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Dimaandal, Matthew M.

PetE - 1306

"I am Against Abortion"

"Black lives matter", "LGBTQ + community matter", and "Asians do matter". Those are some of
the phrases that you can see on social media sites nowadays as the world tries to accept those
who are different. But what really we should be saying to the world is that "All lives matter".
Not just the lives of a few groups of black men, nor those who have other gender roles, it's not
just them that exist in this world. Big or small, long or short, animals and plants that varies in
form and size matters that shall not be overlooked or set aside because they have their own
purpose in every single way.

Everyone starts to be a weak and frail creatures that's why we try to be delicate and nurture
them as they live. We carefully try to raise them that's why the idea of killing your offspring
without them experiencing this wonderful world is such a heavy crime for some. Some people
goes as far as to spend a large sum of money just to have a child. For example is the owner of
the one of the most renowned perfume company, Joel Cruz, owner of Aficionado Perfume
Company who underwent vitro fertilization with a ukranian surrogate that gave birth to his
twins. They are even some couples who can't produce their own that's why they also resort into
this artificial way of giving life that's why abortion must not be tolerated.

If possible that one just wants to unleash their lust towards their partner in a sexual way, then
be wary of certain ways to avoid having a child unexpectedly that most of the times leads to
abortion, its best to known that pills that prevents women from ovulating exist and condoms
are always an option. Proper sex education may also help as it opens the mind of every person
especially those undergoing puberty of how things work. It's all fun and games while learning
sex education but teens who truly understand the consequences of creating life will hesitate
and think what their actions will lead to, and that in turn could hopefully rebuke of the decision
that they would somehow regret some day. I'm not saying that once they knew how copulation
works that they will not be engaging in such acts because its the natural instincts of every
animal to procreate and have their packs, families, and herds of their own in order to keep their
bloodline or species away from extinction. What I'm saying is that it's better to somehow
prevent what's to come by giving them proper knowledge and warnings so that that the
unwanted and unexpected things may be prevented.

Another thing that makes me an anti or against abortion is that it leads to depression and
would likely lead to suicide. The mother who commits this sin eventually realizes the heaviness
of their past actions as a part of them realizes that they are about to committ murder once they
agree to the abortion of the child. Also once the fetus inside them was discarded, they are
trampling on the "12 Rights of Every Filipino Children" especially the first one which states that
"Every child has the right to be born well." From that alone they've denied that right of the child
to be born along with the other eleven rights that every filipino children has. In any angle and
any court, the act of abortion is simply inhumane and is always treated as a crime that's why it
is forbidden by the law of our country, Philippines.

All in all, a few last thing that I want to say and I want to emphasize is that "All lives matter."
Rich or poor, weak or strong, everyone has a purpose and we all are living right now to find that
sole purpose that we have. And, "Abortion is a crime." No matter what circumstances a woman
may have, it is not an excuse to kill a life especially the one of their own. Remember, not
everyone is being blessed by the gift of life and so we must carefully rethink before committing
the crime of abortion.

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