask
them to confirm the accuracy of the other’s eruption (David B. Andrezej H. 1997).In short
trusted third party facility the negotiation process and suggest alternative (Robert, 1998; 342).


3.1 Introduction
In this chapter data collected from students of jimma university and office of students service
will be presented and analyzed.the questionnaires were distributed to all employees of the
corporation. Atotal of 180 questionaires were distributed to those students and officials of Jimma
university students sevice.among the questionnaires,27 of them were failed to return.the other
questionnaires were filled and returned. the results and the analysis of the finding presented as

3.2 Demographic Of the Sample

Two sets of questionnaires were prepared for data collection, one set for students of Jimma
University students service officials and other set for students of the university. The interview
questionnaire will be prepared for the current student’s service director (Ato Ewnetu Hailu).
From total population purposively 180 respondents including (students and managements) are
selected as sample size. From total number of sample size (180) for all of them questionnaire
will be distributed. Totally, the response of open and closed ended response and interviews
responses are analyzed and interpreted.

In addition to this, the paper presents the information collected from different sex of Jimma

3.3 General Characteristics of Respondents

To start with response from the above mentioned questionnaire the data on the background of the
respondent were gathered to have clear information about the respondent.
3.3.1 Age of respondents

Table 3.1: age of respondents

No Item 1 No. of respondents Percentage

18-25 110 71.89%
26-35 21 13.72%
36-50 15 9.80%
Above 50 7 4.58%
Total 153 100%
No Item 2 No. of respondents Percentage
Male 92 60.13%
Female 61 39.87%
Total 153 100%
Sources: Questionnaire (2014)

The above table show gender and age of the respondents, as observed 60.13% of the respondents
are males and the remain 39.87% are female these shows that most of the respondents are
males.this emplies that the respondents of the questionnaire were mostly males.

Regarding about age, most of students and the students service staff members are between 18-25
years. Means the university students and management parts are very young.

3.4 The type of conflict emerged among the student frequently and major to
minimize it
Table 3.2: types of conflict emerged among students the frequently and techniques of
minimizing it
No Item 1 Respondents
1 Which type of conflict emerged among the students
Goal conflict 61 39.87%
Cognitive conflict 27 17.64%
Affective conflict 20 13.07%
Behavioral conflict 45 29.41%
Total 153 100%
2 How can you (university ) minimize conflict occurrence
among the students
Creating awareness about the effect of conflict 60 39.21%
B teaching misbehavior students 38 24.83%
B distributing fairly scarce resource 55 35.94%
Total 153 100%
Sources: Questionnaire (2013)

Table 2, item 1 show that 17.64% of conflict emerged among the students is cognitive conflict,
13.07% is affective conflict, and 29.41% is behavieral conflict. The remaning of them 39.87%
are replied that conflict emerged among the students is goal conflict that means the most
frequently happening type of conflict among student is goal conflict. Also, this implies that most
of the time, conflict emerged among the student in the university is goal conflict

This means that one person or group has something, which he or she is in need of to attain or
achieve either by influencing or using force on others

As is seen clearly in the same table 3 item 2 39.21% of the respondent replied that conflict can
minimized among the students by creating awareness about effect of conflict, 35.94% of the
respondent replied that can be minimized by distribution of scare resource fairly and the
remaining 24.83% replied teaching misbehavior students (majority of the respondents) replied
that it can be minimized by creating awareness about negative effect of conflict and nature things
that they can raise.

This implies the students of the university have little awareness about things even about question
they raising.

3.4.1 Occurrence of conflicts

Table3.3: occurrence of conflict

No Item Respondents
1 How often does conflict occur in the students?
Daily 60 39.21%
Weekly 45 29.41%
Monthly 26 16.99%
Yearly 22 14.37%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

Table 3.4, show that 14.37 % of respondent replied that conflict occur among the students yearly,
16.99% of them responded that it occur among student monthly, 29.41% of them relied that it
occur weekly. The remaining 39.21% of the respondent said that it occur day to day among the
students. This information simply assured conflict is inevitable among humans. It is always with
as in our everyday life, everywhere we go and everything we do. So, conflict is inevitable among
students in everyday life, when they study, they eat, they play and also they speak.

3.4.2 Source of Conflict

Table 3.4: sources of conflict

No Item Respondents
1 What is the source of conflict among student
in the most of time?
Difference in objectives 64 41.83%
Competition on scares resource 34 22.22%
Breakdown in communication 24 15.69%
Misbehavior of students 31 20.26 %
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

Table 4 shows that from total respondents 20.26% respondents that conflict is cashed by
misbehavior, 15.69% replied that it caused by breakdown in communication and 22.22%
responded that it caused by competition on scare resources. And majority (most of the
respondents) i.e 41.83% are relied that conflict is caused by difference in objectives.

This indicates that majority of the problem, inviting to conflict in the university is objective of
the students most frequently.

3.5 Assessment of currently existing conflict management methods and

associated problem of it.
Table 3.5: satisfaction with current conflict resolution methods

No Item Respondents
1 Are you satisfied with current level of conflict
management methods
Yes 23 15%
No 130 85%
Total 153 100%
2 What kinds of conflict management methods
you are apply currently in resolving conflict
among the student?

Compromise 54 35%
Avoidance 41 26.7%
Accommodation 18 11.7%
Competing 26 16.7%
Collaboration 14 10%
total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

According to above table 5 items 1 show 15% of the respondents they are satisfied with the
current method of conflict resolution and 85% of respondent scaled that they are not satisfied
with the current methods of conflict resolution among the selected students and management
which amount to 15% of respondent at they are somewhat satisfied with the current methods of
conflict resolution, is that of confrontation method and avoidance method. The student who
amount to 35% responding by saying we are somewhat satisfied by compromise. According to
above table 5, item 2 shows 10% of respondent responded that collaboration is one of conflict
resolution methods among the students 16.7% of replied that competing another methods,
accommodation and avoidance are also another method used to resolve conflict among the
students as 11.7% and 26.7% respectively. This clearly indicates that most of time Jimma
University by compromise method to resolve frequently occurred type of conflict among the
student currently.

3.5.1 Suggestion as to when to resolve conflict

Table 3.6: Suggestion to when to resolve conflict

No Item Respondents
1 When do you think that a conflict should be
resolved? Why? No %
Immediately 112 73.3%
After sometimes 41 26.7%
Total 153 100%

Source: Questionnaire (2013)

According to table 3.7 above, Almost 73.3% of the respondents said that whatever the conflict
level and whoever is conflict it is necessary to set the disagreement immediately. The rest of the
respondents have said that it is necessary to settle conflicts after sometimes.

3.2.5 Conflict resolution techniques

Table 3.7 conflicts resolution techniques

No Item Respondent
No %
1 How do you resolve conflict among the
student? Through
Mediation 92 60%
Arbitration 35 22.9%
Negotiation 26 16.7%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

According to the table 7 16.7% of the respondents the replied that negotiation used to resolve
conflicts among the students,23.3% of replied that attribution technique is used. The remaining
60% if responded that mediation is used. This implies that the majority number of the respondent
responded that they are resolving conflict in the university by mediation technique.

3.5.3 Effects of Improper management of conflicts

Table 3.8: Effects of improper management of conflicts

No Item Respondent
No %
1 Improper management of conflicts
makes destruction or dysfunction?
Yes 132 86.27%
No 21 13.7%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

As it is clearly indicates 86.27% of respondents replied that improper management of conflicts

makes the effects destructive and only 13.7% of them are replied it does not make destruction.

This implies that improper management of conflicts hinders and prevents the university from
achieving its goal.

3.5.4 Possibility to avoid conflicts

Table 3.9: possibility to avoid conflict

No Item Respondent
No %
1 Is it possible to avoid completely
conflicts among the students by
managing conflicts
Yes 56 36.6%
No 97 63.39%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

As it is clearly indicates in table 3.9, 36.7% of the respondent replied that complete removing or
avoiding conflicts among students is possible. The remaining 63.3% of the respondent replied
that completely removing conflicts among the students is impossible.

3.6 The conflict management methods that is relevant for future conflict in
university among students in Jimma University.
1. Also the question was forwarded both students as well as administrative staff. The response
present as follows

Actually there is no universally accepted conflict management method.It is depending up on the

situation. So, it is preferable it by taking discussion with party, using mediation technique.

Other suggest that major objectives of the student in the campus is learning. So, the conflict
management is preferable that creating awareness about destructiveness of the conflict. There
should be mediation and negotiation, also the other said that it should be in the way promoting
tolerance and there should be clear defined rule and regulation should be by depending on the
3 .7 the influence of the conflict on the student performance
Table 3.10: impact of the conflicts on performance of the students

No Item Respondent
No %
1 How does conflict impacts on the
performance of students?
Increase performance 36 23.3%
Decrease performance 107 70%
Do not affect 10 6.7%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

As it is portrayed in table 3.11, 70% of respondents replied that conflict decreases performance
of the students, 23.3 % of them replied that conflict increase performance of students and the
remaining 6.7% replied that conflict does not affect the performance of the students.

This finding shows that the attitude of administrative staff as well as students toward conflict is
3.7.1 Effects of conflict
Table 3.11 Effects of conflict

No Item Respondent
No %
1 Does conflict among the students have effects like promoting
awareness and enhance personal development and encourage
psychological development?
Yes 66 43.3
No 87 56.7
Total 153 100
2 What kinds of effect do you think that conflict has?
Positive 46 30%
Negative 92 60%
Both 15 10%
Total 153 100%
Source: Questionnaire (2014)

According to table 11 item 1.56.7% of the respondents replied conflicts among the students does
not promote awareness, enhance personal development and encore psychological development.
The rest 43.3% agreed that it promote awareness enhance personal and encourage psychological

This implies that most of the time conflict among the student has destructive effects, like causing
frustration, poor self-confidence and loss of work motivation.

According to above table 11,2 item shows 30% of respondents responded that conflict has
positive effects,60% of replied that conflict has negative effects and the remaining 10% of the
respondents replied that conflicts has both positive and negative effects.

For the effects of this study, besides questionnaire, an interview is conducted with student’s
service work process level of Jimma University.

Ato Ewnetu Hailu is the current students service director in Jimma University. The response as

As the director’s explanation, many pre activities are being available of unpredicted situation,
which face the campus society. Among those preparing timely for creating common awareness
about effect of conflict, sharing good entities and showing self-leading in good way and the
major function which are planned to achieve. It is also the researcher believe that prevention is
better than cure. According to the director, the student service office has structure many sub
division activities. In the students union when a certain student misbehaves, this leads him or her
into conflict, Primarily he/she needed for counseling service. Then, if her/his behaviors become
unchanged, the issue will be seen at student discipline committee. The committee check all the
evidences . Finally the committee passes the balanced and fair decision, which fits the wrong did.
Chapter Four

4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Introduction
In this part of the research, the summary, conclusion and recommendation are put side by side
were even necessary to recommend on from the summary and conclusion, hoping that doing
provider immediate answer for anyone having a glance at study.

4.2 Summary of main finding

To summarize the main parts of this paper the part deals with assessment of conflict that affect
students on students performance in university.

 More than half of the respondents believed that the prominent source conflict is:

 The goal of the students

 The prominence on scarce resource

 misbehavior of students

 The greater number of respondents assured that conflict can take place among students
in everyday, every place and every time. Because it cannot be remove from student’s
day to day activity.

 Majority of respondents believed that the destructive conflict has negative effects like:

 Reduce awareness, personal development and psychological development

 Increase instability, emotional problem, un confidentiality, fatigue, individualism, stress

and frustration of digression.

Generally, from the many finding everybody can understand that the conflict is not totally
negative as well as it is also not totally positive to the student, rather conflict have both effects
i.e. negative (destructive) effects and positive (constructive) effects.
4.3 Conclusion
Conflicts are inevitable in any organization. It is also common in Jimma University among
students, which study assured it.

Conflict is a natural phenomenon and occurs as a result of incompatible goals of human being.
Conflict can be driven by unfulfilled needs and wants.

Compromise was the most means of CRMs and it is important solution for the conflicting
parties by bringing all party to middle ground.

Presence of conflict down play performance of the students. This finding shows that the attitude
of both students as well as the administrative staff is negative.

Students were not still satisfied with current level of CRMs.

Especially as they expressed that by confrontation and avoidance. Both of them create
unsatisfactory condition like stress, hostility, and bad feeling.

Most of the time conflict emerged among the students was misbehavior of students and
completion on scarce resource.

Among the different kind of conflict, mostly occurred type of conflicts is goal conflicts.

Conflict among the students, is not promote awareness, enhance personal development and
encourage psychological development. There it effect is destructive we can say dysfunctional
conflicts fairly.

Improper management of conflicts among the students has dysfunctional effects.

4.4 Recommendation
 Management of the organization supposed to manage conflicts effectively so as to attain
a moderate functional level of conflict since conflict is inevitable in any organization.

 Students seek the appropriate means of conflict resolution methods, in this time the
university is bearer to cohabitation as a means of conflict resolution among the students.
In this most of the time conflicts among the students due to collaboration on the level of
conflicts is relatively low and when parties give up something for mutual benefit and
should be used arbitration when the level of conflicts in some extent intense to provide
long last solution.

 The university should make clear (transparent) the rule and regulation when managing
conflicts of all parties.

 There should be proper discussion among all parties before giving at decision.

 There should be given great concern for creating awareness for misbehavior students and
fair distribution of scarce resource.
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