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Direction: Read and the understand the following statement and explain.

1. The interaction of society and nature as a system.

-Societies adapt and transform the environments they inhabit. They
depend upon the use of resources and reduction of hazards for their
survival and material well-being. They also assign meanings to
the environment that vary over place and time, but that help define
their identity and values within the world.
2. Interrelation of the natural environment and human health.
-  Human health is influenced by many factors like nutritional,
biological, chemical or psychological. It is quite true
that environment has a direct impact on those living in it and many
diseases are the outcome of man's maladjustment to
his environment.
3. . The global nature of environmental problems
- Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the
earth' surface causing natural disasters that include flooding, melting
of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural patterns of
precipitation such as flash floods, hurricanes, wildfires, drought,
excessive snow or desertification.

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