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Name : Erika Nafa Aqila

Indana Zulfa Utami
Ismaya Angelina
Rizky Irmayanti Hutabarat
Ondion Aritonang


The systematic observation is a set of procedures. It uses a system of categories to encode and quantifies classroom behavior of teacher
and students. The systematic observation represents a useful means of identifying, studying, classifying and measuring specific variables as they
interact within instructional learning situation. The purpose of developing the observational system is that a teacher can be trained to use them
for analyzing classroom behavior and for planning and studying his own teaching activities.  Since 1960, the efforts have been made in this
direction to develop the systems of observation. The works of with all (1949), Flanders and Amidon (1960), Medley and Mitzel (1948) and
Galloway (1968) have developed system of observation for studying the classroom teaching activities

Flanders’ system is an observational tool used to classify the verbal behavior of teachers, and pupils as they interact in the classroom.
Flanders’ instrument was designed for observing only the verbal communication in the classroom and non-verbal gestures are not taken into
Basic theoretical assumptions of Interaction analysis:
The various theoretical assumptions, which are basic to very idea of interaction analysis, are as follows:
1. In a normal classroom situation, it is verbal communication, which is predominant (Flanders 1965)
2. Even though the use of spoken language might be resort to non-verbal gestures inclassroom, verbal behavior can be observed with higher
reliability than most non-verbalbehavior and also it can reasonably serve as an adequate sample of the total behavior inclassroom.
3. We can normally assume that verbal statements of a teacher are consistent with his non- verbal gestures and, in fact, his total behavior.
This assumption was sustained in terms of   experience in Minnesota studies. (Flanders,1966).
4. The teacher exerts a great deal of influence on the pupils. Pupil’s behavior is affected to  great extent by this type of teacher behavior
exhibited. (Anderson and others,1946).
5. The relation between students and teacher is a crucial factor in the teaching process andmust be considered an important aspect of
6. It has been established that social climate is related to productivity and to the quality interpersonal relations. It has been proved that
democratic atmosphere tends to keep work    of a relatively high level even in the absence of the teacher. (Lewin and other, 1939)
7.  Children tend to be conscious of a warm acceptance the teacher and to express greatest  fondness for the democratic teacher. (H.V.
Perkins, 1950
8. The role of classroom climate is crucial for the learning process. (Perkins 1956)
9. The teacher-classroom verbal behavior can be observed objectively by the use ofobservational technique designed to ‘catch’ the natural
modes of behavior, which will also permit the process of measurement with a minimum disturbance of normal activities of thegroup of
individuals. (Wrightstone J. Wayne, 1958)
10. Modification of teacher classroom behavior through feedback is possible (Flanders 1963), though how much can change occur and more
knowledge relating to the permanence ofthese changes will require further research.(Flanders, 1963,1966)
11. Teacher influence is expressed primarily through verbal statements. Non-verbal acts ofinfluence do occur, but are not recorded through
interaction analysis. The reasonableness of this assumption rests upon the assertion that the quality of the non-verbal acts is similar to  the
verbal acts; to assess verbal influence, therefore it is adequately a simple of all influences.
The Flander’s system attempts to categories all the verbal behavior to be found in the classroom. It has two main categories: teacher talk and
pupil’s talk. A third category covers other verbal behavior, i.e., silence or confusion.

Flander’s Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC)

Category Activity

Teacher 1. Accepts feeling: Accepts and clarifies an attitude or the feeling tone

talk of a pupil in a non-threatening manner. Feeling may be positive or
negative. Predicting and recalling feelings are included.
2. Praises or encourages: Praises or encourages pupil action or
Response behavior. Jokes that release tension, but not at the expense of
another individual; nodding head, or saying “Um hm?” or “go on”
and included.
3. Accepts or uses ideas of pupils: Clarifying or building or developing
ideas suggested by a pupil. Teacher extensions of pupil ideas are
included but as the teacher  brings more of his own ideas into play,
shift to category five.
4. Asks questions: Asking question about content to procedure, based
on teacher ideas, with the intent that a pupil will answer.
5. Lecturing: Giving facts or opinions about content or procedures;
expressing his own ideas, giving his own explanation, or citing an
authority other than a pupil.
6. Giving directions: Directions, commands or orders to which  a pupil
is expected to comply.
7. Criticising or justifying authority:Statements intended to change
pupil behavior from non-acceptable to acceptable pattern;  bawling
someone out; stating why the teacher is doing what he is during;
*Direct Initiation
extreme self-reliance.
8. Pupil-talk response: Talk by pupils in response to teacher. Teacher
Response initiates the contact or solicits pupil statement or structures the
situation. Freedom to express own ideas is limited.
Pupil talk
9. Pupil-talk Initiation: Talk by pupils, which they initiate. Expressing
  Initiation own ideas; initiating a new topic; freedom to develop opinions and a
line of thought, kike asking thoughtful questions; going beyond the
existing structure.
10. Silence or confusion: Pauses, short periods of confusion in which
Silence communication cannot be understood by the observer.

Classroom interaction from Kemendikbud

Teacher :Good morning, students.

Students : Good morning, Mam.
Teacher : Assalamualaikumwr. wb.
Students : Waalaikumsallamwr.wb.
Teacher : How are you today.
Students : I’m fine, and you?
Teacher : Fine too. Thank you.
So, is there anyone absent?
Students : No, Mam.
Teacher : That’s good. It will be fine to start. So, are you prepare for study English today?
Students : Yes, Mam.
Teacher : That’s great. Okay class, let’s review little bit about our last meeting lesson.
Is there anyone want to talk about it? Any switch as one example?
Student A : Mam.
Teacher : Yes, please Mega.
Student A : You look so tired today. Are you okay?
Teacher : Oh, yeah. That’s good also. That’s for example. Good, yes I’m little bit tired. Thank you. Now, I will show you a
very beautiful tourism.
Is it beautiful?
Students : Yes, Mam.
Teacher : Is there anyone know, where are they?
Students B : Mam.
Teacher : Yes, please Tiwi.
Student B : I think both of them I look on the picture on the right side is Venice item.
Teacher : Okay, great job. See now one on the picture. It is Venice in Italy. So, how about another picture. Is there anyone
I want to tell you more about those places. But, before that, is there anyone know, and want to learn more about
the pictures.
Students : Yes, Mam.
Teacher : Okay, but first do you know what we will learn today?
Student A : Mam.
Teacher : Yes, Mega.
Student A : I think we will learn about the beautiful place.
Teacher : Okay, can be. Is anyone have another thought?
Yes, please Tiwi.
Student B : I think we will discuss about tourist spot.
Teacher : That’s good. Thank you.
So, students I will show you the purpose of our study today. And let’s take a
look on the slide. This is what we will learn today.
Okay, class. To achieve the purpose of our study today and to know more about the pictures that we have to talk about. Now on,
I need you to read the text. But, before that, you have to break up into group of four and in your group, you will understand and
read what you need to do. Do you understand?
Students : Yes, Mam.
Teacher : Okay, go ahead and make a group of four.
Teacher : This is your text and in your group all you need to do just read and
understand it for a while. If you have any notice you can ask me anytime.
Ok. Understand it for a while.
Student C : Mam?
Teacher : Yes, Febri?
Student C : I can’t understand task 1. Would you mind explain it?
Teacher : Okay, thank you. Yes please.
Everyone, on task 1 you have requirements and the texts. What you need to
do, you just fill in the grade with all the information from the text. For
example, grade one for all the information from text 1. Grade 2 for all the
information from text 2, and so on. Have you got it, Febri?
Student C : Yes, Mam.
Teacher : Okay. Would you mind explain all the information to your friends in Bahasa
Student C : Okay Mam. Kita harusmengisitabeliniberdasarkanteks yang dibagikan.
Misalnyakolom 1 kitaisiberdasarkantekstentang Venice. Kolom 2 kitaisi
berdasarkantekstentang Jakarta, dankolom 3 kitaisiberdasarkanteksPulau
Teacher : Okay, thank you Febri. Good job.
Student D : Okay, before we do the task, let us choose who is the leader.
Student E : I prefer you as the leader.
Student F : I agree.
Student D : Okay, I will be the leader.
Teacher : Okay class, please pay attention. Now on is your time to watch a video.
Please pay attention on the video and after that you go on with the task and
discuss it in your group.
Video : I’d like to give you top 5 attractions of Bali. Number five. Ulun Danu
Temple. Number four. Beaches. Number three. Balinese Dance. Number
two. Terraced field. Number one. Tanah temple. Thank you for watching our
travelvideo series. See you next time.
Teacher : Okay now on continue to discuss in your group.
Student G : Mam.
Teacher : Yes, please Lulu.
Student G : May I ask you about the video?
Teacher : OK. What do you want to ask?
Student G :There is no information about transportation in this video. Boleh dikosongkan
gak, Mam?
Teacher : OK. Sure. Thank you, Lulu. The answer isthat if you do not find any
information you can leave it blank.
Teacher : OK, class. You have read all the text and you have watch the video. Is there
anyone who want to ask?Okay, yesplease Hari.
Student H : Mam, we want to ask you about the different of the text. We can’t find the
answer. Thank you, Mam.
Teacher : OK. Thank you. I will answer all these questions. But, before that
take a look on the slide first. OK, all gorups. Is there any volunteer present
the result of your group discussion?
Student A : I’m, Mam.
Teacher : OK. Group one please.
Student A : We found the difference of the purpose in the each text. First for promote, for
exampleVenice. Mam, may I use Indonesia?
Teacher : OK.
Student A : There is no pers........ Kalimat terakhir yang kata mengajak. For secondly, be
proud of. For example Pulau Merah and then to identify, for example Danau
Maninjau. So, this is our result, Mam.
Teacher : OK. Good job group one. Is there any other groups want to present the
Student D : Our group, Mam.
Teacher : Yes, Please group one.
Student D : We found other result from group two.
Teacher : Oh, group two.
Teacher : Attention class. Now is time for you to present the result of your group
discussion. Which group want to go first?
Student D : Our group, mam.
Teacher : OK. Go ahead please.
Student I : Good morning friends. I will to tell you about our descriptive text. Jakarta is
the capital of Indonesia. There are so many places such as Monas, TMII,
Ancol, Dufan, Ragunan, etc. Okay, friends thank you for your attention. And
Teacher : Okay class. Now it’s seven minutes to end. It’s time for us to conclude what
we have learned today. Is there anyone want to try?
Student H : Let me try Mam.
Teacher : Okay.
Student H : We have learned about how to describe a tourist spot.
Teacher : Okay, good job. Thank you.
Student D : Can I add some more, Mam?
Teacher : Yes, please.
Student D : to describe tourist spot there are 4 purposes. First, to promote. Second, to be
proud of. Third, to identify. And the last one is to criticize.
Teacher : Yes, very good job. So in describe any places we have 4 purposes. Is there
anyone want to add some more?
Student A : Mam.
Teacher : Okay, please Mega.
Student A : When we describe a place, we have to use present simple such as is, am, are,
and etc.
Teacher : Okay, good job. Is there anyone else?
Student E : Mam.
Teacher : Yes.
Student E : I want to add. May I use Indonesia?
Teacher : Sure yes.
Student E : Deskripsiselaludimulaidenganmemperkenalkannamatempat yang
Teacher : Okay, good job. Yes everyone, those answers are correct. And now on we
have to conclude all your friends answers. In describing places, all you need to
know is what the purpose of the description. Whether it can be identifying, promoting, be proud of, or criticizing. It will deal with
the choice of your words. And don’t forget you have to use also simple present tense such as is, am, are, and etc. You got it?
Students : Yes Mam.
Teacher : Okay, thank you very much for your appreciation and participation. You did
a great job today. Do you enjoy study English with me in this class?
Students : Of course mam. I am really enjoy this class with you.
Teacher: Ah, that's good! Now on is your time to write down on tour journal all the
thing you have learned today, all the difficulties and also anything you need
to discuss about.
Teacher : Well, class. You still have a few seconds to add a lesson but beforw that I'll
give you the homework please you have to write down the description of your
favorite tourist spot! You can write down in Indonesian or what else. And
next week, for the next meeting we will talk about many historical buildings.
Remember for that. OK, time , time is up. So let's thank God what we have
today and learn today. And please pray first before we end the lesson. Tiwi
could you please end thw class by praying?
Students : OK mam. Attention please! Let's pray together! Start! Thank you mamfor
your lesson today.
Teacher : OK, students! That's all for today! See you next time. Bye...
Students : Bye.....
Teacher : Assalamualaikum
Students : Wassalamualaikumwr. Wb
According to the theories above , we have been analyze classroom interaction by FIAC in that class. We analyze the utterace per 3
second and the we clasified each utterances into 10 categories of flanders. So the calculation as the table below.

Categor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total
1 I II I 4
7 0
total 3 22 7 26 20 70 1 40 42 24 255

Teacher : 3+22+7+26+20+70+1 = 139 : 54 %

Students : 40 + 42 = 82 : 32 %

Silence : 24 :9%

The conclution is teacher has dominantly in learning proccess that is 54 %

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