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ce #uff-d#dB{sfli3***'*

Fi.;',J*:Jf ilj{"i S-I',*Tftu1€}d; '- i.::.i nrr ,.i.*il.. .- r!.. :.rr:,rl":., r

.. * -rtl*i!"e.i F disr&: "-- l#{ B'u" ri :t -sr.:t r".!''t.i,. i

|- Ghrrl+e G. s.tltr;r
cfr 4*3f lert ?6th lr*rg*
D€trerr Eol*rrdo A0ltt

l. l,ll i..i,!.r:i o* .irl' : : !{:ia! f!.rri*rI

ug*S 4tB *u*"!{ [*oE of lirl

-r1a-!5i-,:;q?1 Artff,'l EGr'a Ii:i A 516*?A-$4

it Cf,J**LES c. ltlLLSX djbf* eE*rtES {:. XtLY*gg

EStrB 4th &v+ t tlon of IrrI

'l i l-, -', !: -rj+ ;., ,{ritf i i'r::-'!: 'r ]. i1 - I l":- l'r Ii ;' :.


i.11..i r:i tr. i.r1
:"{li _r i{r:.: t :ir. th 31-*r:ftu1. E SS?T T

Ota*r of [€rof,d: fhrtlcr G{ttrttt.t oa}y} Hlll*r

cjo 4*!3 llct tr6tt _tv*mr
Dcr?cr, Golorrdo I t0?f 2i
Gntr, trf ttrl EcbEEr t* md m f+g{rqr7{Ercord}, Lrclurlvc of
naf cepactt! oE csGrtrEGd tr.ElElttLl|g,ttr'aDitr ILL otlEE propartylterl
(ctattil*, l
I Ccrrl.ftcrtc of Blrtts: Cbarlcr C, llillar, Boro - Starc of tyuingi
Hot Sprlnga Coustt, *ovcrEcr 16, 1949i
(Blrth Doe. io,: Fllc 1949/f,e9. rs, 63{3rA)l

.r _"J.3-illltt
:;-- i

- !-i'lit r' ! i. i: L
I fcontfmn* - hep ?l {tr*t OEbtor: eluf,Ifls C. HILIJffi
2 $ectlred turrfr Chrrlar C(intttaf mly) l-llller
4 | @lcyer ldatiftcstion !ihs&er:
, ! tteanrry 0irect lEposit *rcqnrt llfidcr: 516-58-l*75i
6 I l0artc* Posred &Eeount ?*@erl E ??? {80 dr73l
7 I utUm nATE$ roEffiALs !*uh+r; 6tlt106:l
s | *c*/Iderrrtfi*rltda Sryta$r qllRtES C, !fiI$ml
9 I Air, idgrtlfitrr, ab&revictifi€, tdan csrafts{*mt deacrLbed antc}, or octrcrl
foroa legol sd smrclrl. tkbt or €$dEy *curity{iee} in any fonn,l-
to eredtt or dgfrit Eccountr urd balences, benefieial iaterute(divlded or[
udt*tded), or €fiy other rs* beartng i:re re* ifutLfrer{or eny eryrtrralcnt,
r1 rheruofl CHAfiLSS C" lfi.tEEI

12 I ALT. ri6ruture*rl
deberBrtreE, accor.Eltc, pledgae, cofitrEl!trlEar contrGcte,
hypothacadurs or other p,roparty{ies}(lrnturtvc of altr d,ettels} declaredl
11 erzed, IlfC sf0 ffir
1* [ $.& clem rcgtaterd, wrrcgistnred, l*gal, t{'dtabl€t Fclitteal,l
eanrtercirl, rtrrrrBd{T, aduinl*tratlve. ecclealastierl, geruuul, privrt€,1
1J trblic, qpart-pbltc. or Ery othaE for ofj, srqy other forw atae are!
hcr€f'y drd tEresfth Erffi[ffiC t3-50l E nt trE, f,I CtrEtt
r6 flffi 3-5011 of bad fgttJr abaent proof odribiting indor*ewrt by thei
Debtor rtlFrlating spactflc ptsrary lrorfedp of csrrenr to 41tr Eterl8l l
l7 fmts relatcd to cl*iue. fn partteular lssues governed by f&Iralty/Hcriel,m
jurirpn#nce ird juriedictisr(r) ceuslrR penElty. fine, or forfeimre I
It of any t&d or nat$ru clalnnd aSEiffiE the Oebtorl
to I lielder-Ix!-6i*-{fir*, Secund Party cLaias plenary un&gatred qse sf sabrcr i
Etr6 artif,iclol tlcr!ftlr Gfiaf,Lm C. ifil.fEgl

2t tL{, prtrp,erty{1cr}{inslustve of all c*lgttels} rE* ec$€S|sd for v*lue aa +sri&ar

of debt s(4t fror lerry trrrsutrlt. to th€ notorloualy pblishsdl
,t Ilorae of t p,relgrtlttv*l$Sf] Joint Rrsolutigr[IuE] 192, !{arch 6, 1933, Erdi
AI& appatnted prmrt(dt*dnmd & und{sclod} BIlffi and SIIS, sfldl
l3 f'uY/aLL rttatlm'rts tn lhe nrrr.rrre of or form qf UniforE 0mcrctai Codetlffil I
[UF106, ffid the orderlcl thercfrsa are lEllE ro Dc$tor indudin* Uui noil
?{ linited to neco,rd 0rrcrl'el '$ane 6 Tlrle'. Record ftrnsr is mt gua;rfltorl
for or-to anf othGE,sccq.lnt, by explictt BE$eEryaticr, hereby Holaer-In-Dre-l
?5 Coume [necord ftrnerl :Uoti.e lto tttrstce/Fidretary plerrery ctarding tol
Ituat Gr**tor try Fottod Aeecflt [Ar*er: Z ]77 480 473.r#*
21 tt
EE fragr, e]
1 tm**rd * FitF I tm*t Dasrtor: CEAILES f . $XLLS*{an arilfieial p*r
*teEan reIl fh*rles c (ltlitiBl only) ltilIe

4 Em (r r^E c EEilrrilfs
If l Sacured Parayl , Cklco G. lfrIlx , declaret and noticea
q*Eeptame* of tht lftr{fara Coararci*l Co$c{ttrl eowreJ"*l f&glrtrF at
i' 'tbbltc I#r' sg prblf4H rcaar,rilg heralr E$d tre'rssrith ILL rlgbic
GlrftsdiGf, thp$e{ll snal snalrtlat th*i*ftu, rdth sFeiffcity tr}rsuant Bo
1 rh€ Ei#rrfcr Ef Cal*rbtr C*i aOUc Ui aA-Ztf, ttrtq ZI:It-t01.
gt-105, trd fl-m7, or apoeiie ventr EeprLlic frisn SEat€ ;r mrnicipal
s mrF6r*t* 'STStE tr . . "; reglaE,ry ltlEti$aslti.lacd rcflrsflse of tlre
dapted IkifFB* Scsrerelet Ctrfutffil-in rirat ueils a*d jur{rynderce
? ehereof:

to {8I Saerred f,trtI, ChtE C- IH.llrr r !crl".rg, fn *md end

uninss{.rd glcnatT esFeXtf Es f'EltltEr $d EiE==tEflftrry sf tlu Orlgltutr
11 .trrrisiicctsr, tecsllts tcr*r of rhia crerelal Eeg'istr?r lm+,rr as th€
HttfoEr CffieEci8l co.IslLf,E}, h*llc Ls.(s! EB-Z/I3 ord 8E=7,+4t as pldge
1X hry rhe rlB{ftm SEiTE ffiqllfElTt ruf,/oa ah* eouerel6n &eprblnc Ihtcr
StiE€, firdl+r $!e urdc,lpdt carporate 'ST*TB Sf . . .r, !E appoal,E*. for
L3 ttt* tntercrit*$.1 ttr sf'Herchrit ,transfsrr o *atd raglsfry, rtr !*!qr
pr*si!ryttv€l, befi$ ffirfft**tgry cffiBtitr'tlocl md egr*rallc rondtris{t
14 F*eccdsrt tf *s reE af k* !f nntlc* of, f**tp, ffiple{srs qlt{(Er
exrtralling fiJ. comrtlal, legnl, *ld polLtjeaL erBrEm** af ec,u*egl*rxe;
15 [3] e:rrwrcial rcgiartlr 1r aceegred for c@on, gareric, ganerei epplicsrion
ud uee g$rel*lrl tfi effieum'*E! €ofltr*reted nrls*, *.Br *d Ilrotririsrs
17 th*s€n*ih ;ffectrettng eutrclltng psr@!,srs *rd Esdltiffia p<ec*dent utrJ.d:
dsllnc xd frylqB rycr tlx 1*stl-Bs*oeteE16a tetmgn rstlc€d, oansGoEual
!f ProPer pertiet;
13 IAI sffursd hrrrlree] fisutLm qnd #nJ*teru sithi-n presrrytionr that
fc.c[s] of fcrgrast, Agt$hd, ln *rd fsr 1le lkdted States of rtsErica
20 ss ilttrhlie l*ra', de facto oc & j*ro=, Bre, ln iact, rhrbllc Lsn' for
'priestr u*' by an<l tluuXglr a lfirful jlrr€hEsG mnEy sgrt@nt ee perfecte<i
g1 Ftrsxrit to ard vlthtn ftIy pell6*red rodlfigd len, reg*1*ttronfxX. sd
apporite FoIisT mtorlorrly prblletred for p*bllc hcr1€dgr, lege1 rffect,
m erd gcncrBl appltcatimr;
I1 [iI Prfltcf#eE of ttre BosErrrtng srdlrions prec*rte*rt {rrafragpbly in d b'y
lrterllatl$t81 1ffi,Ehe Le of Hatlocr*, thc I#t of l{6fehnt, nstlmal r?d
3t 3t6Ee EorlBBlEEtlGrs, rubst&rtt4ce rd valtdate EhE prltrEte contrBcL bcrr*e.n
proFcr pEEtiEs trensectirE pfaurlly ,fl un!ryxired capadtytt?sJ, or ia ttg
z7 alttrtatiten tn the pr+icncE of fully dlgelered uatsr'ia"l fEets trlclurlrc
af ciry t@ittffint{s) rhstsoacEr, &rly rut*d, ssa*pE€d, ald eff+ctr.rrt{d $Elr-
,* EiEfk io ls E* rppaeit* ard afnrltcable, ir fEqt! *ql6tlftr*B i.k rmst
firdwrml historif$l ld$, srd furtber, c*fitq$r8ftEfir*try le nperedqg
t? 6f dtl*r lxr fo*xs rrrlees irref,ra;ably defesc{d, €stry}tiEfrae+dtcm*-*el
2E tnq6e 1

I fcmtfflrrl - re I m-f iltc: CIrtiLEs C. l{ILLgn{sn artiflsial Per'
gasrrd Frtl: ch*rles C{ taii,ial enly} Htl1e
& I.D.:
{ ltl(contirpsd] or othcsise rlt}r tpcctficlty mpcrcedd by cerraetalal private
Iw or l&rfrrl tgreetent being hlhatantlvely c.expicuour ard duly noticcd. .
t Safil jurf*gndar*e*, erereiil l$r. et c$qr is scknci.lGdgEd ard effeqtrrered
bry erd thEqlxBh *egrblic thtoo Strt€lsl, sovcrGisnE, ud/ot rnr:{elptl
6 corporate 'fiATE[rloF . . .', cnd/sr EtE District of Colubis Co<ie as rhe
'Ilrifora Emrcial Codet1fCl'r !G havlng been foranlated erd Gfls,conced
? tU tte Amricsn t,rr lrrltlttrte, Ifre $attonei Oonferenee On lkrifotrl l,sst
fild &rly eilictsa! and lrcorporited ylth1{r tha ur'deip6l erlnrst* len $f the
I Ecp:blie &ltcnr $tate[t!, and/or the nxdelpal carparatc 'SiltEOF . . .',
xriJor the Dl*tdet of f,old{a a* ertdene€d by tubHe lant IItr-!43 fi:d
s A8-?lA, Mer 3O, 1963(un1ur p'rcr{arely edapted), farrd stlhin said
codiflcattsfi Et olrtrlca of Colu&t* Code tttle 28, et scq:
11 t6I tlcr*y, the tlrifortl Crerctal Codctffi! ta Eceeprad rr tendcred far
i?trbllc Lar' glvlng
FrtwEe rrsa of foundrttfii, ErEsEtrlc€r force and eff€c!
1a ta L*ful plarury cmfsrecrri €f Grgrdr t#r, E{ulty, ard ldnir*Xty/hritt*
Justiclable lurtdtciel jurtsdicttffi, viErffc firtr ard dlrectiws, tadr
I3 nr-d:tl&rally ard coll*etdnaly roiorlouily FtHaled, duly accrytcdr Gffi-
€acldlg tn inia?r'attro} I*r if EhE Corrtftutfsrlfn anal for ilq lhrtted
l4 Strtes of tmrla" &rtettgd r:ie sf cmrerctal regfruyltfe tffil is har*tn
Etipsl€E€d to bc in natrrf! fid fot-e of trtiilFin-lErlr Et&rEry pRgcegg
t5 rtardin3 rar*+caclrad or iEaiEEd aboent debEar or propet psrty posacseing
sd preaent.lrg elalsp ffA{rut dEbtof rcrly E{8lstcE.iqg erunt*rctals|
t6 to dtEdrErge e* entcrad krsrttb;
17 l?! Saflrad hrty trrerrl** rlght io &nd, trihanErr del*te, or otl**nr*s€
apareede thf FrfirttLcnsr cfirGnErt8(iryItd, sltBfrrBtfir* or aetrreu, uril
l.t s:ElgttEsd sdLtlsrs pracad€flt proffcrad and lacurgoatd lprcin tnd hBr€firtil
$rt daftntr{ur o# tefu *rb#ar;'d to sre*tlfil or ni.*rppltc*t{En s111 bq
I9 &tesirsd by Grente at tur p.rty;
eo l8l Any obJectlon, rohlttal, or cqmtcrclale to this reglstcred docrnsnt or
sIF portton th*rtof ilst b6 tcnal*ra{ to EhG Secured-Party vtthtn r$Erriytzf}}
2t dayr. If ,E srdr o,bjeetior, r:tuttal, or cqrnterclei; is tlmly tudcrai,
lt le preanpttsa fiat *E tnfouE8tioo, claiDs, EEat&nt of chsttel(5),
u, provisiocs, iovenante(lnplled, cerctnrctive ff acunl), and eonttrrd ecrrdi-
rlonr Precefurt art eeptcd. and any objc*tlsr. ttj€etion, rebutfsl, or
:3 countrmlallE 1a uslred" ntthc,rt ecoirrtel ;b*crrt cryeflfurg codlf{c*t{edt}
Eo Ehe co$trsry,
afi l/ 'SscurEd Fartyr - Sec: D*.arric[ of fsll,*J.o cs&, fitlc !8r{1*AO1(3r}(E}'
t3*r!.6{?} - 8ld $f-loi.
27 a**
tf, fnurye A I ,1f/

-+ *.
,rr_ .-J -qfst
.\ \ \f
-J -r.


a '* .;,r
d&i& srd

r. *S -J*r
b6dGJ r
" !- tr& .
l E$Ir3.* Hp
{{ri dr,"r
a **1 ,*xlisi*H
re F irv!F& t-i.Jo

E;'J *H # ^*
Rer*iptfi 3ifi$t
ntBm!ffi {r 0ffi$s
tan$fiIllET0ll 0.0. REHnSffi {}r $[ils
s$t-IlI6I{$t! sc
tffi) 7t?-53?4

em8813135 Pqt: {
snffif,ftE - t
f;EfrFTIffi f E5.SS

Tohl i 38.m
Hrirk bL Tendered I S'W
[henee Due t 0.m
trhicr t g.g$

Ehee* ilushe? 0munt

ssffieffi#8 I

Hirlrt Hrrg ffIfrftH. HISLIS

f,fi/*{/ffi [tr1?r$7 flt.
[rdristr C*S]|IE[{

r. -s
Doet : 1t11S55,?59
?r4r 1 of, {
S!tr:: s*11?rAo11 13;2S*!t
ffi fil.d * &*ri!8drd in
Sffl*lrl Fctotd* of,
3}sffi mm
!,J*r f,lHArcf !n6 *Y&TEI*€NY AlrE$'l Bi*EirT Ee60Es*n €ry rffit
Dec ffire: EtillllrcEfo
:i r i : l-;E;. *i:: t i ': :. i
effiE3slr{s s 5,0t
:':: 31
xnGsffi s x!.ttt
sl{ if$J.EE, CgrgIgB tr

- 18$rra. r* *s003

*.., .r' ' 5: * :s

r*lar h.i.{. im

'.1:: : : :,r :': i-: :

?61 P€i$I}.*r:v&rr!tr &v*al.ia, $l?l

.r _ ii;i

t*iGi@d #n#M E.-"yE

E*lieg,aaal , *:1 pr*rp*:rty{i;*r} ien+}irBiye pf rII qh*ts?sl*} dulg ****B;.ed
f*x vrrtrue rs rs.ridrsee* .5f deht,' iderttlfg*d r'gsf €" Efi*fl, B*:L*llt?en, fj1* rls
td***{313* *.*srqrr*d for fuil" u**, ri"6ht' tltlc" lf}tcr,irsL te the &:!btr}.d
F*rE:*t-u:ty, L?81, ?lte tltat"e.d $t"e?e$ n:rf &s*r*ea, qqfi.fftE1r*L*d h,egi*n::rg *4
;uly l??6 er d*ele.rsd by thr: er:* F&sp:* vi5.3?ssIff EaFB&E eI"L ?t* !f,CEI.F, ti1*
r:*l&rritg&u$ f:el:].sr*ti,*lr *f tEirg{rx& rt*tii+d Slst*e qrf *tr*ri.c,*, ?ripvsx
p!ex.,est*d, incllrcivs urd !:: ;r:rrtr**l*r E\rb:ie I,&*{*} &B-.t{3 j &**€*d. F,&BBE
I3l t{1 . F.aEdSrrlFhFf lJ rkflx {B}tr; Farfee?8€! 6sl1t.Ia#t fi1,t *c: 3*tr1$$1S4?.
Bs a, Gratrter, Brllt,r .

P !+ieq!*atrEt *b Es&#d--8*ffi!!&3*bS
xIgf,6rf SE$?f,lt&k.ry&ffi

1:..,ri;: ti _:...-\+-li\r 11'r ,\....r.i ',.-i,.r-r_: :lat.:1rt rj'j,',..; I r"l . r:t .:
t $r
Facl : i+11653t3$
q{rtc: G}11?/3{Ir fari5t$t
E!.Ld I g.ssr6.C ln
Official Frcord.r of
flx.gB Dc *EgmuE* E5 !cEs*
rrsBl fom
tJCC fi l{n$fC}HS STATEIdTE !{T AiiSf itrfitEt{?'
'::r.,: 1 : )..1f.j.:,-:,
a::t.::ij: 'r ;:: : ll, ": 5. o,
!l !;r; . I-1:, 15,8i
,:-t ij :,:it, - ; i.:.;_.r "; :. s, 5{

ll .is-riF

&,"i:!:ll:,,i .-'{r;., i:r

tonafici*ry to. fo.r, alt politierl gonrl *driai*i-rnd ty kgitirrt*

qsrruEEEertr e.riatauct d btl er. $a{Ftr l*elurlsr ef r*urrlo*r r*d g++dr
E|oErril[t of any Drturra, tl't]d, gr sr:rtnrcrtlon;
l'lovtdclr t.ti. t!* rlatrrtlr of "h*
A*rignrurt renditi+ir|t: {1} ** rx*drr r!:trrq| tnrrtr!+r k$osrr to lr,lt{Eror
rilt d+ti*trry a$* r*rf.@rrt FrotEcolc lnd grroo*tlrE*r fsr r*ttJ.cEt af .11
difixrt** rnd *attl*trrt* F*I*trd te lbcreiirit*r etllrt*rri{r}. r'*at*,
or pxoq*rtiE rq:i*t.f# u&daE ffiC rLth Bsaiticr !.r.irtud ta k*iqinor il
fi:rrtr *rt{t+r to rll dirFilt{ r+!.1ut*6nr gr *.Fttrfufr}nai; {E} 1ril af
r.rlgrmnt rrnd#rtaod rrrd ratrrd te !r for thr ulriEt ts naflt, (}f t*.
Crradbitop, S..*lara. Graatorr. futctici*rrarr tt+ fu B+6F16, ta. .firr, $f,
erigdr*rl JBri.rdLGti.s$! roE*trtrc!}rCl $€1it3erl !+i{t** b.{ri,urrtry E+ frrr3y I,f?€
u*d*r ?ba unHrl.seut U.€!.rtt{*$ of, thr thlrt dr rratt d &trtar s,f l.t*sncar
a*rqucrt atrtc mrtatituticrs. 1?Et *r.ti.clag oif donfidsrttiar, itr
p*ttr*tt*tIl nt* ttrtt d SLt*r 6f &3tc* rnd *&tntrtJi..tltr foslsr t$rrite,
thrc Gon**rtution of, th. tbi.tGd trItlt*a of *rartea 1?91 ll clta+rd 1d61 L€
arccuti.E br.noh tsurt; {3} eny rnd r11 hnld lra*r g,C,e,
:rrgiltrrtio*,, e,buurt a&r}cl:,raeiBn ql*eific. gta1l hc caorjidar"qd rtlilt' f,oE
'f!*rrurf ct'Ilb. $rtlic TBr.t rubj+6t to 6$r*rlEat. E$il?aac th*r{}ts, in
r&i*1*trr*t1q&. Ir*tding cp*r*tl"ng qtrr*r.rmrlt*l *tnretr*r*r r**ing thc
*riqr:iml ar*llrl,c f,r* sf lbr gErr Frqplr b*lng c*-r*c,rb!ir,hd rnd c!}*.*tiafit
nlth ]rr*Efatqf, Xatill€Cr**br,l,iE!.l r$d frrnr5,..Ewy, ia oprcr gubllc !*rrmr.
lr*ig:ror Chrrlcs C: Hit!.rt, nrLo.rlrl *u. it cqrnetld rbovr dur to
rnatq t d
trliqt ryrt & llt*rtng $rtgfutrl etF.cft!r{i.r} r*d rtrrrdi*E{al . qorre€riofi
fhc Bnrtrd EtJtt., of, lmrica lTgI coaetnratlca. otigiprl rrtlsnrl statG

'i" .'.:"$ .,,r:r'- ' : ;:1::4: ;{T

8A*f;i,EE E HTi-TEF i }:{ hF.EXFI*IhT FAE{I4{f 6 :.EC}.:. E'ICTIOH}

a;j\i:6:..i:t)'.c,*._r-,:"..r.;.1'... !.;,-- :.i-....i:,. ,.. i:_-:.-j i.,t :, .a .&. :. ...;:

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