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Reflection Points

An Individual Personal Reflection [260 words; 2 min]: Provide a personal reflection on how adolescent
development theory, research and practice can influence my personal teaching approach.

What have I learnt and how does it inform my teaching practice?

1. Clearly and coherently reflect on specific learnings in this unit: Individual reflection provides
insightful analysis of specific & significant learnings.

So, what have I learnt in this unit and how will it affect my teaching process?
The specific learnings and analysis include brain development and Hot and Cold cognition. During adolescence the Limbic
System and the Frontal Cortex can be out of tunes with one another leading to poor decision making and heightened
emotional responses. Understanding that Adolescents behave differently whilst being observed by their peers is also
important, as their decision making may not be a true indication of their character

Specific theoretical perspectives come from G. Stanley hall who describes Adolescence as a time of storm and stress, though
this doesn’t apply to all students, it is important to know that this time can be difficult for young people.
Steinberg’s theories on hot and cold cognition has also given me a good understanding of how decision making can be
affected by peer observation.

I will endeavour to employ the GRIP method, and to follow the framework developed by CASEL in order to provide social
and emotional learning. Taking an empathetic approach to teaching can benefit our students at this time. The NSW Quality
teaching model also provides guidelines for safe and ethical use of ICT in the classroom.

I understand that teachers are part of a network of support for our students, and that we have obligations to report incidents
to other professional, as well as working with parents and other teachers.

In order to utilise this knowledge in the Music and Visual Arts Classroom I would attempt to provide differentiated
instructions and deliver content in a clear and concise way to reduce extraneous load. I would endeavour to include ICT into
the classroom to keep students engaged with technology that they are exposed to on a daily basis.

Learning environment – differentiating instructions

Content – clear and concise without creating extraneous load

Delivery style – use of ICT in visual arts and music is important as it enables students


* Brain Development- Limbic and frontal Cortex imbalance- battle between emotion and rational decisions.
* Hot and cold cognition- Decision making effected by other peers witnessing behaviour

2. Demonstrates how a critical understanding of explicit theoretical perspectives has enhanced

personal teaching philosophy and ethical practice.

 Though G. Stanley Halls assertion that Adolescence is a time of ‘Storm and Stress’ may not apply to all
Adolescent humans, it is important to consider that Adolescence can be a difficult time of life. Taking an
empathetic approach to our students can sometimes ease the difficulties that our students face.
 Steinberg’s hot and cold cognition can play a major role in behavioural trends during Adolescence. Understanding
that bad behaviour in front of other peers may not always give a true reflection of the students’ character.

3. How this knowledge informs the specific strategies I will use to

3.1. support students’ well-being and safety, and


 Support strategies such the GRIP method, and understanding the frameworks outlined within CASEL can inform
my teaching practice to understand Social Emotional Learning needs of my students.
 Following NSW Quality Teaching guidelines for safe use of classroom ICT can provide and safe and inclusive
learning environment is maintained for all.

3.2. work sensitively and confidentially with parents/caregivers and other professionals.


 Understanding that we as teachers are not the only part of a good support network for our students is crucial.
 Knowing that we have an obligation to report incidents appropriately to other professionals is not only supportive
to the students, but to us as teachers and also to parents who also form part of the support network for their

How does the knowledge influence my teaching practice in Music and/or Visual Arts?
Confidently and convincingly demonstrates competence by providing a range of concrete
techniques and methods (in terms of teaching strategies and my interaction with students) relevant
to Music and/or Visual Arts directly linked to developmental knowledge which is highly critical and
insightful in relation to Music and/or Visual Arts.


Learning environment – differentiating instructions

Content – clear and concise without creating extraneous load

Delivery style – use of ICT in visual arts and music is important as it enables students

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