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“Poverty” is a word, so simple, yet has boundless connotations.

It is a comprehensive issue that

has been plaguing humanity for centuries, and thus, it is indispensable that everyone should
acknowledge its immense effects on our lives. Well, if we look it up, poverty is defined as the
state wherein one lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions;
a multifaceted concept which involves political, social and economic elements. Nevertheless, it
is just ironic how in our times today, we pride ourselves for being “progressive” when in reality
more than half of our world’s population, summing up to more than 3.5 billion people, who are
suffering from scarcity of basic human needs cannot even begin to imagine what their lives
would be beyond the “poverty trap” that they are in. According to United Nations, more than
forty percent (40%) of the poorest people in our world live with less than two dollars ($2.00) or
ninety six pesos and seventy eight centavos (PHP 96.78) per day. And one may wonder who
these people are and may even think about how all those people living in third world countries
,like those who are in the continent of Africa, are surviving every single day of their lives. Admit
it or not, we may take pity on them but the thing that we should be thinking of is what we can
contribute to help them.

In trying times like this, we must put our petty problems and differences aside and unite with a
common interest that is to raise our voices in unison and demand a change not only from our
government but also from within ourselves. Effect significant changes on government
institutions (plenty of them) which are not functioning well the way that they are supposed and
expected to. Change of the government officials who are not rendering the hard decisions or
making the right choices to help radiate transformation in our society. But the most important of
all, is the one that involves our attitude towards the challenges that we are facing in our times
today. Eliminating poverty is a huge problem for just the minority of us to be troubled with.
There is strength in numbers and all of us must work together to make even the slightest change
we need in reality.

In the past, we have already proven our unwavering resolution when it comes to creating a better
society. We have come a long way far from the horrendous living conditions in the countryside
and in the urban slums. Now we must also help shape a future where there is equality and liberty
not only for our fellow countrymen but also for our fellow humans on Earth. As per Article 2 of
the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international
status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.” In accordance with this declaration, we must
help eradicate poverty.

The eradication of poverty is a necessary first step towards the eradication of other social problems
and violence. Let us not look at poverty as a fragmented or isolated problem, instead let us look at it as
the root of many other problems that our society is facing. Let us prove that we are educated,
motivated, caring and community oriented people who are more than willing to make even the
slightest difference and be the change we all need. And before I end this speech, I would like to leave
a final thought said by a very famous revolutionary, “Be the change you want to see in the world? –
Mahatma Gandhi.

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