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For some people success means money and status.

For others personal happiness.

We all want success. We want to be successful and feel successful. We chase money, fame, power,
education, relationships, and a thousand other things without ever stopping to ask one essential
question: What, actually, is success?  Is it to have a lot of money and great social status or to have
personal happiness? People are different so everyone has a different point of view of this topic.
To start with, people who are actually happy know it because they define their own happiness and they
have their definition of success. Success is defined by each person differently for their own sake.
Throughout childhood and early adulthood, we learn various ideas of success from our parents,
teachers, and friends. Everyone has their own agenda and idea of who and what we should be. Although
it’s OK to value the opinions and hopes of others, we shouldn’t necessarily adopt them as our own. No
one can impose their version of success on us. No one can tell us what it means to live a good life.
On the other hand, if you spend just a few minutes on social media, you’ll realize how many people
hold a very narrow definition of success. They think it’s about building wealth, having the perfect
relationship, launching a billion-dollar business, or amassing a large social media following. And a lot of
times, they attach famous people to their image of success. None of these things or people is wrong, but
being like them doesn’t necessarily make you successful. Many people have fought and struggled to the
top only to feel miserable and burned out once they get there. We often think we are not successful
because we do not have money and fame. For instance, people who live in a tiny house and have a
regular job that doesn’t pay very well think that they are not successful and feel sad that they didn’t
accomplish anything “big”. But rich people look down on those people and think about how they are
successful indeed because they have wives and children.
In conclusion, if we fail to define success for ourselves and try to pursue someone else’s path, we’ll end
up frustrated, unhappy, and ultimately feeling deeply unsuccessful. It’s also essential to understand that
in many ways, we already are successful. If we assume that we are failures until we reach a specific goal,
we will never be happy. We have to recognize all we have already accomplished. Success is both a goal
and a journey. When we reach certain milestones, that is an element of success.

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