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January 27th, 2020

Miguel Querol
Universidad Loyola Andalucía
Year 2019-2020
A trend or condi=on that, if con=nued, could
have a significant impact on an organisa=on.
Scan through the PEST model. Poli=cal,
Environmenatl Social and Technological.

The main difference between issues and crisis is
the =ming and the visibility. Issues are long-term
developments and organisa=ons face them
without the pressure of media aMen=on/ public

“A crisis is an unplanned (but not necessarily
unexpected) event that calls for real =me high
level strategic decisions in circumstances where
making the wrong decisions, or not responding
quickly or proac=vely enough, could seriously
harm the organiza=on” David Davies.

Vulnerabili=es of an organisa=on. They relate
with its inner issues.

Risk assessment is based in iden=fying
vulnerabili=es, priori=sing them according to
their impact/ damage poten=al and its
probability of occurrence.

To prevent and solve issues and risks before they
become crisis, organisa=ons need to scan the
right sources (media, customer care lines,
employees complaints, auditor comments,
shareholders cri=cisms, etc). They also need to
iden/fy relevant informa=on and opera/onalise
it into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
An evalua=on stakeholders make. It is based in
the ability to meet their expecta=ons.

Stakeholders are any group that can affect or be
affected by the behaviour of an organisa=on.

The Reputa=on Ins=tute measures 7 dimensions:
leadership, performance, products and services,
innova=on, ci=zenship, workplace and
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Management of the impacts an organisa=on
makes on society (worker rights, sustainability,
human rights, community rela=ons, etc).

The Trust Bank:
McDonalds case during Rodney King LA riots

Both reality and percep/ons are manageable,
and mee=ng stakeholders expecta=ons involve

The resolu=on of an issue could involve changing
the way a company operates, or rather trying to
change a percep=on of its stakeholders.

Iden/ty could be explained as what an
organisa=on does and how it does it. Its ethos.
Its values.

Image is the way its stakeholders perceive it.

The solu=on of an an issue/risk not only needs to
be coherent with the iden=ty and image of the
organisa=on but it also needs to be economically
efficient, sustainable, aligned with the
organisa=on mission and goals.
Society is in constant evolu=on. Stakeholders
expecta=ons, ci=zens and challenges are always

Being reac=ve to stakeholder needs, keeps
organisa=on in defense mode. Embracing
the needs and concerns of the community, on
the other hand, opens a whole new field
for innova=on and engagement.

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