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Advantages of Marketing Public Relations

Highly targeted: MPR is a highly targeted way for public relations

Cost-effective: Marketing Public Relations is a cost-effective way to reach the market and to create a
brand name

Credibility: It achieves credibility. It makes advertising and its message more credible

Reach and awareness: MPR has high ability of the consumer’s reach and awareness

Clarity: It breaks through the clutter. It circumvents consumer resistance to sales efforts

Supportive: MPR can effectively and efficiently create credibility by supporting other marketing
communication tools Cost efficiency and effectiveness

Aerial advertising is a form of advertising that incorporates the use of flogos, manned aircraft, or
drones to create, transport, or display, advertising media.

Transit advertising is advertising placed in or on modes of public transportation or in public

transportation areas. Using this method of advertising, ads can be placed anywhere from on the sides of
buses, trains and taxis, to inside subway cars, inside bus stations and near train or bus platforms.

Marketing Public Relations The use of two important business functions, marketing and PR, to generate
awareness and positive responses to products, services and businesses.

Push strategy is a strategy that involves direction of marketing efforts to channel partners.

Pull strategy is a strategy that involves promotion of marketing efforts to the final consumer.

Push strategy in which third party stocks company's product.

Pull strategy in which customers demand company's product from sellers.

Push strategy To make customer aware of the product or brand.

Pull strategy To encourage customer to seek the product or brand.

Push strategy Use Sales force, Trade promotion, money etc.

Pull strategy use Advertising, Promotion and other forms of communication.

Execute an advertising step:

Create quantifiable goals for your campaign.

Brainstorm a variety of ways to execute your campaign.

Know who your target audience is.

Boil down your advertising message to a few relevant points.

Measure your returns during the campaign.

Advertising or marketing clutter refers to the large volume of advertising messages that the average
consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. Clutter is of increasing concern to advertisers since there are so
many messages in various media competing for the consumer’s attention.

Account planning brings the consumer into the process of developing advertising. Planning is a job
function relating to the application of strategy and planning techniques to direct brands unique direction
across communications across advertising and marketing channels. The Account Planner, or simply
Planner, has a role to identify and empathise with the target market and unlock insight that creates
value between the consumer, the brand and the category of Product or service.

Ethnographic market research (EMR) helps companies understand the consumer in terms of cultural
trends, lifestyle factors, attitudes and how social context influences product selection and usage.
Traditionally, when businesses want to determine how consumers feel about a product or service, they
employ focus groups.

The Humor Appeal is one of roughly twenty advertising strategies that marketing professionals use to
persuade people to buy a product, pay for a service, donate to a cause, or otherwise be persuaded. The
Humor Appeal persuades people to like a company, brand, product, service, or idea by making them
laugh and feel good.

Layout may be defined as the arrangement of the various elements of advertising such as illustration,
text matter, product and name of the company. A good advertisement is a combination of both copy
and art.
1. Percentage of Sales Method:
It is a commonly used method to set advertising budget. In this method, the amount for
advertising is decided on the basis of sales. Advertising budget is specific per cent of sales. The
sales may be current, or anticipated. Sometimes, the past sales are also used as the base for
deciding on ad budget. For example, the last year sales were Rs. 3 crore and the company spent
Rs. 300000 for advertising. It is clear that the company has spent 1% of sales in the last year.
Company has the tendency to maintain certain per cent or percentage of sales as ad budget.
2. Objectives and Task Method:
This is the most appropriate ad budget method for any company. It is a scientific method to set
advertising budget. The method considers company’s own environment and requirement.
Objectives and task method guides the manager to develop his promotional budget by (1)
defining specific objectives, (2) determining the task that must be performed to achieve them,
and (3) estimating the costs of performing the task. The sum of these costs is the proposed
amount for advertising budget.example a company might set an objective of increasing sales by
10% over the course of the next business quarter. Identifying tasks: The second step in the
process involves recognizing which specific tasks are likely to help achieve the objectives at
3. Competitive Parity Method:
Competition is one of the powerful factors affecting marketing performance. This method
considers the competitors’ advertising activities and costs for setting advertising budget. The
advertising budget is fixed on the basis of advertising strategy adopted by the
competitors.Thus, competitive factor is given more importance in deciding advertising budget.
For example, if the close competitors spend 3% of net sales, the company will spend, more or
less, the same per cent for advertising. Here it is assumed that “competitors or leaders are
always right.” If not followed carefully, this method may result into misleading.
4. Affordable or Fund Available Method:
This is, in real sense, not a method to set advertising budget. The method is based on the
company’s capacity to spend. It is based on the notion that a company should spend on
advertising as per its capacity. Company with a sound financial position spends more on
advertising and vice versa.Under this method, budgetary allocation is made only after meeting
all the expenses. Advertising budget is treated as the residual decision. If fund is available, the
company spends; otherwise the company has to manage without advertising. Thus, a
company’s capacity to afford is the main criterion. example: Many high-tech firms focus on new
product development and engineering and assume that the product, if good enough, will sell
itself. In these companies, little money may be left for performing the advertising and
promotions tasks.
5.Return on Investment (ROI): In the ROI budgeting method, advertising and promotions are
considered investments, like plant and equipment. Thus, the budgetary appropriation
investment leads to certain returns. Like other aspects of the firm’s efforts, advertising and
promotion are expected to earn a certain return.

6. Expert Opinion Method:

Many marketing firms follow this method. Both internal and external experts are asked to
estimate the amount to be spent for advertisement for a given period. Experts, on the basis of
the rich experience on the area, can determine objectively the amount for advertising. Experts
supply their estimate individually or jointly.Along with the estimates, they also underline
certain assumptions. Internal experts involve company’s executives, such as general manager,
marketing manager, advertising manager, sales manager, distribution manager, etc.

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