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Name: Rafael Ernesto Ulloa Ramírez

Teacher: Gisselle Doval

Subject: English Lenguage

Topic: Modal verbs cartoon

All this history starts in the city, with Lily

Lily was taking money out of the bank when a thief showed up and stole her money
Then a man called Mark said: Hey girl, what`s your name?

Lily: Hey, I`m Lily, did you just saw the thief who stole my money?

Mark: I`m Mark, yes, I saw him, I came to ask If you were okay
Lily: Yes, I`m okay, but he stole my money

Mark: I know, you better call the police

Lily: Yes, I have to call them, thanks for care about it

Mark: It`s all right, no problem, anyways you should be careful when are taking out money

Lily: Yes, I shouldn`t take money out by that way,

Lilly calling the police:

Lily: I already called the police, he must be in jail, I the exact details, and they told me that they
found him
Mark: Oh, nice! Glad to hear it, but unfortunately I need to go, for the nex time I know you can do
it better, nice to meet you Lily

Lily: Nice to meet you to Mark, yes, for the nex time I`ll be doing it better, thank you for the help,
Then this is the final of the history, and remember paypal, you should be careful when you are
taking money out of bank and there`s no security, and if you are having an issue, you must call the

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