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A: Thank you so much for that warm rendition of Music Regs Madredijo. Good morning, NLACians!

It is
wonderful day that every one of us should be thankful for. I hope all of us here are feeling loved and
being the source of love not just today but of course every day.

T: And based on the warm smile that I see today on everyone’s face is clearly telling us that y’all have
indeed a happy heart.

A: I hope when somebody asks you the question “How’s your heart?” you will have a positive response,
because whether we notice it or not our creator is working out everything just to show His love for us.

T: We would like to welcome everyone today in our colloquium program whether you are young, young
at hearts, single, or happily in a relationship. Today is for us. Let’s take a short break from our different
problems for a while, and let’s enjoy and or have me time first. I’m Thea Borbano

A: And I am Allen Opalec and let us fill this day with full of love, knowledge, and of course inspiring
messages so that we may be able to demonstrate what truly love is.

T: But before we start, shall we call on Brandon Montesa to leas us in our opening prayer.


A: Okay let us not wait anymore longer, and let’s proceed on the first part of our program as it is being
displayed in our monitor, it is the segment of “Itanong mo kay Dr. Love” Paano nga ba ito Thea?

T: Ayun nan nga Allen, whatever our relationship status is we are free to ask questions, relationship,
friendship advices, solve whatever is confusing us when it comes in love. Ikaw ba Allen may itatanong ka
ba? Hindi kita natanong kanina ahh How’s your heart?


T: Okay let us now give the time to our very own Dr. Love ng NLAC he is no other than pstr. Castillo.


A: And there we got the answers and advices straight from our Dr. Love ng NLAC pstr. Castillo. Truly, It is
a good thing to ask questions from someone who has already gained a lot of experiences in life, of
course guided by God. I hope we have learned something from him. Thank you pstr. Castillo

T: Okay at this point I’ll cut the excitement first, and let’s hear a warm music intermission number that
will be given to us by Jeremiah Martinez a round of applause please.

A: Thank you, Jeremiah. At this Juncture of course majority of us are wishing to have a good partner in
the future so at this point we will ask questions to our Married couples for us atleast we will be guided
and have an idea on what we must consider in choosing a partner.

T: Let us call on our first married couple to join us here. There are set of questions that will be asked to
them and we’ll know their thoughts our ideas regarding with these things. Let us welcome Mr. Tindale
Abalos and Mrs. Lizette Abalos

A: Thank youuuuuuu Mr. And Mrs. Abalos for inspiring us and sharing your life as a married couple.
T: Okay, before we proceed to our second couple, let us hear another intermission number from Adrian
Caingat and Alvan Dela Cruz. ----Thank you Alvan and Adrian.

A: Okay for our last pair who will join us today is mr. and mrs. Aceberos


T: Thank you so much mr. and mrs. Aceberos for that amazing experience that you’ve shared with us
this morning.

A: And there we have all the messages and advices that we need to hear today.

T: What ever you heart status is whether you’ve already found the one or still searching for the right
one. Let us make this verse an inspiration before loving someone 1John 4:19 “We love, because He first
loved us”

A: The love from our Creator is truly immeasurable so we don’t have any valid reason for us to say that
we are not loved, or we are alone in this world. Because God is always working in our life ensuring us
that we are loved in thousand ways.

T: And to close this program if we are looking for the right one, be the right person first.

A: To formaly close this program, shall we all rise as ------- will lead us in our closing prayer.

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