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Ministry of Education

St. Mary School

Science Department

Religion 10th Grade

Assignment # 4
Name: Yash Pareshkumar Patel Patel Grade: 10-1-B Date: Wednesday, May 26th, 2020
40 points Teacher: Oscar Martin
“Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving
you”. Exodus 20:12
I. Watch the video and answer the following questions discussion questions thoroughly.
Explain your reasoning for each case. (55 pts)

1.) How does suffering bring a person closer to God? (10 pts.)

Answer: Suffering brings a person closer to God, since God himself is not afraid of suffering,
then why should a person be afraid of suffering. It can be, with the right attitude, an instrument
to make someone more holy, and more like Jesus, when he was in the cross. It helps us see
Jesus in those who are suffering.

2.) What is one thing you, as a teenager, can do to help someone who is suffering? (10 pts)

Answer: One thing I, as a teenager, can do to help someone who is suffering is to comfort and
have extraordinary care for that person, instead of ending that person’s sufferings. It is better
and wiser to comfort the person, indulge them into thinking all the great aspects of life, and in
general anything that will make the person feel better from his/her suffering.

3.) What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary medicine? Are people morally
compelled to use extraordinary medicine? Ordinary medicine? (10 pts)

Answer: The difference between an ordinary and extraordinary medine lies in that an
extraordinary medicine is not morally obligatory, since it does cause great pain and burden to
force an individual to live, while an ordinary medicine does not cause excessive pain nor a great
burn, and allows some hope for the individual or patient to live.
People are not morally compelled to use extraordinary medine because in these situations, it is
extreme and might cause a great burden and pain for the individual to live, as such example
includes chemotherapy for cancer, while in the other hand people are morally compelled to use
ordinary medicine since these are all medicines, treatments, and operations that do not cause
excessive pain, and allow some hope for the individual to live.

4.) Why do human beings lack the authority to make decisions about life and death? (10 pts)
Answer: Human beings lack the authority to make decisions about life and death because God
leads our lives to our destiny. We follow the path that God has prepared for us, and us choosing
who lives and who dies goes against God’s Ten Commandments. This authority of life and death
is from God, and it does not belong to human beings, making them lack the authority to choose
about life and death.

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” – Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe

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