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Inspirational Message

On Broadcast…
June 7, 2021
Mass media communication has been and will always play a pivotal role
in the society especially in the education al system.
To our distinguished trainers Mr. Emrah Sengun, the EMS Business
Development Manager from Turkey and Engr. John Arkrhis Jimenez of
the 90 Degrees North Inc. from Philippines, to our dear VPs, Mr.
Ferdinand Valencia for Administration and Finance Dr. Amado A. Oliva
for the Academic Affairs and Dr. Teresita B. Salazar for Research,
Extension, Production and Entrepreneurial Development, Deans and
Unit heads, participants, my dear colleagues, a very pleasant good
morning to all of you.
It is my pleasure to embark on another effort done by our very
hardworking Station manager Prof. Hejie A. Dimabogte on the role of
the media in relation to global sustainable development as well as in
the part of the university’s educational transformation to serve the Era
of Digitalization and globalization. Certainly, it marks another significant
milestone in CSPC in its efforts to become a center of excellence for the
Bicolanos and beyond and in CSPC’s full conferment into a University.
CSPC as a higher education institute will continue to hold activities in
areas of research, programming and broadcast engineering towards the
achievement of our goal.
Nowadays a new media platforms, digital technologies and peripheral
information providers is needed now that we are faced with so much
challenge brought by this world pandemic, the COVID 19. It has greatly
affected the educational system that we used to have. Now we are
forced to change the educational setting that we have, from the
traditional face-to face to a blended or the so - called ONLINE Learning.
In an analysis, media markets are no longer solely dominated by the
high volume “head” of a traditional demand curve i.e. the traditional
mass media but also by “the long tail” of near limitless choice (e.g.
alternative news blogs, citizen journalism). Even so, the long
established media print, television and radio still contribute to public
sphere discourses and remain involved in the social construction of
what constitutes successful development practice. Public
broadcasting media in particular have a duty to cover development
topics whether with global, regional or local reach and to function as
agenda setters; at the same time, they can also actively promote
development issues and even challenge traditional views. It should be
emphasized, however, that increasingly, also private sector
broadcasters pursue the same objectives. Many commercial media
embrace sustainable development as part of their corporate social
responsibility, that is, programmes, activities and initiatives beyond
what their country’s regulators demand. Business strategies include,
among other things, community outreach, engagement with global
stakeholders, measuring the social impact of programming and social
marketing. In short, both public and private media organizations
contribute and/or work together as equally important partners.
The field of broadcasting is undoubtedly progressive and dynamic,
working in tandem with technology development. The advent of new
media with practical and ideological changes of traditional media has
impacted social change and subsequently transformed the world’s
broadcasting landscape.
I always believe that any information given to the society will either
build or destroy a community.
In today’s digital era, it has proven to transform most of the education
processes and systems.
Digitalization of education is a powerful trend in terms of reformation
and modernization of global education environment. Digitalization
means transformation of all information types (texts, sounds, visuals,
video and other data from various sources) into the digital language.
Against this background of rapidly global communication and
transformation, it is my sincere wish that this undertaking will bring
about awareness as well as positive changes and development with a
spirit of common goal although with different approaches.
I believe ladies and gentlemen that through this undertaking we will
bring CSPC in the new level. Thank you and goodluck!

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