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Explain how a clonal reproduction can be carried out in a man

-Clonal reproduction refers to the reproduction by which organisms that are genetically similar
to their parents are produced. They are not generated by any fusion of gametes and possess the
typical characters of their parents. It is mainly observed in plants, bacteria, and fungi. The most
likely mechanism for this mode of clonal reproduction is the paternal elimination of the
maternal genome in the egg. They put in the sperm cell and egg cell to the womb of the woman
so the woman will be impregnate and will have a baby.
2. Discuss the need for inclusion of recombinant DNA technology in science teaching at all levels
of Education in the Philippines.
- Recombinant DNA is a molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of
genetic recombination more likely to molecular cloning. We need to include the teaching
of recombinant DNA in science teaching at all levels of education in the Philippines for
us to be educated in what the function of our Body and how will help us to our daily
lives. Recombinant DNA technology is an important development in science that has
made the human life much easier. In recent years, it has advanced strategies for
biomedical applications such as cancer treatment, genetic diseases, diabetes, and
several plants disorders especially viral and fungal resistance. The need of this
Recombinant to the education in the Philippines is for us to be aware to what medicine
we take. It is much more needed for the Philippines to be educated in this teaching so
people will not be ignorant and always blame the government or some scientist because
of what they done. As we know that the recombinant DNA help to improve our Life it
help such a young age to be much successful in the future and to help the economic
growth of the Philippines.
3. Identify and explain the other areas of human endeavor apart from medicine where
recombinant DNA technology can come into play.
recombinant DNA also used in the areas of Agriculture to produce of the hybrid crops with
better yield and greater nutritional value. Recombinant DNA is also used to help the plants or
crops to be more healthy and to be more bountiful and plentiful. The things that we don’t
needed to our body is beneficial to some crops or plants, it is nutritional for them and very
helpful for them. Apart form medicine and in Agriculture recombinant DNA is also helpful thing
in the area of Industry. Recombinant DNA technology has major uses which made the
manufacturing of novel enzymes possible which are suitable in conditions for specified food-
processing. A number of microbial strains have been developed which produce enzyme
through specific engineering for production of proteases.
4. Narrate the trends in the development of recombinant DNA technology.
1665 where Robert Hooke describes spaces he observe in slice of cork. This the start of
knowledge in the recombinant DNA
1838 and 1839 – Schleiden and Schuman (Schwann) formulated the cell theory which shows
that the cell is the basic organization of the living cell.
1869 – The Swiss Biochemist, Friedrich Miescher performed the First DNA isolation. (used for
scientific, medicine and forensic purposes.
1943 – DNA was identified as the primary genetic material.
1953 - when Watson and Crick laid or presented the Recombinant DNA Technology or Genetic
Engineering. They also found out that the DNA is a double-helix structure.
The recombinant DNA technology created several potential innovation opportunities for
developing a wide range of therapeutic products, with immediate effect in medical genetics and
biomedicine, by modifying microorganisms, animals, and plants, in order to yield medically
useful substances.
5. How would you explain the meaning of IVF to an illiterate person?.

 -IVF stand for In Vitro Fertilization is a In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the joining of a woman’s egg
and a man’s sperm in a laboratory dish. In vitro means outside the body. Fertilization means the
sperm has attached to and entered the egg.. This means special medical techniques are used to
help a woman become pregnant. It like a surgical impregnate where those couple who are not
capable of having a children or child can use this to have a child. The man’s sperm cell and the
woman egg cell is placed together or mixing it. And then Embryos are placed into the woman's
womb 3 to 5 days after egg retrieval and fertilization. And then the procedure will be done while
the woman is awake and the doctor will insert a thin tube with the fertilized sperm cell and egg
cell called embryo to the vagina of a woman. If it stick in to the lining of the womb and grows.
Pregnancy result. More than one embryo can insert that can lead to triplets, twins and many
more. So this is the IVF or In vitro Fertilization

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