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JID:VEHCOM AID:128 /FLA [m5G; v1.235; Prn:27/04/2018; 14:55] P.

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Vehicular Communications ••• (••••) •••–•••

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Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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4 Vehicular Communications 70
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12 Efficient replication for vehicular content distribution 78
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14 Da Zhang, Chai Kiat Yeo 80
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Centre for Multimedia and Network Technology, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
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20 Article history: 86
We consider a vehicular content replication system which makes use of the deployed Access Points
21 Received 10 October 2017 (APs) to maximize the vehicular download progress of delay-tolerant contents through replication in 87
22 Received in revised form 19 February 2018 the APs’ local storage. The replication system for vehicular users is quite different from the traditional 88
23 Accepted 13 April 2018 89
system for static Web users. The transient connection period between the vehicle and the AP makes it
Available online xxxx
24 difficult for the vehicle to download the entire file requested and thus the content retrieval is usually 90
25 Keywords: across several APs. Such characteristic poses two problems: (1) replication in units of entire file may be 91
26 Content distribution inefficient in terms of resource utilization; (2) the actual contribution of an individual AP can be affected 92
27 Vehicular networks by the other correlated APs during the content retrieval. To deal with these challenges, we formulate 93
Data replication the vehicular content retrieval into an offline optimization model that helps establish the performance 94
Road Side Unit (RSU) bounds of replication algorithms in maximizing vehicular download progress. A real vehicular trace is also
29 95
thoroughly analyzed. Then we propose an efficient and distributed replication algorithm explicitly taking
30 96
into account the content popularity, vehicle-AP contact pattern and content availability among correlated
31 97
APs. Simulation based on real vehicular trace proves the effectiveness of the proposed replication system.
32 The performance in terms of download rate and completion ratio has at least 15% to 20% improvement 98
33 against the algorithms under comparison. 99
34 © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 100
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40 1. Introduction but also with Road Side Units (RSU) that are short range and 106
41 lightweight. While government can deploy dedicated RSUs at key 107
42 Under the envision of pervasive computing, various types of areas, the ubiquitous infrastructure of WiFi-based Access Points 108
43 mobile devices ranging from laptops to smart phones are expected (APs) can also be exploited for the purpose of vehicular content 109
44 to access Internet from everywhere, even from vehicles in driving. distribution. Such feasibility has been proved in several publica- 110
45 Content distribution to vehicular users through wireless network tions [1–3]. WiFi-based APs are characterized by short-range cov- 111
46 access is emerging as a necessity to facilitate better road safety and erage (hundreds of meters), cheap and easy deployment, and high 112
47 enhance driving experience. The content distributed to vehicles can data access rate with latest gigabits data rate in IEEE 802.11ac 113
48 be emergency alerts or traffic condition broadcast, which is the ba- [4]. WiFi-based APs can be a complementary and integral part of 114
49 sis of modern Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Drivers who 4 G/5 G cellular networks, where the data retrieval from vehicu- 115
50 receive such content can prepare well in advance instead of being lar users are optimized adaptively based on data transmission rate 116
51 shocked when the vehicle drives too near to the incident. The ac- and latency requirement. Mobile data offloading [5] is one promis- 117
52 cident rate and traffic fluency can thus be improved. In another ing integration of the proposed WiFi-based algorithm with existing 118
53 scenario, the distributed content to vehicles can be local informa- 4 G or emerging 5 G cellular technology. Cellular network opera- 119
54 tion like promotions of nearby gas stations, available parking lots, tors can deploy low-cost WiFi-based APs in dense area to offload 120
55 or new dishes that can be taken away from restaurant passed by delay insensitive data from cellular network, which could utilize 121
56 later. Those information can be updated automatically to drivers the saved bandwidth to better serve low-latency traffic. Such de- 122
57 who drive into the region of interest and have no need to pull lay insensitive data, like map/software updates, would usually not 123
58 over to search them. cause users’ impatience and aversion. Cellular network operators 124
59 We envision that, in the future, vehicles will steer in an en- can also incentivize the use of WiFi to encourage offloading. Some 125
60 vironment full of connections not only with cellular networks main operators already try such incentives like TMobile @Home. 126
61 However, network access through WiFi-based APs poses many 127
62 unique challenges on the system design for effective content distri- 128
63 E-mail addresses: (D. Zhang), (C.K. Yeo). bution to vehicles: (1) a single vehicle-AP contact duration is quite 129
64 130
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2214-2096/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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JID:VEHCOM AID:128 /FLA [m5G; v1.235; Prn:27/04/2018; 14:55] P.2 (1-14)
2 D. Zhang, C.K. Yeo / Vehicular Communications ••• (••••) •••–•••

1 limited (typically tens of seconds) due to the fast vehicle speed 67

2 and the AP’s short coverage range, thus limiting the data trans- 68
3 fer opportunities; (2) response latency of remote data-origin server 69
4 on the Internet can waste the valuable contact duration, especially 70
5 for the heavily loaded server and congested or long-delay route; 71
6 (3) wireless bandwidth between APs and vehicles can be bottle- 72
7 necked by APs’ backhaul links to Internet, due to the heterogeneity 73
8 of AP devices whose backhaul link capacity vary widely, e.g. low- 74
9 cost devices that are easily deployed but with low rate backhaul. 75
10 To solve the above challenges in vehicular content distribution, 76
11 one of the effective ways is to replicate the data from remote data- 77
12 origin server into the local storage of APs. This approach makes the 78
13 requested data immediately available at the first-hop connection of 79
14 vehicles, and thus obviates the need to resort to the remote data- 80
15 origin server. The performance gain will be significant since the 81
16 path delay from the AP to the server is eliminated and the trans- Fig. 1. Architecture of WiFi-based Content Replication System for Vehicular Users. 82
17 mission bandwidth between the AP and the vehicle is no longer 83
18 constrained by the AP’s backhaul links. The basic idea here is sim- 84
near the roads, running the customized protocols for cooperation
19 ilar to that of replication in Web proxy servers but the latter is 85
and also equipped with local storage. The APs can communicate
20 mainly designed for static or low-mobility Web users and not for 86
with one another through backhaul links to the Internet or via
21 highly mobile vehicular users. In this paper, we aim to capture 87
high-speed LAN. The data-origin server stores the contents the ve-
22 the unique characteristics of vehicular content replication, and de- 88
hicular users can access. A central controller is usually located in
23 sign an efficient and scalable replication strategy. Our proposed 89
the service provider and operates like a system supervisor, moni-
24 replication system is distributed, and each AP replicates a set of 90
toring users’ demands and preferences as well as the data load and
25 content items into its local storage, based on the long-term his- 91
usage of each AP.
26 torical statistics including the content request rate as well as the 92
A vehicular user after requesting a file-download can choose
27 contact pattern of requesting vehicles. 93
to wait for a time interval, i.e. maximal delay tolerance, before
28 The detailed contributions of this paper is as follows: 94
starting the cellular transfer. During the maximal delay tolerance,
29 • Formulating the content-replication decision into a offline op- 95
vehicular users can collect the requested file through the oppor-
30 timization problem, which provides the upper bound which any 96
tunistically encountered roadside APs. After the delay interval, the
31 online algorithm can ever achieve for the system performance. 97
uncompleted part, if any, would be delivered through the cellular
32 • Conducting thorough analysis on a real vehicular trace, and 98
network. To accelerate content retrieval, each AP can replicate a set
33 having some important findings that support our system design 99
of content items into its local storage, based on the vehicular de-
34 philosophy. These findings include: (1) non-exponential and di- 100
mands and access patterns. The content replication strategy of an AP
35 verging distribution of pairwise inter-contact time between the 101
consists of determining which set of content items and how much
36 vehicle and the AP; (2) Independent inter-contact times for each 102
of each item should be replicated in the storage as well as which
37 vehicle-AP pair; (3) highly skewed contact correlation existing 103
set of items to be ejected when the storage is used up.
38 among APs. 104
The system objective of this proposal is to determine the con-
39 • Modeling the inter-contact process of a vehicle-AP pair as a 105
tent replication strategy for each AP, under the constraint of finite
40 delayed renewal process, in order to calculate the expected data 106
capacity of AP storage, so as to maximize the expected download
41 volume a vehicle can download from an AP during the maximal 107
progress perceived by all the requesting vehicles within their re-
42 delay tolerance period. 108
spective maximal delay tolerance. Download progress here is mea-
43 • Recognizing that the contribution of an individual AP is af- 109
sured by the percentage of a file that can be completed through
44 fected by the storage status in correlated APs, and then proposing 110
AP-access by a requesting user before resorting to cellular down-
45 several algorithms to calculate content availability among the cor- 111
46 related APs. 112
47 • Proposing an efficient distributed replication algorithm, in 113
48 which each AP decides the replication strategy locally without the 2.1. Data model 114
49 help of any central controller. The distributed algorithm compre- 115
50 hensively takes into account serval important factors, like content The system in our proposal encodes the contents by network- 116
51 popularity, delivery potential of AP, and content availability on the coding. Chou et al. [6] proposed a practical network coding method 117
52 correlated APs. which bridges the gap between initial theory and realistic system. 118
53 In the rest of this paper, we first present an overview of the We follow their proposed concepts and methods. The data-origin 119
54 vehicular content replication system and the unique characteristics server divides the original file into N generations and each gener- 120
55 faced by such system in Section 2. In Section 3, the system is mod- ation consists of M packet(s). By network coding, the server gen- 121
56 eled into a centralized offline optimization problem. A thorough erates an encoded packet for one generation by linearly combining 122
57 analysis on a real vehicular trace is conducted in Section 4. Based the set of packets in the same generation with random coefficients 123
c j : p i j =
58 on the analysis results, Section 5 presents a distributed online al- j =1 c j p i j , where p i j is the jth packet in ith generation. 124
59 gorithm, MaxRep. Section 6 proves the effectiveness of MaxRep For decoding purpose, encoding vector [c 1 , c 2 , ...c M ] needs to be 125
60 through extensive simulation. transmitted together. 126
61 The AP replicates a set of encoded packets based on the repli- 127
62 2. System overview cation strategy, and then distributes them upon vehicular requests. 128
63 After collecting M independent encoded packets of a generation 129
64 A typical architecture of WiFi-based vehicular content distribu- together with its encoding vector, the vehicle can recover the orig- 130
65 tion system, as illustrated in Fig. 1, is made up of a network of inal contents of that generation by solving a set of linear equations. 131
66 connected Access Points (APs), which are geographically deployed The entire file can be recovered after collecting all the generations. 132
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