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Hyperbole and Understatement Worksheet 1

Directions: Read each example. Determine whether each is an instance of hyperbole or

understatement. Choose your response and explain what is being understated or

Example: The moon was high, all were sleeping, and the whole world was at peace.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

The speaker is exaggerating how peaceful things were. Some people had to be awake at
that time. Some people in the world had to have been fighting and not at peace.

1. In London, the rain pours, pours endlessly.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Rain will stop eventually.

2. My mother gave birth to me, fed me, and raised me… Maybe I owe her

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Mother has done a lot, something is not enough.

3. After the boys lost the basketball game 12 to 84, the coach said, "Well, guys, we that
was not as good as I expected."

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

That is terrible.
4. He was tired of life and too tired to die.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

People cannot be too tired to die.

5. Jeb figured that wrestling the grizzly bear would be a little bit risky, so he went
back the way he came.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

It is not little risky, it is very dangerous.

6. My dog is big, so big indeed, when he drinks what he needs, the rivers of the
Earth recede.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Dog cannot drink rivers.

7. My teacher assigned a stack of worksheets, two book reports, and a 10-page

research project, so I guess that I'm going to be a little busy this weekend.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

This is very busy, not a little busy.

8. The next closest star to the Earth is just 4.22 light-years away.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

4.22 light-years is pretty far, should not use just.

9. Her heart shook her body with its beats.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Heart will never shake one’s body.

10. As the large pack of snarling wolves advanced, Dakota John smirked at his partner
Steve and said, "Aw, you're not afraid of a few puppies are you, Steve?"

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Wolves are not puppies, they are more dangerous.

11. Let's just say that our son was not very happy to find his new PlayStation5 at the
bottom of the swimming pool.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Son will be sad and angry, not just unhappy.

12. The old man drank a barrel of whisky before lunch every day.

I think this is an example of ….. hyperbole / understatement

Barrel of whiskey is too much.

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