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The Carroll Model: A 25-Year Retrospective and Prospective View

Author(s): John B. Carroll

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1989), pp. 26-31
Published by: American Educational Research Association
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Accessed: 26/01/2012 12:35

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The Carroll Model
A 25-Year and
Retrospective Prospective View

marked Perseveranceis defined as the
the 25th anniversary amount of time a student is
of the publication of TheModelof SchoolLearning,first published25 yearsago, has willing to spend on learning
"A Model of School Learn- takenits placeas a usefulguidein researchon teachingandlearn- the task or unit of instruction;
in schools.Themodelaccountsfor variationsin schoollearn- in this sense, it becomes an
ing" (Carroll,1963), an arti- ing with
cle that has elicited much ing five classesof variables,threeof whichcan beexpressed operational definition of
more attention than I antici- in terms of time, the othertwo in termsof achievement.Most motivation for learning. The
pated when I wrote it. The aspects of themodelhavebeenconfirmed, althoughdetailsremain time actually spent on learn-
article has been much cited, to be filled out by further research. Waysthat the modelmight ing, in any given situation,is
be used to address current problems in educationareconsidered. the shortest of the three time
quoted, and used in guiding Themodel's
researchinto various aspects emphasis on aptitudeas a determinant of timeneeded variables.Thatis, the amount
of education and teaching. It for learningsuggeststhatincreased effortsbeplacedon predicting of time spent is the time ac-
has also been a basis for ma- studentpotentialities anddesigninginstruction appropriate to those
are tually needed by a student,
to be reduced
potentialities, if ideals of equal opportunity to learn
jor programs of educational achievedwithin a by any amount of
innovation (e.g., the Begin- diversityof educationalobjectives. time that the student does
ning Teacher Evaluation not spend in learning be-
Study of Denham & Lieber- cause of lack of opportunity
man, 1980). Here I consider whether the model has been (from external circumstancesnot under the student's con-
adequately confirmed as an interpretation of school learn- trol) or the student's own unwillingness to spend as much
ing effects, and I then ask in what ways the model can be time as is needed.
used to solve current problems in education. The other two variables are assumed to be related to
achievement: To the extent that qualityof instructionis less
The Model's Origins than optimal,time needed for learningis increased.Further-
The model had its roots in work on foreign language learn- more, to the extent that the student is lacking in abilityto
ing that showed that persons with low aptitude, as understandinstruction,the amount of time needed is in-
measured by certain tests, generally took much longer to creased. The model is not very specific about the character-
achieve a given criterionof learningthan persons with high isticsof high qualityinstruction,but it mentionsthatlearners
aptitude. Otherfactorsseemed to be operativeas well, such must be clearly told what they are to learn, that they must
as the quality of instruction and the student's ability to be put into adequate contact with learning materials, and
understandinstructionalmaterials.These and other factors that steps in learning must be carefully planned and
were embodied in a formal, quasi-mathematicalmodel in ordered. Ability to understand instruction is described as
a technical publicationon foreign language aptitude (Car- including,besides languagecomprehension,learners'ability
roll, 1962).It seemed reasonable,however, to generalizethe to figure out for themselves what the learning task is and
model to apply to the learning of any cognitive skill or sub- how to go about learning it.
ject matter. Educatorsand educational researchershave given most
attention to the model's emphasis on time as an important
Five classes of variables. The model, as presented in 1963, variablein learning, as expressed in the contention that the
postulates five basic classes of variablesthat would account degree of learning or achievement is a function of the ratio
for variationsin school achievement. Three are assumed to of the time actually spent on learning to the time needed
be amenable to expression in terms of time: Aptitudeis the to learn.
name given to the variableor variablesthat determine the One of those whose thinking was influenced significant-
amount of time a student needs to learn a given task, unit
ly by the model was Benjamin Bloom (1968), who used it
of instruction, or curriculumto an acceptable criterion of as one basis for his conceptof masterylearning.Bloomcame
mastery under optimal conditions of instruction and stu- to believe that nearly all students could achieve mastery of
dent motivation.High aptitude is indicatedwhen a student standard school subjects if attention were paid to increas-
needs a relatively small amount of time to learn; low ap-
titude is indicated when a student needs much more than
average time to learn. Opportunityto learnis defined as the
amountof time allowed for learning,for exampleby a school
schedule or program. Frequently, opportunity to learn is JOHN B. CARROLL is at the Universityof North Carolinaat
less than that required in view of the student's aptitude. Chapel Hill, ChapelHill, North Carolina27514.

ing the ratioof time spent to time needed, either by increas- elaborate mathematical formulation. Johnston and
ing the time spent (the numeratorof the ratio)or by reduc- Aldridge found "positive but not compelling evidence"
ing the time needed to learn (the denominator), or both. (p. 553) that this new model of mastery learning is correct.
This might be done by improvingqualityof instructionand I find this work engaging because it seems to carryout my
enhancing students' motivation and aptitudes or "entry original intention (Carroll, 1962) to mathematize school
characteristics."Mastery learning became a popular and learning effects.
widely used term, and it has been the subject of much re- Shulman and Carey (1984) accepted the basic process-
search and experimentation. It is not my term, however; product emphasis of the Carroll model but added con-
although masterylearninguses many of the concepts of the siderations of affect. As they put it, "Psychologists must
model of school learning, I think of the model as offering learn to understand the 'hot cognitions' or thoughtful pas-
a broader, more theoreticalbasis for explaining and inter- sions characteristicof teachers and pupils before we begin
preting school learning effects. to have an adequately rich understanding of either reason-
Previous Treatments ing or civility" (p. 522). In a later, highly thoughtful and
philosophical review, Shulman (1986) has suggested that
In 1985 I reviewed Bloom's and a host of early treatments models like mine are only highly oversimplified construc-
and discussions of the model (Carroll,1985) that had ap- tions of reality, based on a 'bounded rationality,' that can
peared up to 1980,based mainly on a survey of the 168 cita- hardly do justice to the complexities that are inherent in
tions of the 1963 article that were referenced in the Social teaching and learning. Even a moderately oversimplified
SciencesCitationIndexover the years 1969 to 1980. The arti- model is often useful, nonetheless, in dealing with com-
cle continues to be cited even now; there are 133 citations plex phenomena.
in SocialSciencesCitationIndexover the years 1981 to 1986. Researchby Haertel, Walberg, and Weinstein (1983)has
I have looked at a good many of these articles, and I com- centered on Walberg's model of educational productivity,
ment here on a few of them.1 which is essentially an expansion of the Carrollmodel to
It has always been a matter of some astonishment to me make explicit reference to the social environment of the
that I am credited with directing attention to time in learn- classroom, the student's home environment, peer influ-
ing, an exceedingly obvious variable that must have been ences, and the effects of mass media. It's possible, of
in the minds of educators over the centuries and that has course, to interpolatethese variablesinto the Carrollmodel
figured heavily in the work of theorists and experimenters as originally conceived (with a little forcing of terms, per-
on learning. Learningcurves abound in journals and text- haps), but it may also help to consider these variables
books, plottingincreasingperformanceagainsttime or num- separately. Walberg (1984, 1986) stated that syntheses of
ber of trials. I have always cautioned that time as such is educational research based on an expanded model "have
not what counts, but what happens during that time. I can brought a new level of scientific maturity to research on
agree with Gage's (1978) observation regarding studies of teaching" (p. 214). An elaborate study by Parkerson,
engaged time, cited by Shulman (1986), that "time is, in Lomax, Schiller, and Walberg (1984), using LISREL-type
a sense, a psychologically empty concept" (p. 75). path analysis, identified the best combinationof these con-
The problem is, of course, that although we can measure structs for predicting achievement in science learning. It
time-certainly elapsed time, and possibly 'academiclearn- is striking that correlations and effect sizes for the basic
ing time' or 'time on task' (Karweit, 1983)-we cannot variables of the Carroll model, as somewhat expanded,
meaningfully measure what goes on in the head of the stu- tend to be largely significant in the directions expected. Of
dent during that time, or insure in any way that what goes those variables, only quality of instruction failed to show
on in the student's head is addressed to learning. All that a consistently significanteffect;possibly that is due to prob-
we can say with some certainty is that any learning that lems in measuring this variable. In any case, these results
happens to occur does require time. That was the main are a positive vindication of models like mine and Wal-
message of the model of school learning, insofar as it per- berg's, and an invitation to their further use in predicting
tained to time. But if the model has drawn attention to this schooling effects and in thinking about how to organize
problem, the effect has apparently been highly salutary, learning in classrooms.2
for it stimulateda long series of researchesdevoted to time- Despite progress in educational research, however, ac-
on-taskand academiclearningtime. Nevertheless, we have cording to Sirotnik (1983), the benefits to actual teaching
still not adequately considered time as a variable. Educa- practices are uneven. In his study of over a thousand ele-
tional psychology as a science still has no adequate pro- mentaryand secondaryclassrooms, Sirotnikfound that the
cedures for estimating how long a given unit of instruc- larger part of class time was spent in teachers lecturing to
tion will take to be learned by students with different ap- classes or in students working on written assignments. In
titudes. (I came to realize this, recently, when I was asked Sirotnik's view,
to specify how long students ought to take to master units
of a correspondence course.) thegoodnews is that this monotonousscenarioof teacher
talkto totalclassandstudentworkon writtenassignments
Expansions and Adaptations is consistentwiththe recommendations emergingfromcur-
There have been various expansions and adaptations of rent researchon effectiveteachingpractices:increasing
the model. One interesting expansion is a new mathemat- quantityof schooling,specificallytime-on-task oracademi-
ical model proposed by Aldridge (1983) and tested in a callyengagedtime, raisesscoreson achievementtests. The
classroom setting, at least in a preliminary way, by rootsof this lineof researchcanbetracedthroughthework
Johnstonand Aldridge (1985).Aldridgeused the basic vari- of Carroll,Wiley,Bloom,anda hostof others.... Thisre-
ables of the Carroll model but put them into a more searchis usefulin at least two respects.First, it reaffirms

somefundamentalpremisesimplicitin our commonform analysis of the task.
of pedagogy-didacticsandpractice.In particular,it rein- There is perhaps a lesson here for those who want to pro-
forcesthe connectionbetweenconcertedteacher-learner ef- mote the concept of mastery learning, or, for that matter,
forton specificskillsand test scoreswhichmeasuretheat- the model of school learning. Mastery learning does not
tainmentof thoseskills.Second,andmoreimportantly, this necessarily require breaking down the learning task into
researchfocusesattentionon the complexityof mastery highly specific stages and skills, nor does it demand at-
learningin the ordinaryclassroomsettingand mayeven- tending to those skills one by one in isolation from the total
tually lead to moredefinitivestudies of viableteaching learningtask. Sometimes it may be useful to look at specific
strategies.Unfortunately,the badnews is that time-on- skills, but they must be taught in the context of the broader
taskresearchmayhavealsodivertedattentionfromcritical final task and in relation to each other. Some reading pro-
instructionalvariablessuchas discussion,demonstration, grams, for instance, have attempted to break reading into
questioningat higher cognitivelevels, praise, reinforce- numerous distinct skills, each taught with focused work
ment, studentdecisionmaking,and positiveaffectivecli- sheets. Such a plan can become top-heavy and cumber-
mate.Thesearepracticeswhichwe rarelyobservedin our some. It draws too much attention to particularskills, with-
study, but whichare valuedteachingstrategiesby many out putting them into a total context of reading instruction.
educators and researchers andarecorrelatedpositivelywith Sometimes, it is reported, the students undergoing such
achievementoutcomesin manyempiricalstudies.[sic]. .. programs have to spend so much time on the skill sheets
Clearly,it is the quality morethanthequantityof school- and work books that they have little time to apply their
ing whichbestservesas an educational and researchfocus. skills in actual reading. Most reviews and 'think pieces'
Qualityof schoolingincludesnot only time-on-task,but on the model of school learning or mastery learning pro-
time well spent. (pp. 25-26) vide no explicit discussion of this issue, but it deserves
scrutiny in both its theoretical and empirical aspects.
So, it seems, there is both good news and bad news
about the way in which models of school learning have Time-on-Task and Other Variables
been applied and interpreted in classrooms. What may The literaturecontains, of course, much discussion of the
have gone wrong-at least some of the time? time-on-task and academic learning time concepts. These
Perhaps there is a clue from an informal discussion I ideas even found their way into the U.S. Department of
recently had with an experienced, highly intelligent class- Education's(1986)little monograph WhatWorks.One of the
room teacher. We were talking about concepts of mastery 'findings,' "Managing Classroom Time," was clearly de-
learning. As an example, he wanted to consider how one rived from work on the model of school learning and
might teach children the meaning of the word musket.Us- mastery learning:
ing mastery learning, he thought, he would have to con- How muchtimestudentsareactivelyengagedin learn-
centrate on teaching the definition of the word, as found
in dictionaries, and having children practice writing ing contributesstronglyto theirachievement.Theamount
sentences or stories using the word correctly. In contrast, of timeavailablefor learningis determinedby the instruc-
if he could ignore mastery learning ideas, he would prefer tional and managementskills of the teacherand the
to take the children on a field trip to a museum where they prioritiesset by the schooladministration.(p. 34)
could learn the full meaning of the word by seeing muskets The importance of quantity of instruction was also
on display and hearing something about their role in the acknowledged in the finding that student achievement
American Revolution. To be sure, this might be a more in- rises significantly "when teachers regularly assign home-
efficient way of teaching, but he thought it would be more work and students conscientiously do it" (p. 41). This
meaningful and memorable,and in addition, it would lead monograph, however, dodged saying much about other
to a differentkind of masteryfrom that produced by a con- aspects of the model of school learning. It implicitlygranted
ventional mastery learning procedure. that students differ in ability to learn, but limited itself to
It is obvious that this teacher, to the extent that he had citing the finding that "children's understanding of the
been exposed to notions about mastery learning, had got- relationship between being smart and hard work changes
ten the impression that it requiredanalyzing learning tasks as they grow" (p. 33). At another point, it emphasized that
into small steps and then using drill and practice pro- "accomplishment in a particularactivity is often more de-
cedures to pound in the learning. I argued with him, how- pendent upon hard work and self-discipline than on in-
ever, that mastery learning, or at least the model of school nate ability" (p. 16). But it said little or nothing about ad-
learning, carriesno such implication. The model of school justing classroom time to the needs of slower learners, as
learning requires clear specification of the task to be it might well have done.
learned. But this specification need not break the task in- The professional research literature is full of evidences
to small steps, and it makes no requirement that drill and of concern with how time-on-task should be defined
practice procedures be followed. If a teacher wants to (Anderson, 1984;Karweit, 1983; Strother, 1984). I was im-
analyze learning the meaning of musketas a task involv- pressed with the Karweit and Slavin (1982) review that
ing recognizing the special characteristicsof muskets and showed that differentdefinitionsof time-on-taskcould lead
their importance in the wars of the 18th century, attaining to important differences in substantive conclusions and
a high quality of instruction might indeed involve arrang- with Hawley and Rosenholtz's (1984) elaborate review of
ing trips to museums, seeing historical films, and other some three thousand studies that concluded that optimiz-
things. Achieving criterionsuccess might take longer than ing academic learning time is one of the most important
a more lockstep approach, but that would only be the con- factors in improving student achievement. We need bet-
sequence of a different, but perhaps better justified, ter measures of time-on-task. Techniques that memory re-

searchers (e.g., Naus, Ornstein, & Aivano, 1977)have em- the elements stressed by Bloom have been largely mechan-
ployed to observe and measure amount of rehearsalwould ical or proceduralin nature, such as the use of periodic for-
possibly be useful. Students could be asked to give overt mative testing, correctivefeedback, student tutoring, and
rehearsals of material to be learned. Time during which homework assignments. These are all to the good, but they
such overt behavior could be observed could be counted neglect the basic issue of how the content of instruction
as time-on-task. is to be organized and presented. Only in recent years has
On the topic of opportunity to learn, the Carrollmodel instructional technology resumed looking at the cognitive
has been often cited in discussions of the optimum length processes that students need to develop and master in ac-
of the school year, the length of the school day, and related quiring particularsubject matters such as reading, social
matters (e.g., Pittman, Cox, & Burchfiel, 1986). Levin's studies, science, and mathematics and considering what
(1986)caution about recommending longer school days as instruction is needed to promote the use of these cognitive
an efficient way to improve student achievement is worth processes. Some of the studies reviewed in the latest edi-
noting, however. Although time may be important for tion of the Handbook of Researchon Teaching(Wittrock,1986)
learning, excessive time in the school day could have and many of the studies reported in the new journalCogni-
adverse effects on such factors as motivation or persever- tion and Instructionexemplify these recent trends. Insofar
ance. This caution might not apply, however, to the length as the model of school learning incorporates quality of in-
of the school year; the time factor may truly be part of the struction as one of its major variables, these studies are
explanation for the appreciabledisparities in international not out of line with predictionsof the model. Perhaps, with
comparisons of achievement in countries with different these and other studies, we are on the verge of being able
lengths of school years. More scrutiny of the IEA studies to define and measure that elusive variable, quality of in-
from this point of view may be in order, along with studies struction,but such measurementwill still be difficult.There
of plans for increasingthe amount of time during the school is much more to be learned from analyses of good and poor
year that students are given opportunity to learn. instructionin classroomdiscourse and in printed materials.
My previous review (Carroll, 1985) of responses to the A number of recent studies have considered the variable
model of school learning suggested that the variableof ap- of motivation, or perseverance. Grabe (1982) and Grabe
titude, as indicated by time needed to learn (TTL),had not and Latta (1981) were concerned with measuring student
received adequate attention. Some progress has been made effort and perseverance and determining the interrelation-
since, particularlyby Gettinger (1984b), whose review of ships of academic motivation, effort, and achievement in
the TTLliteraturepoints out that this variable had not yet a flexible mastery learning situation. They confirmed that
"been adequately researched, measured, or effectively effort variables accounted for differences in student
used in educational diagnosis" (p. 15). Earlier, Gettinger achievement even when aptitude was controlled, and also
and White (1979)had developed procedures showing that that achievement motivation had some sort of effect,
sample learning tasks might be better predictorsof success though perhaps only indirectly. Similarly, Laffey (1982)
than standardized intelligence tests. Gettinger has pro- used several measures of student involvement in social
vided additional evidence that TTLrelative to time spent studies instructionalactivitiesin an urbanhigh school, find-
(TSL)is an importantpredictorof achievement (Gettinger, ing that these measures were significantly related to
1984a), and that reducing opportunity to learn relative to achievement. This sort of research supplements time-on-
TTLhas a negative effect on achievement (Gettinger,1985). task research by looking at what motivates students to
There are manifold possibilities, with many practical im- spend their time on task. A seemingly contrary finding,
plications, in further research of this sort. a negative correlation between effort and performance
The model of school learning assumes that students dif- when ability was partialled out, was reported by O'Con-
fer in the amount of learning time they need. If these dif- nor, Chassie, and Walther (1980). It may possibly be ex-
ferences are to be adequatelytaken accountof, considerable plained, however, as a result of low ability students
skill in classroom management is required of teachers. wasting too much time due to inadequatestudy skills. (One
Arlin (1982)confirmed that teachers tend to adjust instruc- of the nice, but troublesome things about the Carroll
tional time to the needs of the slower learners; probably model, like Freud's psychoanalytic theories, is that one
this does not properly serve the needs of faster learners. often can twist things to explain almost any finding!)
Borg and Ascione (1982) demonstrated the value of train- One of the specificpredictionsmade in the CarrollModel
ing teachers in classroom management techniques pertain- of School Learning is that increasing the learner's perse-
ing to the use of time. The complexity of the problem of verance (motivation) will not alter the degree of learning
classroom management is clearly seen in a volume edited or learning rate, if time is held constant. This prediction
by Levine (1985) reviewing procedures of organizing was ratherconvincingly confirmed in a study by Millman,
mastery learning in different situations. Bieger, Klag, and Pine (1983). The time needed to learn
Much recent educational research has been devoted to a paired-associatetask under an encouragement condition
the variable of quality of instruction. Perhaps because the designed to increase perseverance did not differ from the
Carrollmodel of school learning does not deal extensively time needed to learn under a discouragement or control
with elements involved in quality of instruction, it has not condition.
been particularly influential in these studies. Bloom's
elaboration (1968) of some of these elements, in his con- Overview and Prospects
cept of mastery learning, undoubtedly drew greateratten- Retrospectively, for the past 25 years, and increasingly in
tion to quality of instructionand, as a number of reviewers recent years, the Carrollmodel has been in the air. All or
have proclaimed, led to greater educational gains when most of its components have been amply confirmed as in-
those elements were adequately dealt with. Nevertheless, fluentialin school learning, although it has not always been

possible to say exactly how they are effective or how they ways. As someone has put it, we need not only equality
can be controlledor manipulated.Furthermore,the precise of opportunity but also diversity of opportunity.
relationspostulated among the variablesof the model have For all students, quality of instruction must be main-
not been adequately investigated, although some progress tained at the highest levels appropriate in a given case.
has been made. For example, few studies have tested the Teachers must be not only intelligent and competent as
model's hypothesis that variationsin quality of instruction classroom managers but also adequately knowledgeable
make differences in time needed to learn. A possible ex- about the subjectmatterthey teach. Instructionalmaterials
ception is Sweller and Cooper's (1985) finding that time should be prepared and sequenced on the basis of the best
to learn from worked examples in algebra is significantly research on the cognitive skills involved, and matched in
less than time to learn from conventional problem solving a challenging way to students' levels of aptitude, skill, and
search techniques. knowledge. Instruction should clearly specify what is to
Prospectively, if past trends continue, the model will guide be learned. Such procedures of mastery learning as for-
further investigations and refinements of its features. In mative testing, correctivefeedback, and so forth should be
the long run, the model will take its place as having been, used whenever they are appropriate and feasible.
at a particular period, a useful blueprint for educational The available evidence suggests that when the variables
research. With time, its details may become obscured or of quality of instruction and opportunity to learn are prop-
eclipsed by subsequent developments and expansions. But erly managed, the variable of student perseverance-will-
old models never die, they just get laid away. ingness to learn-will take care of itself. D
How can appeal to the model of school learning be made
to improve education? Part of my answer relies on a fun-
damental tenet of my philosophy of education, that we 'There are a number of treatments of the model in textbooks and
should seek mainly to achieve equality of opportunityfor general reference works. In the recent InternationalEncyclopediaof
all students, not necessarily equality of attainment.In this Teachingand TeacherEducation,for example, there is a chapter about
the model by Clark (1987). In what seems to me to be a somewhat
respect, the model of school learning differs from Bloom's odd and far-fetched way, Clark attempts to illustrate use of the model
mastery learning concept, which seems to be focused on by applying it to explain SAT score declines. Other accounts of the
achieving equality of attainment. In view of the model's model are to be found in various chapters in Wittrock's (1986) Hand-
bookof Researchon Teachingand in the fifth edition of the Encyclopedia
emphasis on the role of individual differences in aptitudes
and in students' ability to understand instruction, I doubt of EducationalResearch(Mitzel, 1982). The original articles (Carroll,1962,
1963) and other writings of mine connected with the model are now
that true equality of attainment can ever be realized, even available in a book edited by Lorin Anderson (1985).
if this were desirable (a point that is at least debatable). 21 would caution, that LISREL-type path analysis, if it is limited to

Emphasizing equality of opportunity means not only pro- the study of linear relations, may not adequately capture the nonlinear
relations postulated by the Carroll model, as represented by ratios
viding appropriate opportunities to learn (appropriate, not
among variables, for example.
necessarily equalfor all students), but also pushing all stu-
dents' potentialities as far as possible toward their upper
limits. Assessing students' potentialities (which differ
Acknowledgement: Thisarticlewasadapted
froman invitedaddress
markedly) implies that every available means, including
carefully devised psychological and educational tests, for the SpecialInterestGroupon MasteryLearning,at the 1988
work-sample learning tests, and many other ways of ac- meetingof the AmericanEducationalResearchAssociation.
quiring information about students, should be used to
estimate, at least provisionally, what each student's poten-
tialitiesmay be, and their nature. Given those potentialities Aldridge, B. G. (1983). A mathematical model for mastery learning.
and with a view to the realities of time available, educa- Journalof Researchin Science Teaching, 20, 1-17.
tional programs should be devised and selected to permit Anderson, L. W. (Ed.). (1984). Timeand schoollearning:Theorn,research
and practice. London: Croon Helm.
students to travel as far as possible toward realizing their Anderson, L. W. (Ed.). (1985). Perspectiveson school learning: Selected
capabilities for learning. There should also be continual writings of John B. Carroll. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
reassessment of potentialities, with corresponding adjust- Arlin, M. (1982). Teacher responses to student time differences in
ments in educational programs. mastery learning. AmericanJournalof Education, 90, 334-352.
Bloom, B. S. (1968). Learning for mastery. EvaluationCoiiment, 1(2),
All this will requirestill more attentionthan is now given,
oftentimes, to educational management--to assessment Borg, W. R., & Ascione, F. R. (1982). Classroom management in ele-
and guidance of students, grouping and assignment of stu- mentary mainstreaming classrooms. Journal of Educational
dents to different educational programs, and planning the Psychology, 74, 85-95.
Carroll, J. B. (1962). The prediction of success in intensive foreign
use of classroom time, among other things. It also will call
language training. In R. Glaser (Ed.), Training researchand educa-
for research to develop tools for educational management. tion (pp. 87-136). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. (ERIC
But only in this way can the full implications of the model Document ED 038 051)
of school learning be realized. That is, only in this way can Carroll,J. B. (1963). A model of school learning. TeachersCollegeRecord,
64, 723-733.
the variableof opportunity to learn be fairly and equitably
Carroll, J. B. (1985). The "model of school learning": Progress of an
specified for all students. Inevitably, I think, some degree idea. In C. Fisher & D. C. Berliner (Eds.), Perspectiveson instruc-
of "streaming" and tracking of students is necessary; ob- tional time (pp. 29-58). New York: Longman.
jections to such practices stem largely from misplaced Clark, C. M. (1987). The Carroll model. In M. J. Dunkin (Ed.), Inter-
nationalencyclopediaof teachingand teachereducation(pp. 36-40). Ox-
egalitarian attitudes. Equality of opportunity to attain ford: Pergamon.
potentials implies that students with differentamounts and Denham, C., & Leiberman, A. (Eds.). 1980. Time to learn:A reviewof
kinds of aptitude need to have educational programs that the beginningteacherevaluationstudy. Washington, DC: National In-
differ in pace and content, and perhaps in many other stitute of Education.

Gage, N. L. (1978). The scientificbasis of the art of teaching. New York: Millman, J., Bieger, G. R., Klag, P. A., & Pine, C. K. (1983). Relation
Teachers College Press. between perseverance and rate of learning: A test of Carroll'smodel
Gettinger, M. (1984a). Achievement as a function of time spent in learn- of school learning. AmericanEducationalResearchJournal,20, 425-434.
ing and time needed for learning. AmericanEducationalResearchJour- Mitzel, H. E. (Ed.). (1982). Encyclopediaof educationalresearch(5th ed.).
nal, 21, 617-628. New York: Free Press (Macmillan).
Gettinger, M. (1984b). Individual differences in time needed for learn- Naus, M. J., Ornstein, P. A., & Aivano, S. (1977). Developmental
ing: A review of literature. EducationalPsychologist, 19, 15-29. changes in memory: The effects of processing time and rehearsal
Gettinger, M. (1985). Time allocated and time spent relative to time instructions. Journalof ExperimentalChild Psychology, 23, 237-251.
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AmericanEducational Association


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