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Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job

or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Opinions differ as to whether we should put up with bad circumstances or improve them.
While I admit that there are some fair reasons to tolerate jobs that we do not like or lack of
money, I would argue that changing things for the better is within our reach.
On the one hand, it is understandable that some people who live from paycheck to
paycheck are reluctant to give up on their tiring jobs. They barely make ends meet, so it may
be difficult to make changes and still earn a living. Things would be worse if they do not only
earn money for their own life but also for their family, especially their children. Single-
mother households are the case in point; rarely does a mother considers her own
satisfaction at work over her children’s well-being at home. Additionally, switching jobs does
not always guarantee a more satisfactory and well-paid ones in return. Therefore, for some
risk-aversion single parents, the risks of improving their bad situation by changing job
outweigh the benefits.
On the other hand, I believe that embracing bad situations is just an excuse of pessimistic
and apathetic people. We are living in a digital world in which there are seemingly unlimited
sources of knowledge available at our disposal. Therefore, those who are struggling to seek
for a better job can always acquire new knowledge online to be more competitive on the job
market. Besides that, our digitalized world has also generated new job opportunities. Hence,
people who are in financial difficulties could, for example, sell clothes or miscellaneous
goods online to compensate their shortage of money.
In conclusion, although some people are unwilling to improve their bad circumstances
because of risk intolerance or family background, it is possible to overcome bad fates and
pursue an optimistic path.

Job prospects

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