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Activity 2 for Prelim in ELT 2:

1. As an English major student, how would you describe the hierarchy of language?

- Hierarchy of language have four levels which are, the first is the peripheral(local) or so called the minor
language, next is the central languages which is used by geographical areas, next in line is the super
central language which is used to international language, and last is the hyper central language or the
global language, as I described this hierarchy every level of the hierarchy has it’s main aspect which is
used by local to global and what I what I observed from the level of peripheral to hyper central it is what
language are we using to our perspective areas to what language are we using around the world.

2. Does the peculiar position of English as a hyper central language have anything to say for the teaching
of other languages?

-The position of English as a hyper-central language says a lot in terms of learning other languages.
When people learn another language, being able to understand English first is such a great plus. As a
universal language, this is used to communicate with different people around the world. English
language is considered as a hyper-central and there is no anything to say about it is because this is what
we are use to it as global language for us to understand any nation who had been learn this language.

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