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1000 Word Article

Title: Reading the Unwritten with Elena Michaels

Stand First: NO CHILDREN IN THIS BUISENESS! The matured Elena Michaels is

far different when she broke out in ’94when only 14 years of age, now the 21-year-old
woman is in her golden prime. Her return to the music industry, now debuting in the
action pact film “The Way Out”, Elena Michaels’s worldwide success has instantly
fluctuated in the new millennial. How smooth of a return for a comeback in the music
industry, but is she coping? Stay emotionally mesmerized as we get to be in awe,
physically with the infamous young woman in a hotel suite in London. Stay kept, as
your eyes in the following seconds will get to eavesdrop on our time together.

Martha Stewarts: Hi Elena Michaels, it’s a pleasure to meet you

Elena Michaels: Thank you for having me, I’m glad to be meeting you too
Martha Stewarts: Listen Elena, it’s been a great year for you, with your first film
debut in “The Way Out”, which was a market success. On top of that, you doing the
movie soundtrack and one of the singles “Come Again” topping the Billboard Hot
100, reaching number one for 9 weeks. You are unstoppable!
Elena Michaels: (nervously laughs) No, its all thanks to God I would not have done
this without Him
Martha Stewarts: Well, Elena we’ve all noticed that you have not been putting out
music for a long time before your recent, what’s been happening?
Elena Michaels: (sigh) Yes, I took a break after my “Only You Knew” album in ’97
just to be experience being a normal teenager, as I was worn out from the touring and
the album. Then without noticing the years went by and got caught up by doing
promotions of other movies with soundtrack singles before I could record and put out
my own work and after that it still prolonged as I was blessed with filming “The Way
Out” for 2 months in 99 but it all then fit into place with the soundtrack.
Martha Stewarts: Wooh! That was a big gap
Elena Michaels: Yeah
Martha Stewarts: You are one of the luckiest women to have the smoothest comeback
from a big time pull from the industry, because it’s not easy having this type of big
market and support with your situation
Elena Michaels: Yes, surprisingly, it’s all thanks to the fans as they have always
known me and never gave up on me, and for that I will always appreciate them
Martha Stewarts: Aww, we love a humble person
Elena Michaels: Always, you always have to be humble, not only the fans but to
everyone in everyday life, no one wants an egotistic, overbearing person around them.
That’s not me.
Martha Stewarts: Right. So Elena, this is a tough question, how are you truly doing
Elena Michaels: (laughs of relief) Thank you for asking that question though, it’s
actually very important in a person’s daily life, umm- I am doing very well, I pray for
that everyday
Martha Stewarts: Is it not stressful or overwhelming, as your priorities are just work?
Elena Michaels: No- no- no, I love what I do, yes it may be tiring but it’s all worth it
and its uplifting when you have your team around you, as they are also my friends. I
do not define it as work, it’s all fun and happiness. I am happy.
Martha Stewarts: Well that’s a good thing to hear. So Elena what have you been up to
these days?
Elena: I’ve just finished working on my 3rd album called “Alone for Me”, and I’m
excited to release it and gift it to my fans, as I’ve been gone for a while.
Martha Stewarts: Will the album be correlating to you past ones?
Elena Michaels: Surprisingly no, it’s very different to my projects. You just have to
see for yourselves.
Martha Stewarts: Ok without revealing anything that you don’t want them to know
about the album, what vibe or genre will it endure of?
Elena Michaels: (laughs nervously) Your killing me with this one, ummmm-
Martha Stewarts: Sorry (both laugh)
Elena Michaels: No its ok, I think I could give a little out- so I’m a woman now and I
will be revealing another side of me, that touches on my edginess and love for: pop
rock and of course mixed with pop, R&B and hip- hop. Me thinking about it now, it’s
a risk and a heck of a sensation to bind but different is new and electrifying, so I’m
down with it.
Martha Stewarts: Oh that is thrilling, all fans should stay tuned for that. Things are
going up for you and I’m here for it.
Elena Michaels: Thank you! It’s all God’s plan
Martha Stewarts: Alright Elena, one final question to end this interview
Elena Michaels: Oh ok, I’m on it
Martha Stewarts: To all the people that aspire and dream to be a part of this music
industry, what advice would you give to them?
Elena Michaels: Ooooo- that’s a tough one, but a good one, ummmm- you got to
candidly set your mind to it and work hard for it, as solidarity outcomes greatness and
victory. However, you need to go in this big professional hobby with your mental
state in sanity and awareness of those around you and most importantly yourself. Do
not be naïve as managers and companies would take advantage of you and get cheated
or at loss with yourself. Another is that, it’s not all singing or rapping, its infused with
business as well, so again surround yourself with people that you can trust and of
usefulness, personally and job wise. The principle of all of this is to have fun! and
enjoy what you are doing.
Martha Stewarts: Wow! Elena, that was a mouthful. You really know what you are
doing and it shows.
Elena Michaels: (laughs) I care for them as I was a kid just like them, eager to do it
Martha Stewarts: No words (in awe), well Elena it has been so delightful to meeting
you and I hope all things good plan out for you, take care.
Elena Michaels: Much appreciated, it’s a blessing to be a part of this, thank you for
interviewing me.

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