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Data Collection:

There is insufficient amount of data for skin disease like Acne, Rosacea etc. So, collected dataset for
similar purpose like found in Kaggle was not available. Some of the data was found but it was all in the
website which was dirty data. Hence web scraping was used for collecting data from various sources.
Web scraping is a strategy to naturally access and concentrate a lot of data from a site, which can
spare an enormous measure of time and exertion. For web scraping Beautiful Soup a python
framework is used in order to collect data.

Step 1: All the necessary library for making requests are imported.

Step 2: The link to the website that we are aiming to extract data is given and a html parser is used
to parse image elements.

Step 3: The source of data is stored in a link array for downloading.

Step 4: After successfully collecting all the links then a directory is created for storing all the jpg file.

Step 5: We can visualize the collected data from the website.

Similar steps is applied for collecting data of other classes like Rosacea, Eczema, and Sun Burn.
Training Model:

Importing Libraries: Initially all the necessary libraries like os, NumPy, Keras, VGG16, OpenCV are

Data augmentation: Here the path to training and validation dataset is given. Additionally various
parameters needed during training process is also configured. This way you can reduce overfitting
your classifier. This way we can generate different sub samples of images. This method is useful for
tackling problems like overfitting as it increases the volume of the dataset. For small amount of data
this technique can bring a lot of merits. The validation data is not augmented it is only rescaled.
Loading VGG: VGG16 is a pretrained model we have to download the model and tweak many of its
parameter for our purpose. The original input shape of the model is (224, 224, and 3) but it is change
to (128, 128, 3). Then the shape of the final layer is printed. This is useful for performing transfer
learning ahead.

Transfer Learning: For transfer learning we can use various technique like training the whole model
or only training half of the layer and freezing others. But here we are freezing all the layers of the
VGG model and adding a new CNN layers from the base. This is very useful as the information gained
by original model which was trained in ImageNet is not lost. This helps to improve performance of
our model even more.

The model is then compiled. The RMSProp optimizer is used.

The model is then fit with validation set and training set. The model is trained for 50 epochs.

Model Deployment:

The weights of the trained model is then saved in h5 file format.

After this the h5 file is converted into JSON format. This step is necessary for loading the model in
our Django Application. The JSON format is easier to load as a rest API. The following code converts
the model to JSON format.

The screenshot below shows how the model is loaded in Django Application. After loading the model
the prediction process can be applied by importing the model in file.

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