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The title of this article is based on the words of Lao Tzu, who said, “The journey

of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

This is true not only for a long journey, but also for a short one, but in this article,
I am not referring to actual journeys or trips, but to goals, tasks and actions. I am
referring to everything that requires that you take the first step.

Even a simple action of drinking water from the tap requires that you walk to the
kitchen, open the tap, and fill the glass with water. If taking the first step is
essential for such a simple act of filling a glass of water, it is of vital importance to
achieving any goal.

If you wait for things to happen, probably nothing would happen. You have to
take the initiative and do things.

Waiting, and doing nothing, do not create success, and do not help you achieve
your goals, task or chores, but taking action does.

Often, laziness and inner resistance prevent you from taking the first step. Once
you take one step in the direction of your goal, the second step would follow.
However, you have to take the first one. It is the same if you want to sweep the
floor, go to the store and buy milk or bread, learn a new language, find a new job,
start a business or become a writer. The first step is always important.

Once you make the first step, it will be easier to overcome laziness and
resistance. This would give your confidence, and strengthen your motivation and
desire to succeed.

It is pleasant to daydream, but to make your daydreams come true you have to
start walking in their direction. You have to take action. You have to take the first
step, and then the second, the third, and all the steps that separate you from
your goal. Any goal, small and big, financial, material or spiritual.
Remember the words of Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with
one step.” Also remember that a very short journey also begins with one step, the
first step.

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I believe that life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

People spend so long being afraid of the unknown, and tend to stay with what is comfortable and safe, but is
that really taking advantage of all that life has to offer? I have constantly wondered why there are so few
who do take risks and live to their fullest potential: my friend Erica who spontaneously decided that she
would buy a one way ticket to Asia, and spend 3 months there, or a man I met by the name of Rick who
hitch-hikes around the world, and these two people, out of the hundreds that I know, have the most
interesting and inspiring lives. I have always said that the worst consequence is death, and death honestly
can come at anytime, even if you are one of t he most cautious, or most extreme people you may know.
That is just nature. So what I believe is, life has so much to offer, and can’t be spent on the safe side for
that is no way to live.

For me, I have no idea what is on the other side. I’m not a religious person, but also believe that there is a
higher power. Not necessarily in the manifestation of God, but a force greater than ourselves. I feel this
power in the ocean; the waves greater than myself, challenging me with there awesome power to reach a
reward greater than any possession, the ultimate feeling of being alive, up on my board and riding the
wave, being one with that awesome power. What many people don’t realize is that this power is all around
us. I look at this safe place we live. The crime rate is low, a person can go to high school and then college
right next door, then get a job and raise a family all in the same town. I always felt a calling beyond this
town, and with one twenty-minute drive I found my calling at the beach that serves as a perfect escape
from the comfort of Sonoma County. There I can surf, skim board, and have the waves wash away all stress
and feelings of being stuck. It took me while to realize but the beach was only a taste of what life had to
offer, and as I drove further more of the world opened up to me.

I was always afraid to drive far, like a dog straying away from its owner. If it goes too far, it might loose
forever the comfort of a guaranteed meal and warm place to sleep, but my urge won over uncertainty. In
the winter I traveled to Lake Tahoe and found the time of my life on the slopes. For the first time I drove up
myself, and even though I had been there many times before, behind the wheel, and no one to relay on but
myself, everything seemed new and exciting. I spent the day exploring the mountains, hitting up the slopes,
and be the end of the day I had a new hunger for the undiscovered thrills of life. I wanted more.

Two weeks ago I decided that I needed to take my thrill seeking up a notch and actually bring death into the
picture, so I signed up to go skydiving. One hundred dollars, 13000 feet, 60 seconds of free fall, and the
world literally beneath you, I’m ready. This Sunday is when I take the plunge, and I am excited to explore
this new side of life. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous, but I expect to do it many times again. My
personal philosophy is that I have no idea what the next life holds, or even is, and that’s why this one must
be lived to the fullest . So next time you feel that urge to do something exciting, out there, and overall
different, do it, because life has so much to offer and on the reward is absolutely greater than the risk. Life
is either a daring adventure or nothing, so get out there and have fun!

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