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hello friends, today i am going to speak about a marvel mathematician.

her foot was too small to

enter this stage her name is aaurashi maheshwari an Indian . I hope her journey of maths inspirses u
to do maths with passion and love.

Aarushi Maheshwari can work on university-level problems and is a chess champion.

It was a Math Olympiad puzzle for 14-year-olds here that went viral in 2015: The
question about “Cheryl’s birthday”, which stumped grown-ups and made headlines
round the world Aarushi Maheshwari solved it at the age of nine. When Aarushi was
two and a half years old, she could “fluently” go through Oxford Reading Tree books
for four- to five-year-olds, Mrs Maheshwari told the programme On The Red Dot in
its series on Wonder Kids.At four or five, Aarushi started showing interest in maths,
testing two grades higher than children her age in preschool. Since then, she has
been on a constant search for one challenge after another.

let me show you a short documentary about aaurashi maheshwari

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