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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12
Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Multiple Choice Questions


1. Which of the following is NOT a part of sexual reproduction? 

A. zygote
B. meiosis
C. mitosis
D. vegetative spores
E. fusion of egg and sperm

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2.  Which of the following statements about mitosis is NOT true?  

A.  Mitosis can result in the production of cells for sexual reproduction
B.  Mitosis can produce gametes.
C.  Mitosis can result in asexual reproduction
D.  Mitosis can only lead to growth and development of the individual.
E.  Mitosis can produce genetic mutations.

3.  In flowering plants, sexual reproduction leads to the production of ______________, the
offspring for the next generation.  
A.  genetically identical plants
B.  seed
C.  flowers
D.  bulbs and corms
E.  new shoots

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

4.  Sets of chromosomes that are morphologically similar, but potentially carry different
versions of each gene are referred to as ______________.  
A.  chromatids
B.  centromeres
C.  homologues
D.  spindle fiber elements
E.  gene pairs

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

5. In which phase of meiosis does crossing-over occur? 

A. prophase I
B. prophase II
C. metaphase I
D. metaphase II
E. anaphase II

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6. In meiosis 
A. spindles are formed during the second division of the process only.
B. an interphase cell with 8 chromosomes ends up as 4 cells, each with 8 chromosomes.
C. a whole chromosome from each pair migrates toward a pole in metaphase II.
D. the chromosomes become shorter and thicker in prophase I.
E. the chromosome number remains the same.

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7. In meiosis 
A. the 4 cells produced as a result of the process are identical in all respects.
B. cells produced by meiosis always function as gametes.
C. the process doubles the chromosome number of the plant.
D. only the first division resembles mitosis.
E. the process allows for a contribution of genes from both parents.

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8. In meiosis, a doubling of the amount of DNA in each chromosome occurs in 
A. interphase.
B. prophase I.
C. prophase II.
D. telophase I.
E. telophase II.

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

9. In meiosis, a spindle first becomes conspicuous and complete in 

A. prophase I.
B. anaphase I.
C. metaphase I.
D. telophase I.
E. prophase II.

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10. Chiasmata appear in 

A. prophase I.
B. prophase II.
C. metaphase I.
D. metaphase II.
E. anaphase I.

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11. Spindle fibers begin to form and nucleoli disappear by the end of 
A. prophase I.
B. metaphase I.
C. anaphase I.
D. telophase I.
E. metaphase II.

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12. One difference between meiosis and mitosis is that in meiosis 

A. the chromosomal number is increased.
B. two cells are produced.
C. homologous chromosomes pair.
D. there are three sequential nuclear divisions.
E. six identical cells result.

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

13. Which process occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? 

A. synapsis
B. duplication of chromosomes
C. nuclear division followed by cytokinesis
D. formation of spindle apparatus
E. cell plate formation

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14. Paired homologous chromosomes are called 

A. valents.
B. bivalents.
C. tetravalents.
D. tetrads.
E. pairs.

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15. In which stage of meiosis do homologous chromosome pairs separate? 

A. prophase II
B. telophase I
C. anaphase I
D. anaphase II
E. metaphase II

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16. During synapsis, exchange of genetic material takes place in a process called 

A. homologous pairing.
B. cytokinesis.
C. crossing-over.
D. centromere division.
E. backcrossing.

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

17.  At the end of Meiosis I, the total number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is
A.  the same as the mother cell
B.  doubled (2x the mother cell)
C.  four times the number of the mother cell
D.  reduced by ½ from the number of the mother cell
E.  None of these

18. In which phase of meiosis do the chromosomes separate at their centromeres, with
chromatids migrating to the poles? 
A. prophase I
B. prophase II
C. anaphase I
D. anaphase II
E. telophase II

Stern - 012 Chapter... #4


19. Chromatids are once more called chromosomes in 

A. interphase.
B. telophase II.
C. telophase I.
D. anaphase I.
E. metaphase II.

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20. In which of the division II (equational division) phases of meiosis may two spindles
become fully developed at right angles to the ones that had been formed during division I? 
A. prophase II
B. metaphase II
C. anaphase II
D. telophase II
E. none of these answers are correct.

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

21. In meiosis, centromeres divide separating chromatids at the beginning of 

A. metaphase I.
B. telophase II.
C. prophase II.
D. anaphase II.
E. telophase I.

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22. Which of the following statements pertaining to sexual reproduction is true? 

A. The first cell of a sporophyte generation is normally a gamete.
B. The change from a gametophyte generation to a sporophyte generation occurs immediately
after meiosis.
C. The offspring are nearly always identical with the parents.
D. The first cell of a gametophyte generation is normally a spore.
E. Asexual cells fuse in pairs.

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23. Which of the following pairs of cells do NOT have identical chromosome numbers in a
given species of plant? 
A. egg and sperm
B. spore mother cell and zygote
C. spore and gamete
D. sperm and spore
E. spore and zygote

Stern - 012 Chapter... #7


Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

24. In the life cycle of sexually reproducing plants, the diploid body is commonly referred to
as the 
A. gametophyte.
B. egg or sperm.
C. meiocyte.
D. syngamy.
E. sporophyte.

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25. Diploid organisms have how many sets of chromosomes? 

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

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26. The haploid number of chromosomes of a plant is 20. The number of chromosomes in

root, stem, and leaf cells would be 
A. 10.
B. 20.
C. 30.
D. 40.
E. 60.

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

27. Sporophytes produce _____ by the process of meiosis. 

A. gametes
B. spores
C. vegetative cells
D. egg cells only
E. sperm cells

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

28.  The change from a _________________________ occurs as a result of meiosis.  

A.  zygote to a sporophyte
B.  gametophyte to a sporophyte
C.  sporophyte to gametophyte
D.  gametophyte to gamete
E.  gamete to zygote

29.  ______________ is common to all organisms that reproduce sexually.  

A.  Meiosis
B.  Formation of haploid spores
C.  Formation of haploid gametes directly from meiosis
D.  Formation of a gametophyte generation
E.  All of these are common to all sexually reproducing organisms

30.  Haploid cells have how many sets of chromosomes?  

A.  ½
B.  1
C.  2
D.  more than 3
E.  variable sets of chromosomes

31.  Polyploid plants, such as bread wheat, have __________ sets of chromosomes.  
A.  ½
B.  1
C.  2
D.  3 or more
E.  variable sets of chromosomes


True / False Questions


32. The cells of a sporophyte are diploid. 


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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

33. The sex organs in which gametes are produced are formed on gametophytes. 

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34. Associated pairs of homologous chromosomes may be referred to as tetrads. 


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35. A plant that reproduces sexually cannot also reproduce asexually. 


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36. Chiasmata occur during anaphase I. 


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37. New cell walls are formed between the four groups of chromosomes during anaphase I. 

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38. Syngamy and fertilization are alternate terms for the same thing. 

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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

39. Spore mother cells give rise to gametes through meiosis. 


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40. Chromosomes line up along equators in both metaphase I and metaphase II. 


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41. The nuclear envelope disintegrates by the end of prophase I. 


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42. A chiasma is not produced during mitosis. 


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43. A bivalent has four chromatids. 


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44. A homologous chromosome pair has a total of two chromatids. 


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Chapter 12 - Meiosis and Alternation of Generation

45. Any cell of a gametophyte generation is diploid. 


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46. Fertilization involves fusion of spores. 


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