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Environment Education is a process which is very useful to human beings in order to manage
well their environment and still the right behavior that serves as key to sustainable development. It is also
an opportunity especially for the youth to participate actively in making their respective locality become
clean and green, and a pleasant place to live in. Through relevant undertaking, the youth become a great
force to combat the ill effects of climate change.

1. Provide the youth with basic knowledge on Environment Education
2. Motivate them to be actively involved in combating the ill effect of climate change;
3. Adopt dynamic strategies on environment Education; and
4. Value the importance of Environment Education as a way of developing the youth to be good
ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION – refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environment
function and, particularly, how human being can manage their behavior and ecosystem in order to live
sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post –
secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and
other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaign, etc. related disciplines includes
outdoor education and experimental education.
Environment Education is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge and awareness about the
environment and associated challenges, develop the necessary skills and expertise to address the
challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take
responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration 1978).
Related Laws in Promoting Environment Education
Republic Act No. 9512
This Act shall be know as the “ National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008”
Specifically, Sec.2. Declaration of Policy states that:
Consistent with the policy of State to protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature, and in recognition of the vital role of
the youth in nation building and the role of education to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate
social progress, and promote total human liberation and development, the state shall promote national
awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental
conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national development.
Republic Act. 9003: January 26, 2001
This is an act providing for an ecological solid management program, creating the necessary institutional
mechanism and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds
thereof, and for other pupose.
Republic Act. NO. 9275: March 22, 2004
Section 2. Declaration of Policy – The State shall pursue a policy of economic growth in a manner
consistent with protection, preservation and revival of the quality of our fresh, brackish and marine
Republic Act. No. 8749: June 23, 1999
“Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999” / An act providing a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and
Other Purposes
Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 333 Series of 2009\Subject: Integration of
Environment Education in the Tertiary Education Curriculum particularly the Civic Welfare Training
Service Component of the National Training Service Program.
The following are the importance of Environmental Education. Each must consider and put them action it.

 All major natural resources in the country are in grave danger of irreparable damage.
 A society cannot survive if its natural resources are rendered unfit for use by its people.
 The only hope of salvaging this grave situation is by making the young aware that they need to
proactively begin to protect the environment they will inherit.
 Science and Technology can help in a limited way, but cannot deliver it.
 The moral and ethical education for changing people’s attitude
 To protect children living in polluted regions, environment education represents a relevant means
of prevention.
 It is a need of time to propose environmental education delivered with moral concept.
 Sustain participation of the citizen especially the youth in combating ill effects of climate change.
Session 1: Climate Change Causes and Effects
General Objectives:
To lead students to understand Climate Change and its impacts on Human Communities.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the session the students should be able to:
1. Define Climate Change
2. Trace the causes and identify the effects of Climate Changes;
3. Cite Climate Change adaptation strategies for local impact;
4. Make simple assessment of target communities concerning its level of exposure,
vulnerable and coping capacity to climate change.
What is Climate Change?
Climate Change is any change in climate over time whether due to natural processes or as result
of human activity.
It is a change which a attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the
compositions of global atmosphere and which is, in addition to natural climate variability, observed over
comparable time periods ( United nation Framework Convention on Climate Change).

How does it occur?

The Fourth Assessment Report on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 4AR
2007) concludes that climate change is already occurring and that further acceleration will result a two (2)
degree increase in global temperature and of extreme weather conditions.
Climate Change is caused by increasing volume of Greenhouse Gases(GHG) in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse Gases are gases that absorb an re – emit infrared radiation, warming the earth’s surface and
contributing to climate change (UNEP) 1988). These gases are water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide, ozone, hydrofluorocarbon, and sulfur hexafluoride. When this gases increase in volume
more solar heat will trap resulting to a warmer atmospheric condition. This phenomenon is known as the
“Greenhouse Effect”. Global warming is the increase in average temperature of Earth’s near – surface air
and ocean that is associated with increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Man is responsible for the accelerated warming on the Earth. Before the advent of man, climate
change ere naturally caused. Many greenhouse occur naturally like methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous
oxide, ozone and even water vapor. Other greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons (HFC),
perfluorocarbon (OFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) which absorb and hold greater heat are man –
made. These are produced through industrial processes. However, human activities also add to the
increase of naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of wood and wood
products, and the production and use of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas release carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. The rapid growth of human population increase
consumption of earth’s resources, threatening the earth’s carrying capacity to support life. It also
increases the amount of decomposing organic wastes that releases carbon and methane into the air.
Massive deforestation, mining and other forms of land conversion make situation worse.
What are the effects of Climate Change or Global Warming?
The warming of Earth’s atmosphere result to the melting of snow covers and glaciers, the rise of
sea level, hotter winter, early spring, hotter summers and delayed coming of autumns, altered forest
productivity and composition, habitat shift of some animals, changes in the behavior of flora and fauna,
spread of diseases, stronger and more frequent typhoons, more floods, severe droughts, stronger heat
wave and heavy rains and more.
These changes in the environment as a result of Climate Change have already made their impact
on human population in global scale. Socio – economic problems and difficulties will be amplified
compounding the already heavy burden of poor sectors. Agriculture become less or non – productive due
to drought and flooding. Mounting social pressure on the damaging effects of Climate Change will
influence political priorities and direction.
The Philippines is ranked 4 th in the Global Climate Risk Index. Being archipelagic, fifteen (15)
of its region are vulnerable to sea level rise. A meter rise sea level will affect 64 out of 81 provinces in the
Philippines; sea water would cover at least 703 of 1,610 towns and close to 700 million square meters of
land could displace at least 15 million Filipinos. The country is in the path of typhoon which in recent
years have become stronger and more destructive and frequent. The Philippines is also located in a
earthquake prone region. Under these circumstances, life, properties, food, health and livelihood are
threatened severely affecting the most vulnerable sector of the Philippines society – the poor.
Figure 1.
Community Exposure to Hazards


Geological (Earthquake)

Climate Change
Natural Processes
Global Warming Hydro meteorological (Storm/Rise in Sea)
Community Vulnerable

Biological (Habitat Shift)

Anthropogenic and Industrial Processes
Level of Coping Ability(Adaptive Capacity

What can be done locally?

The following can be done:
1. Reduce the source of greenhouse gases emissions or enhance their sink or capture(Mitigation). What
activities in your locality release carbon dioxide and similar greenhouse gases in the air? These
activities’ must be curtailed. In what concrete way can we help capture carbon dioxide in the air.
2. Moderate the harmful effects of Climate Change and exploit its beneficial opportunities (Adaptation).
What activities or project are being done in your communities to lessen the harmful effects of global
warming or offset its potential damages? What opportunities associated with global warming did you
take advantage of?
3. Support or join awareness raising of people in your locality/community about Climate Change. While it
is very important and urgent concern to this generation, it is however, a relatively new issue that needs
to be disseminated and linked to potential hazard and risk. It is important to discuss this subject in a
dialect local people can understand and learn. Learning is gleamed in the changes in local practices and
behavior. What practices and behavior of people in your locality need to be changed?
4. Carry out concrete disaster prevention, mitigation and management activities (Capacity Building). If
your community is high risk to flooding, stormy conditions, earthquakes or landslides, training the local
people in damage/need assessment, shelter management, first aid, risk mapping, fire prevention, tree
planting and early warning among other thing should be done. You reduce the level of risk is you
develop in individuals and groups these skills and installs infrastructures within the community
stakeholders for coordination.
5. Suggest or advocate the integration of Climate Change and Adaptation into organizational/ institutional
plans to mainstream this consciousness. Are your campus clubs aware of Global Warming Issue? Have
they included activities to address this concern in their respective action plans?
6. Lobby for and/ or support Climate Change responsive policies and ordinances (Policy Development). Is
your barangay one of those have ordinances that are proactive in favor of reducing the risk of Climate
Change and Strengthening the coping capacity of the community residents?
7. Synergize effort with other Enlighted individuals or group stakeholders. To reduce vulnerability to
Climate Change hazards and risk. Adaptation , Risk Reduction, Development Planning and
Humanitarian Action need to come together. Do you have local initiatives where individuals and groups
unite to combine efforts to reduce local vulnerability and risks? Do you observe movement to
synchronize local activities with that region and the nation’s?
8. Develop a stable resource mobilization mechanism or system to ensure and facilitate the flow of
financial support to local implementers. Without an adequate and sustainable financial and technical
backing, plans will remain good only in writing

Figure 2.





“Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Local Impact: Key Messages for UNFC Negotiators”,
International Federation of Red Cross, 2009
United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
Republic Act 9729
“Preparing for Climate Change in Vietnam; A case Study, International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, 2009
“Disaster Preparedness for Climate Change in Nicaragua: A case Study”, International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2009
“Vulnerability,” Global Environmental Change. Adger, W. Neil 2006
Global Humanitarian Forum 2009: Climate Change – The Anatomy of a Silent Crisis ( May 2009)

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
Single Climatic Event: (Storm, Flood, Drought etc.) Drought
Community Category: ( Upland, Flatland, Coastal) Upland
Exposure Rating Scale : LOW = 1, MODERATE = 2 HIGH = 3
Instruction: Using the matrix below, assess your community’s exposure to the hazards and risk of climate

Areas od Security Indicators of Exposure to Climate Change (CC) ( Cite instances of Exposure
possible exposure to hazards of Climate Change) In what manner Rating
has Climate Change threaten or affect these security areas? 1-2-3
Health Climate change increases the risk of illness through increasing 2
temperature, more frequent heavy rains and runoff, and the effects
of storms. Health impacts may include gastrointestinal illness like
diarrhea, effects on the body's nervous and respiratory systems, or
liver and kidney damage.
Life Climate change will likely increase the frequency and strength of 1
extreme events (such as floods, droughts, and storms) that threaten
human health and safety. Climate changes may expose more people
to diseases. Some groups of people (e.g., the very young and the
very old) are especially vulnerable to health impacts.
Food Climate change affects food production and availability, access, 1
quality, utilization, and stability of food systems. In short, it
impacts all aspects of the food system. Extreme weather-related
disasters are increasing and reduce the yields of major crops.
Higher levels of CO2 reduce the nutritional value of crops.
Livelihood Existing threats to food security and livelihoods will be exacerbated 3
by climate change due to a combination of factors that include; the
increasing frequency and intensity of climate hazards, diminishing
agricultural yields and reduced production, rising sanitation and
health risks, increasing water scarcity.
Properties / Structures A warmer climate is expected to increase the risk of illnesses and 2
death from extreme heat and poor air quality. Climate change will
likely increase the frequency and strength of extreme events (such
as floods, droughts, and storms) that threaten human health and
Peace and Order While long-term quantitative data available on the interactions of 3
climate and peace is scarce. Climate pressures adversely influence
resource availability, affect population dynamics, and strain societal
institutions. In turn, this can affect socioeconomic and political
Way of Life(Culture) By affecting the environment and natural resources of tribal 2
communities, climate change also threatens the cultural identities of
Indigenous people. As plants and animals used in traditional
practices or sacred ceremonies become less available, tribal culture
and ways of life can be greatly affected.
Local Environment Climate change has already impacted ecosystems and humans. In 3
combination with climate variability, it makes food insecurity
worse in many places and puts pressure on fresh water supply. This,
in combination with extreme weather events, leads to negative
effects on human health.
Total 17
Average 2

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
ACTIVITY 2: Response – Ability of Community
Single Climatic Event: (Storm, Flood, Drought etc.) ______________________
Community Category: ( Upland, Flatland, Coastal) _______________________
Exposure Rating Scale : LOW = 1, MODERATE = 2 HIGH = 3
Instruction: Using the matrix below, assess your community’s exposure to the hazards and risk of climate

Areas of Security Indicators of Exposure to Climate Change (CC) ( Cite concrete Exposure
actual or potential indicators od capabilities) In what ways the Rating
sectors are capable or prepared to respond to hazard, threats, 1-2-3
risks and disasters in your community?
Health Worker/Centers They ensure that there are adequate facilities 2

and equipment needed during a disaster or

calamity. It’s just like evacuation center or facilities,

emergency vehicles, and first aid kit and equipment.

Food They have a stock of products so that during the calamity they 1
Producers/Manufacturers have a preserve food to share with the public.
(Farmer, Fishermen etc.)
Businessmen/Business They use anti heat materials or allocate funds 1
Establishments for long -term establishments that will be well -
received by the people who will use the net.
Clerics/Religious/Religious Prayers are the main tools and first methods of the certain 3
Groups groups of people who are facing dilemma.
Local Government Implementing projects for community developments 3
indicating the climate change such as rehabilitation,
environmental conservation and enviromental protection.
Civic Groups Conduct seminars and trainings actual for the preparation of 2
certain peoples for the future hazards, calamities or disasters.
Non – Government Orgs. Build organizations that will organize the needs aids of people 2
and the protection of environment.
Schools Indicating the environmental education and supporting the local 3
or national government program such as tree planting, cleaning
operations and solid waste management.
Military/Police/Emergency Assisting with the law enforcement, they ensures that the 2
Response Groups people in the certain community follow and obey the rules and
regulations for the betterness of climate.
Total 19
Average 2.3

Activity no. 3 Vulnerability Assessment: Compute the vulnerability rating of your community.
Vulnerability refers to the degree of susceptibility to or inability of a community to cope up with the
adverse effects of Climate Change.
Vulnerability Assessment Formula: Using the average data generated from Activities 1 and 2, compute
the vulnerability (degree of susceptibility) of the community to the adverse effects of Climate Change.
Formula: V=E-R Vulnerability = Potential Impact (Exposure – Adaptive capacity) ( response – Ability)
What is the Vulnerability Rating of your community? __________________
Formula: V=E-R

= Potential Impact (Exposure – Adaptive capacity) (response –

= 2 – 2.3
= -0.3
Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
Activity No. 4
Direction: Inside the callouts ( ) Write your responses to Climate Change. Write only ONE idea
per callout. You can add more callouts as you will. Please write legibly.
Invest in
Speak up appliances

Reduce water

Power home with

renewable energy

Drive a fuel
efficient vehicle

Buy better bulbs

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________

Activity No. 5
Direction: To protect your community from the ill effects of Climate Change, illustrate creatively action
points that you can do to ensure safe, clean and friendly environment.
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, which
reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of
wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and
mammals. A dirty or uninviting environment doesn't just cause infections or repulsion, it also pulls apart
your emotional control and mental stability. On the other hand, a clean environment facilitates a sound
health, and helps build about a robust well-being. Good health and contributes to a positive outlook in
life, because our environment has a large impact on our health and well-being.

I promote this kind of living because planting trees and conducting solid waste management will help to
lessen the pollution and it will have a long term effect to our environment and also it will reduce the bad
effects to our ozone layer, fresh air will occur and our life will become healthy as well as it is one ways to
protect our mother nature.
Session 2: Zero Waste Management
1. Define Zero Waste Management
2. Identify the Importance of Zero Waste Management
3. Adopt processes to ensure Zero Waste Management
4. Increase awareness of applying the concept of Zero Waste Management
Zero Waste Management – is an ecological method of handling waste that does not degrade the
environment nor pollute air, water, soil and facilitate their sanitary retrieval, reuse or recycling.
Zero waste management is one of the most friendly, economical tool of contributing ecological welfare
for human being and community.
Modern waste reduction consists of three (3) components namely:
1. Reuse – means re – utilization of materials for particular purpose.
2. Reduce – is the process of lessening the fresh raw materials that affects air, water and land
pollution through proper waste disposal.
3. Recycling – involves processing used, unwanted materials (waste) into new products to prevent
waste of potentially useful materials.
Involve processing used, unwanted materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially
useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution
(from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste
disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to production. Recycling is a key component
of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy.

 Does not polluted air, water and soil.

 Facilities Sanitary retrieval, reuse or recycling.
 Contributes reduction of waste.
 Economic source of funds through total utilization of feeds, fuel materials and fertilizer.
 Helps sustain good and friendly environment.

 Study carefully and plan how you can adopt an action plan using the forms provided.
Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
Activity no. 6
Direction: Based on the illustration provided, identify action on how you can contribute in managing
waste in your community by filling in the boxes provided

Reduce waste going to landfill Reuse water bottles, coffee mugs, and
plates too! Skip the plastic or paper
Use the basic principles or method:
and get yourself some reusable and
3R's (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle)
refillable kitchenware.

Reduce food waste

Find a new home for old furniture

Shop eco-friendly with reusable bags

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
Activity NO. 7
Direction: Using the form provided make your plan for a period of six(6) months.

Program Design on Solid Waste Management

Conducting online trainings and webinars to support the youth for the waste management program,
with the project title: "Solidong samahan para sa kalinisan"



1. Participants To have a strong

gathering and unity of youth Youth will The faculties of All involve Finally, all Succesful
planning that will help to conduct trainings this program will youths that are participants solid
resolve the and seminars use online willing to would learned waste
2. Discussions problem on solid onlines and they platforms to conduct the from this managem
about solid waste will conduct the promote solid waste program, they ent
waste management. solid waste awareness and as management fully understand activity
management. To discuss some management in well as for the activity and that conducting will be
concepts of solid their respective encouragement other everyone solid waste the
3. Solid waste waste houses with the of other local else who has management is positive
management management and monitoring communities. care for matter most and indicators
activity the participants assistance their Willing environmental also they had to
will able to barangay participants protection contributed to preserve
understand officials whose want to prevent the the nature
join will meet environment on into the
To implement through zoom any hazards and future.
the major meetings possible climate Most of
objectives for change such as all in a
this program that pollution on air simple
will helps to the water and etc. way
protection of pollution
environment has come
to an end
of this
ent of
Unit Test
Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Course& Sec.: __________________________________________ Score : _______________
Direction: Identify what is being described or answer the given questions. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the blank.

B 1. It is an alternation of the atmospheric condition over time due to natural and man – made factors.

A. Global Warming B. Climate Change C. Strom D. Cyclone

C 2. Which of these gases absorbs and hold heat?

A. Oxygen B. Helium C. Carbon Dioxide

C 3. It is a process by which the absorption of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms the Earth.
A. Global Warming B. Ozone Depletion C. Greenhouse Effect D. Precipitation
C 4. Reducing the source of greenhouse gas emission into the atmosphere or enhance their capture is
A. Mitigation B. Litigation C. Radiation D. Evaporation
B 5. If a community is unable to cope with adverse effects of climate change, It is said to be _____
A. Weak B. Vulnerable C. Unstable D. Invincible

A 6. An adjustment made to moderate the harm climate change brings.

A. Adoption B. Prevention C. Protection D. Adaption

A 7. When you develop human skills or build structures to reduce risks you are doing

A. Capacity Building B. Training C. Facility Constructing D. Skills Honing

C 8. Which of the words in the series below captures the meaning of term “Anthropogenic”?

A. Humanity B. Human – Centered C. Human – made D. Humanoid

C 9 . One of these is a hydrometeorolgical event.

A. Rise in sea level B. Earthquake C. Landslide D. Volcanic eruption

C 10. One of these greenhouse gases is anthropogenic event.

A. Methane B. Nitrous oxide C .Carbon Dioxide D. Hydroflourocarbon

A 11. Which of these activities best moderates the impact of global warming?

A. Tree planting B. Coastal Clean up C. Recycling papers D. Putting off unused light

A 12. Which of the following can best respond when disaster strikes?

A. Department of National Defense

B. Department of Social Welfare and Development
C. Department on Higher Education
D. Department of Interior and Local Government

Good Luck

1. Importance of Environment Education for Sustainable Development – Vennila Govindas
2. Related Laws in Environment Education
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by


Faculty Program Director Campus Dean

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