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Family Interview


Name of Interviewee : ATUL AGARWAL

Relationship to You : FATHER

Date : 28/02/21

Thank you for agreeing to this interview. I’d like to start by asking you some questions about
when you were my age.

1. What did you like to do when you were my age?

Ans. I liked to play cricket a lot. It was my passion to play cricket at that time. Apart from this, I
liked teaching students younger than me (specially Maths).

2. What did you want to be when you got older?

Ans. I wanted to be an IAS officer.

3. What rules and expectations did your family have?

Ans. I wasn’t allowed to step out of my home post 9pm. My playing time was fixed as 5pm-
7pm. My family expected me to be good at studies as well as contribute in household chores.
My father also wanted me to look after the business but I was never interested in that.

4. What messages did you get from your parents about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs when
you were growing up?
Ans. Your grandparents used to tell me that I may leave the house if in case I think about these
addictions. They were completely against these and would have even disowned me if I tried
any of these.
Now I’d like to ask you some questions about your role as a caregiver.

5. What are your rules and expectations for me about the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other


Ans. I’m fine if you consume a little bit of alcohol in a disciplined way and only for health

purposes but smoking and drugs are a strict NO from my side.

6. What are the consequences for me if I don’t follow these rules?

Ans. We would not be very happy if you don’t follow the rules. We would be very annoyed

from you and probably won’t talk to you for sometime.

7. Why do you think these rules are important?

Ans. These rules are important as drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc. are not at all safe for health and

we don’t want you to spoil your life in these.

8. What do you think is the most challenging part of taking care of a young adult?

Ans. According to me, the most challenging part of taking care of a young child is stepping into

their shoes, be friends with them and understand their life in their way, rather than compelling

them to live life on our terms.

9. What have you liked about participating in this interview?

Ans. I liked how you came up with such open questions and we had a good time talking, apart

from our regular routine.

10. Add two questions of your own.

11. What advice would you give to today’s generation?

Ans. I would say that apart from career and love, family is equally important, specially your

parents. Parents are more experienced than you and know you better than you. Children

should listen to their parents and consider following their advices. Parents maybe wrong but

they can never be bad.

12. What do you think are the areas I need to improve to succeed in life?

Ans. You need to start living a disciplined life as soon as possible. Just start waking up early and

eat healthy more than junk. Stay calm and focused, rest just trust yourself.

Reflection of Family Interview

1. Which Effective Communication Skills did you use in the interview? How did they help?
Ans. I used Affective communication skills for this particular activity. This type of
communication helps me express my emotions and understand family’s emotions in a better
way. It helped improve mutual understanding between me and my family and gave me an
opportunity to express the immense amount of love I have in my heart for them.

2. I learned that how important it is to communicate frequently with family members. It not only
provides mental peace but also helps build permanent stronger relations.

3. I was surprised that how just a 5 minute talk could strengthen bonds between family.

4. I am puzzled about how and what could I talk more to my family so that I may get to know
what are their expectations from me and most importantly how do I fulfill them.

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