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Тренировочный вариант ЕГЭ.

Автор: Андрюхина Екатерина

Step 1
Название: listening: Movie genres
Упор на: Аудирование
Тайминг: 15 мин
Тип задания: Select
Задание: Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7.
Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой,
только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Blockquote red
Speaker A
I love thinking that I’m not afraid of many things most of the people are scared of. That’s
why I’m a big fan of horror movies! I get so excited watching people going into their
cellar with no idea of what awaits them there. These movies help me experience very
intense emotions, which gives me this magical feeling of being alive. That’s why it is my
favorite genre.

Blockquote green
Speaker B
Talk shows are what I watch every day, regardless of where I am or what I’m busy with
at the moment. I always find a chance to curl up on a nice, cosy couch and put on some
YouTube or a TV program if I have a TV set available nearby. It’s really what makes my
day and inspires me - just watching people talking about their lives and dreams, and
joking about it.

Blockquote yellow
Speaker C
To be honest, I can’t stand movies and TV programs in general, but the genre that does
stand out, in a bad way, of course, is soap operas. They’re truly unbearable, and I can’t
understand why some people are so willing to waste their time watching them. They’re
usually of a very bad quality, and they don’t have much meaning in them.

Blockquote blue
Speaker D
I have always preferred books over movies, I think it’s because of my genetics - my
whole family likes to read. I love the sound the pages make, and I love to sometimes
quickly skim through the book, just to get a little knowledge of what’s going to happen
next. Movies never give me that feeling, and my eyes become quickly sore when I stare
into a TV screen for too long, so the choice is obvious for me.

Blockquote red
Speaker E
I’m not a big fan of movies, just because they’re far too long for my taste. That’s why I’m
so fond of TV series! But to be honest, I usually binge watch them, so it ends up taking
as much as or even more time than a movie would, but that’s totally not the point. Such
shows are cool, because you can dwell on the characters for longer, you can see them
live and develop, go to a university or get married. If you find a TV series to you liking, it
means you’re going to enjoy it long enough, but you still can always stop, take a break
and then continue, and that’s just super comfortable for me!

Blockquote yellow
Speaker F
The thing I cannot live without are comedy shows. They’re just so funny! The only thing
I hate about them is that they’re usually broadcast late in the night, so I get very little
sleep the night I choose to watch one, and considering how much I like them - it’s not a
rare case. Still, it’s totally worth it!

List 1,2,3…
Does not understand why people like a certain genre. {Speaker A / Speaker B /
Speaker C / Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F/ None of them}

Sometimes suffers because of their favorite TV show. {Speaker A / Speaker B /

Speaker C / Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}

Takes every chance to watch their favorite genre. {Speaker A / Speaker B /

Speaker C / Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}

Can’t stand neither books, nor movies. {Speaker A / Speaker B / Speaker C /

Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}

Doesn’t like feature films because they cannot enjoy the characters long enough
- the film ends too quickly. {Speaker A / Speaker B / Speaker C / Speaker D /
Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}
Thinks that their taste was predetermined by their genes. {Speaker A / Speaker
B / Speaker C / Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}

The speaker’s favorite genre makes them feel intense emotions. {Speaker A /
Speaker B / Speaker C / Speaker D / Speaker E / Speaker F / None of them}

Step 2
Название: listening: Dialogue: at school
Упор на: Аудирование
Тайминг: 15 мин
Тип задания: Dnd Groups
Задание: Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений
А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 –
False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер
выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Lena: Ugh… I can’t believe…

Nastya: Oh, Lena, hi! I’ve been looking all over school for you, where have you been?

Lena: Principal's office. I’m in detention, again! And now I’ve been trying to call my mom
for like ten minutes, but my phone is apparently out of service. Can I use yours, please?

Nastya: Yes, sure. Only I left in the choir room, we’ll go there later and I’ll give it to you,

Lena: Thanks! You’re my hero. So what’s up with you? I hope everything’s alright with
that test of yours you’ve been worrying about?

Nastya: Oh, no, don’t remind me about it. Even though I’ve pulled two all-nighters
studying for it, I’m pretty positive that I’ve failed it. I mean, I guess I should have studied
throughout the semester, but how can any high school freshman do that when there are
so many incredible new things around us? Have you seen the new cafeteria yet? It has
just opened yesterday.

Lena: No, but I heard some nice reviews from my friends, they said the salads are
delicious. Anyway, I really get what you mean, I feel so overwhelmed, there are so
many new things, so many new subjects. I…
Nastya: Oh, wait! You said you got detention, why?

Lena: You won’t believe it, I hit someone with a ball at my PE lesson. It was that
cheerleader girl that really pisses me off, ugh! Anyway, I really have to call my mom
before the Principal does. Let’s just quickly go and pick up your phone, and then I think I
could really use some tasty food, you know what they say the best way to cheer
yourself up is…

Nastya: Totally!

A. Nastya was in the Headmaster’s office.

B. Lena forgot her phone at home, so she can’t call her mom.
C. Nastya will lend her phone to Lena later.
D. The test Nastya has taken was very long and boring.
E. Nastya feels very positive about her test results.
F. The girls are in their first year of high school.
G. Lena was hit with a ball during her PE lesson.

[True] {C} {F} {G}

[False] {A} {B} {E}
[Not Stated] {D}

Step 3
Название: listening: A backpacking trip
Упор на: Аудирование
Тайминг: 15 мин
Тип задания: Test
Задание: Вы услышите интервью. Выберите 1 верный вариант ответа

Interviewer: Today with us on the phone is a widely popular travel-blogger Lindsey

Smith. Hi, Lindsey, how are you?

Lindsey: Hi, Jack! Hi, everyone! I’m very excited to be here with you today, and I’m
doing just great. It’s a very nice day here in Sydney, very hot, very sunny, it’s just eight
in the morning, and life feels just great.
Interviewer: Talk about the crazy time difference, it's evening here in London! I’m very
glad to hear you, Lindsey. So, do you have any special trips planned for the nearest

Lindsey: You know that I always do! I wouldn’t be a travel-blogger if I stopped

travelling, you know. My nearest trip is actually not that exciting as the one after that,
but let me tell you about it, too. Just in couple of days I’m planning to travel to New
Zealand with my sister and her boyfriend to hike and see the Mitre Peak mountain in the
Fiordland National Park, it’s in the sounthwestern South island.

Interviewer: That sounds amazing! Spending time in nature, hiking, in such a warm
place as New Zealand. It may be my perfect trip.

Lindsey: Maybe, but I don’t really feel that way. I’ve been to New Zealand plenty of
times, so probably that’s why I don’t feel as excited, as I could have. It’s not a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity for me, that’s all. And the climate is pretty much the same as in
Australia. Though the weekend in nature is truly beautiful, no one can argue with that,
plus I get to spend time with my family, and that’s always nice.

Interviewer: Alright, I see what you mean. Still, I can’t help but feel a tiny-teeny little bit
envious of you. (laughs) You mentioned you had another trip after that - you were
actually thrilled about that one.

Lindsey: Yes! The trip after that one, I’ll start it less than a week after I return from New
Zealand is going to be a backpacking trip through Asia and Russia! I’ve never been to
the latter country, and that’s probably the reason why my family has mixed feelings
about this trip, but I can’t wait to finally go there! I’m planning on hitchhiking most of the
time, and it shouldn’t be a problem, since it’s summer in Russia and a lot of people
travel the country by car. I also want to take the famous Transsiberean train route, I
really think it’s an ultimate experience.

Interviewer: Wow! That sounds really like something you’d do, in the best sense of
these words. But aren’t you a little afraid to hitchhike, especially in an unknown country?

Lindsey: Honestly, of course I am, but only a tiny bit. I think the best thing about
travelling is that chance of getting to know a new country, culture and people every time
you go someplace new, and that’s impossible to do if you’re “playing safe” and choose
to travel to your own well known countryside or something. In my opinion, hitchhiking is
one of the best ways to get to know a country and its people, and it’s also one of the
most fun ways to travel - you can’t believe what kind of people you can meet and what
kinds of stories you can hear! And I always can take a bus or a train, if the hitchhiking
idea doesn’t work out.

Interviewer: I would agree with you here, if you want new experience, you have to take
risks and try new, unknown things. So, are you going alone?

Lindsey: At first, yes, I’m travelling alone through China, but I’ll be stopping in camping
spots where I can meet plenty of other travellers, and who knows - maybe one of them
would join me. And in Russia I’m planning to meet my friend on the way, he’s now in
Europe, and he loved the idea of going to Russia, so I asked him if he wanted to join

Interviewer: That sounds like a great plan, Lindsey! I really wish you a beautiful trip.
The last question that I have to ask you - and our listener would kill me if I didn’t - how
often do you plan to release videos about the trip? Once a week as usual?

Lindsey: Oh, that’s a toughie. I’m not sure, since I haven’t yet thought through all the
places where I can stay during my trip, and I’m not sure I’ll always have the chance to
charge my laptop or connect to a wifi. But I’ll totally do my best!

Interviewer: Alright, Lindsey! Thank you very much for calling in. I hope I’ll see your
updates soon on your channel.

Lindsey: Bye, Jack! Thanks for having me.

1. What can be said about Lindsey’s and Jack’s whereabouts?

a. They live in the same country, but different cities
b. They didn’t mention anything about it.
c. They have a considerable time difference.
2. Lindsey doesn’t feel excited about her trip to New Zealand, because
a. She doesn’t like the climate
b. Travelling with her sister is not very fascinating
c. New Zealand has been a popular holiday destination for her
3. What do the interviewer and Lindsey agree on about the New Zealand trip?
a. Being in nature is a wonderful way to spend your holiday
b. The local climate is the main thing that attracts them in this destination
c. It’s an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
4. What country has the blogger never travelled to before?
a. Russia
b. China
c. New Zealand
5. What does the word ultimate in the 8th paragraph mean?
a. Final
b. The best or most extreme example of its kind
c. Basic
6. What means of transport is Lindsey NOT planning on using?
a. Bus
b. Personal car
c. Train
7. What does Lindsey NOT say in the text?
a. It’s impossible to get to know a new culture fully if you're too cautious
b. She’s going to travel alone on her Asian-Russian trip
c. She will try to release as many videos on her channel as possible

Step 4
Название: ЕГЭ чтение: Travelling
Тайминг: 15 мин
Упор: чтение
Тип задания: Test
Задание: Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8.
Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

List 1, 2…
1. Do everything yourself
2. The top approach to sightseeing
3. An alternative to walking tours
4. Choosing an internet source to rely on
5. Tips on hitchhiking
6. Eco transport
7. Book your trip ahead of time
8. A trip that is “green” and fun

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

The best way to see a new place is taking a bus tour with a guide. Firstly, it will spare
you the effort you will have to make to make sure you visited all the main attractions.
Secondly, a worthy guide will always give you all the fascinating details about the place,
which can be quite challenging to find on the net. And thirdly, such tours are usually
cheap, and they always let you have walks around the city, too.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

Deciding everything in advance is one of the main strategies to make sure you have a
successful trip. Moreover, it means that you can get all the discounts, since everything
is paid for well in advance. Also, it spares you all the inconveniences of last minute
planning: expensive plane or train seats that are not next to one another, and the lack of
satisfactory, or at least acceptable, places to stay.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

Nowadays there are too many websites and it is surely not an easy task to choose
which site to trust and which not. We generally recommend you trust popular webpages,
which are usually well-known, but you can as well try and read reviews of the previous
users while deciding if you should trust a new website. Another idea is to look through
blog posts, which are usually even more helpful.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

While many people choose going on ready-made tours, I would really recommend you
not to. Instead, opt for a much more exclusive tour of your own, and believe me, it
doesn’t take much effort to plan. Just a couple of hours on the internet will allow you to
spare long hours doing something that you hate on a packaged tour, or overpaying for
such a thing.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

Even though there are a great deal of ways to travel, renting a bike is the most eco-
friendly of them. It can also be a lot of fun, since you’re pretty much free to do anything
you want: go anywhere, stop at any time, access both parks and roads, and park
practically anywhere for free.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

Hitchhiking has been becoming more and more popular lately. And while some people
still have their reservations about it, it is one of the most exciting ways to travel and the
experience you will remember for your whole life, provided that you follow some safety
guidelines. While hitchhiking we suggest you travel with a partner, a boy/girl company
would be perfect. Also, trust your instincts about the driver and be friendly on the ride.

Do everything yourself
The top approach to sightseeing
An alternative to walking tours
Choosing an internet source to rely on
Tips on hitchhiking
Eco transport
Book your trip ahead of time
A trip that is “green” and fun

Even though walking tours are widely popular, there are many ways to explore a place.
When travelling, make sure you don’t forget to check out all the museums and art
galleries, since art objects usually contribute significantly to the history of a place. Other
objects to consider are numerous monuments that many cities are rich with.

Step 5

Название: ЕГЭ чтение: Buddhism

Тайминг: 12 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: Select
Задание: Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений.
Одна из частей в списке лишняя.

Buddhism is {one of the several major world religions/though lately it has been
gaining popularity in the West/ founded more than 2500 years ago/looking for the
truth and enduring poverty/which is now one of the main symbols of
Buddhism/even though the roots of the religion are traced back to India/ lived in
the capital for many years, praying and starving} , a few others of which are
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Atheism, according to the scholars. It is
mainly spread in the Asian part of the world, {one of the several major world
religions/though lately it has been gaining popularity in the West/ founded more
than 2500 years ago/looking for the truth and enduring poverty/which is now one
of the main symbols of Buddhism/even though the roots of the religion are traced
back to India/lived in the capital for many years, praying and starving} , too. It is
considered one of the oldest faiths, {one of the several major world religions/though
lately it has been gaining popularity in the West/ founded more than 2500 years
ago/looking for the truth and enduring poverty/which is now one of the main
symbols of Buddhism/even though the roots of the religion are traced back to
India/lived in the capital for many years, praying and starving} in India by
Siddhartha Gautama.
Siddhartha is also commonly known as Buddha, which means “enlightened”. He was
born into a royal family and lived in the 5th century B.C. While still very young, he
renounced his status as a royal heir and went wandering around the world, {one of the
several major world religions/though lately it has been gaining popularity in the
West/founded more than 2500 years ago/looking for the truth and enduring
poverty/which is now one of the main symbols of Buddhism/even though the
roots of the religion are traced back to India/lived in the capital for many years,
praying and starving} . This led him to later discover “the Middle Way” - a way of living
not adhering to any of the extremes, be it poverty or extreme affluence. He is said to
have found his enlightenment while sitting under a Bodhi tree, {one of the several
major world religions/though lately it has been gaining popularity in the
West/founded more than 2500 years ago/looking for the truth and enduring
poverty/which is now one of the main symbols of Buddhism/even though the
roots of the religion are traced back to India/lived in the capital for many years,
praying and starving}.
{one of the several major world religions/though lately it has been gaining
popularity in the West/ founded more than 2500 years ago/ looking for the truth
and enduring poverty/which is now one of the main symbols of Buddhism/even
though the roots of the religion are traced back to India/lived in the capital for
many years, praying and starving}, the majority of Indian people nowadays profess a
different faith - Hinduism, while Buddhism is widespread in such countries as Thailand,
Cambodia and Myanmar.
Buddhism encompasses several major principles that can be regarded as its pillars. The
main one being that its followers do not acknowledge or pray to any divinity, instead
concentrating on finding the Middle Way and achieving the state of enlightenment.

Step 6

Название: ЕГЭ чтение: Healthy eating

Тайминг: 15 мин
Упор: чтение
Тип задания: Test
Задание: Прочитайте текст и выполните задания

What is a healthy diet?

While you probably have heard a lot of different advice on how to diet, most of it was
probably unrealistic and impossible to maintain. That’s because nowadays we mostly
live under pressure from all the unrealistic beauty standards that lead to the crazy
eating plans we hear about so often. Cutting out carbs, and eating only protein is one of
In reality, a healthy diet should be, in the first place, balanced. You should never deprive
your body of anything, since it needs all the types of foods to stay healthy and “happy”.
The main three food groups that are essential for any diet are: proteins, fats, and
carbohydrates. The list of foods rich in protein contains fish, meat, eggs and different
dairy products. This nutrient is vital in order to keep your energy levels up, as well as
maintain your mood and cognitive abilities in good state. Fats can be generally divided
into two categories, usually they are called good and bad. Good fats such as nuts,
seeds and oils keep your brain and heart working properly, and protect them as you get
older. Bad fats, on the other hand, are usually named among the causes for such
harmful effects as diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Carbohydrates, or carbs, as
many call them, are usually considered quite disadvantageous, especially to those
trying to lose weight or build muscle, but in reality they are the main energy source that
your body has. But most of these nutrients should come from wholesome carbs such as
fruit, grains or vegetables, and not from white bread, low quality pasta and cookies.
Other nutrients that are necessary for your body not to stay at its healthiest are calcium
and fiber.
The next thing that is proven to be essential for your health is getting enough water -
estimated 2-3 litres a day, depending on your weight. People suffering from
dehydration usually tend to overeat and get exhausted much easier, so it is really
preferable for everyone to try and adhere to this advice. A general tip given to people
who struggle to do so is to always have a bottle of water with them, so they don’t need
to make any effort when they feel a sudden urge to drink.
The last but not least advice on healthy eating is to eat smaller portions and try to listen
to your body. It usually takes us 20 minutes to feel the effect that the food we just ate
has on us. So, don’t rush eating everything you can find in your fridge - take your time,
and listen to your body signals. They will help you with everything.

1. Nowadays unrealistic diets are widespread due to:

a. Appearance of different advice
b. Delusive perception of how a body should look like
c. People wanting to be skinnier
d. The influence of the internet
2. A perfect eating plan, according to the author, should
a. Be varied
b. Not include carbohydrates
c. Be unbalanced
d. Include a lot of protein
3. What is NOT said about healthy fats in the text?
a. They cause diabetes
b. Protect some of your organs
c. Nuts are one of the resources of them
d. They are one of the two categories of fats
4. Wholesome carbs do NOT include
a. Oranges
b. Carrots
c. White bread
d. Oats
5. How many nutrients were mentioned in the text?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
6. What does the word dehydration in the 3rd paragraph mean?
a. A harmful reduction in the amount of water in the body
b. Feelings of severe despondency and dejection
c. A state of extreme tiredness
d. A harmful increase in the amount of water in the body
7. What is the last advice that the author gives?
a. Listen to the music while eating
b. Take your time when looking for food in your fridge
c. Wait 20 minutes before you start eating
d. Do not eat large portions

Step 7

Название: ЕГЭ грамматика: Maslenitsa

Тайминг: 10 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: input in value
Задание: Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо,
слова, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами


Maslenitsa is a traditional Eastern Slavic holiday that (celebrate){is celebrated} in the

early spring, during the last week before the Great Lent. The date (vary){varies} every
year (depend){depending} on when Easter is taking place.
The name Maslenitsa can be translated as Butter Lady or Butter week. It is a pagan
holiday, which still incorporates many of (it){its} original traditions, such as burning
down a scarecrow, which can symbolize the passing winter, or eating bliny - food similar
to crepe or pancakes - in Russia, and pierogi and syrniki in Ukraine and Belorus.

Bliny recipe

Making perfect bliny is not as hard as it may seem to anyone making them for the (one)
{first} time. Whether you want to honor the Slavic tradition or just have fun eating one
of the top dishes of Russian cuisine, here’s the recipe for you. Take two eggs, 200
grams of flour, 500 ml of milk, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Firstly, blend the eggs with
two spoonfuls of sugar and a little bit of salt, then add milk and flour, mix all together
and add two spoonfuls of the oil. The only thing (leave){left} to do now is to fry them.
And please, (not burn){don’t burn} them!
Step 8

Название: ЕГЭ лексика: Why is yoga so popular?

Тайминг: 10 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: input in value
Задание: Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, так чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Каждый пропуск соответствует
отдельному заданию из группы 26-31. Впишите слова в поле ответа

Why is yoga so popular?

Yoga is gaining more and more (popular){popularity} nowadays, thanks to the

(access){accessibility} it got with the advent of the internet. Most people can now
practice it from the comfort of their own homes, and this is the (advance)
{advancement} that is very likely to become a game (change){changer}. Since it does
not take any time to go to a gym or a yoga center anymore, people can really make the
least effort and still be (health){healthy}.
Yoga is extremely (benefit){beneficial} not only for your body because it develops
flexibility and strength, but also for your mind, and this has been proven by research.
Breathing exercises help calm down your nerves, loosen the strains in the joints and the
physical activity makes you generally happy.

Step 9

Название: ЕГЭ лексика: A favorite holiday

Тайминг: 10 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: Select
Задание: Прочитайте текст с пропусками. Выберите один верный вариант ответа

All my life I thought I didn’t have a {favorite/loved/appreciated/popular} holiday: when

I was little it was Christmas because I believed in Santa and everything
{thought/appear/admitted/seemed} so magical, but then reality hit me. I
{raised/grew/brought/got} up, and now I feel like I have
{anything/something/thing/nothing} to look forward to every year. That’s why I
decided to {search/look/watch/see} the internet to find the ultimate holiday, which is
going to be the top day in my year, something I will impatiently wait for.
The first research result was, of course, birthday. I mean, is there a person on this
planet who loves their birthday? Maybe there is, but I don’t like it. I like giving
{present/thing/gifts/loves}, too, like making other people happy. When it’s your
birthday people always try to make it all {on/after/about/around} you, and I really don’t
think it feels nice: it seems selfish.
The next couple ones were Ester, New Years, Thanksgiving, the Independence Day… -
all extremely boring! But then, I found it! My favorite holiday! From that day it was
always that day, January 15th, the National Bagel Day. Every year, on that day, no
matter what, I was always in New York, eating a fresh bagel and enjoying my favourite

Step 10

Название: ЕГЭ письмо: David’s favorite school subject

Тайминг: 20 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: открытый ответ
Задание: Прочитайте отрывок из письма. Напишите ответное письмо вашему
другу по переписке

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend David who writes:

…My favourite school subject is philosophy. We study it for three years in high school.
What is your favorite school subject and what do you usually study there? Do you
always do homework for it? Have you ever skipped any school classes? I spent the
whole day horse riding yesterday...

Write a letter to David.

In your letter
- answer him questions
- ask 3 questions about his hobbies
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Step 11

Название: ЕГЭ письмо:

Тайминг: 40 мин
Упор: грамматика
Тип задания: открытый ответ
Задание: Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и
выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану

Comment on one of the following statements.

1) Teenagers are more self-centered nowadays.

2) Mandatory uniforms at schools should be abolished.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:
– make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement);
– express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion;
– express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion;
– explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion;
– make a conclusion restating your position.

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