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Question Anwer A
Large scale changes to an application can be achieved using __. Branch by Abstracti
Capacity testing _. None of the options
A build can be triggered by a version control tool. 1
A build that fails __ stage will not be deployable. Commit
____________ testing was derived from hardware testing. System
The continuous deployment must be followed to practice continuous delivery. 0
Collection of executable codes is known as . Installers
Accurev is a _ system. All
Dependencies between components must be represented using . Both the options
Continuous deployment aims at making feedback loops as short as possible. 0
Build-time dependency should be present when an application is run. 1
Release candidate is created after the change passes through the . Staging Environmen
People who do the deployment should be part of creating the deployment process. 1
Build tools can be categorised as ____. Both the options
New instance of ___ is created upon every check-in. Component Pipelin
Time taken to fix a broken build is measured using __. Build repair rate
Environment constitutes ___. All the options
Which of the activity/activities are part of continuous integration? Code Build
MTTR is ____. Mean Time to Repair
_ is a central part of continuous deployment. Continuous Integrat
Emergency fixes must go through the deployment pipeline. 1
The capability of your build system to handle an increase in the amount of code that iNone of the above
___ are known as hot-deployments. Zero downtime release
Load and Longevity test can be triggered parallelly. 1
Configuration information can be supplied using All of the above
The deployment pipeline is initiated by the creation of a release candidate. 1
The continuous deployment must be followed to practice continuous delivery. 1
is a non-functional test. All of the above
_ is a paradigm to move code from check-in to production in a controlled way. Both
_ stage asserts that the system works at the technical level. Commit
It is advised to perform manual testing throughout the project phases. 1
Disciplined technique for restructuring a code without modifying its external behaviorRefactoring
Only positive scenarios are validated in ___ testing. Build verification
An environment that is in a properly deployed state is known as . Baseline
Number of transactions a system can process in a given timespan, is measured using _Throughput
Deployment pipeline is an extension of . Continuous Integrat
The capability of your build system to handle an increase in the amount of code that iBuild scalability
A build is triggered whenever there is a change in the _. Both
Feature toggles is possible in version control systems 1
Response time of the requests are verified using ____. Longetivity Testing
In branch by abstraction model, features are developed in _. Work Branch
____ stage takes the delivery team beyond continuous integration. Both
Automated implementation of an application's build, test, and deployment process is Continuous Integrat
User acceptance testing is done in the stage. Acceptance


Steps to be followed to release the application first time is part of ___. Both
User acceptance testing is a verification activity. 0
Static code analysis is performed in the _. Commit Stage
Chef is an orchestration tool. 1


Anwer B Anwer C Anwer D Anwer E
Trunk based devel Both the options
is a critical testin is a critical testing is a critical testing and helps to verify techinical aspects
Acceptance Both the options None
Capacity Smoke None
Binaries build
Stream based versioLocal version controCentralized version Disbributed version control
Cyclometric dependDirected acyclic graph
Commit Stage Acceptance Stage
Product Oriented Task Oriented
Deployment PipelinCommit Stage All the options
Total Build Time Successful build rate
Hardware ConfiguraMiddleware ConfiguNetwork Infrastructure
Version Control Inspection Tests All of the options
Mean time to reduce Mean time between failures
Release stage Deployment Pipeline
Build Performance Build Scalability Build Integratgion
wntime release
database environment variabregistry settings
Performance Capacity Security
None Integration PipelineDeployment Pipeline
Acceptance Manual Test
Static Code AnalysisBranch by Abstraction
Capacity Hardware None of the options
Mainline None of the options
Scalability Operational All the options
Continuous Testing Configuration Management
Build Integration Build Performance None of the options
Downstream Upstream
Scalability Testing Throughput TestingNone of the options
Task Branch Mainline Feature Branch Release branch
Acceptance Commit
Deployment PipelinIntegration Build
Manual Test None of the options


Release Strategy Release Plan


Question Answer A
A door alarm works in 72 out of 100 cases and surveillance c 0.89
A failing student is passed by an examiner, it is an example ofType-I error
A good way to get a small standard error is to use a . Large sample
A passing student is failed by an examiner, it is an example ofType 1
A post hoc test is: A follow-up test to the ANOVA when there are three or more gro
A statistical test used to compare 2 or more group means is One-way analysis of variance
A statistician calculates a 95% confidence interval for Mean 20000
A Type I error is also known as a . False Positive
A watch manufacturer has two factories (FA, FB) and 60% of 0.05
After a clinical trial, it is concluded that both drugs A and B Null hypothesis
An advertising agency wants to test the hypothesis that the Equal to 25%
An essential component of the Central Limit Theorem is that All the options
Any hypothesis which is tested for the purpose of rejection un Null hypothesis
Any statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sampl Statistical hypothesis
Assuming innocence until proven  guilty, a Type I error occu1
Central limit theorem and central tendency are same things 0
Confidence interval become narrow by increasing the: All of the above
How many different ways can four team members from the gro 1365
Identify the variables that are continuous or discrete Time & Weight are continuous. Color & Country are discrete
Identify which of the following steps would not be included i Eliminate all outliers
If a class consists of 20 males and 8 females, what is the pr P=8/28……5/25
If a finding is statistically significant one must also interpre 1
If you reject H0 but H0 is true, what type of error has occurr Type 2 - Error
In a hospital, 10% of patients have liver disease and 5% are al 0.14
In which examples could binomial distribution be used? Modelling the number of failures in a trial
In which of these examples, binomial distribution can be use Probability of getting a certain number of questions correct in an
The analysis of variance is a statistical test that is used t Two or more
The ANOVA is a statistical test that is used to compare ho Two or more
The dividing point between the region where the null hypothesi Critical value
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is trueLevel of Significance
The p-value in statistical significance testing should be used 0
The shape of the t-distribution depends upon the: Degree of Freedom
The significance level is the risk of: Rejecting H0 when H0 is correct.
The use of the laws of probability to make inferences and draInferential statistics
There may be times when data is supposed to fit a normal dist Outliers and Small Sample Size
What are the characteristics of normal distribution The mean lies at the center of the distribution
What is the numerical measure of average variability of a d Standard Deviation
What of the following is not a characteristic of F-distribution The curve is left skewed
When the Standard Deviation in a Normal Distribution is highe The peak of the distribution is lower
Which of the following can be modelled using Poisson distribNumber of accidents that occur on a particular highway in a given
Which of the following characteristics correspond to a BinomiAll the options
Which of the following conditions are satisfied by Poisson r Number of successes in two time intervals is independent
Which of the following is an arithmetic mid-value? Mean
the actual number
Which of the following is not the purpose of student's t-distr of failures in a trial


Which of the following is not the purpose of using chi-squareTo test how closely data follows a non-normal distribution
Which type of statistics helps us understand how the data looDescriptive statistics
Which variable represents the actual Type I error? P-value
Your team has 10 members and you need 3 of them for an a 120


e are three or more groups

ountry are discrete

questions correct in an exam

ticular highway in a given month

s is independent


rmal distribution


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