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How do you measure a year? For Nadine Lustre, it was a whole lot of learning and
unlearning, connecting and reconnecting, accepting and letting go in order to fully express
her truth
woman of her prominence
obnoxious trumpeting
Cocooned in the comforts athleisure, lugging a cooler and hangers of Wildest
Dreams merch just by herself, she makes a valiant attempt at stealth mode, and sits
in the corner of the room where the morning was beginning to spill all over.
Basking in the light that was slowly coloring the space into its full vibrant potential
in a shocking orange, she nurses the tall canister of coffee in her hands and her face
pulls from the sides to reveal a smile.
Oh, just like many of us, she made attempts to fill in the gaps of what was then
presumably a temporary thing
In Moments, she says, ‘Everything you need to be contented is right here, right in
this minute. You can have it when you understand that all that matters is right here.
getting to a headspace of mindfulness to appreciate everything that comes her way
and to find joy where she can.
different states of becoming, traversing the subconscious in a progression of
confidence. Chronicled in the past, present, and future, this mix of metaphors and
motion essayed her assertions and affirmations to feel, to forge her own person, to trust
her own vision, to be one with others, and finally, to follow her fantasies.
Wildest Dreams was a testament to how far she has come in reclaiming her identity
once manufactured the well-oiled machinations of the systems and institutions of the
industry. Nadine Lustre wasn’t just in charge; she was all she wanted to be.
There’s something healing about your experiences—what you’ve gone through,
especially in a form of art that people will see. It’s an emotional release…there’s
something freeing about it.
What was important for her was that she gets to wear her heart on her sleeve and be
her most honest, most unapologetic, most independent self.
some still take great joy in dismissing or downright belittling her in the face of a
carefully curated and considered approach to life. You know, as if they know any
But then it’s because of instances like that, which I’ll call bullying, that turned me
into the woman that I am now—headstrong, doesn’t give a f*** what other people
tell me. I listen to my heart and I do what I want to do,” she says defiantly
Now, I guess I would say that I've been kinder to myself. For you to experience life to
the fullest, you have to be open to experience everything, all of these emotions, all of
these experiences, you know, whatever it is that life has to offer,
“I have been so open lately and allowing everything to come my way—may it be a
bad experience or something that will make me sad, or something that will make me
angry. I don't stop myself from experiencing these things. Because at the end of the
day, it changes you. It builds you.”

Turning a bit more somber than usual, Nadine Lustre admits to still falling trap to
this from time to time, proving that progress isn’t a manicured path. “But you know,
I would say I’m slowly ascending from that trauma. You can’t put a timeline on it.
It’ll just happen,” she says.
allowing herself to completely submit to the circumstance and let the feelings run
its course. Now, there really is no more holding back.
Holding this wisdom close to her heart, Nadine Lustre swears that aside from
coming to terms with these initially unsettling truths, a serious case of self-care and
self-love has to be considered in the journey of healing one’s weathered and
withered soul. “It’s true, self-care and self-love is taking care of yourself,
physically, like indulging in a long, nice shower (as evidenced by her posts with her
favorite Cetaphil Bright Healthy Radiance Body Wash and Cetaphil Bright Healthy
Radiance Body Lotion) or pampering yourself with skincare and all that. But for
me, most importantly, self-care is giving yourself time and being patient,” she says.
More than anything, this manifestation of self-care is also a way to fine tune and
resuscitate all the parts that makes us complete and content. As Nadine Lustre says,
“Now, we really have to listen to not just our bodies, but our hearts and minds as
well. We like to strike while the iron is hot, but it doesn’t always apply. You can do
that, but you have your body or mind is saying otherwise.”
talking at great length about everything from creating connections, confronting the
emotional excess of her past and opening herself up more to experience everything life
has to offer beyond her comfort zone.
Taking bigger swings with what she thinks and feels, Nadine Lustre owns up to her
confidence and the power within to really reach out to make a soul-stirring connection
and to make people feel something. Where she once was encouraged to just keep a
tight lip and smile, she is expressing herself the way she really wants to, no holds
barred. “This is who I am,” she says. And needless to say, we cannot wait what else she
has to say from here on out whether it is in song, on a social media post, or her actual
paradigm shifting.

Connection is something beautiful. Love is something beautiful, but it's something

that through the years and has been blurred out.

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