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Name: Ummi Hafiyda Binti Mat Lin

Group: M1BA2322B
Social media used: @u.hafiydaaa (Instagram)

Topic: Working women

Target audience: Female
General goal: To persuade
Specific goal: To persuade female to work instead of being housewives
because working women has many benefits.
Thesis statement: Female should have a plan to work after married because we
can help supporting our family financially, be independent
women and have an independent children.

Assalamualaikum and hi to all of you. Today I am going to persuade you guys
about why working women is better instead of being housewives. Women are
considered to be the backbone of a family as they have a high level of patience to deal
with every issue. Since many decades, the world has been witnessing the power of
women. Some women prefer to stay as housewives while some decide to continue
working even after marriage. In the past, the husband was the breadwinner and the
wife was the housewives. Women now share the role of breadwinner and, in many
cases, are the sole providers, while at home they are still carry workload. So who had
it better, the women of yesterday or the women of today? Who has it better, the
working woman or housewives? Honestly, there are pros and cons to every choice
which is why there is no “one size fits all” answer.
Transition: But today, I want to shows to you guys that being working women is a
best choice. So, lets move to first main point which is financial support.

1. Financial support
a) When women choose to work, they can definitely supporting their family
financially. It is better if both husband and wife are working to less burden
for husband to earn money.
b) So, when wife is working as well, can top up money for household expenses.
Not just depends on husband money.
c) According to the studies in United State show that many women choose to
stay in an unhealthy or abusive marriage because the wife does not have
savings or financial support. They stay despite the abuses, because divorcing
means they would have to figure out how to feed their children.
Transition: So, that is for financial support. Now, lets continue with the next point.

2. Independent
a) This class of women are more independent and efficient on managing the
outdoor work very well. The man feels more comfortable as he does not have
to deal with everything in the outer world for his family.
b) Besides, she can earns her own without relying on a husband. She is able to
fulfil all her wants and needs without being accountable to anyone in the
c) If she have a problem or emergency, she will know what she should do and
can solve the problem by herself without the help of others.
Transition: Now, lets talk about the children become more independent.

3. Their children become independent.

a) Many women worry that not spending enough time with their offspring may
lead to behavioral problems. After looking at research studies since 1960 in
United State, the truth is that working mothers’ kids are not suffering at all.
In many cases, they even turned out to be better behaved than staying at home
mothers’ kids.
b) This is because of the fact that the mothers being working have to move out
of the house leaving all the household chores completely. The children
behind understand their responsibilities and manage to do all their tasks

without being dependent on others, thus become smart and active enough but
of course under mother’s surveillance..
c) So, the children can learn how to prioritize based on importance and self-
fulfillment, which teaches them self-love and the importance of a solid work
ethic that emulates honor and pride for their efforts.
Transition: Now, lets continue to the conclusion.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that being working women is a very good
choice for married women which is wife can be a financial support for the families, be
an independent women and have independent children. Besides, it is a right for
women to work and earn money as what men can do. Although they play multiple
roles of being mother, wife, daughter, sister and nonetheless being worker, they are
still able to manage their domestic duties and parenting. So, because of that I prefer
being working women since there are many pros than cons. Thank you.


Morais, R. C. (2011, December 20). In Praise of Housewife Economics. Retrieved


Reddy, C., Reddy12, C., Reddy, C., Operations and Recruitment Areas, & Operations
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West-Rosentthal, L. B., Ross, M., Fish, Q., Porcaro, G., & Santos, M. (2015, May
15). 10 Surprising Ways Your Child Is Benefiting from Having a Working Mom.
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