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9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

This series in 6 parts is to
forever let you in on a new –
and very exhilarating –
divinatory approach in 9 Stars
and Luoshu analysis, but one
that will yet importantly boost
your score in forecasting news
With the exception of the basic
Magic Square of 5 Earth, each
Luoshu produces – what we
baptized – a Reversed Luoshu
Axis. Technically, Reversed
Luoshu Axis will be instigated
by the Star that appears
opposite its original Luoshu
Palace, so that the Reversed
Luoshu Axis is the magnetic
directional axis in Luoshu
where energies may be
deemed ‘off’ or
uncharacteristically ‘going
Now, for reason that annual Star 7 Metal arrives opposite its native Luoshu Palace
for 2009, the year’s Reversed Luoshu Axis appears along Luoshu East-West.

If we then ‘freeze’ the annual Star configuration and limit to just the yearly
progression of monthly Luoshu, either one of your personal 9 Ki Stars would be
stepping onto the Reversed Luoshu Axis, such a couple of times in 2009 or any
other year. Consequently, this may affect both personal fate progression and
news events. We will here introduce and explore a new approach to 9 Stars and
Luoshu analysis, whether used for purpose of 9 Star Divination or Flying Star
Feng Shui.
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Basically, for sake of your personal fate progression – and
here for the 9 Fire year of 2009 -, you’d be looking at
either one of two situations occurring for your personal 9 Ki Stars. Since the
Reversed Luoshu Axis for 2009 will be occupied by annual Star 2 Earth in the
West and annual Star 7 Metal in the East, then of course, if you are a 2 Earth
native or a 7 Metal native from birth, the portents may apply to you for the
duration of 2009.
It may be even that your Stars are either 2.7.x or 7.2.x, in which case both your
birth Stars will be on the Axis for the full year. If neither Star 2 or Star 7 makes
up your 9 Ki birth map, whatever then your personal Stars, your Stars would be
at one point still arriving on the East-West Luoshu Axis for a month, or even a
Ok, let’s study and if you take notes, you’ll be sitting on strong new 9 Stars and
Luoshu syntax for your divination of personal fate progression and news events,
while naturally, the occurrence applies past, present and future, so you may go
ahead and pull your life chronology to see how the Reversed Luoshu Axis might
have perhaps manifested for you 9, 18, 27, 36 years ago.
If we look at the Magic Square – as used for purpose of Nine Star Ki astrology, 9
Star Ki Divination and Flying Star Feng Shui – as if it is a huge battery, we may
say it distributes its magnetic energies over the cardinal and subcardinal
directions, just as if it would be a compound of batteries, with all the plus and
minus poles duly in place. As a consequence, neither single Luoshu Palace just
lives on its own, on the contrary, whatever event occurs for a Star in one Palace
will be greatly affected by the Star and Palace to its opposite direction.
It so happens that, with the exception of the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth, each 9
years, months and days one particular Star will appear opposite its
original Luoshu Palace.
♦ Each time we mention East-West Luoshu axis or Southeast-Northwest
Luoshu axis and so on, it is to emphasize internal Luoshu dynamics.
Luoshu taken as a whole, is a magnetic commodity. In fact, if for
purpose of divination you took those directions literally, you will find that
most your forecastings will be inacurrate. For example, if a missing
person’s 9 Ki Star is in the 3 Wood Luoshu Palace and you took that as
indication for the person to be traced in the East, you may be incorrect
as, to concern of actual directions, person may be traced into just any
direction at all. Just quickly, what you do is, you take 9 Stars and
Trigram properties of just the 3 Wood Luoshu Palace, then attributes of
the other Stars there, plus you would incorporate those Stars to appear
into opposite Luoshu Palace (same Luoshu axis), then find that the
event had evolved along 9 Stars and Trigram attributes (which you
simply reduced to their associated people, objects, activities, event
progression), rather not actual directions implied.
If you refer to the basic Luoshu of 5 Yellow to the left, you will see Star 7 Metal in
its native Palace in Luoshu West. If we look at the Luoshu on the right, we see
that 2009 is a 9 Fire year, so that Star 7 has migrated to Luoshu East in the
annual Luo Shu, usually home to the 3 Wood Star. We note how Star 7 Metal has
moved opposite its original Luoshu Palace for 2009. Annual Star 7 then instigates
the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, affecting annual Star 2 into opposite position.
Now, so far – and if you’d ask any 9 Ki adept – nothing is new and actually pretty
much ‘business as usual’, but while keeping an eye out on annual Star 7 for 2009,
much of the focus will go on annual Star 2 Earth in the Luoshu West for 2009,
because we may say that annual Star 2 will have its associations ‘going nowhere’.
This series then not so much only focuses on the ‘Star that appears opposite its
original Palace’, but (bear with me here), pretty much the ‘Star that appears
opposite the Star that appears opposite its original Palace’.
But we’ll be still looking into annual Star 7 a bit. The single occurrence of a Star
appearing opposite its native Palace – and this is what anyone in 9 Ki already
knows – would be sufficient to say its associations to reap “‘opposite result from
what one had set out to achieve”.
Any Star appearing opposite its original Palace (wrongly deemed ‘House’ by
some) – and by magnetic dissonance – would have its portents magnetically ‘off’,
while portents for the Star yet arriving opposite this Star (annual Star 2 for 2009)
would then have its associations ‘going nowhere’. So, for this series, note
designations such as ‘off’ and ‘going nowhere’.
♦ 9 Ki is numerology in nothing, so that, you would not use ‘Number’ in
your pointing out any of the 9 Stars. Just as you would not use ‘House’ if
at any time you were pointing out Luoshu Palace. Whilst the notion of
‘house’ would have somehow made its way to Luoshu nomenclature,
it comes from Western astrology, whereas both 9 Ki Divination and Nine
Star Ki ‘Astrology’ would be perfectly unrelated to astrology.
This is short for saying that, due to the occurrence of Reversed Luoshu Axis,
annual Star 7 may have its portents ‘off’ for 2009, while annual Star 2 may have
its portents ‘going nowhere’ for 2009, with connotations here then either mild or
rather more noteworthy.
The East-West Luoshu Axis for 2009 by itself could involve magnetic disturbances
affecting health, your marriage, relationships or career, but also smaller or larger
scale contracts, merges or negotiations, such then not just into the suggested
East-West directions for 2009 but, as we have witnessed and as your media will
show you, to account of whatever generally associates with the Stars arriving on
such Axis. For example, Star 7 bodes the monetary field, finances, places for
financial transactions (such as for that aspect supermarket), singing, sailing
Having safely gone passed last paragraph, we need to stop the clock for a
moment, as you may have noticed it actually claimed how the Reversed Luoshu
Axis might involve magnetic disturbances that could affect health, marriage, even
news events.
Now, as always, we need to approach Luoshu from just cold soil advance and be
guarding against any active statements or any suppositions stemming from this,
or if not, we’d be soon advancing into Luoshu from all too ‘emblematic’ or
conceptual notions.
Of course, there is no Luoshu – or Star or Palace there – to have been assigned
singular command over fires, floods, earthquakes, accidents, health, births or
deaths. However, on your quest of foreseeing tendencies either for personal fate
progression or news events, you wouldn’t stand a chance if not you had some
parameters to go by, let’s call it 9 Stars and Luoshu syntax. Having said that, yes,
were you to from hereon involve the Reversed Luoshu Axis in your readings,
you’d be seeing your score boost by certain magnitude.
As a round up of Part One of this series, once more note the East-West Luoshu
axis for 2009, it is the Reversed Luoshu Axis for the year, affecting annual Star 7
and annual Star 2 and all of their associations.
If you look at annual Star 7’s position for 2009, it is in Luoshu East. It settles
opposite its native Luoshu Palace, so it would be out of character there, it will
have its portents ‘off’.
Perhaps a bit less obvious – but a critically more significant – scheme for purpose
of this series, occurs to annual Star 7’s opposite position in this Luoshu, involving
annual Star 2 in the West. So, we may say that (mind you, once more a mouth
full) the Star that appears opposite the Star that appears opposite its
original Luoshu Palace would be ‘going nowhere’.
What is implied here is that, magnetic energies on such Axis will not calibrate,
rendering matters to no avail, or whatever other classification of sorts you may
glue to the occurrence from your personal experience.
We will use Part Three of this series to yet show you a choice of attributes for Star
7 and Star 2, which – just as this series – derive directly from our Heluo Qi
Explorations class manual ‘9 Star Divination – personal and news events’ and
which class manual – besides our 4-day master classes in the Netherlands – you
can obtain as Distance Learning Training (2 months of one-on-one training with
Heluo). Again, if you don’t know your personal 9 Ki Stars or for any other
question, you may call Heluo in the afternoon (GMT+1) at +31 23 5333375 or
you may email if you like to arrange for a Skype meeting. We will use Part Two to
discuss what the Reversed Luoshu Axis may mean to you personally.

9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

In Part One we established how either one of your personal 9 Star Ki Stars may
move on the Reversed Luoshu Axis for a year, but this may occur also for a day, a
month or a period of 9 years. Of course, all opposite Palaces in the Luoshu may
be regarded as directional axes, but by using the term Reversed Luo Shu Axis we
will be pointing to a special occurrence. We have seen how by Luo Shu for 2009,
annual Star 7 Metal will appear opposite its native Luoshu Palace, so that Star 7
be ‘reaping opposite result from what it had set out to do’ – in other words, Star
7 may have its portents ‘off’ – and we have seen how by itself this has been a
known fact in the world of Japanese astrology and 9 Star Divination. However, the
crux of this series is on the ‘Star that appears opposite the Star that appears
opposite its native Luoshu Palace’, which for 2009 is annual Star 2. By appearing
opposite annual Star 7, we may say that annual Star 2 will be ‘going nowhere’.
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six

While here introducing the occurrence of Reversed Luoshu Axis by the hand of the
9 Fire year of 2009, we may just as well be looking back at the Luoshu for 2008,
which equally had its East-West magnetic directions ‘off’, this time on account of
annual Star 3 Wood and annual Star 8 Earth. We will be therefore devoting Part
Three of this series to give you some of the Star attributes for Star 3 Wood, 8
Earth, Star 2 and Star 7. While this be giving us ample opportunity also to further
investigate into the credit crunch and the global economic crisis, we’d be here
first looking into what the 2009 Axis may portent for you personally.
What does it mean, if you find your Star on the Reversed Luoshu Axis, either for a
full 9 Ki year, a month or even just a day. How will it affect you, i.e. your Star
(you are not your Star, your Star is merely taken to energetically – and more
‘typically’ – represent you).
• Now, if you haven’t been aware of your personal 9 Ki Stars, you may
either email me with your birth data (including time and city of birth) or
you may go to our free online course “9 Star Ki Prediction – personal
and news events” on, it is all there.
Then, concerning 2009 and if your Star is 7 Metal – either by year, month or day
of birth – or any of your birth Stars is 2 Earth, you may expect events ranging
from general unrest, over turbulence to uproar, or matters may be ‘not what they
You may be asking yourself “what’s going on” as progressions may not be
working in your favor. Incoming events may have you do extra effort and go the
extra mile in order to accomplish what would otherwise seem a simple task. What
does incoming mean? Well, incoming can be that phone call that suddenly takes a
turn and will have you deal with things you had not anticipated. It may be a
quarrel, an email, or your usual daily goings on disturbed by your employer, a
team mate or a client. We have no way of telling, unless we know context and
subject matter. Perhaps the occurrence be best mirrored against what you would
otherwise designate your ‘bad hair day’, where you would even stumble over your
own shadow.
Projected on the 2009 Luoshu, unexpected and uncharacteristic setbacks may
typically occur on account of finances (7) or provision (2), while on account of
Star 2 ‘mother’, ‘spouse’, ‘homestead’, ‘studies’, ‘teaching’ and ‘hospitalization’
may spring to mind too and be coming under the header ‘going nowhere’.
If you are a 7 Metal native – and due to your Star appearing opposite annual Star
2 -, you may be not seeing much of your spouse or homestead this year, perhaps
because you have moved into a new environment, a new community.
Overall, Star 2 be ‘going nowhere’ because it is the Star appearing opposite
annual Star 7 that by itself appears opposite its native Luoshu Palace.
Now, what if your Star is 1 Water, or 6 Metal, will you be off the hook then? On
account of the annual Luoshu for 2009 and to this respect, yes, for the month of
August 2009, not quite. If your Star is 1 or 6 and at any time you’d be reading
this, you can pull the Luoshu for August 2009 and hold it against your personal
We will adjoin annual 9 Fire Luoshu and monthly 8 Earth
Luoshu for August 2009. Monthly Stars be taken to the right
hand side from the annual Stars, so that August is 8 Earth. 6
Metal and 1 Water people (the more then those with a Ki map
of 1.6.x or 6.1.x or one spouse is Star 6, the other Star 1) be
stepping onto the Axis for August. We may now read all Stars
on the axis (7 and 6 in the East, 2 and 1 in the West) to see
what exactly is ‘off’ and ‘going nowhere’ and you may check
Part Three for that.
Equally, if we look back on the month of June 2009 – a 1 Water
month -, Star 3 and Star 8 natives may confirm matters had
been a bit ‘off’. Which brings us to any of these people then
asking “yes, but what about last year 2008, things were pretty
much off then too”. And that’s exactly it, because why would
the financial crisis have started in the housing industry in
2008? Because 2008 was a 1 Water year, annual Star 3
appeared opposite its original Palace for 2008, rendering Star 8
(real estate, property) ‘going nowhere’.
We may be looking a bit deeper into the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 in
another part of this series, but to keep it a bit straightforward at this time, you
may wish to pull your life chronology, the events there, and see where they might
mirror against the Reversed Luoshu Axis. It is all a matter of noting when either
your first (annual), second (monthly) or third (day) Star had moved on the then
designated Reversed Luoshu Axis, be that for a year, a month or a day. Once
you’re done, you may go see the occurrence by expanding your survey into
famous people or after the fact news. Then, you’d be soon projecting the Axis on
before the fact news.
Here are the months for 2009 with monthly Stars moving on the East-West axis.
At the last column, the first Star mentioned be the one ‘going nowhere’ for the
month, relative to the annual Luoshu of 9 Fire, while all Stars at the East-West
Luoshu axis may be expected to be ‘off’. We will also give the Chinese zodiac, the
so-called ‘Chinese animals’, for the months, more appropriately referred to as
Earthly Branches, used for Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) and Zi Wei Dou Shu. Of
course, besides annual Luoshu, each monthly Luoshu will produce a Reversed
Luoshu Axis of its own, but for now, that would take us a bit too far.

What to say? With any Star on the Axis, strange events may happen in the house,
so that it would seem something other than just the people actually around there
be deciding the goings on, misunderstandings, the parcel doesn’t seem to arrive,
simple things seem a task so that your usual schedule seems uprooted and you
need adapt.
Note that in order to give you the notion of Reversed Luoshu Axis, we have so far
summed up all of those negative portents, while, as always, there is no such
thing as any Star and any Palace can of course surface either its beneficial and
inauspicious traits, the Reversed Luoshu Axis not an exception where it comes to
positive outcome.
Having said that, we’ll yet discuss what exactly may be ‘off’ or ‘going nowhere’ on
account of annual Star 7 and Star 2 in Part Three of this series and once you
check what will be then said on either your own life chronology or when following
news events, it is my guess you’ll be sitting on a new toy for your 9 Ki divination.
That is the beauty of 9 Stars and Luoshu analysis, it is all right there by Luoshu,
not just for astrology, horoscopes or Feng Shui, but for divination and forecasting
personal and global news events.

9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

In this series on 9 Ki Divination we are discussing the ‘going nowhere’ principle on
the Reversed Luoshu Axis. Any Luoshu produces a Reversed Axis, be that for a
year, a month or a day, with the exception of course of the basic Luo Shu of 5
Earth. For this series we will be concentrating on the annual Luoshu for 2008 and
2009. It once more shows the significance of opposite Luoshu Palaces and how
we should not ‘tunnel vision’ on any Luo Shu Star in particular, without
simultaneously incorporating properties of the Star and Palace it finds to its
opposite. The notion can be equally applied for purpose of Feng Shui (if you are a
practitioner of Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui), in understanding Nine Star Ki
astrology and fate progression, as well as in 9 Star Divination where you would be
engaging into forecasting before and after the fact news events.
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Because for either 2008 and 2009 the Reversed Luoshu Axis occurred East-West,
involving Star 3 and Star 8 for 2008, then Star 2 and Star 7 for 2009, we will
need to know what these Stars portent.
In this part of the series you will therefore find some of the more significant
attributes to Stars 2,3,7 and 8. Besides this, if you scroll, you will find all
Reversed Luoshu Axes.
We have seen how for 2009, portents pertaining annual Star 7 Metal may be ‘off’
because annual Star 7 appears opposite its native Luoshu Palace, by that
rendering annual Star 2 to its opposite direction ‘going nowhere’, which last
observation is at the actual subject of this series and here introduced to 9 Stars
and Luoshu analysis. It is then a matter of knowing some of the attributes
pertaining Star 7 and Star 2 to see where to expect the news to go.
We will in this series also reason into the Reversed Luoshu Axis and see 9 Ki
relevance for the financial crisis of 2008, prolonged then also in the overall
economic debacle of 2009, which you will see is right there in Luoshu, but without
knowing the Reversed Luoshu Axis would be a bit more difficult to spot. In order
to be able to show you either dynamics for 2008 and 2009, we must first consider
attributes for Star 2, 3, 7 and 8.
Find Star 3 and Star 8 on the Axis for 2008 on the left, Star 2 and Star 7 on the
Axis for 2009 on the right.

Now, noting this dynamic is one, taking this into actual practice is another. There
are basically two things you will find yourself doing with 9 Stars and Luoshu
• This series may more or less assume a certain background in 9 Stars
and Luoshu. If you are reading this as a beginner, we have made it very
easy for you to step on the wagon. In fact, if you go to our free online
course “9 Star Prediction – personal and news events”
on – written from scratch and with the true beginner in
mind -, I made sure you will be in front of your television screen
following news events with a Luoshu in your lap in no time.
Personal fate progression
Here you will sit at your table, staring at any annual Luoshu – past, present,
future. You will be reading into the Luoshu to make sense of certain experiences
or life events, pertaining yourself or anyone you know and you may involve the
month Stars too.
News events
This time you want to take me up on ‘your television screen is like a moving
Luoshu’ and you’d sit in front of your television (or news paper) with Luoshu in
your lap. Here, your eyes will alternately move between the Luoshu Stars and
your television screen, while you’ll be finding yourself at growing astonishment,
seeing such 9 Ki relevance in the news.
For now, and to stay in line with this series, you may want to concentrate on the
Reversed Luo Shu Axis and see what it does for you. Here are all possibilities.
Reversed Luoshu Axes
Here are all 9 Luoshu. Even though we will here focus mostly on annual Luoshu,
any such Star configuration is a Solar calendar to its own respect and can be
taken to last from an hour or less, a Solar day, a Solar month, a Solar year, a
period of 9 years, 81 years up to the approximately 25,920 years “Great Year”
(which will be an interesting ‘look up’ on www) and beyond.
• If you go look for Great Year on www and while you’re at it, also helpful
will be Precession Cycle, Precession Circle, Magnetic Pole Reversal, Pole
Shift, Alpha Draconis (Thuban), Star Vega and you’d be busy enough
even following up on all those links you’ll then find.
Note how:
Stars in blue font signify the Stars that appear opposite their original Luoshu
Palace, while then finding the encircled Stars to their opposite, so that you’ll note
how the Stars we labeled ‘going nowhere’ will be always Star 2, Star 5 and Star
Star properties
Here are some of the properties for Stars, 2,3,7 and 8, but note how we are not
in the field of prediction. Anyone at all can practice 9 Ki Divination, it is not a
matter of being clairvoyant, at all.
What you’ll do is foresee tendencies and simply: translate Stars into events and
event into Stars.
The rest is a matter of knowing how to do cross-references between Stars and
Palaces and ‘read the Stars to build the story’.
Star 2 Earth
Provision (simply: any food, fuel, service and either tangible or intangible).
Homogeneous group relying on central kitchen or organization, such as students,
inmates, the elderly, even zoo animals. Small (food) shops. A mob. Fruit
producing fields such as agricultural areas, farming, labor mines. Also fruit, such
as vegetables but by extension also the gold or coals produced at labor mines,
even the sky and water being fruit producing fields so that birds and fish may fall
within this group. Submerged hollow space. Educational field including students
and teachers, civil servants, the medical field, hospitals. A platform (e.g. surface)
we rely on for safety, be that a railing or balustrade, a wall or a dam, a landing
strip, a ship’s deck, a stage at a theater. It is teargas and comparable. It is
ground troops (as in soldiers). It is mother, it is spouse, homestead (not the
house as such, but where you dwell).
Star 7 Metal
Against popular believe, Star 7 is not so much a business or business
management, which be a bit more at the domain of Star 6 for authority and
corporations. There be Star 6 for Big Metal, Star 7 for Small Metal, then
undoubtedly still some management and a fair amount of leadership left in Star 7,
but rather more Star 7 associated with finances, the monetary field, accounting,
more refined instruments, utensils, jewelry. Where Star 6 is your employer, Star 7
is your salary, so to speak. Star 7 is mouth and a mouth is a portal for ‘upload
and download’, in other words, things such as food, fluids and air (read provision)
can go in, while speech or singing may spill out. Star 7 is demolished building or
messy surroundings. It is in bad mouthing, it is a knife (thus stabbing) and a
collision under slight angle (Star 6 be a heads on collision), less likely fatal. It is
Large Intestine and upper jaw. It is young females, wife, concubine, singers,
metaphysicians, contempt, violent robbery, violent attack (not so much involving
explosion such as with Star 6) involving rape (Star 7 is eroticism).
Star 3 Wood
Star 3 is speculative, inventive, with a taste for gambling. Its force can be
sudden, its motion piercing, it inclines upward and expansive, it is impulsive
besides creative and aggressive. If Star 3 can be stopped, such be less likely at
its beginning impact. It is highly liberal. It can be the factor behind earth quakes
(to be read from Luoshu for example when 8-3 appears), or a demolished wall or
dam (2-3). It is uniformed personnel such as police or riot troops, rather then not
army that would come under Star 5. Star 3 is a male, husband, intruder. It
associates with Liver, Gallbladder and the leg. It is electricity, an electricity plant,
electrically powered machinery, electrical detonator or vehicles such as a train,
metro. When Star 3 arrives at the central Palace it may be a railway station. Star
3 is railway personnel, it may be the electrical ignition underlying armed assaults,
it is highway, a dog bite. It can be stock market.
Star 8 Earth
Star 8 is built structures, more in particular buildings, so that there is our first
association with the 2008 financial crisis, because it involved real estate,
property, mortgage and insurance concerning these properties. Star 8 is
immovable, it is revolutionary and it can invoke uproar, in particular involving
racial or ethnic issues. Star 8 can also invoke revolution, so that we may see
riots. Star 8 says “up to this point and no further’. Star 8 – in particular in
company of Star 3 – would be indicative for earth quakes.
Now, if you go over these Star attributes carefully, you may at times – and this
may take some practice – find yourself combining several portents (either more
properties same Star or relating portents of different Stars) to ‘make soup’ of the
events you read in the news. But it will come, certainly once you started following
global news events, because certain things there be simply exploding in your
face, so to speak.
It is from the Reversed Luoshu Axis that the world could have foreseen the 2008
housing debacle long before it occurred, which is exactly what I did when I was
preparing the forecasting 2008 for my students around November 2007 and I
projected this – somewhat less than a year before it happened: “Dow Jones to fall
below 10,000 points in October 2008”, then, based on this and because it didn’t
seem likely, taking a sneak preview into the annual Luoshu for 2009, a 9 Fire
year, just as 1991, 2000, but this time adding ‘context’ of course, as always.
Looking at the Star configuration for the 2009 Luoshu, adding logarithmic spiral
(may talk about that later) as to context, I had to reach a rather uncanny pallet
of projections, some perhaps far fetched, some disturbing. Please mind that I had
not projected same with my projections for the Fire years of 1991 or 2000, which
years happened in an entirely different global environment, a whole different
context, but also, you must have noticed some sort of acceleration in successive
events, more on that another time perhaps.
So, let’s use Part Four of this series to engage into the Luoshu for both 2008 and
2009, pulling your attention to the special feature of Reversed Luoshu Axis to see
what it means that “Star 8 be ‘going nowhere’ for 2008” or “Star 2 be ‘going
nowhere’ for 2009”. Next time we will be looking into this, both for news events
as we will see what this may do on a personal level. This part was just to park
some of the belonging properties of Stars involved on the Axis. In the mean time,
you can pull your annual and monthly Luo Shu for any event and see the dynamic
happen. Let me know what you think and how the Reversed Luo Shu Axis strikes
you once applied on your fate progression or sitting in front of your media.

9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

We will continue our series on the Reversed Luoshu Axis after last time we shared
attributes of Star 3 and Star 8 for the 1 Water year of 2008 and Star 2 and Star 7
for the 9 Fire year of 2009. Besides projected on the financial crisis and the global
economic debacle, you may apply the Axis on any whatsoever event, be that
disease, accidents, divorce, to name a few of the more negative outcomes,
because besides that, the Axis can of course instigate fortunate events just the
same. In order to become really proficient at 9 Star Divination you will see how
you’d be much engaging into head line news, which for the greater part will be
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
You won’t be reading Luoshu just at random, there is a distinct structure –
grammar, if you will – just as with any language. Once you set yourself to read
any Luoshu, the central Star gives ‘Luoshu Trend’, so we’ll be always minding
either annual-, monthly- or daily Stars arriving at the central Luoshu Palace, for
example in the 1 Water year of 2008, objects be deemed to fall into a depth,
that’s the trend.
Once established ‘Luoshu trend’ by way of the cental Star, we select a subject, so
let’s pick Star 6 for vehicles. We may then find annual Star 6 for vehicles in the 1
Water Luoshu Palace plunging into ravines, rivers or ditches, as, yes, we will have
seen more of our share in any 1 Water years (2008) or 1 Water months, but that
As little as 10 or 11 months before it happened and no much more than having
involved the Axis in our projections for the then upcoming 1 Water year of 2008,
we said “Dow Jones to fall below 10,000 points in October 2008.” Because at the
time this seemed not too plausible, we took a sneak preview and involved the
2009 annual Luoshu and that lead to an even more uncanny “IMF to proclaim our
planet at bankruptcy”, which would as a statement admittedly seem a bit intense,
but nonetheless. Such due of course to annual Star 7 to arrive opposite its
original Luoshu House for 2009. Now, concerning last remark, soup may not be
eaten as hot as it is being served, but we did see major economic disaster,
meanwhile several USA States and many developed countries in dire trouble and
on the verge of bankruptcy, with IMF pumping billions in many countries.

Seeing the occurrence and for lack of better, ‘going nowhere’ is a term I started
using upon noting how Stars involved on the Axis seem to be ‘off’ at their base
magnetism, thereby common properties of Stars involved consequently and
proportionately affected. Let’s look into the dynamic a bit more technically and
see if you can use it if you follow news progressions (and let me know when you
Luoshu is like a bar magnet involving several sub-batteries, if you will, each one
involving the central Luoshu Palace (N-S; NE-SW; E-W; SE-NW), so that any of
these will be called axis of course, however in the sense intended here:
Any Star opposite its original Luoshu Palace be ‘off’ and rendering the Star to its
opposite ‘going nowhere’, thereby instigating the Reversed Luoshu Axis for all
Stars arriving there at any time.
Our ‘going nowhere’ may be just as well read otherwise, such as perhaps
‘deprived of’ or any such connotation you may find valid once you’d be reading
into the dynamic and for as long as you discriminate between the Star ‘off’ and
the Star ‘going nowhere’.
A Star appearing opposite its original Luoshu Palace will be ‘off’ because it would
have altered its original Yin or Yang temperament, induced by magnetic pole
reversal and magnetic pole reversal of course always on account of Star 5 Yellow.
While this Star will then feel ‘out of place’ it will act out of character and you may
imagine it would do effort to move back to its original Palace, where it will
meanwhile find its place taken by an ‘uninvited guest’, so that this latter Star on
the verge of being displaced would be pretty much having its portents ‘going
While describing the dynamic for the actual Star appearing opposite its own
Luoshu Palace, we could use ‘reaping opposite result of what one had set out to
do’. Annual Star 3 appears opposite its native Luoshu Axis for 2008, so rendering
annual Star 8 to its opposite ‘going nowhere’. We would only need look at annual
Star 8 for the 1 Water year of 2008 what that could mean for real estate and
If negotiations happen not just on such directional axis (let’s say parties involved
in negotiations or a business deal had to actually travel East-West for 2008) but
now just simply involving properties relating to Stars involved (this time parties
involved may not have to travel at all), any endeavors such as treaties may fail,
at least by first attempt(s). Let’s look how George Bush responded to the debacle
and what it did as you will remember his bail-out plan. First attempt failed.
We have seen ‘first attempt fails’ with the 700 billion
bail-out plan earlier in USA, whereas such would have
been collectively concerning real estate associated
with Star 8 at the ‘Axis’. Once again, November 2008
and with Star 6 for a.o. vehicles arriving the Axis for
the month, first attempts to come to aid the auto
industry also failed, while if you’d allow a stretch a bit
into the domain of far-fetched perhaps (as we must
caution at all times not to bend Stars to then agree
with whatever event, or soon anything at all we
project on Luoshu would ‘fit’).
Barack Obama is a 3.9.x and he was taken the oath by
John G. Roberts who is a 1.6.x. Here is Luoshu for the
inauguration. You may involve both annual and monthly
Axis for either gentlemen, where ‘first attempt’ for the
oath failed, but that aside and only for what it’s worth.
Similar dynamic helped us project for 2009 that, since
by same reasoning Star 2 would then be ‘going
nowhere’, this should mean negotiations may go fine for
as long as they then not involve any of portents for Star
7 or 2, such as anything monetary (7) or concerning
food and provisions, education, medical field, farmers, mobs, inmates (2). Star 2
be ‘going nowhere’, in other words, we will likely see deprivation by famine and
rather massive displacement.
• We here deliberately give native’s third Star as ‘x’,
due to several formulae in use for different purpose.
The United Nations food program is at its worst ever shortage of 10 billion USD
with it says a record number of 1 billion people in the world on hunger, Kenya at
its worst drought and famine in 9 years. The Reversed Luoshu Axis for 2009 will
suggest a ‘tension’ between money (Star 7) on the one hand, food (Star 2) on the
other hand, which once more demonstrates when Belgium farmers demonstrate
to demand higher compensation for their milk.
You may note how, what I here introduce as a Star ‘going nowhere’ will by any
single Luoshu always concern only Stars 2,5 and 8, which be an interesting notion
by itself because it would imply that whatever be ‘going nowhere’, would always
‘only’ concern the belonging properties such as built structures for Star 8, food
and provision (spouse or homestead) for Star 2 and construction related events
(or authority related) for Star 5, to name just a few, but this would then be still
pretty crude, so that we may then yet look beyond this and add more detail, so
that at least this would be not further ‘limiting’ your divination to just the
properties of these Stars. Not just would the annual Stars 2,5 and 8 connect to
the ever migrating monthly and daily Stars, what is more and so as in order to
approach this issue, we will by next part of this series discuss your personal birth

9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

In Part Five we will side step to handle your personal 9 Ki birth chart. Besides
using annual- and monthly Luoshu for personal forecasting, you may involve your
personal birth chart for finer detail. We can construct and examine an annual
Luoshu separate from a monthly Luoshu, then once more separate from a
personal birth chart. We can also conjoin any 2,3 or 4 Luoshu. In fact, most in 9
Star Ki astrology and divination will be a matter of superimposing one Star
configuration onto another to acquire (what appears) one image. Just as in Xuan
Kong Fei Xing Feng Shui, our Flying Star chart (Man chart – Ren Pan) may appear
as one unit, but is in fact an amalgamation of the Heaven chart (Tian Pan) and
Earth chart (Di Pan) into an integral whole. Without you being aware perhaps, it is
actually how Luoshu itself is constructed, in other words, Luoshu may appear as
one unit, but it actually conjoins two cycles, one consisting of odd numbers
(Heaven Yang), one of even numbers (Earth Yin).
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Not just that, it is interesting to note how by itself – and even once odd and even
numbers conjoined to form our so esteemed Luoshu (River Luo Map) – the magic
square of three is an extract of Kanagi Guruma. Kanagi Guruma may be regarded
the world’s oldest calendar, taking the 45 degrees Luoshu sectors into 80 units of
4.5 degrees each for greater accurracy on account of prognostication. You may
see example of Kanagi Guruma if you scroll down main page on Heluo’s
In this series on Reversed Luoshu Axis we have sofar established that:
The 2009 annual Luoshu for 9 Fire produces the Reversed Luoshu Axis into the
East-West, rendering annual Star 7 ‘off’, annual Star 2 ‘going nowhere’.
Regarding 9 Star Ki Divination, Trigram properties pertaining annual Stars 7
(finances) and 2 (provision, mob) will be affected regarding news events.
Regarding 9 Star Ki Astrology, 7 Metal and 2 Earth natives will come under
influence of the Reversed Luoshu Axis for the full year. Examine for (in)auspicious
Regarding Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui we may examine the East and West
45 degrees sectors of our house on account of annual- and monthly 9 Ki Luoshu.
Remember however, 9 Ki annual- and monthly Stars are always timely, Yang and
Concerning their position in the 2009 annual Luoshu, people with other 9 Ki Stars
(than Star 2 or 7 natives) will be off the hook regarding the annual Axis, however
by Stars migrating on a monthly and daily basis, all Stars will ‘see’ the annual
Axis at set times.
We also ascertained that by any Star configuration, Stars 2, 5 and 8 be always
‘going nowhere’, but we needed more detail. We may of course obtain finer detail
once superimposing the monthly- or daily Luoshu, or we may simply involve our
birth chart.
Here is first the 2009 East-West Reversed Luoshu Axis, then the birth chart for a
6 Metal person, by which we take Star 6 to the center of an empty Luoshu, then
fly the Stars along their fixed directional pattern:
Your personal Ki map consists of a first Star (year of birth), a second Star (month
of birth) and a third Star, which latter we will in this series depict as x (e.g.
6.3.x), because of several formulae in place concerning the third Star. If the third
Star is your day Ki Star of birth, it will have its own birth chart. An example, using
6.3.4, where the third Star denotes native born on a 4 Wood day.
You may first construct and read into the components:

Then, if you can handle it, you may just conjoin all three and once more
superimpose on whatever Luoshu of your choice, be that the basic Luoshu of 5
Yellow, annual-, monthly- or daily Luoshu, the Luoshu for the 9 year Period of 3
Wood (2008-2017).
Now, gazing at either these single birth charts is a task by itself, whereas of
course we may – i.e. if we choose to squeeze all into our 45 degrees Luoshu –
conjoin all three to obtain this:

Add Up To Ten
One principal justification for your personal birth chart is, it will have you locate
birth Star 5 Yellow in each one to denote ‘motive’ or ‘inner drive’. Remember that
5 Yellow is at the base of magnetic pole reversal and that your birth Star 5
appears opposite your original Star’s Luoshu Palace, either one the inverse of the
other. Said differently, what we will see you exert by your Star X, may be much
instigated by Star Y, one Star being a ‘splash out’, the other a ‘splash in’, if you
will. Star 5 is either magnetism or gravity, so that gravitational pull be much at
birth Star 5. As a consequence, astrological character descriptions would best
incorporate either Star.
Organs produce emotions
Used for professional character descriptions and fate readings, it seems there is
work to do if you are a counselor or teacher. Or, you are just a practitioner, but
you wish to make ‘soup’ of your spouse’s character. Much in line with TCM and
Internal Chinese Medicine we say ‘organs produce emotions’ and ‘what lies innate
must externalize’. Stars govern organs and meridians. If native is a 6 Metal, you
would still see character descriptions evolve from just Star 6 properties alone,
right? So, let’s stay with our 6 Metal example and see what you’d come up with
once you did this: you would start ‘build the archetype’ by describing ‘pure’ 6
Metal behavior, always remembering of course how Star 6 governs the Lung. The
Lung, just as any of the organs, can produce ‘plus and minus’ emotions and
temperament, so there you’d have your 6 Metal righteousness, strategic abilities,
demanding on self and others, perfectionism, grief or recluse. You’d be done if not
this is where your character description starts, not ends. You would then move to
Star 6’s Add Up To Ten ‘fold in’ and further flavor your life reading by involving 4
Wood qualities, just as if you were reading for a 4 Wood native. Star 4 governs
the Gallbladder, it is empathy, compassionate, feeble, sociable. Now you merge
the two and you will have done something on the feedback coming from your
clients. You will do the same for 1 Water natives, and build their character from
your knowledge of the Kan Water Trigram, then understand inner drive and
motive by reading its inverse, the Li Fire Trigram (now finally you understand why
our otherwise ‘silent’ 1 Water native can be at times so talkative). This notion
alone will have you think (or re-think) if the Wuxing Controlling Cycle (Ke) be
altogether a negative structure.
If then we superimpose the 2009 annual Luoshu over the birth chart for 6 Metal,
we see annual Star 7 Metal to visit and affect birth Star 4 Wood, annual Star 2
Earth to visit and affect birth Star 8 Earth. It is then a matter of knowing each of
these Star’s properties, the flavor of the Luoshu Palaces involved and build the
soap opera, or ‘read the Stars and build the story’. No two identical birth charts
projected on the same annual-, monthly- or daily Luoshu can give the same
outcome, since on account of personal prognostications we’d be at least always
involving a) context, b) proportion and c) personal health.
Of course, in line with this series’ subject matter we’d be for the occasion only
zooming in on the Reversed Luoshu Axis, actually not involving any other reading
technique. For sake of simplicity, we will here separately project the annual
Luoshu for 2009, the monthly Luoshu for August 2009 (8 Earth) and the 6 Metal
birth chart, but which you may actually conjoin to read personal fate progression.
As stated before and for any single Luoshu – except basic Luoshu for 5 Earth –
the Luoshu Axis will always render either Stars 2,5 and 8 ‘going nowhere’. We
may now add finer detail as we read the monthly Stars for August 2009, so that
monthly Star 1 Water joining annual Star 2 Earth in the Luoshu West bodes
different portents than other Stars teaming up with annual Star 2, until if
conjoining these three Luoshu we get to 7-6-4 in the East, 2-1-8 in the West. We
would inspire you to take it easy on yourself if you are a beginner and read single
Luoshu before attempting to read into two or even three conjoined Luoshu.
Now, our 6 Metal native arrives at the annual 2 Earth Luoshu Palace for the year
2009 and we could be reading that for all the right reasons. Since for this series
we are interested in reading the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, we will examine
the birth Stars for our 6 Metal into the East-West directions of the birth chart,
here 4 Wood and 8 Earth.
Translated into Star or Trigram properties and if we involve annual Star 2, this
could then have us read into for example spouse, homestead, education, mother,
diet, hospitalization and so on. Still concerning our 6 Metal native, his birth Stars
4 and 8 arrive at the East-West Luoshu axis, thereby birth Star 4 and birth Star 8
associations probably a bit ‘off’ too and enjoying some of the harvest of thus not
being magnetically all too calibrated there, so that once again we can reduce to
base attributes such as Star 4 for documents, contracts, travel, compassion, older
female, chest and respiratory ability, then Star 8 for built structure, critical
change (transformation), small bones, nose, Spleen and digestive tract.
We already know that we always simultaneously read opposite Stars and Luoshu
Palaces, so that (just as with anything else pertaining Yin and Yang) ‘one be not
going anywhere without taking the other’, or, whatever befalls Star X, Star Y to its
opposite direction may have a say in it. All be then a matter of knowing subject
matter, context, also of course proportion and probability. We will first derive
readings out of same context (health + health), whereas once done, we may pull
in from other context (health + physical object).
If Star 7 Metal is a knife used for incision, Star 2 Earth may be hospital.
If Star 7 Metal is a knife and robbery, Star 2 Earth may be food shop, inmates.
If Star 7 Metal is a throat, Star 2 Earth may be food or poison.
If Star 7 Metal is a mouth (singing), Star 2 Earth may be stage (surface).
If Star 7 Metal is an oration, Star 2 Earth may be lecture.
If Star 7 Metal is an ornament, Star 2 Earth may be wall (or dam).
If Star 7 Metal is finances, Star 2 Earth may be provision or famine.
If Star 7 Metal is a demolished building, Star 2 Earth may be a labor mine.
If Star 7 Metal is a shovel, Star 2 Earth may be agricultural ground.
If Star 7 Metal is a metal door, Star 2 Earth may be a small rural house.
If Star 7 Metal is a young girl, Star 2 Earth may be submerged hollow space.

9 Ki Stars on the Reversed Luo Shu Axis – Part

Heluo continues his 9 Star Ki series on Reversed Luoshu Axis by the hand of the
annual Stars for 2010. The year 2010 is 8 Earth in 9 Ki and the Reversed Luoshu
Axis appears on the Northeast-Southwest. Annual Star 2 Earth arrives opposite its
native Palace in the Magic Square of Three. This means, annual Star 5 be ‘going
Print and study this series
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
As always, you will refer to the basic Luoshu of 5 Earth on the left, where you
may note Star 2 Earth in its native Luoshu Palace in the Southwest. To the right is
the annual Star configuration for the 8 Earth year of 2010, where you will find
annual Star 2 in the Northeast Luoshu Palace, so that it appears opposite its
original Luo Shu Palace. By this we say, annual Star 2 will have its portents ‘off’.
This is because Star 2 finds itself magnetically displaced, its native Palace being
taken by annual Star 5, thus we will find the 2010 Reversed Luo Shu Axis on the
Northeast-Southwest. As a result, annual Star 5 Earth ‘appears opposite the Star
that appears opposite its original Luo Shu Palace’, so that Star 5 may have its
portents ‘going nowhere’.

Now we wish to first know some of the basic properties related to Star 2 Earth, 5
Earth and 8 Earth, then resort to reading a Luoshu using protocol, syntax for 9
Stars and Luoshu analysis.
Properties annual Star 8 Earth
In our approaching any annual-, monthly- or daily Luoshu, we’ll first zoom in on
the central Star to read Luoshu trend. The year 2010 hosts annual Star 8 Earth at
the central Luoshu Palace (Heaven’s Heart), so that it will carry to the news both
its tangible and intangible properties. Tangible 8 Earth is mountains and hills,
caves, predominantly buildings, it is in earthquakes (the moreso when in
company of Star 3 or the Earthly Branch of Chen Dragon), it is in volcanos, but
volcano outburst when in company of Star 9 Fire or one of the Earthly Branches
of Si Snake, Wu Horse or Wei Sheep. Other 8 Earth outings may be ‘revolution
and change’, riots and clashing related to ethnicity, student protests. Intangible 8
Earth can be read from its Trigram – Gen Mountain – and may be (sudden)
stillness, immovability, it may manifest as ‘hidden’, ‘silence’, ‘open gate’, carrying
a sense of spiritual deafness. Star 8 can be fairly ascetic, or scholarly.
Star 8 Earth governs the Spleen. It is Youngest Son, so denoting young males. It
is built structures, real estate, property, more in particular buildings. If Star 2 is
your homestead, your actual house – the bricks – will be Star 8. Since Star 8
Earth resides at the Luoshu center, these buildings become prominent buildings,
but not as ‘governmental’ as Star 5 buildings, or even as accessible to the public
as Star 5 compounds, so that we would need a certain affiliation in order to enter
the building, thus Star 8 relating to universities, laboratories, libraries, places for
science or buildings to host sub-authoritative levels of leadership. Let’s say, Star 8
is not the imperial palace, but a ministery. It is the building in front of which
protesting students appear in order to invoke change. It then depends on which
monthly Star visits Star 8 at the center to see news events, such as Star 6 Metal
teaming up with Star 8 can be an assault on a building, Star 3 Wood can be surge
by uniformed personnel, say police. Star 9 Fire with Star 8 may be a building on
fire, while Star 1 looking up Star 8 may be a flooded building. If monthly Star 4
visits Star 8, it may be an airfield, or an airplane crashing into a building. Star 8
Earth may denote earthquakes, so that seaquakes would occur with Star 8 Earth
visiting the 1 Water Luoshu Palace. You shall have to lay the annual- and monthly
Luoshu over the news in order to see the hand of 9 Stars.
Properties annual Star 5 Earth
Star 5 Yellow may carry many properties, but it is and will remain the strongest
Star always. Remember, Star 5 Yellow doesn’t own a Trigram, it is more of a
principle than anything. Star 5 is at the base of – and it governs all at magnetism
(magnetic pole reversal) and gravitation -, so, whatever the annual-, monthly- or
daily Star configuration, it will have the gravitational pull, deciding on much of the
news. Strong also means, Star 5 is where power is, or where ‘huge’ or ‘significant’
news is, certainly where ‘weird’ events happens, i.e. those events that could
perhaps not be immediately taken on account of the other Stars. Star 5 is a
player to be reckoned with. It is Alpha and Omega, it can bring to the surface
what lays sweating inside, so that it may instigate marvellous news – taking
mankind to its brightest moments of achievement or nobility -, it can cause grave
obstruction and bring old conflicts to surface, resulting in armed conflict of unseen
brutality. Such magnitude in 5 Earth’s character brings the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) to mind.
Properties annual Star 2 Earth
If we copy/paste a bit from Part Three of this series, Star 2 Earth becomes
provision of any kind, i.e. any food, fuel, service or lack thereof such either
tangible or intangible. So, a given substance can be any of the 9 Stars, whereas
the provision of the substance (or deprivation thereof) is a property of Star 2. You
may look into an airplane crash for example. The airplane may be Star 4 Wood,
the explosion may be Star 6 Metal, but if Star 2 is involved, chances are what
caused the explosion had to do with provision. One of the first things you
associate whenever you encounter Star 2 anywhere in Luoshu is ‘people’, it is a
group of people, or at least a ‘group’ because it can be also zoo animals. Thing is,
Star 2 Earth denotes a homogeneous group relying on a central kitchen or a
central organization, such as students, inmates, the elderly, zoo animals. It may
be small (food) shops. It is a mob. If Star 2 is a mob, the ‘atmosphere’ can be
estimated from the accompanying Star. You may appreciate the difference
between 3-2 or 2-3, for example, where here the Star taken to the left is the
annual Star Host and more receptive, the Star to the right is the monthly Star
Guest and more active. If Star 2 is a homogenous group of people and it appears
in the 8 Earth Luoshu Palace for the year, you may expect a group of people to
retreat into mountainous area, which can be for any reason. As you can see, if
such group of people were to move into the 8 Earth Palace, by this they would be
moving ‘away’ from the annual Star 5, which could be an army, but Star 5 is also
a community, so the group may be ousted from their usual community. Star 2 is
fruit producing fields such as for agricultural areas, farming, labor mines. Also
fruit, such as vegetables but by extension also the gold or coals produced at labor
mines, even the sky and water being fruit producing fields so that birds and fish
may fall within this group. Submerged hollow space or a hollow tree. This should
give you a sense of a cave, because Star 2 for hollow space and 8 Earth for
mountain hook up for the year. Star 2 strongly associates with the educational
field including students and teachers, civil servants, the medical field, hospitals.
Star 2 may be a platform or a surface we rely on for safety, so this can be a
railing or balustrade, a wall or a dam, a landing strip (or an alternative landing
strip for that matter, such as if Star 2 comes with Star 4 for airplane, this may be
an emergency landing on a ‘not supposed’ surface, such as the plane lands of
water or an agricultural field), a ship’s deck, a balcony, a stage at a theater. It is
teargas and comparable. It is ground troops (as in soldiers). It is mother, it is
spouse, homestead (not the house as such, but where you dwell). The 8 Earth
‘revolution and change’ may befall Star 2 as significant events in food industry,
the female working force, hospitals, the mining industry, the educational field and
As always in 9 Ki forecasting, we look for 9 Ki relevance in news events. It must
be again noted that – so, don’t have yourself fooled – neither 9 Star Ki, nor
Chinese astrology will be dealing with predictions in the popular sense of the
As a 9 Ki practitioner, or if you play with the 9 Stars on account of Flying Star
Feng Shui, you are not into predictions, as you will be merely following Wuxing
Five Transformations, the natural rhythm of 9 Stars as they migrate through the
Luoshu annually, monthly and daily. However, once you dive into your Luoshu,
this will be done from straightforward syntax and yes, you will positively see the
hand of 9 Stars in your personal life and how news progresses.
“9 Star Divination – personal and news events” runs you through
the full spectrum of 9 Star Divination in an intensive 4-day master
class. This class will be held twice a year. Class aims at your full
personal autonomy over the art in all of its facets, enabling you to apply the
system to its ultimate bounds. No technique will be held back, making this a
must-attend program for professional consultants, teachers, those handling
health and fate for their students or clients. Once you deal with people and
energy, this class is for you and you’ll be glad you took the trip.
This master class is your one stop learning experience and ‘for once and for all’ 9
Ki education. This class shows all ins and outs pertaining personal divination and
how to tackle past, present and future news events, while class will cover Oriental
cosmology in its rawest form, the true face of 5 Yellow, true face of Hetu, Fuxi,
while debunking other myths and red herrings. There should be no Flying Star
Feng Shui professional out there without profound training also in the art of 9 Ki,
which – even though departing from the same 9 Stars – is an autonomous
system. Having covered just some 9 Ki basics during your Feng Shui education
will not be sufficient. 9 Ki adepts would never regard timeliness for annual-,
monthly- or daily Luoshu once employed on account of the Flying Star chart. See
for upcoming 9 Ki Divination class and select Option 1,2 or 3.
Practically, again, a) we are not into predictions and b) you may focus on the
Northeast-Southwest Luoshu Axis for 2010 and combine above properties so as to
see the 9 Ki relevance. For example, you and your neighbor will be digesting the
same news item on television. Now, supposing at any point a balcony collapses
and you are able to note Star 2, you – not your neighbor – will see the trend. If
looking onto the Luoshu for the event 10 days before the event occurred, could
we have predicted the event? With almost perfect certainty, most probably not.
Not only would same Luoshu occur too many times same year, for a balcony to
collapse a bit more than just Star 2 should involve. For an event to happen, you’d
need the 9 Stars, context and all conditions coming together at the same time.
But you’ll definitely see the relation, year after year after month after month once
you’d set yourself to read Luoshu.
So, now that you find yourself in front of the annual Luoshu for 2010, how to go
about reading it for its portents. Fortunately, this process is a bit less random
than it would seem as you may be following a certain protocol. All you need is
Luoshu mirrored to your context. Context may be some dynamic in your personal
life, a question you may be having on account of your marriage, your health, your
career progression, or it is a car accident, a missing person case, a riot in the
street, a successful corporate merge.
We first note the central Star and reflect on all of its attributes pertaining our
context, while then we may locate Star 5 Earth, once more noting it for its
properties, its influence on our subject – our focus of attention. Then, note the
annual Reversed Luoshu axis to see what you’d expect to be ‘off’ or ‘going
nowhere’ and finally advance further into Luoshu grammar by picking a Star for
subject, then a Star for verb, then a Star for objective, until you see the soap-
opera unfold mirrored as always against our then context, because Star X for
context Y behaves differently once at context Z. Example, any Star in context
may be an event, while same Star in context of health may be an organ. Also,
same Star may be a physical object, it may be a person. We need to know
context, then massage our way further into progression and probability.
Here is what you may do.
Note the central Star for ‘Luoshu trend’. Annual Star 8 at the center for 2010 does
not appear anywhere into the magnetic directions. If the analogy appeals to you
and just for the taste of it, it may be the Joker set aside from a deck of cards. Did
this cancel out Star 8? Remember how neither one of the 9 Stars will be ever
switched off, as each Star will be active to proportion of its location in the Luoshu.
It is just that the central Star, besides it adheres to its own mandate, becomes
vulnerable to its surroundings, the other annual Stars. Now, merely schematically
and not for you to adhere to too much because in fact you’d be reading Luoshu
on account of actual annual Star configurations linked to monthly Luoshu, annual
Star 7 just from its position in the Luoshu Southeast 4 Wood Palace may denote
finances. We know that finances is a property of Star 7 Metal, while if it appears
in the 4 Wood Luoshu Palace, this gives associations to documents and contracts
(or can be archives), the aeronautic field. So, Star 7 Metal linked to Star 4 both
have ‘access’ to central Star 8, so that you’d screen the news for related events
such as funding for an aeronautic research center or a new such compound built.
When this happens would be read from the monthly and daily Luoshu just the
same, but for the rest you may leave this example for what it is, because it is
otherwise actually not at the base of how we read Luoshu.

Next, locate annual Star 5 and make a note. It is your gravitational pull, so to
say. Annual Star 5 appears in the Southwest Luoshu Palace, domain to Star 2
Earth for provision, food, agricultural fields, the service circuit such as teachers,
medical personnel. Star 2 is also labor mines. Here, Star 5 is taking Star 2’s
rightful place, casting Star 2 opposite its original Palace, and Star 2 will not be
Then, since focus of this series is Reversed Luoshu Axis, you may just as well look
there. Because annual Star 5 appears opposite annual Star 2 that appears
opposite its original Luoshu Palace, Star 5 will have its portents ‘going nowhere’.
By itself, and if Star 5 is an army or an armed attack, such attack would probably
occur in rural areas or cities and be to no avail. Where Star 5 can be an army,
Star 2 would be ground troops. You see, any armed attack could have come from
Star 4 missiles, but here Star 2 and Star 5 appearing on the same Luoshu axis
clearly points to ground troops, while, if then Star 2, Star 5 and Star 9 (or even
just 9 and 5) meet up, the Star 9 Fire will produce armored vehicles (tanks) or
fully harnassed armed personnel, such as military riot police, so that such Star
combination can be suggestive for state of emergency, curfew or coup. See, you
will have to combine Stars to give you the events, related to context. Bottom line
is, you’d check the news for Star 2 being ‘off’, so that the news predominantly
promotes groups of people at some point of ‘revolution and change’, but also each
‘first attempt’ to fail. When you see negotiations between parties announced and
these involve either Star 2 or Star 5 portents, or you see an upcoming voting,
first attempt might fail. For personal progression, you’d first note if either your
Stars is 2 or 5 (2.2.x or 5.5.x or 2.5.x or 5.2.x), which tells you, you will come
under the influence of the Reversed Luoshu Axis for the duration of 2010. Of
course, by monthly migration of the Stars, if you are a Star 3 arriving the
Northeast 8 Earth Palace or the Southwest 2 Earth Palace, for the month you’d
come under this influence and you’d read accordingly. Now, suppose you’re off
the hook because neither your Stars is 2 or 5, and your personal Stars aren’t
anywhere near the Reversed Luoshu Axis, but now you are phoning up a friend
and this friend’s Star is on the Reversed Luoshu Axis. 9 Ki directionology has it
that, by mere act of contacting this person, you’d be heading for ‘off’ or ‘going
nowhere’ just the same, to whatever proportion.
To get to the next step, we’ll use a sample Luoshu. So far, you’d have central Star
8 as trend, so that a building be involved, while you now have monthly Star 9 Fire
visiting the building, which could be a blaze, so you’d read further into the event
by selecting verb, objective, the whole of the grammar. What had caused the fire.
We’ll look at one scenario and you may know before the fire department does.
8-9 at the Luoshu center reads as monthly 9 Fire
Guest to look up annual 8 Earth Host. Annual Star 2
to the Northeast is ‘off’ and visited by Star 3 for
electricity, which may link Star 2 ‘provision’ to short-
circuiting. Star 1 may be a cable, because Star 1
Trigram is soft on the outside while containing
something solid inside. Star 1 appears in West and
Northwest, so you may combine Star portents there,
while always involving opposite Stars and Palaces in
all of your 9 Ki forecasting, e.g. Southwest Star 6
may be a blast.
But, remember context, so that same Luoshu but next page in your news paper
could have you look into a missing person case, so that by changing context, the
soap-opera changes accordingly. Now, you’d see Star 9 visit a building at the
central Luoshu Palace, which could be an actual 9 Fire person or a bold-haired
person with a big belly. If the abducted person is a 2 Earth native, we’d locate
this person at the Northeast 8 Earth Palace. Now we know the aggressor to be
probably a male, because monthly Star 3 is a male and it visits Star 2 for the
person. How then was the missing person taken, by foot, by car? Opposite annual
Star 2 is 6 Metal for car. Was the person threatened by a knife or a gun. Same
Star 6 opposite Star 2 associates with a gun. You can read layer by layer by layer
deeper into same Luoshu, until you involve all Stars and estimate if the person be
traced in good shape or not. Person could have been taken into the Southeast
into an old and shabby (or demolished) building (7) in a greeny area, yes? For
prolonged cases, you may pull Luoshu for next day, day after and so on.

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