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Mother Nature as I have mentioned in my blog 10 Powerful Herbs for Love magick has

abundantly blessed us with so many amazing plants that have been imbued with the
magical vibrations of protection.

Plants are powerful and witches understand and believe in the powers that reside in
plants. We enjoy using plants in our spells or rituals to aid us in bringing our
manifestations into reality.

But what is fear? What does it mean to feel protected? What is it to be

protected? Before we get into the top 10 protection herbs, let’s delve into what
it is to be and feel protected.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,

diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other
qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical

The Power of Fear

Who doesn’t want to feel protected all the time? I know I do! As human beings our
DNA is coded with the instinct of survival. We have an innate need to feel
protected and safe to function normally and to live a life that’s filled with peace
and joy.

This need that we have within ourselves to survive is incredible and powerful,
although it may not always seem to be that way.

The moment we feel that we are in danger, our mind instinctively begins going
through hundreds of different scenarios. These thoughts begin developing in our
minds almost automatically. Fear shows itself, intermingled with the emotions we do
not necessarily enjoy feeling, but all of this ensures our natural “fight-or-
flight” mode is activated the moment fear approaches us.

When our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode it gives us the extra strength and
energy we need to protect ourselves from any immediate danger.

When There is No Danger

Although this need that we have within ourselves to survive is incredible, it can
sometimes be our downfall.

Our minds are EXTREMELY powerful! Our thoughts have the ability to cause our bodies
to go into fight-or-flight mode even when there truly is no real danger present.

For example, have you ever been alone and heard a sudden and unexpected noise in
the darkness? Instantly you began preparing for fight-or-flight mode. Your senses
became super heightened and you became extremely still as you used all of your
energy to focus.

During that situation, you might have experienced an increased heart beat as your
heart rate ramped up from a normal 60 beats per minute to 120 beats per minute in
anticipation of needing to escape. As your heart started beating faster, your
palms may have begun to get wet with sweat and felt clammy. It probably felt
impossible to sit still as the adrenalin flowed into your bloodstream.

Your mind had convinced your body that you were in danger, when there was no danger
actually present. This caused you to experience the fear that accompanies when
there is real danger, without actually experiencing the danger.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we only felt fear when there was really something there to
The Power of Media
The technology we possess in this day and age is beyond incredible. We are able to
connect with the whole world from our phones. We are constantly being updated as to
what’s occurring around us through social media, the news and blogs.

How easily it is to stay connected to everyone and everything is amazing, but at

the same time, it can cause us to feel less protected in our own lives.

Most of the time what we read and hear online, through social media, the news, and
blogs put fear in our hearts. They speak of deaths, they speak of injustices, they
recount accidents, and highlight people who have harmed others or themselves. It’s
as if the list of bad news continues without end!

Although it is great that we can be informed about all the negative things that are
occurring around us, as those negative occurrences gives us the strength to do what
is necessary to be more protected within our own lives. The negativity in the news
has the power to feed our neurotic thoughts and our paranoid minds which gives
birth to fear. This can cause us to feel unprotected no matter how safe we try to
be and regardless of the safety precautions we take. Which can cause people to live
in constant fear, full of debilitating anxiety, and consumed by a dark and heavy

Living in a Fear-based World

Since we live in a world that is mostly fear-based, there are many companies that
are constantly creating new things that aid in protecting us.

We have doorbells that alert us when someone is near our front door. With one
click of our phones we can dial 911 without even needing phone service. We have
better vitamins and medicines to protect us from becoming sick.

It’s incredible what’s available for us to help us be and feel protected.

Protection Magick

Protection magick is essentially manifesting protection into your life. Whether

that protection is from people who want to bring harm your way, illness,
negativity, accidents, or even negative self-talk.

As witches we love to turn to Magick in order to harness the energies of

protection. We create protection spells and rituals, we call on protection deities,
we even use protection herbs and crystals.

Even with all the inventions that are created to better protect us, most of us
still turn to our spirituality for extra protection.

A note of caution: Using Protection Magick when real danger is present should only
be done with the aid of professionals. Using Magick and the use of professionals
who can also help you….is powerful.

Performing Protection Magick when there is no known danger present is perfect to

keep you protected from anything unpleasant coming towards you, and it will give
you a peace of mind. If you truly believe you are safe…you will be!

Powerful Protections Herbs

1. Cloves

Cloves are the dried unopened flowers from a clove tree, also called Syzygium
Aromaticum (Which I can’t even pronounce). Cloves are amazing flower buds to use in
Protection Magick.

The name clove comes from the French word for nail, or “Clou”, for its resemblance
in appearance to actual nails.

Because of its nail-like appearance, it is a great herb to use in Protection

Magick. You can make a protection charm bag using cloves.

Get a small piece of black or white fabric. Then place some rosemary, sage, and
four (4) cloves in the center of the fabric. With a string, tie the fabric so the
herbs are safely secured. Keep the charm bag on you to create a field of protection
wherever you go!

To protect yourself from your own negative thoughts, take some cloves and place
them in hot water to create a tea. Drink the tea while visualizing the cloves
entering into your body, clearing your thoughts of any negativity.

Besides Protection Magick, cloves are also great in Money Magick, and to stop the
spread of gossip! Place a clove, or a few cloves in your wallet to bring more money
your way!

Check out the following jar spells Sage and I created using the magick in Cloves!

Anti-hex Spell Jar

Protection Spell Jar
Money Spell Jar
2. Dragons Blood

Dragon’s Blood is not actually blood from a dragon, but wouldn’t that be cool!
Dragon’s Blood is a dark red resin that comes from a tree called Daemonorops Draco,
(another name I can’t pronounce).

The fierceness and power in the name Dragon’s Blood alone makes it a perfect resin
to use in Protection Magick. To protect your home from theft or from people with
bad intentions, light a Dragon’s Blood incense and allow its smoke to create a
shield of protection over your home.

You can also create a protection sachet using Dragon’s Blood to protect yourself as
you commute throughout the day. Get a sachet and add in some Dragon’s Blood powder,
frankincense, a black tourmaline crystal, and some salt. Keep the protection sachet
in your pocket or on you as you commute throughout the day.

Dragons Blood is also great in power, healing and Banishing Magick. To remove an
unwanted person from your life, get a picture of them, and place it in a bowl or on
top of a plate. Cover the picture with Dragon’s Blood powder. Repeat the following
invocation: “I release (persons name) from my life.”

3. Rosemary

Rosemary comes from a rosemary bush. Its leaves are needle-like and its aroma is
powerful. This herb is a great addition to protection spells and rituals. To
cleanse a space of any negative energy, grab a bundle of fresh rosemary, tie it
together and light it on fire. Brush the rosemary smoke around the area that needs
to be cleansed of negativity.

To protect yourself from nightmares add some rosemary, lavender and rose petals
under your pillow to allow only good dreams to flow to you.

Rosemary is also a great herb to use in Love and Clarity Magick. It can even be
added to any spell to make it more effective.

where you need to clear out unwanted thoughts, place some Rosemary oil in the
middle of your forehead to bring about mental clarity.

Check out the following jar spells Sage and I created using the magick in Rosemary!

Protection Spell Jar

Cleansing Spell Jar
4. Sage

Sage is an herb that is well known for its cleansing, purifying and protective
qualities. Burn some Sage before a spell or ritual to cleanse the space of unwanted

For overall protection in your home, bury some Sage in the four corners of your
house and allow its protective energy to bring safety to it.

Sage is also great to use in Blessings, Wisdom and Abundance Magick. You can create
an abundance jar using sage. In a jar, add in some Sage, Basil, Allspice, and a
Citrine crystal. Close the jar and seal it with green candle wax. Keep the jar near
you to bring abundance into your life.

Check out the following jar spells Sage and I created using the magick in Sage!

Cleansing Spell Jar

5. Wormwood

Wormwood is a plant that is related to mugwort. Mugwort is a powerful herb that I

love to use in Dream Magick. This herb was given its name Wormwood, because it was
used to rid bodies of parasites. Because of this, it is a perfect plant to use in
Protection Magick.

To protect yourself from the Evil Eye, place some Wormwood, three (3) cloves, and
some rose petals in a sachet, and keep it near you throughout your day.

Make a protection blend to ward off evil using Wormwood. In a bowl, mix in some
Wormwood, Rosemary and Sage. You can incorporate this herb blend in your protection
spells or rituals.

Wormwood is also great for Dreams, Psychic Powers, and Divination Magick. In your
pillowcase, put some Wormwood, Mugwort and Lavender to bring about vivid dreams.

6. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is the wood that comes from the Genus Santalum trees. Sandalwood is a
great herb to incorporate in Protection Magick.

Burn a Sandalwood incense before you perform a spell or ritual to rid the space of
any stagnant or negative energy. To protect yourself from becoming sick, you can
make a charm bag using Sandalwood. Grab a small piece of white fabric. Place some
Sandalwood chips, Ginger, Chamomile, and a piece of rose quartz crystal in the
middle. Tie the bag with twine or string. Keep the charm bag in a safe place in
your home, like an altar, or keep it on you during the day.

Sandalwood is also a great herb to use in Wish, Healing and Love Magick. To make a
wish come true using Sandalwood; get a piece of Sandalwood and write your wish on
it. Afterwards, burn the piece of Sandalwood to release your wish into the
7. Aloe

I love Aloe. It is a plant that I use when I burn myself, or if I have a really
bad sunburn. The leaves on the Aloe plant are thick, with many small little spikes
around it. When you open up an Aloe leaf it is filled with gooey and slimy juices.

Because of the Aloe’s tough outer layer, it makes it a powerful plant to use in
Protection Magick. Keep an Aloe plant in or outside of your home to keep your home,
and those within its walls, safe.

If your mind is filled with negative self-sabotaging thoughts, drink an Aloe drink
to release those unpleasant thoughts.

Aloe is also a great herb to use in Luck, Happiness and Success Magick. Keep some
Aloe near your work office or on your person, while you work to attract success to

8. Nettle

Nettle is ruled by the element of fire and has leaves that have needle-like ends.
This makes it a perfect herb to use in Protection Magick.

To protect yourself from attracting people with bad intentions, wear a charm
necklace with a few pieces of Nettle inside of it. To protect yourself from a
psychic attack, get a bowl or cauldron. Put some Nettle, Lavender, and Jasmine
inside of the bowl/cauldron. During a psychic attack, keep the bowl/cauldron near
you to bring you peace and protection.

Nettle is also great in Healing and Courage Magick. If you know someone who is
battling a sickness/illness, give them a healing pouch to surround them with
healing energy. In the pouch, place a picture of the person along with some Nettle,
Feverfew, Mint, and a rose quartz crystal. Close the pouch and give it to the
person in need.

9. Angelica

Angelica is a plant that is, like Nettle, also ruled by the element of fire. It is
a powerful protection herb. One of my favorites! To protect against the Evil Eye,
place some Angelica root in a sachet and keep it on you.

You can also place some Angelica root in any area of your home, near personal
property, in your car, or your place of work to create a shield of protection,
blocking and eliminating negativity or evil and ensuring it does not come near.

Angelica is also a great herb to use in Healing and Purification Magick. Drink a
tea infused with Angelica to bring healing within.

Check out the following jar spells Sage and I created using the magick in Angelica!

Protection Spell Jar

10. Star Anise

Star Anise is a seed pod for fruit that grows on an Illicium Verum plant. It
received its name, Star Anise, because it is shaped like a star. It has eight (8)
points. Each point contains a little seed within it.

This herb is great to use in Protection Magick. Place a Star Anise in the four
corners of your home to keep people with bad intentions out. You can also create a
protection altar using Star Anise. In the center of your protection altar add a
black candle. Around the candle place three (3) Star Anise pods and some
Sandalwood chips between them. Then place salt around the altar (the candle and
herbs) to protect it from outside energy disturbing it. Allow this altar to protect
you always!

Star Anise is also an amazing herb to use in Love and Luck Magick. Star Anise has a
delicious and yummy, sweet flavor, so it’s an amazing herb to incorporate into a
desert or a drink. Create a meal using Star Anise and eat it with your partner to
allow the energy of love to flow between you both.

There are so many amazing protection herbs that exist on Earth. These ten (10)
that I mentioned on this blog are just a few of the amazing protection herbs that
are all around us and that you can use to increase the protection of yourself and
your loved ones.

In any spell or ritual, the most important part of it is YOU. You make the Magick
come to life. Everything else just helps you. Whenever you work with herbs make
sure to always tell the herbs that you are working with exactly what you are

Express gratitude to them like the example I give below for rosemary.

“Thank you, Rosemary, for the shield of protection that you have around me.” Or a
simple “Thank you, Rosemary” works just as great.

Always show respect for the herbs that you use, and they will reward you with the
guidance you seek!

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