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NPC - 2017/082849/08 PBO - 930058598

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SWNW Comms Centre
Supported by the CSP
021 840 00 09 AM Security, Fidelity-ADT, Gordon’s Bay  Security, Secure Rite,
ER24 and GB Med



The May 2021 crime feedback calendar is attached. The feedback is that received from SWNW members
and the CSP for the month of May. This is by no means the full story, as this excludes feedback from SAPS.

There has been a notable increase in burglaries this past month, while the number of thefts (opportunistic)
is also a concern because it means that people are walking the streets looking for an opportunity to steal
something and finding it...

The robbery this month was once again perpetrated against a vulnerable elderly couple. Thankfully they
were not injured, but the trauma of any such incident has a huge impact on a person. SAPS does offer
victim support, and the SWNW works closely with one of their volunteers.

A number of suspicious vehicles were reported this month. We are not sure what they were up to, but they
left the area once they realised someone was watching them. A number of vehicles flagged on the LPR
system also entered the town this month. Once the car is flagged the CC alerts all patrollers and CSP
patrollers to be on the lookout. Patrollers are "undercover eyes & ears" and never engage, but do report
back to the CC when the suspicious vehicle is spotted. The SWNW CC will notify SAPS, and they (together
with the CSP) will take the appropriate action.

The number of cellphone and online scams has escalated to a point that no one can be trusted anymore!
Even false proof of payments are sent!
Please take care when buying and selling online.


SWNW would like to sincerely thank each and everyone who has been supporting the SWNW CC through
kind donations. This has made it possible for this important community hub to operate and support the
community in numerous ways - often behind the scenes and late at night!
We are very aware of the fact that many families are struggling as a result of Covid economics, but we have
hit a financial crossroads.
We have over 3000 members, and if all the members donated +-R100.00 / month ( or whatever suits their
budget) it would make an enormous difference to our being able to fund the SWNW Communication Centre.

SWNW does not have a direct debit facility. If you believe that you already give a monthly amount,
please check that you are donating money to the following bank account:
Name: Somerset West NW Bank: Absa Savings Branch Code: 632005 Account Number: 9224839806.

If you would like a Section 18A Tax certificate for donation/s made, please send an email showing proof of
payment with full name, address, amount and date of donation to
We thank you in advance

For the Community By the Community

SWNW Comms Centre NPC - 2017/082849/08 PBO - 930058598 Follow us on Facebook

021 840 00 09 Supported by the CSP

AM Security, Fidelity-ADT, Gordon’s Bay  Security, Secure Rite,
ER24 and GB Med

E-WASTE/SCRAPMETAL DRIVE Thank you for your support. It was once again a huge success!
We would like to send a special thanks to all the helpers, and especially John for the loan of the
trailers and dropping off of the e-Waste/scrap.

Municipal service requests complaints
Report water leaks and all municipal service requests to 0860 10 30 89 or online or via CoCT C3 App
Report faulty traffic signals, potholes, blocked storm drains, and illegal dumping to 0800 65 64 63 or email

Winter firewood:
When ordering firewood, please ask your provider if they know whether the wood came from trees that
definitely have not been infected with the Polyphagous Shot-hole Borer Beetle (PSHB). This is a rapidly-
spreading problem in the area, and we need to be careful about not inadvertently contributing to the spread.

Please take care and follow Covid-19 protocols.

Stay safe & healthy

Keep warm
Your SWNW team

For the Community By the Community

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