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Ways children disappoint their parents

Disappointment is the most immediate emotion that parents experience after a perceived

failure from their children (Segrin & Chris 475). It involves the feeling of loss and

discouragement when children fail to fulfill their parent's hopes and expectations. When this

happens, some children know that they have let down those who believed in them which mostly

is their parents. Mainly I can say that disappointment is a natural response to failure. Every child

is unique and every parent is different so it is difficult to prescribe a “one-size-fits-all” approach

so I am going to look at some common disappointments most parents can relate to.

Out-of-bounds behavior by children, this angers most parents it is mainly characterized

by actions such as aggression, defiance, disruptive behavior, meltdowns, and temper tantrum

(Barnes & Carolyne 245). In all these oppositional behaviors from children is experienced where

they become hostile and openly disobey authority figures by going against set out rules or

guidelines and they end up becoming uncooperative, rejecting directions, and having emotional

outbursts when confronted. Many parents expect their siblings to be exactly the opposite of all

those negative behaviors by teaching them better.

Children are likely to lie somewhere along the way in life although it is bad it happens, a

child can kick his sibling and still deny doing it, sometimes the onset of lying is sudden and

intense at one point a child is truthful most of the time then suddenly they are lying about a lot of

things, of course, this is a concern to parents because they expect their kids to always tell the

truth no matter what.

Failing in examination tests. Although not every child is expected to be a genius most

parents take their children to school to grasp something and gain some knowledge to help them

later in life, so when they fail to get good grades that are expected of them parents get

disappointed especially when their children do not put in the effort to show that they are trying,

when all they do is blame the high standards of exams or blaming the department of being too

rigid, this disappoints parents when their children have excuses for every failure.

My recommendations to parents for these problems is they should listen to their kids and validate

why their children have disappointed them, they should let their children be disappointed about

some setbacks, do not spin situations to make their children feel better rather should handle

situations like they are supposed to be handled by offering a healthy perspective on

disappointments and always they should support their children no matter what but do not give

their children consolation prizes.


Work cited

Segrin, Chris, et al. "Overparenting is associated with child problems and a critical family

environment." Journal of Child and Family Studies 24.2 (2015): 470-479.

Barnes, Carolyn, and Sarah Nolan. "Professionals, friends, and confidants: After-school staff as

social support to low-income parents." Children and Youth Services Review 98 (2019):


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