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Excisional Arthroplasty for Scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal

Marc Garcia-Elias, MD

Symptomatic scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal (STT) joint osteoarthritis may occasionally require

surgery. In the absence of dorsal midcarpal instability, acceptable results may be obtained by
an excisional STT joint arthroplasty. After distal scaphoid resection, however, forces are no
longer transmitted along the radial column of the wrist. This often results in slight malro-
tation of the proximal row into extension. To mitigate this problem, different strategies have
been proposed (dorsal midcarpal capsulodesis, palmar radioscaphoid capsulodesis, tendon
interposition, or pyrocarbon implant interposition). As compared to STT fusion, excisional
arthroplasty is less technically demanding, requires less prolonged immobilization, and has
Surgical Technique

fewer complications. (J Hand Surg 2011;36A:516–520. Copyright © 2011 by the American

Society for Surgery of the Hand. All rights reserved.)
Key words Wrist, scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal joint, osteoarthritis, excisional arthroplasty,
midcarpal instability.

the scaphotrapezio- unstable MC joint. To rule out this problem, it is useful

trapezoidal (STT) joint tends to respond well to to perform the so-called “posterior drawer’s test” under
conservative treatment. Splinting, anti-inflam- fluoroscopy control.7 If the capitate can be dorsally
matory drugs, intra-articular corticoid injections, and displaced beyond the posterior horn of the lunate, the
physiotherapy are often successful in bringing these chances for a resection arthroplasty to further destabi-
wrists back to a painless situation.1–3 Surgery is indi- lize the wrist are high.4 – 6 Even if the preoperative
cated only when conservative treatment fails to relieve carpal alignment is normal, a resection arthroplasty is
the patient’s symptoms. not recommended for the treatment of STT osteoarthri-
Before deciding surgery, however, it is important to tis resulting from dorsal midcarpal instability. In such
ascertain whether the case is truly an idiopathic, isolated circumstances an STT arthrodesis, as recommended by
STT osteoarthritis or a more extended problem result- Wollstein and Watson,8 is the treatment of choice. By
ing from chronic dorsal midcarpal (MC) instability.4 – 6 contrast, if the MC joint is stable, excisional arthro-
If the distal scaphoid is resected and the wrist has plasty is highly recommended because it provides reli-
insufficient dorsal MC capsuloligamentous constraints, able results, the technique is less technically demand-
the carpus may collapse in a severe dorsal intercalated ing, it requires less prolonged immobilization, and it has
segment instability (DISI) pattern of malalignment with fewer complications than a localized arthrodesis.
the capitate subluxing dorsally. Indeed, STT excisional
arthroplasty is not indicated in the context of a dorsally INDICATIONS
Resection arthroplasty of the STT joint is indicated for
From Institut Kaplan, Barcelona, Spain. the treatment of idiopathic, symptomatic, isolated STT
Received for publication August 12, 2010; accepted in revised form December 16, 2010.
osteoarthritis, without MC instability, that failed to im-
prove with conservative treatment.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or indirectly to the
subject of this article.
Correspondingauthor:MarcGarcia-Elias,MD,InstitutKaplan,PasseigdelaBonanova,9,2o,2a, CONTRAINDICATIONS
Barcelona 08022, Spain; e-mail: Even if the preoperative carpal alignment is normal,
0363-5023/11/36A03-0027$36.00/0 excisional arthroplasty of the STT joint is not indicated
if the midcarpal joint is easily subluxable owing to

516 䉬 ©  ASSH 䉬 Published by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


FIGURE 1: Schematic representation of the author’s most commonly used STT excisional arthroplasty. To avoid excessive
scaphoid extension and carpal collapse, an anchovy of tendon is interposed in the empty joint space and a radioscaphoid
capsulodesis (arrow) has been used. The technique is not recommended when there is pre-existing dorsal midcarpal instability.

Surgical Technique
hyperlaxity or insufficiency of the dorsal MC capsulo- protect both the sensory branches of the radial nerve
ligamentous structures. The procedure is also contrain- and the radial artery. The dorsal capsule of the STT
dicated if there is a more extended MC joint degener- joint is transected along its oblique insertion onto the
ation involving the lunocapitate joint, as in cases of dorsoradial ridge of the scaphoid. In cases where the
chronic scapholunate dissociation (scapholunate ad- STT osteoarthritis is associated with flexor carpi radia-
vanced collapsed wrist, stage 3). lis (FCR) tendonitis, a palmar approach to the FCR
tendon is recommended. In this case, the inflamed te-
SURGICAL ANATOMY nosynovium is excised, the tendon is released from
Under normal conditions, the proximal carpal row adhesions, and a transverse capsulotomy distal to the
maintains its balanced alignment as a consequence of scaphoid tubercle is used to explore the STT joint and
the scaphoid flexion tendency being counteracted by the complete the entire procedure.
opposite extension moment generated at the triquetrum- The distal articular surface of the scaphoid is osteoto-
hamate articulation. If the scapholunate distal articular mized with an oscillating saw and removed from the
concavity is shallow, the tendency for the capitate to joint. It is important to preserve the proximal origins of
sublux dorsally is higher than if there is a deep the dorsolateral STT and anteromedial scaphocapitate
scapholunate socket. If aside from a shallow joint there ligaments, which originate at both medial and lateral
is an underdeveloped or hyperlax dorsal intercarpal corners of the scaphoid tuberosity.
ligament, particularly the proximal fascicles that con- The direction of the scaphoid osteotomy is impor-
nect the scaphoid to triquetrum, the wrist may experi- tant: With the wrist in neutral position and the scaphoid
ence dorsal MC instability.9 It is a relatively frequent at 45° relative to the radius, the plane of the osteotomy
condition involving repeated dorsal capitate subluxation is to be parallel to the plane of the trapezium-trapezoid
during ulnar deviation. As the capitate subluxes dor- proximal surfaces. To facilitate direct vision of the
sally, the STT joint undergoes increased shear stress proximal surfaces of the trapezium and trapezoid, the
with the extended scaphoid eroding against the trape- osteophytes at the periphery of the joint are removed.
ziotrapezoidal articular surfaces. That is the most prob- Once the distal scaphoid has been excised, it is
able mechanism for the association of STT osteoarthri- imperative to double-check the amount of residual pas-
tis and dorsal midcarpal instability. If under such sive displaceability of the capitate relative to the lunate
circumstances the distal scaphoid is excised, the trique- under fluoroscopy. If there is substantial dorsal sublux-
tral extension moment is likely to predominate, induc- ation of the lunocapitate joint, the case needs to be
ing severe DISI pattern of malalignment and carpal reoriented toward a more stable construct, ideally an
collapse. STT arthrodesis.
If there is only minor lunocapitate instability, one op-
TECHNIQUE tion is to tighten the dorsal scaphotrapezial capsule.2 An-
Most often, the STT joint is approached through a other is to reattach the palmar radioscaphoid ligament to
dorsolateral skin incision, taking care to identify and the anterior edge of the osteotomized scaphoid, aiming

JHS 䉬 Vol A, March 


FIGURE 2: When the FCR has been damaged by extensive synovitis, the tendon may be used A, in the form of a tendon coil B,
Surgical Technique

and introduced as a fibrous spacer C, keeping its distal insertion intact.

FIGURE 3: To maintain the length of the scaphoid, a pyrocarbon spacer may be used. This allows compressive forces to be
dissipated across the implant into the scaphoid, thus preventing a DISI pattern of proximal row malrotation. A Preoperative x-ray
of STT osteoarthritis. B Same patient after 16 months after insertion of an STPI pyrocarbon spacer.

at preventing excessive scaphoid extension (Fig. 1). capsule needs to be carefully sutured and eventually
Another option is to fill the empty joint space between reinforced with local tissue, to prevent migration of the
the scaphoid and trapezium with an anchovy of rolled interposed soft tissue or implant subluxation.
tendon (Fig. 2A–C). Finally, a fourth option is to inter-
pose a pyrocarbon spacer (STPI; Bioprofile-Tornier, REHABILITATION AND POSTOPERATIVE CARE
Grenoble, France) to preserve the length of the scaph- Mobilization of the joint is not started until proper
oid, thus avoiding the triquetrum extension moment to capsular healing has occurred. Usually it takes 4 to 6
predominate (Fig. 3A, B).10 –12 In all circumstances, the weeks of cast immobilization. In hypermobile joints,

JHS 䉬 Vol A, March 


Surgical Technique
FIGURE 4: A Posteroanterior radiograph shows STT joint narrowing (arrows) in an otherwise normal wrist. B Surgical exposure
of the FCR tendon after extensive synovectomy and excision of the scaphoid distal pole. C To induce a palmar radioscaphoid
capsulodesis, a strong transosseous suture is passed across the radiocarpal ligaments into the distal edge of the scaphoid. This aims
to prevent excessive extension of the bone. D Posteroanterior radiograph obtained 28 months after surgery. Minor intra-articular
calcification did not prevent the patient from having almost asymptomatic function. E Despite the radioscaphoid capsulodesis,
slight carpal misalignment is still present (arrow).

longer restriction of active/passive motion may be nec- CLINICAL CASE

essary. In selected cases, arthroscopic excision of the
distal scaphoid may be considered. In such cases, the A 54-year-old woman sustained a minor injury to
immobilization time may be substantially shortened. her nondominant left wrist during a motor vehicle
In the early stages of hand therapy, the goal is to accident. Radiographs were obtained and moderate
regain motion, not grip strength. No isometric muscle- STT joint osteoarthritis was diagnosed; the condi-
strengthening exercises should be promoted during the tion had remained asymptomatic until the accident
first weeks after surgery, and no gripping activities (Fig. 4A). The wrist was immobilized with a
should be carried out with the wrist flexed, but always thumb spica cast for 3 weeks and an adequate
extended, as this would promote excessive compressive program physical rehabilitation was instituted.
load of the capitate against the dorsal horn of the lunate, Four months after the accident, the joint was still
thus inducing further DISI malalignment and dorsal painful with limited pinch strength. Marked swell-
midcarpal subluxation. For the first 6 months after sur- ing along the distal 1 inch of the FCR tendon,
gery, patients should avoid contact sports and wear a proximal to the palmar crease, disclosed the pres-
removable, slightly extended splint for all activities ence of an associated FCR tendonitis. Three sub-
implying loading to the surgically treated wrist. sequent intraarticular corticoid injections plus a

JHS 䉬 Vol A, March 


removable splint did not overcome the symptoms. Again, this can be prevented by checking under fluo-
The patient was finally eligible for an excisional roscopy whether the capitate can be easily displaced
STT arthroplasty. dorsally after distal scaphoid removal. Should this be
We used a zigzag anterolateral incision centered on the case, a partial arthrodesis is to be preferred.
the scaphoid tuberosity to explore the FCR tendon, In cases where a pyrocarbon implant has been used
excise its inflamed tenosynovium, and release its distal as spacer, dislocation of the implant is another possible
portion from the entrapment within the FCR compart- complication.10 –12 This usually results from either ex-
ment, medial to the trapezium (Fig. 4B). A distal-based cessive resection leaving a much too unstable implant,
capsular flap was elevated to uncover the STT joint, and or suboptimal capsular closure with short postoperative
the distal articular convexity of the scaphoid was re- immobilization.
sected with an oscillating saw. Transosseous sutures
across the scaphoid were placed to create a radioscaph- REFERENCES
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Surgical Technique

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JHS 䉬 Vol A, March 

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