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it-"15r*lr:trt3'|r3 nt]r!-


C Major
tf|| cioaa-
tttl GiorD&
tdaF lvtfrlliffiiHffi"
C MclodioMnor
C Hannonio
C Mejor

C MelodicMinor
tll I
t *!
llll !
C HamonicMinor

C Maior
ttr l:
a! lvifilliffiliis"C M€lodicMinor
c HarmonicMinor
. PIea*beadvied thatrF.utho.udpqbtislrer!.lanorc6"otuibilitywh.tscv6
6d ay {and aI) !@dmr.l .nd wdlprrenietr-innicted iniuie! d-t *i ;;;;
qpoErt the mrerid in thB b@L
ffhis 6 eepecir|ly Etevut in F8.d ro the tefi hand
nn86, wilt, 6oHrr sho{dder muscts, tenaos, boGs, cart lge,
;flel" ptc.,.l .t.)
AnySuii.'ilt who sqkr with thi6 b@k is 8oin8 to b. expGed to tileFJy hu.
, .
dBrs orchor&rh.r_inrckelrPrche.nd 6i€€,i;s d'fuuir;rl,.i-wix;i.ffi;
|w {d unrdiliE Bepdtiolatty c.utiG ;d, d.lodils voicd;'d_i;:
doh the dryerbo{d. wid, ach Nw de*Fdllg choid,tlE_disr.G
gadu.Iy inoEs, b.*l;A;;

E!.h (ard *ery) tuitarist musr@rinu@dy Mi!o! dF *@tim

. ,
h their lefr {Enssihd h.nd. Effi 6 rhe dde of 6ein8lryry rhevlqeiw
w.ay !oro." pe'rEFit wouldbeffi rater k putl rhi;w.y,hJ *, i\-.-;;f;ih"
of dy dis(td|IdHs ilE way ro go,,

Ew !o prtty ouch eve.y 8ur.,6t who beriE to wdfwi* rt. v** s_-d;.r"il
T':rR k ald
phr. whore
burd of6tufrhltisn;t ody tw r,o,r,"* u,ij;.t*"iJ,ii
lTEnr tud io ir th@ is a teid*y to _*t t .*,a. u.,{r jil r"'
|w qMdB @ h.E e dmBr Mr@riel*! .ff€cr.TIE ei p€t6 up, rlr mind@06 irto
$irp,rhe@otioBlesin to s4 theiMginatio be8ire
y@ u DeaDreb @.ll this g'st tuf to @iretery t p-y"c t ,t
bto; p""pi. " ^'*h-
erFre or ytu tefth.n<twhd! .t d,i6point startsro'ftet Hc r"iu "*"y1ri..."1 "i ir,"
t'.; .
Y@iustBpr@u8htup in "educlion by MIry.,, you st ,pp€dh@itorit y@ left (fin8en$) hrd. y@ did'h! mlJr you .*jr*t""a"a * theFF
yljJ:,".-."Ttu.1p h.d. nie riderors@.But,*61i;G;",;#
pne lc d.yn weks, po&ibty hmthi (B.tiere me t,n nol
exlS8qadigl) In sd.e ;s6"
tne d.mage drtd ihhtre toE of |t@ery rime. OdadqElf,it
:p.^.nmt.- _"r-a _* a"_*"
b.ylod ,*.ry tine.Thrword6drtDr6 rhe ;r,* , .p"Fdi,fri
i)&f ir "@nmdins."

Thjnk rbout it -picture yourer with duESFNn

FrDarmt whar?
Q: Mi @oddtnd, d. W ttyihs ta eE B?
A: Y@ 8ot that nShd

Yd mu3rexftise reMitjvfty,
'ou ft, y,ii.f
'ou :nTi"ff.l.*
b" no tDbl@

Y@ h.w beo WARNED! (pte@ tate c4 of y@ hands!)So@ $tgF

.t'on' tood
E&l t ntarive tuidelic/regEiaios a ot ud
-ri|lll |. troa toort-

" :-t-!lq,ys..* rt ws qitren with s eyero rle tutuE of lhe

*qaj tendritu of nqt
-_-.H tuitaristd tt .ihs ,r {rici@r "ned!" sh4d by.ll tui-
raftis; tholewhoaE;w ot+ ,,ia-ai*J ,iflq Tllbh
6Bi't! of mkdar denwd roh * * who@ B vet6bfr. Ir
wd. ;;;;;ifi-"S dd sEairhdor-,r,", ffiffT"Tple
'ur "*i".p",",

I rffidy wor !o An!h.i!!
CA io do a Dfu
sdrr rla @teri.t..rhad-r'*-B"n;ioi#T'xY,lH,i,l*ffffi*
prqqtd a trome,iorueaco rorao.;;H;;#:

ft,ilffiffi IH*ll*xnJff d ffi,J
,"cereadin€.trs. b@rabqnchorret?6ab@k
__ -,,l*," " ry*."b.., abourL|s@

Ils a bookaboura nurnt€r

ofotlEr rhir,ls s H
rcrd!:.s";;ilH;ff1ffig,then aEdirncurt
. t€tte.Lmr,t.d8r of dE 6t €sbodd
. *,trHs,*ffi vini&dnd
Hhqic MiMo16
' erEr rdowl.d8€ of tut rDd r
: g1 lplree.r ^"s.p- 5fi,€5wjrhol||q E*i.d no.6
: iffi , r r r*'apo"uur"sl .." * r*
. tEE6€d
ffi flff
-i* ",a.p""a-u7
. rlE*.d ibFDwi4rioul *it&
. [|@!€d t .chie.ti!!
. tEE&d h""dity

Thisi! at$ the dtimre dlit-roursetf b@L

-tturo|tDm tr-e t[Latt3 I.'rG._,
t f"'t-'r'nd *€r'nins .l,rt6e worddde6ri'porbnt
ffi'**"",#ff; i!

. D.t iLrt iEE!.ti@ m wtut

b do

. Op- 6rinS i"dt6't c

.ltfitkt hqi6t rbrdd

. nri6 tyF of gdtd inlo:

gddfr.Ekwrh.ttt (indboarl|!&*@td .ded

t."otr"a"dla*-a..o," !l!
- ata
ItliEt ttE r||'D(d. Mdd soL...

lihat is not in thi! bookis.s detib€ratly

mitH aswh.t i, ihctud.d.A tow ex.mpl*
. Vtilittd huiel i! rbt
. nDr.tuF i! rbt ued io, rlFse,EdL b.ou ,bt .t auitti.r, @ rEd
ptu rh€ t; rhlr ir. "roo t gon g
'-*TlYyg""1,* who.rk6.rh@ lyra 6. @b
e@ tr4iDrr@et@ed|iltb&
. pd9nqdl.nof dr orh6 "dridN- lfu
& rh ro\ $. irdividu.t rut ,i!L
tuErE sihped€4 hin !6R4,"p,."a.,ia
roqe ldt 6l b, y@ai fifiu3dr""a rp.r"uvl
y@ha* iodo{c.r todo!)whrry@rdnr
#J";*T3l,_'111trry ; ;"G;l;; ;ffi
#"Yjr"::rg::-tmo* )ffifi} ffi HTffi
tr"t t3-**n--T-TGeff ;ffi6;n;-'J; m
H5n#I*ffi ,;i:gf:t1".,j1il{;H1Ji"",itr#,iltr#
thio,materrar aa Ji"-y-.i,JJiffi fr .#HF#il
i- awrure. "ffi
d}"S tu .", i5dE "discoverr/pr.t of it. r ws Eaty
., *. _5 :r:r tucky.r db.ov€r€d
If;#HSffi ,ffi '#fiy4fp'* ":r*** ;J8;;:
Volue I @i!ts of bi.{s-7d dord6. lriad d6 bs note I .nd triid o@ bas
mte tr OBN L TBN tr). Ttiads @ lpdt chords.The othd 3 voi.ing6 d +p.rt .hord$
T.i.ds hare simpl., st nd.*tiad tul6. No problenl F chords .160hi* hirly 6ihpl€
aid st ndardi4d lld6 Ale, not a Pttblem. Howae4 TBN I €nd TEN tr chdd! hlw
n@ ompld and mudrl* st ndatdlzld llues. Irte F!bl@ involws the f.ct th.t
th. tlm€ is only aMate 25%of the time, (*'hen the bss note is .cturlly the lw€51
not€of the voiciitJ The oths 75%of the titr (the other 3 inv4iot) the $o€Ied
b$-mte is in ihe sple (bp), dlo (2! Ao!| the top), q !e!o (3tdnod the top) i!i.e.
Consqumlty the lla'G fd TBN I sd TBN tr etructur€s.r€ leeethan .fupletely
etisfactory. (OiE @dd ertair y lEk a ce toi the daundt th.t fo! quple, An/D
6ddF t 4 e6ily haw bd @[€d Am add D q Am add t.) nE drcdsrlr what they
ar! regardls ol what rhey'E crled. Ad ldE B ou .ppFeh to the !lui!€ ptl)es i!
.Gistent (and I b€li4€ it i.), I di.k wdu be oK. l\rb'll i6t haw to pro.eed @ b6t rc
.4 (Deid.r the chordsouldn't (e l* wh.t re .dl theB{)

Q: Whd is dv difrtae b.tM TBN I .rn TBN I?

A: Yd oddthinlof it this way: Eih the F duds @uld be tlreutht of (c llMed) s

ghe kind of hiad .)c ba$ note. Fd €lnple, ctEjT @ulcl be view€d a Ef,/C q
€{6 C/B in tdB of diviry at the I difi.mi riE in tlF sl4.ilrE
n6tid.d dlie4 rire tlE 7i d'or& t€minototy bm@ fti8tmt dd Bt{rd.diz4
wdll go with lhrl we odd think of TBN I dtd TBN [ 6 b€int built up in thit& Aqn
the 7s .hdd. !d etrhple, wh@ En/C iECnajz nair€ tE tiad (En) up a diatmic
third G/c, d IBN I. Moving the tiad up a tltird atain produG Be/C, d
tBN tr. Anothd wa to think of it In TBN L the r.laiiffihiD of the td.d to the bas nobe
is a diatonic s6; in rbN Il' , the cLtionship of ttP tiad to ti€ be rcte is a di.t@. 7$.
I hoF that ddifie it lor y@

A. Cyd6 d ways of ndint theth . *de. Cyd6 @ be @lodic c ham@i.. we'E
dealiig with the heoni. aspe<tSine we'r€ €xplding 3 diffemt 7-not s.ler (Majo,
Melodic Miioa Handic MiM) it hlfu @t th.t th@ @ 6 di.totric cydB.lq pu!-
poae6of oNiliency, rve t1d€d aI 5 cyd6 by aqrtilt diatonic interaars.

. Cyde?_$qdiry . di.toni. !', \i.e.,Cllr'r7,

Dn7, En7, e!.,
. Cyde++!@di!S a dirtori. ai, (i.e.,CMZ FMZ Bn1bs), etc.)
. Cyde 6+!ddina a .ti.tdic 6i, (it., Clv9,AnZ FM7,etc.)
q dec.ndiry . dialonic3', (si6)
. Cyde 7--.ffidiry . dtatonic7t, (i.e" olfl, Blt1bs) Ai7, eb.)
d dBetding . diatonic29, (edi6)
. Clde +..{@ndi!lt . diatoiic 5F,(i.e, cM7, G7,DnZ et .)
d dmdiry . distoiic {6, (dier)
. cyd€ }....l|:!mdiry a di.toni. Y, Qe" cl[i7, Eng, c7, ac)
Cyd62rj ?ftdt *b
Lysa-d 5-! lh.reE hoppqit diEdi(E
Lys6 6 .rd 3 .r! th. tu itr oF.dr. dirtdiG
'Nd thd dEr r!. ordE sdqt;d o& 9d.5, E v h. dbrg.rd. { (sany.r(r dud}
Th. E sr w€ @ the cy.l* i5 rl,ey oq ,X dEtonic pGihtitie .nE p
_ _ .T* *."y,.y
11 p diat6i6xy (wid,in; hote xareltrr* in norinooaeJii
c o cycl6 6ing the-.'"S
sde h.doic aEu.hE

AI ofthi6 m.y seo .oinriry iBr in th€Eadir€ of ir. B!!

.etin !o wqk with theMiri.t, it wi[ gadualy be(dte vEy l,m srE rhat6e y@
dea! (youortd thinr;r ir
::::{y"'E tu?'".'.""r ryF..ii}ouvoi'cere.d
rlvou;h oe"r* y*-frii"*
Nved ibh aeiy chord io evqy othft chqd.) "l
Q W do.y.16 2 adt 7 Id s diftldt ron y@d ap..t to *?
I]y:.:,Try.ry+ red,ni.ary3peakin&
weN iertuins diruncrwi*
F&urr hth flle bi'<t! 9.*9".
ror .yd6 2 .!d z. TtF ;d oi;ou! - -'
way rcdd"hav; betu

triods:C nai;or CDI 4E mE O A m ff

C4c1e:2 E)l ) G)a)B)c)D
G)A) B-'Ct D.,E) J
c)D) E.rE,,c)a) B
'IrE idt€p.Iic voic!-Ladir8 sourd
bok lile thir:

3 ) 2t
5 )2 d
I ., )nd

Thefinctond voietadir€ huld looklik $is

3- ' 3 I
5) 5
\' 3)
l) I

ljll5Tdl *+1 .4yd"_rhis

b€.!@ ire b€enpi€.€ntedin oihq booksr!.forc.Fd
wtthaI of thi",rd $gEe* d;rboth appua-;_;;;;;
A simnd 6in8 hepFn! with the+p{t chordstheSh .ycl6 2 {d 7r

7^ clrords: M7 DsZ FnZ lM AZ AnT bnTb

CNe:2 G ) A ) B .r C )D)E )F
E .r F ) G )A)B-rC )D
B ) C ) D ) E )E)G )A
C ,* D .* E )F )c )A ) g

The iitdalic voieleadinq would l@k like thisl

t ) rtd
3 .r 2d
7 ) 2nd
I ) 2nd

Tt€ functi@al @icleadins would l@k like this:

5 - r5 (,1
3 )3 I
7 )7 (z 3)
|,.tI 5
Thir wald be tlE m6t obvi@ oice'le.diry if a Suitaristwft Sivd jult the .hdd
syhbols.IrB ertainly d impori.nt 66t step,but, like the tii.dr rhisbF of voielead-
i!€ ha! dEady ben ddcrrated in ottEr tlooks
Q:W doyotirdun 4@!.1a.. @i.ings?

d'm_* plaFbte 6 chord&trs al$ htftruu io @ (,p€n

qd' olner r€tted note!.Bur the tuin shiME
|Ea$ rh.r'R hctuded t be;* .X-;ii ; ;;
playabled.rD.sior This i5 at$ hue wth 6;e 0$6 seoiraiifi."*Jii;pt;
voicings.tsone of dE DFp 2 & 3,for Mple.) Ir y@ 6,t pl,y
;;dd ;;;,';
6.lw.F pl.y the rctes in gme hnd of arFssio. " ""
Q Wy nttiq wL, MdodicMi@ st4, HnnnnicMiwtut2?
A: If m6i< w€3pairtirl& rheM.,q, MetodicMiffi, Hdn@c
MtM s@I6 woutdbethe
equivaLntot rlE @loNFd, ye[4 rnd btue Thelethe 7_mb
s]es of )r.a yoult @m !o s rh.r rfieyotlD in@dibh hlve been;;-
hrmonj. v;t

Q An th.Eangodtq vr$ qnieta4ing thtutgldE cyd6?

A: A!$lutelyt wlEt we-rcdouB in Vot.I and I i5
dr8.L'ths waF or qGle.duts witt b€dbcus*d in iut dmpteqnhon_tone vci.e_ted.
a tuhE rcluhe.
Q:WM isM.S.R.P.?

fo] Merodt.Sirind Reptc.rd eq€dw. 116Elme I om up with

lls;lPtands ro
"T-:" T-" "gy.i"E*+.c d'inss th,i showedup wh,je| ** fr8,,i"s;tfu iiJ
ro{GrqdinS& A8ai.LI,n deiiber.telynotSoin8ro so into mudr dereitabdt aXofthis
trEt @cnFibn @ .Fdisov.r" it iBr Uiu I ;id " o

On ech.p€e y@-I s irbMr|n v^i?Er.,,rin&

*:*H:"-ff I j=T-:T]*dMr-r-e-e;iE;th-''Ar.rl;ffi":;;li;
ii ri*.;i d;'ff l;nl ffi #,i
*:T*y;1i1"**1i :*"F.r'-h"s
g1-+ ai.,r"*a ;a,s";;;*iJ;. a;,r";:,T.5
agi8le :ldrr
::1 :'elodyDso thisi. E;o or -whar;;6;-ih. Jii-J;;
S-:*:':.j1t'3l T:*rran@dy.;) rt"*rt"r,r ilT.*
il3t:Ign.:tr -r* -"rg;,.9,-111*yq
ha.a," "*ia-[-ry
q Yd @nod'n ebt ttut
Wt@t t1t& gtuiry
Ent ti@I,iUiM @n enins Ad4
If"Saingt lttu|. What@ th.ul

Actldly, ihr(s vsy difidlt to do, dver .X the p@ible ccruu.tim

ud 6t'ga siz.c lql& dedio lrd shorr *ak of djftMr hed
tens*; hisrrnedi' dd r*,r", l* s'ing
*o-o "!d-,I 'nd
",", "ff*"'*q
tl4w€! the uir rhint js to fotrowtheadue sivm in th€DtGnE
(cob""r *"a ,r .gr,r*,1 rr{e!ym desth,twe,[
ilHH.s""ti* ".a "6,i,i
rn .dditior! h€!€rE ,.i:p orha
fDinr to .orEi.l*

,:3,.ay""dfe ry :>i*dnr ntbbdEr! oFvrFado

M rr€irdr! dE nd. ir .lrrn
:EEri s PE@
iffiyffl#*E! -rbaudrofr!tdd,"ro*rEy
q.b1t it.hv tBt nwicic/s tu
u ,! qoing tt6 wtai.t? dat odd h&n.,ic ilr3t/wB bid6 Stit'r @ultllan .

A: Y.3.Blt ple.4 do,t tel ttEnr!

t[W;ffi# @1.q*w Msidains

u't duydd,th6eto
A: Shhhhll!

Q. Wrn @ t sranb tn@ ".1Jdtis.r6? b oth' by.?

ut6t W i,mnn I d@?
{lw6 p.*,$ qucsonc r@ ddr how it. lr oov6 byirsetr.jqlt
I :T: wakhr (Don1
ffi iiT;ilHF^1,jffiR.fl:ffi i*,t",,t*iii;ai
ru ooyouredrythinl yoqh.u" opr*a r* a*" orowDud' ofthi! n te'
Q l^nd it uE },tt@y to tqn alJA.bdtg?
A T!@ is no b.s{ way

Q.O.K A,L..Jt t a. . @orrtwy?

A: Ye.!Bytyihg ro trxt the b6t wiy.

Q:O.K Att.........-DoW h@eanyaagS5rion

A: YcaDont tty to ter'r t h fr€ t y loa to t€lh
Q I danr$t* I td.htsreri!th.t.
A. d6-t Fy ro ten it if yd lry nor b len it
_ff-)@ vu ohplet ly etimitutearv ..U-
ilffii'trg#,f"^ v*i'"tt'"iit' onit*i"?"*;ffit
TtR e $ runy arp€6 dd way! in whidratuit dsr cdnted "6I thisstu{,"
- yd d@'t wdt boohod-.h.mte
th.l ]a;uFlf by 1mir6" it to hst. lusrdEds $m
thtEe aDouthd . Sujtarisilelrfu
. T{tlc (brdo
. slryc (oftddl'wnud)
. rrbr@E odn td.dc)
. R.P.dt6(@r)
. sdruursncodiQ GUIPD
. UrdEdr.tls(odrlll{Rtol)

. Glhlt (qtod-dlrdd$

r..6t inly pcible tltartuitdistold hm g@eo{ rhir aEteli.l veayquicuv.

(rF alrEldy *6 thi! with . Iew of ny student*)Theobvi@ phsriite is t ;t
th.y 6 rlpet a cyde widt . voicingdErth . sc.le tu hdcr. Ald thafs OJCBut
ttF le otri@ mitl'$idc ir tha th.t @t @Xy @ y of rlEr mterial in a fruiel
dtett rtiey didn-t8i@ th.olelv6 thech.G to "leh attrliB !tutfl in ndry diffi
wiys at m|ny difi.ffir l@b.

Dorit be in a lErrr. Trle you time. End yout on pr.e. into vou, om
l€ahing proe€ a d t r dlc !r.bri.l do r. y@ (dd r h y@j wtEt (sd Fi) r|eed.x
ud youbothrE d rine to grow.

t ndize tha whlt toll@! uuy eud a litde *ri!4 d a bit of . strdr (pltn in-
!4ded), but 11 $y it dywr'y-l h.E hi$ dEt d* stuctG, conli*ency,*;F ar'd
.pp'u.h to thi! mtdid (".X rhtr etufr, h.s u intelitgR .Il iss ()0[ lr3,lm6i d if it
w@ .live. If y@ wqt_with it it wil "ryellc to y@. tt wil tel ydl dtirys. rt win
yo! with F&ibil i6 rlEr yd hrd NEVER@fiidd€d befoc. Ir win dF you in@dftte
"biB ed pieed thaty@ will toelaolnFnedb dtend .nd mpl€te.

kt ne lere it .t dEL Checlit @t!

-HbL 4.iJrkt J'h2.a.

r".' at Yo{n3_.
AMegge To All CoFpeAnrd/Or Almgm:
Mi tuchod wodd like to inllm you that dy dat all msi. that you d able to
cqpGe / md8e by 6in6 uy ldd dxl mteEl @nLainedin th6e books; rcnDletetv
6@N I vou oq. we e making this mrerial to d mdy dE,oas lud
; tuibl
.r'ond-qdel iEt ir tlE hope thit mu.h gear dwi( wil Fu!!.

ou Universal Noration Sy6tehD w6 eated led hasRolvedl ro ufu thar ot

htu e rus m.tmar @ re€l 34(@ ih the t wledSe thar q hat y@ do dl v@
wth ir s vlM, a;d
ra woud revn ruve ro worry ab@r E daiain8 rhd! "thy
sot rhrL rlm 6...,
gu,Ttelb:n {bn + slan yd jBt ro plffit nll of ir h d inrelh8dt ttltre rhjt
6@tr"d lhit aLlb ho @de @ ot h w* ohplerety fte Lodo dvthinS
ldd .U thin8sl

...^ _*-,:T j I::,1,: ,Tdai mwcir roratid. dd /d lablaruF.or tu. othd s)€tor
$ e Dve
"-. no .hm ar ax tq what vou do

Iis ALL YOURS|| H4,s to a lot of gMt m6i.60r the tut@t!

Tr$ peqt b@L Enjlh+ rhe rast ftegu wirh Vol@e l) of .dpletis
d€. -The Mo|hd
rfeulw Eut rbt l@ Dimo cde up w h ihi( tue wh6 hereivA d a; v{e 6Dv of
onr,o o0Gpr6
p68sAEya ruady
#tril,ffl,#s* --bined
In volme I .U tlE cholds have tffi_

In vol'fu 4 nme of the chods have n m6.

Y@ tuy be aking "Why b thar?"

I wodd tuwd tlbt it smed lik€ a good idea at the rime._.

Acluaut the lr:aM that dl the .hord6 in Volse tr d I.ft lr4el* js uut the tld6 one
tupht tP! og'pt@ted. Icsatsthrrosth), for {'ldple.lAlso, Lhse nd€ ould e4rlv rend
o mr Yhow tne chorde@utd be r6ed. Sire rtF chods in Vol@e I r@lve @und skuctG
4$ htewals dd 2nd intetuab, they e moF dbrg!tu surrliit thff rhe strucrh in Vol-
..-T,;.1*:...y.9* sey c m@ flqibte in ttu oI multiptetuftti@. Burrherrurhbe
rord,1r 3emed li*e a Soadideaar thp hme..."tdd I,d 8oin6ro stickuft,t:,
itllEt|OitFf a.-ii""

who hs this new volue ! in lheir hads had ben

I'l asuminq that dyN 'lt@dy
ned tobe
*-|lne'ffii."r,,;t" ir.i; wtue n'is wav,ttree'r trm rheri6t b@kdo€ @t
"Disd.eind/c'utim/wmn8ttr"P'F' whicl arwavs needs to
HL: rrei.-i;*dr.;;e ol theid6 in thie text lor
i".o.""arl r-r*t it *u betood to leePin mind uut lrtdv
v"Li* r * *t*tive rU B bosv thatth?yaPPIv[o bothb@k!'
4 not iut 60rtulaF
r would istisine UEtF.Ple 4 b€8imin8!o seelld the b@b
r". rr,*-bo.r' Jr"r t" i"C it i" p-u"ltu beemitu dd tlEt pi'nist3' dm-
g*t adv.ntaSein 8ut trey iron't haveto be (ollemed wit! the
"U 'it*ici*
" -ra of
iih .ti@ tF suitar.0!e" E"it ti5t6how ho{ vervlidhete rnevtr' '
voiGled 6
volu$e U dtaiB !P.rl 4tb, +Pdr 4th9ad sPEadclueteF to ar rhe
*oe. tl'"ii4"i"? ll"'"of nt* n-"-'r' vi'- lf re addthi! hate'ill
li#iiii;Jl,"r"i; -'at Lide."(l^te'r3t"nrcrsiry toita! trEM-Lode )
r'.* -rhavtotrg

ufiar tt t|- r-l!DE?

the lPalt strucin€

It Mul<l s(gr thnt the tuin lGu ir 6 +Pan sttldure€ and th't
* @; *-"-*opr"",-e " ff yd l@t .t all ot trE mtsial in volme l' v@ wodld t'e th't
ii: ffi;,;*[. TI* ;d" ;; t'i.a" n'. zt' a"u" * abiadPru3@thd Nle rBN I b
not"eru reN I i! als aEradPIUmt]|er rct''
i-a oiu anodret
wlEt voluiE II dc
f- *oo i! to @mPletethe M-Lode bv intmd(ittt !P'Jt
(s a suPPle

m# HJ#tK;,ffiTtrffi#trn1tr#Jtr
7th rDN I tRN Il +
So,tlN yd'K 8otthe@Plete *t o{ 5 6'mih$ of +Ptn dudt:
p"tt rtt" ip*d O*m wttat foU(M nelt iBeeryimPortet
pr.+rojrilci-Ndrt-rorts-wr AREwoRKINclt'ITlallNA,oR MEtoDlc
liiiciiii i'inion r+p." beinsdefred's "ont'tnins4ditrett'trN!6"]
\.i-rft 0 be8s s trh 1 pdn arh voicin8s(d<t rheu qprcad( outerDaE, ldrr 5rh5r
}a jtd a be 4\ f o, ene eMotu< prcbtm( uuL (ru wtren we ger ro c Meodic

Ilr Fd'lem involve rh€ intwal ot a diminbhed 4th, To !€ more sp€.i6., we-r tatk-
q ar: B &adFb. \ dmhed 4rh t@Letike a 4lh on ihe sta6. But the saurl6 a Vdjq ld.
: e D: I Carb€qlmdr, oorc, $at olain iie nor* B dd ef, a- t rrr."+rt ,ga
c xt da io. )'o! -*a ""i.t
f@r C \leLodic \{nDr dd C Hmonic Mimr:

B EbF EbF B = F min'/ *{e5'a)
I F:@ C \telodic Minor ONLY:
I E a A B ABE b 9V-5'.n)
Frch C Hamont Mmr ONL!:

tu BEU Eb fu B
Eb fu B AbB Eb Abmin
B Ev l* B Eatu
Tnnr B not ro vy rhat rhm is dythinS wrcng wirh rhe voidt6. I(( i6t $,r thq
dm t $oll\ v{y w€ll in.4th voicinEs.6tAL And iherct ei-pi. ua iogi..r
" "ery
oo. ror uur. .l?f< tdl€ d clo*r l@t at Triad\K.4th voiciits. ^p[ru-

Tn.d: d Spdl dords bed on t€rtrathffony (hmony ddved &om lrds, lpan
'{r}s e l-palt chod\ bd.d o qudrral}Emonv rhamov den\ e<ttum 4ths,. As it tu; oul
leroalhammy md qudrulhmony a prtt) much6d.l oppGil6. I er/eq how:
Larta|l 4..--.O

Lgs an2lyzethe intervals in all 3 invsi@ of a ttiad dd a lpan 4rh voi.inS:

c cr
E r ,- :| ,"
"_ i)-
G Gt -.
D ol
* I r * i] -
c C1 D
E :l ,. Gt "'
on li4 o'E 4rhdd Ona6rfi
il* c
* lf
E) -
O*2n4 on 4rhxdoR 5r|i
Er [r*
' ]]* c !t ,*sl*il_

otu 3d, or* 4rhrd otE 6rtr OtE2n4or.lrh.ndon 5th

Fou 3dr rwo 4ns,oe stb Tro 6$r 'n{o 2ndr Fou4rhs,Two5{E,On Th
Prin ry intdhls:3rd6.nd6rns Pii ry id4.r* 4h.nd 5dE
S@d:.y inb.|s: arIB lrd sdE s.ondary ini.Pah h& Dd Trhr
Color inteP.l* 2ndsand 7th. (niBinA) Cold 3de od r'lli (nisins)

Isls lit 'I!ta& @ &on V66 and 4th voicinse @ id M@!!"

mr3Lor8f aru
tu mdtion€d edlis, }pan 41ts in Melodic ad Hamdi. MiM haw sne tlicky @F
siddatitu. lthe <litrurudpd 4rhl forr@tety. Oce poblec donl (ru in rhe \aajq S<!te

H@ s a Ealy geat thing to do that is very -tutar-frid<Uy." Afts yd,ve ep6l sme
tine exploing the $p.d 4tlB in C Majo!, tune the low E strinS doM a whole step k' D. Ue
the low D stdry 6 a p€dat, Iy@ @ld ale ue the A stdnSl and play U@ughaI tlE cyctBt I
tl'ink y@1l be very pl€a!.d with the 6dti {you d b€ playinS ir D alqid modersin e llrq!
arcrrt dy "avoid" not€! in Ddiaa pEtty nuch mything dd sEything you play wiu wdk
very nielyll Thi! app@dr @uld also be appli€d to aI the oth6 tnod6 oi rt€ C Major Sete,
but thb D Ddid thing ir b'yfar the 4i6tl

h,r'ne I'm otr th. subia! y@ night abo lxmidd the pqoibdity oI ARPEGGL{IING
rhe4th widit6 bodive at wAY cool, melodis! [Ihe nat tift she@ olb "so wh!" q
amtlEr tune of tlEt ilk, you'U be eady- -.l
rraro Dol,||t|ttl- x{aDE
Everyrhhgcott jr4d in b;i books@ beapproacrEdh a nqb.! of wa)€:
1. @Iodi6
2. aipiadG
3. @ut€rpoint (2 simLaneou8 wic)
4. }pan drord5
5. +p.n dlordg

An e\a!lPl. of nulibs I w@ld bc nulti-lia.Liry eadr of rhe3 q 4 melodie on a

@ding dsie. (Guitat tlio or $itar quariei)

An exuple of nu!D6 2 @rld be ilE Iolowiry:

Ctr E!1 Ebr tuv

c F o Eb
B '.-- G.' Ab--r F/' G ---r Ebr' F ._-r
G ' - r F- F -'.r Eb- Eb--r D- D \ rre
D ., Eb--,t c - , D --r B .' C ---r Al,-'-
c - c ---r B _ B -r, ab- Ab-\ G -

Arpqtiat lrptlE6nt.hon4tt ndo4nthe3eodchor4ryrherhirdch64d![n

th. founh dF 4 etc Hed3 anotha way to l@k at it:

c E! F
c cB ,ro,
"o DF
^r'o "t
lrraa ro !o 5it l|- F3d3
An e6Ple of ndbd I Cpuldbe the iollowinS

- B'..| 6- G'.-F- t -1 D- D-'1

F-F'1 E- E-'*C- C".rB-
. - E -'-rD- D-.rB- B -'.|A- A -'-r
>c- c- 'r A- A- >G-G-"rE -

nay .I 6 P@ibL @g|bin'tidB of 2 voi€l

r B --G- G -'* F - F Y D - D "-


rB-"rG- G-'*F- f "iD- D -"r

,.tE _D_ D _.* B - B --| A - a -- -
I B "-G- G ---F - F --'|D - D "'r
tlC- C- .- A- A -'rG-G\E -

r F - F"- rE - E --rC- C---B -

" l E - D -.-B - B -.-A - A '--
,F- F'* E- E-"rC-C--rB -
u l c- c- -- a - a'rG-G >E -

rE \D- D-rB- B tl A - a--'r

o t C _ C - - - A _ A ---G-G\E -
lDaa to to rittt- tt a/b3 a.-tt-a,
An Mpl. of numbq 4 aeJd b. uE fon@iry:

W g .tu r Ca Ab Em
c A b FD 9G Eb
F _' G..-r F --r Eb_ Eb-' F "r Eb-'*
B --'f Ab".r G - G., Ab-a G '-r F- 3.c
D- D., Eb"- D -.| c- c) D --.'
c"-B- B -' c-'- B "'r ab- N-.',
nay .I a p@ible .@biMrioru of 3 vot6:

(F)G--rF...|Eb_ Eb-' E''-. Eb--'|

'1 tD-gD- , E b"
' r D\ G- c-, Ab'--| G --'r F _ .to
- c- c) D --:r
n G --r F --- Eb_ Eb..' F --r Eb "'r
,. B ".|ab--*G - G..' Ab'-r G "'r F_ 6,e
c "' r B - B -'c-.- B "'.Ab* ab-,
F...G -i F Eb_ Eb) F "'- Eb ---r
D-D-,Eb--rD---r c- c-, D ---| .f.'
c- aB- B -rc--- B --'r ab - ab-.'

aB---'A'--'rG - G) \r Ab--'r G --r F-

D - D.' E b- - .rD c - c ) D --'r .fa
'l .
c-.*B_ B _ .' C - .r B -"rAb- ab.,
Ar €r..mpleof nurnt'€.5 otdd bethefolowirg

_- nay ev€rrriins €lscinboh b@t! with th! q<.ption ot 18paA6 o{ ki.ds a t30tEgts
of $part 4tlEll
,g YL Frarla
r thint thatitbdcE vslbbei@ in the exploling of all of thi! nateri4 rlEtguit F
bt! wlb pby 6nSq-6tyletdw a hwe advatage ovet Ur@ {ho playd y wfth a picl(

In aplodit ofli@ liL ffilerpoid, lpalt dtordB&d sEud spr€advoicinss,

filrts€tyle tuit lists @ do mudr m@ of thtsduteirl.

Fii8d49le tuit !tut8@ e bat6 and 1/2 balG and 1/3 b.tE ro gettheid dmg
Aid thq/ canplu* quy ttce stirgs tt6t ateinvolved.

IIo th@ of yd tuitariBb who dly ur€ a pktruft Th@ b stit a lor of shrtr!o do with
aI of i!......Dont bediffia8ed-..l

Octtll ltatlnor rdbr..r- hd.hi.rJ

PeduF w. aou|l luve uied th€ lan 'o.raee t+Cffi.i!' but I ptdd to @ rlew€!
beda wha I 8ct the cha@ k' lEke tlm up. IA true idlPrcv&.4 I trrs......]

_ Octavei1Etidiriut wh.t y@ mthtgt,B: irusting e diare betstady 2 oie!

within a lpdt .hod d a +p.n dDld [Acr@[y, I 8ue€stlEt w. 6uLl include 2-rcte voiciiug
e wdl...wnrt $d!. .alling count€lpoint l

rn VoludreI rc poid€d 5 voicirys for a $p.!t dEid. @ theCWdhiidsan

Clep@rtdroddns: spreadvoi.in8:

***' E Gc SpEadvoicjng:
Fcfqvd GCE
_ AFnr it wouldbeJoodto ke€?h mid that rs h6Uy looting fot M!-id hrndEht
bephy.ble o a guii.rll Cultaltsb will R tlEt rh.y h,ve .Leady playiry de voicinS,
Duto y a P.n or +P.n drol{s...

tof @'@, a[ of thie.ppli€r !o the]paft aft voi.iits 6 w€ll..l

r,l|lr trourocr^UE tlttlnor urf a-tttr daorDa?
, Of @lE i(s p@ible. A8ii4 t@kng at aUof it fbm a Fitlrisrs, srandpoin! a @pte
oaoptim c(fu to mind:

Drcp 4 is tu optior Someof it is ve.y diffictdt to ptay, trot sme of it is rct

You hiEht alsowdt to look at ftis oprior:

T6le a dFp 2 voicin& and do ttE ,dtav. il]gtid rhiiA" betwm tlE hi.ldle two
3* -F :.+ ."x qp.1.rybh Drcpz Drop4 voicinE.
tutoq playtnsdaryle,youday

Anotha optid that ie a bit m@ atme [dd dny foj finseFsryle Su rrGtsl would bel

U y@ luprM io t om o{ tu tMy tusts rhar donl pliy rhe gular.

vou*|J tu<ry, be<a@ you ould @ t]e 3oe pritripls in 4y way rhir you,Et c@idq
l1reive...lwowl ....dyou peoplebl6s€drt!!t......1

I lt8trt ltt
rn odd to explorc the 2-part and lpalt optioE that have b€6 di*sed in the qsi€t
po$ible Fmea I wourd twlmend the fouowing:

1)Tale a bLal]r'ar6 hde\ @d dd ar it into eEht I /2 ind r o irch sttiF.

lY@ @uld ds we paper,but the inda oJd s b"tter beae of its thjcfn*.j

2) otr ilst a bit of the width of aU8 BrliF.

3) Us $e striF to coq up differ€nt tin6 Inelodjgl that @d io be omitredin

wo.king with th€ 2-p.n and }pa!t optioc.

INOIX: 4 srriF Muld be oough br rlF lpan mteriaL bur y@ U needaI 8 strips to
do oF 2-pad stulf. louterpohtl l

Beli*e he who I eX that it mak6 it so much @is 0owdk with th€e othq @tioB.
lAle, I d E!* ttEt you e b€siming to rcalia that ru dejsid to tEve the books;n,
bo0d wa a tood @...1

FeUowguft.lisr J@ Dqio reived the fiFt advare .opy

strkinS or vorue I and ha, b€r
with il tongq than uyoE He e(pt.ire<t to ,
irF+p;rt chordm-te.iar. nicewavorqProrins ol
r @!i t; ; t pffi;;J' " '"'r' "6e

*,*-YRlr lS. *"0..*" o-* * *o 2-nore rlF rso 2-mte

tmupirys alrerMre ""
in a "
sqt of q!_dd_BpoM (c^l cction-*;*f rtupinE!.
iai". O,"* *iii.

c) E
D".r C"r B .' D ".r
B A'.-' G-'r F.' A'-.r G t'-^ F '.-i
E/' G -.-' F -'-r E--r o) F '-r E =- t{'
c --r B ":I A/' c'.-' B -'-r A --r G)

DaC +EaD--
8-:|l---:--| Gar - --' -C=|B-D
--r c --=) F
E-crf -
E f rG
-rD,_______---___| 6tc
C==- Bal-- -+ -----f Caa --=_, A-:rG

And h@'s dorh* edrPle:

Cr'V1 Fn7 W7 Eb+V1 AbMT Dfr7lfr)

B ---r Ab- Ab.Y G - G"'rF- F
G -'r F- F "-r Eb- Eb--r D - D
E b - Eb"'r D - D ---r c - c -'-rB
c- c -.- B - B -.r 49- An- G

B'*A1, - lra G --G.'F-F

GaF '--F -|E, -EraD_-D
E b-_C b-.!D -- D-1C ---C--rB elc.
all' -- /lr-r, c
alt Eltnfl taLt rFuGtr|ora
Aytift @.f the wic mavesa distaG of a 3!d y@ crr 6I in rlqtint flalsith a
*da p<irg tdr. Thi! worb rel for tdividlar hebdi6, couetpoint (2 rcic), ]pan
d r.trt dEds. Sodre*leted qanple€ iouw

ll.-'-E"'r D --'r B -'.| A '-.| G '-.| E "-| D '-r

l l. - G
-'r F -'r E -.-r c -.-r^B --r a ---r F --.r
ll --- c - - 1 a ' 1 G ---r F -.i D -.-r c "'r B -'.r

---|c -.i G -..i F --1 D --r c -'.* B "-r

--a E "'r D -'-^ B " -|A --.| G '-i c -'.| D -'r
--r G -'1 F --r E -'r C --r B -rr a

--.r. G --* F -.r E "-r C --r B --r A ---r F "-r

--.r c ---r a --.| G '.-r F --.r D --i c ---r B --r :
-'.| E ---r D --* B -'.| A -.i G --r E ---r D --r

-iC-rB>|A -rG 'iF-iE-iD -iC --|B-.i^--r

iE -rD\C1B -.|A .iG..|F 1E -sD
-iG -*F -aE -{t.-ic 18 --r^-}c--rF

"iG -rf -iE -'lt1c -rB 1A-{G--rF

--rD --r
aI |'-3aAtta&tFarC^ltf t-th,

thi. mt examplesh(M a odtshat r@ h.pFnihgr trc voiG rEve in 3ds...

VERSTONA ml(e6 a nie xut r duo.
\4R5|ONBshow aJod3)nu 2rrung.

-':t D )E t'1
c -, D'1 B ''C-. -t A, ,
)B =1
G r'A'-r
F )G t-r E .tF -r
"iE ) F ' 1 D-, E "rC )D"-B )
.,c -'r a r'B - r G.-A --|F-rG=r


o"r*' { J - :t.o-.c + D\c\B

t a-rA-G + A\G\F+ -c5B-ra-
G\F_rE+ FrEr
c.*o { ! -_* F5E aD E\DFra D-c*; :-..e
r c-r8-*a -
B-raic_ -
a-*G\F +
- €rFa


?: - - c
IErArG- + D ---+ B +c__+
_ ........_ Arcir + CIFiE
r'so ErDrc - Drc-a- e
IL --A+ - '
B--G +a__ F +cr

And two !!lm o(dpl6 of the "toe,s2 n6 2 Thing" with

pasiry rd€ betecenO,irds

c Ft rT T T E
D- D - D "- c---ra _ A _ A'. -r
B -'r A=|F _ F_ F -.-rEb--.rc-
G -'r Eb- Eb- Eb'-r D --r B - B -
c- c - - . |8 \ * G_ c _ G -_ *F -.r

rc'rr6- 6- C,-- D*CiB -.-

-C- c --BrAlG E_
--c- c =_ Fr6r

c rUE,FGAb
y eEbr EO
D - D - D --.| B --r ab_ Ab_ Ab
B '.-^ G---rF _ F_ F..*D..i C _ *'
F '..r Eb- Eb- Eb--r C ---B- B _
c- C'} Ab-- G - G - G-i Eb\

.-q '-
-! B*rG D.c"B-- A,_ _ &rcr
-- t F ,BrD^, -__+ c_
rr _--__+E"_B --BiD.4 ___ €t.
- c-crB{,--c -G -- oiF,E=_
So fd, within the fabri< ohhe M-tlde re hlw idatifieil an l l,ed t$b crtdd
f.inili6: Triads 6d lpart 4th voi.inSF. Ir y@ lmerD.q re d€sdiH tt@ 6'Fn "{PPIe
rnqits" fd {E +Pa!t .hdds l

Thd ft. in fac! 3 other m@beD of the lPan.hod fdiues. Thsy wdtd !€ the
fou@inF ]pan SpRid CEteF,7th c}Drd lno sthlald ?th ClDtd Irc Jtdl rte ]Pan
chods h;ve;t ben DE\'ITFED 6 but thlv e thae, qthin th. (wlucl| i!
to ey that th€t luve t€6 IOLIND). AU of ttEn d b€ di3@€Ed by eiplding dE }Fn
oph;roof Ule+pdt dlotds. [r y@ tqer Ea iliBt do6b to levinS out mof the
v;€...1 Th@ ;f 4 po$ible onisuati(B ld hrs bed nBtidEd dtier...l

Ahe Dce:bjlities tum dt bota gEe of tE Eet "8uita.fti4dly" optim fd 6

euit{i3ts. Alhdt aI o{ ttte$ e mud estq to PLy, ftm a guit rilb P€rsFcliw Atd th€y
abll Uqt codtDdling "MLSTC-REruCA" slMd .nd etrecl,whid is the eu]t of the
@siltent I.n4 t i"lie\€, ereXmtl voele.diry- Th* ?Pa.t rcicirys hie mt bet

Trct me, in vol@ 3, @11 takea stab.t tiving lhd 3ift ,ld6. ..

mrE tro{t atrsLloG-

tldtt|e who @'tplay dlords<rdb@not!o ..1

I would susqet that y@ imn diately loot at .ti ot the +way d@ oPtiqrBwilhin uP
M.t de. This s th;@i6t affi to dPioa ttdi gic the be€tinjtiil L.nd Playablelt€ulta

And I mriltl fifttE! qlcouragey@ 0oqPsilmt with ttEe oPti@ uiry the C
Hrlmodc MiM m!e!ial. tl"elt te ib nudr of the liEre,n Jl STSOUNDSBETTERlN

I behew that yd wil 6td thrt rhe oPtioB ofien $$d a if they w* *rttten by
BelL ld at l@t r€3enble ffi of hb m6i(l lthu th€ betn! MI,lsIC REruC-A- 1

r,ep in lud the foUMilg : Any l8d ALLI +P{l @icingr @ be arPegi.teal in 24
dif€6i s.qu€tl€...lsimPle fad, but HUCE imPU@h@l

Y@ @uLl st6!t dt with ary.88iatiry uP @ chod and tl6 doM the next IOr the
other way @!id'it al d€p€nds...'@ win !o exP€rindrl

But e y@ shlls in@4, you odd try a lot of oths thin8s 6 weL ru leaeeit at that
But I wil ptuaie y@ rlEl to wtEteE oibnt you wdt with thi! stu6, yotr @d.I
prc*s 6 y@ iturtusr will indl@ in M'€ that y@ @utd nes havegtirs€dl

lco Id tll

. . Fco...lfor€uitalbt3 oilyl SiM +way d@ is of!6 v€ry.liIficdr d the$itd, all of

trF abov€wodd t€ 6 qeldt ERSI PASS.IAs we nouork in the ter1ia; Volme ! .I
of c tuitd.iB-b 3bll shordd rr) ro 6td d m y pj.yabte wcinSs 60r+way d@ 6 we
4..€Peoary uur€ oFr Etrinss.t

-rlrlatot xra alt t rroattt _-

wh6 you treSinto wo.k with the epEd duter mteliat in Vohnte E v@ Mv notie
a sEEx pFblem. Cycle 2 and 7 rwo dr6ehr rciGle.<tinss. lone ror +;v do;e .nd
ooth6 me fc the otlF 6w voici^g t1"6...1 tNejrhs of d'e voie re"CinF js
pl@iry nm a snd F!3p€ctive...l ;d.ttolaity

Vlh felt ttEt thb w@ tr.aery l6F.ialy f.r guitarilrsl bo@ sDleadduleF Dffir
srqc voieleadinS ptublelB ttEt ddr,t (xfu in the oth€, 4 clDrd fan|lii6. r inwl; &€
intdal of a diatmic 5lh tlat (EG in the molment fom on€in!6id to th. tu d within
tY etr-'e dpq Fd Suitarilb, ths @uld lead to pormtiat prcblem w h vo€ dwiry scrr
othq if re had ch(F6 to utr rcieledirys tlur l,ft moE ple6t|* r,oh a @d D;E
hw. CdBequotly, we opted for rciere.dings rhar.t l€dL prwntea ne mareria iri a ulet"t
dd &m$hat -tuiw tsihdlis' r@yE! sine nudr oI thi! ir
toiry ro be<mpterety Mw ro
a kte FiwltlS€ of dE wholeguit ! Mdd.

An of th* sf@d duts voicinF @ Attmely nterstinp, tAnd n6rlv qk@m

]ll'q m*-l Ard many of tlm d difretr to play on rhe Suib! ao BF vERt CAREFuL!|I
luuFr chd@ f6 voielediit opti@ wil be pr€en!.d in VolMe 3.1

rm ddry a'bouttEt I havn,t do mdriqEd dythiry abourvoiel@diit. tlve
-_ it 60rffi...I All oI the b ba!.d on rcic i6din;.
Bul !o he, ar thb ;fi in tjrp
ard in nuic history, voici-reding ir tut lhe lMt ihpdrant riing. {At tedt not ntht
rcw.wdu tet to hicleadins in Vollnl. 3.1

Fdm,6 tle auhor lpshrF I slFutd dKibe hr€eu s the <tiffi..lrhe mcr
uPotEnt uua ts fts :

For th. fict time in the histdy ot hsic on @ plane! aUof the lp.n and 4pdt
@icings rlBt qist wirhin the l&id S@te,tE Melodi. Minor S".r qi" n"-o"i. r,ai"",
S<dehave b.en fomd. -a

A'*l_ht rherimethatVolse 3 is odrpleted,pubt6}ed ed dbs@riDhe4 ALL or nEt

Mtenrr w r benotonly four4 bul IDENTIFIED.

is hu8e,in tharnEi.i@ aI allrundou plaret Kr[

wilh "the 8er UE opporturty ro wq*
-Th6fll decL f6 tlE v6v fiFt tihe..." !!

roc n[tE r,|f||n: I{r!E-.

.NulDer of diffeftnt } chqd! found:20
.Nultb€r of difttgt rci.ings for rhe€ dblds foud: 240
.NulD€r of diredrt 4pan <hdd6foud: s*
.Nu$bd of difiect voicilts fo. therechord. found:800+
.Tot l of dif6a€dtlp.n rnd +part wiciiss toutd: 10o+
.Nub6 of twdrmB irlolvins a 3!d fourld:276
.Re4 Ydlow atd 81ue............
twho Kr@???l
I didnt mt€ up aI o{ thi!,.......
I jutdisveted i1.......{ioud it...}

A1lof thiBhasba WA[l]\tC IOBEDISCOVEREDI!

lFdEF, fo. aF@!& of yee..........1
FE*ly, t'm s{'prtu€dtharrhi! Di!6l€!y hajn,t happded s@n61
lDon't dout't th. poEq of wicet@di\t d Cyds d; atain...I
Ard i(6 ALL YOURSIt t

-hic| Caahcl rooz

) lltto
As vou m.t rccal, Volrm€s I nnd II h.d . \€ry.nnsqenr pru\cnrJr.n .hurd rvPc\,
t \orlhg tlpes,.ycles,inrdvalUcvoieleading,fm.t onJl\lic l.adins.V
5.Rt,.ntnr t.l
, Prgcs.ndno paadnlmb€rs.
\blnme III is drtrerenr:pag€ nxnbcr rhis tim., no mlored pa8€sand : som.*,har
) a , ' , T i 1 n r -r'. a p p tu dL, b i t.,{h e, r r j,:. son.r n..\nu.t 6no r h...n
t,.r ..o.:
A. \ou ran D i,bahlt eue.. I t( m.a_, }!! h2\,'o J.,n. $ J,i r..
nnrsh out th. enbe s oce (tn ihc erenr rhal yor find il intcHtir18...)
) Some MORF asehbty requlrud..
r\ hee are lhos htieri!\7
) h ry V o -1p tU.,
,, .h u -o,.t a h- rv -@ h o r we u \ i. , L c d . ! c . p _ o t o rn t -J d , _ E
J u I furorc vitun! III hd) 5
v oLmerrrhi ,v .ri r . t s n \ i^ \ 1 J n s ! \ . , , o { . 1 , \ ' H, r , , . r o r " , r _ "
o@\^ jan
" " ldl I n!rqm.\rn srranB !r, ,m. ' l

< .m c. A "$dnp"- ot \th m ip v o i. . -L < d d , rg

-d v -d r, . n p h J n -b mq , t L wh rt
'. L pim r ,,utilrnrrsFrtu'.. (. r! e \ J r Dt c .n d \ t _ rv c
d , n ie ( a , , v o rF . . d , n !
r o u r n d lo dJJ\ hpiLil\ fn,m ma-r o i. h . r. t u . . . o n r" , ma , . rt r r, , ,
'h. ro r" , i"
cr h.uShr h emd4idli' r5.ho^ L i. o , d , e n t e d , lrp J , r. u t c r. , d . _ ih irlrc e lh " > d
.- r J'" o 8 '. In ir doa r fri -har\.1 hrL , r" a . rh . . { . r t 1 . . a e , . J , n h n ^ r d rc \ lo mr:
i pi . u u n dr r l m 4 e r .d rd,,n ,q .r .1 J ,.o $ L
ii: ill: ; , , " ", , " , '.+

Th.r€is a chapterbwardslhe €ndor rhebookaled Aratv"cThi!! lvhichpFs.ns

. . n4 , r .all-Jr I rhd;Fr d I I n rm. I n i c t d T p t t s .a re
h n "k ud 'n.u T..-,r dd rhrn le d , f , p rro n . , F q li r-r o " r, n
-u , , e . \ , , n , . n o rh , .
.U Ir a d ,o mrr.h lhc de..npron. ro,h c d p p mp n d ( 1 rp . , . , o r. o . t u . ro , rt x .wh J t ,

r'.,t,m! t'tJ p mp r. t u h c u p t it -e e n d . $ . t h F g rld . rJ it . l

, _ Vo- r Inno'unrly
v L . ie rp d d , n g R& D | _ o p r\ o r h n d rt _ 4 * x n 8
n cr p turIn an ur jour mu!.n puAUih il

-Hirl c,"dicl, HA J{',r,cr eooS

3-PaIt cBOtDlt! ForxD tID tDEIltaraDtt
W hd ru1ok. i. J brid,nr,od u d o n ! t u d y o f h ih n i. m\ e
, d r d e re rt a Dc rl. h! r d \
r ) r e a vr-r;ori onc \o@ tn d 4.od rrc h u . d t ri{ ( o n c 4 -p a f l. h u rd
J ro h ! c c h , -r rne ,
oukrcnr +Part chonl famitics


lrs intcstinB r. ob6dc which lpart .Ioids are
Bdelated rmn lh. five 4,idr chordfamili6:

rwo difrermr dads, 7th (no 3d, 7rh (.o srh)

TBNI @etriad, 7th (m 3!d) lpan 6pMd .lusld, sparl ,1ths
om tria4 lpan 4Lk, !p.ri spMd duter, 7th (no 5lh)
lwo lpart 4thr 7th (no sth, nh (no 3rd)
+panspFadclustsr generares two 3-part spEad clusrers7rh (no 5rh),7th (m 3d)
Irach 3 pa.t dord appeaE rour

Thenext_.hapbrnfrs rhis one is calledSh,If To D. $iri 3_panCh.ds

(e! Lo!,bu-) to! ish,h q t,'",.t',o'* Tiar will
,- lrr$orO,-lo.:!o jrl{
!_!!u rtusshourdbehetPtut.. -rr.a-furrl]
Bul't vou rca.h dr d Sturhn jor€nr.. ro lhe.hnpF, 340ch.nt, 1..
, . Ro
ShoulJ\nor rPr4t' tot J tie pagpTh,tr-F,veaprn'5hrbE. tsmnL
dd rcti& hdl
:i: j,.e.ra1llF:{d n $€ qry, ,r,,p* ,cr"iz i. i [ . P , o nmbebr.
il:tr $I;,,131 t"iB{ii''rFF

^lnDr "rcdE
da7 trhd rH frri7 oa7
(q (r.) (io.d) tmii)

(M.j7 hd rEd cMlr @ii?

(.) (F) (m]) 605 r
clmllc n col|i{uacot r- axDanal? c||ottDa
r 4 h ir fo l l o s,md ) n o rb rl e a inFBr nsiodtor otFadr .. tr ( on!ibl.orr he
tuuFnar'cd po\{b[tie( ol rorR]€adin8l-prr dndl.pd.hords stnr..7-note ralc
r c n f i 8 u . h o r h sra l yq n o rrru m'n gph, nr TJ R & D r ' on8th6e lin6. sh[.Ivt
in.ludedir becau* r lmll perenr.B. ol our Ecdcr migh fhJ ir inreF<hr,B.

GEitixtc vo[cf lttDttci For ]t-ttMt|of,Dt (6 pott|ltuflEtt

Cc e) C <----f B

c<_ B c


C -----r E B
flriadt 3,eART
LEADTNG {c [{ais)

'f. G.,A G-- c G.- B

E) F E ,- A E ,- G
lc qJ
c.-f D C'- F C,, E

GX D G-..r F G-.^E
EXA E -..r C EXB
cxF C\A cxG
G..*F G,rA G- G
E..* D E ;,F E-E
C"{ A c-c c --.rB

G-rF G-rA G-G

C.-' D cxF C.- E

GXD G-..r F G---^E

E..f F EXA E ,, G
C..*A €-. rB

G,-A Gx C G.-B
B E"rD E .,F E -E
cxF C.'* A cxG
usBoFcr.j7113 5I:

c rr7.Dn7(ddii) o7.ui. tEtTad tE-?l FA7(lrditn)

Fnt t F{n7tts) bl TdtFdl B7'd
Em c
cr,bj7 r
rdidrdr ldlrrdcr

c a
c I
G I c

G I c
E B c

E G B c
G I c
E B c
6 I c
B o
c G

/|h.r ofcd& \ftlG|,.1h. v.l@ lll

"Crip-Slipping" is a lem I ue lo d€scrib. *.i6 ol exeds6 rh'r I som.rin* giv€ to
ny Eliar €tudots io help thd le@all dF iNdioN' oI difehi chord6. Wrthourgiving awat
bo nany "s€cll," rre induded sn ex.npls indrpdarin8 *vd0r .hords in a 8ix bmi. sysltm
(whole t6e sGle). Tne voicing t}?€ k Dbp 3. (Yd miSht try Dap 2 an.t DFp 2 & 4 as welt...)

PS. The lvk and tlE FvLs aF ,11€lrnpla of SCVLlspecific chromtic voie-l€.din3),
as oppo*d to cD\7L (s6enc di.bni. voie-l..din8t shidr is all of volunes I & 2.

PPS.Th@, I ewe it awayl

g!gEl!shi!!: Mai7.Dmpr- Grip.Slipping
a M 1 tu 1 E trT 4 u 7 .A b u7 t6U7 t- t/1

\ G \F+ \E /E r\Eb\D \C r'C#\B \A#\Arr'A \

.\E \D r'Df\C,\C \Bbr'B \A \Gr\F ,G \F Yr
' , 8 \A \G +\F+'G \F \E \D r'D#\C#\C \Bbr'.
\ C , C#\B \A#\A,'A \G \F' \E ,E# \E, \D \

F*EEoEbD:I ll;EDDrc* c B,BAGrFlc F: I

l:cc* BA*abac

5 "ahl nd 5"r /\,

3'1M2i d 3. \ I

C!!El&Eiu: Min7.omp
l Grio-Slipping
Cd1 Or.7 .-n1 an1 oa1 ani F4rti rb4i 6bh1

YG \ F \E r'E \Eb\Db\C r'C \B \A \Abr'Ab\

. \ Eb\ D \C# \Cb\ Bb2Br \ A \G \ F#, G b\ F \.
\G \Ff r'G b\ F \ Eb\ D r'D \ Ct r \ Ch\ Bb, '
' -B r\A
\ C r' C 18 YA \Abr'Ab\G \F \E r'E \Eb \Db\

ll:cc B AAbtuGFEEEbD':ll Flcbf:ll


5 -1b3 z.s
b3 "r I
I \\, J

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