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SGD 14 4. How the solution of the obstacles of having healthy life?
 Apply a clean and healthy lifestyle
1. What are the elements of cultural? Source :
 Technology system %20phbs%20rumah%20tangga.pdf
 Livelihood (economic) 5. How can cultural differences affect on health?
 Social organization  There are some tradition that lead to health
 Knowledge problem in neighborhood
 Art system  Fatalistic attitude. Example : some people in some
 Religious system tradition thinks that children are mandate from god.
 Language So, if children get illness, parents not immediately
Source : check or bring them into the medical workers. Sick or death are fate.
EOGRAFI/196103231986031-  Assume that their own culture is the best culture
R._GURNIWAN_KAMIL_PASYA/SMI-3.pdf  Proud of themselves. Example : people didn’t want
2. What social economic factors can influence our health? to eat cassava leaves (that contain many
Socio-economic conditions also have an impact on the advantages) because they don’t want to equate
disease. For example obesity more common in social groups with a goat.
of high economic status, and otherwise malnutrition is more  Value influences .People look more prestigious with
common among people whose status lower economic. white rice than brown rice, but they know that
Source : ASPEK SOSIOBUDAYA BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN brown rice have higher vitamin B1 in than white
PERILAKU KESEHATAN Oleh : Yetti Wira Citerawati SY rice.
3. What are the obstacles of having healthy life?  Their habit since childhood
 Social differences in health Source : ASPEK SOSIOBUDAYA BERHUBUNGAN
 Money pressures DENGAN PERILAKU KESEHATAN Oleh : Yetti Wira
Source : Citerawati SY 6. What are the characteristic of healthy lifestyle?
lesToHealth-Report.pdf  Eating healthy food
 Poor nutrition  Enough rest
 Lack of exercise  Exercise routine
Source : PERANAN POLA HIDUP SEHAT TERHADAP  diabetes mellitus
KEBUGARAN JASMANI Oleh: Suryanto Dosen  obstructive sleep apnea
Jurusan Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Rekreasi FIK-  striae
UNY  psychological disorders
7. What are the impact of unhealthy lifestyle? Source : ANALISIS FAKTOR PENYEBAB OBESITAS
Disease and can lead to death. Ex : Smooking DAN CARA MENGATASI OBESITAS PADA REMAJA
Source : PUTRI (Studi Kasus Pada Siswi SMA Negeri 3 Temanggung)
/Chapter%20II.pdf 11. Apa saja tipe tipe obesitas?
8. How to prevent obesity? Based on his cell conditions, obesity can be classified In
 Doing physical activity at school some types (Purwati, 2001) are:
 Physical activity at home with family  Type Hyperplastic : there are many cells than
 Physical exercise programmed normal condition
 Physical exercise to train basic motor  Type hypertrophy : size of the cell is more big than
skills,flexibility, muscle strength and balance. normal cell
 Sports in group Based on fat distribution :
Source : Pedoman Pencegahan dan  Adroid : there are many fat at the upper part of
Penanggulangan Kegemukan dan Obesitas pada body
Anak Sekolah, kementerian kesehatan RI  Genoid : there are many fat at the bottom part of
9. What are the factors that causes obesity? body
 Physiological factor (herediter and non herediter) Source :
 Psychology factor
 Factors Accident or Brain Injury. One of the causes mus-gdl-wahyusarig-5984-2-babii.pdf
of obesity are accidents cause injury to the brain, 12. Mengapa urbanisasi dapat berdampak pada kesehatan kita?
especially in the central setting of hunger. Urbanization makes the city dirty. So, that areas will have
Source : ANALISIS FAKTOR PENYEBAB OBESITAS some problem of public health.
DAN CARA MENGATASI OBESITAS PADA REMAJA Source : Migrasi, Urbanisasi dan Maslah Kesehatan. Heru
PUTRI (Studi Kasus Pada Siswi SMA Negeri 3 Santoso FKM USU
Temanggung) 13. What is relationship between urbanization and
10. Apa risiko obesitas? westernization?
 cardiovascular problems (hypertension, heart
Modernization and globalization will make the symptoms of
westernization. So, people want to move in to big city and
have a lot of facilitation caused globalization.
Source : Modernisasi dan Perubahan Budaya – Sudrajat
14. Apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya urbanisasi dan
Urbanization :
 Industry and trading development
 Desire to earn great value
Sumber :

Westernization :

 Western nation wants to rule the world

 Desire to destroy local culture
Sumber : Moderenisasi dan Westernisasi
15. Bagaimana cara kita sebagai dokter menghadapi pasien
yang berbeda budaya?
Performed the role of five stars doctor that doctor as
PERILAKU KESEHATAN Oleh : Yetti Wira Citerawati SY

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