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Application of cloud computing technology in

metal exploration
Pengcheng Liu
Henan industry and information technology professional college, henan, Jiaozuo, 454000

Abstract: With the development of economy, the progress of

China's industry is increasingly obvious, so the demand for metals between different models and technologies, as well as the
is also increasing. However, most of the metal resources on the application scenarios and the advantages and disadvantages of
surface of the earth are very scarce at present. Therefore, in order each model. In [3], the author uses a web-based application
to meet the demand of economic development, entrepreneurs software, cloud server and data center to provide resources for
began to find better ways to mine the deep metal resources on customers and check the continuous availability of resources.
the earth's surface. Starting from metal exploration, this paper The simulation results show that the system has better
focuses on the application of cloud computing technology in performance than the specific network parameters. In [4], the
metal exploration. First, this paper introduces two key author aims to reveal the determinants (drivers and related
technologies of cloud computing, namely MapReduce
results) of cloud computing usage or assimilation in the supply
programming model and HBase non-relational database.
chain. Empirical research shows that the driving force of cloud
MapReduce programming model can be applied to parallel
computing of a large number of data sets and scheduling
computing assimilation is the advanced manufacturing
processing when multiple tasks are running together, HBase technology (it within the organization) that pursues the internal
non-relational database B-database is a database that can store efficiency of the supply chain and the it that seeks the e-
data by columns, and can handle more complex unstructured commerce / e-commerce capability of the external connection
data. Secondly, the experiment in this paper is divided into two between the supply chain and other companies (it between
steps. The first step is to build the cloud platform, the second step is organizations). In [5], the author introduces the general
to input the database. For the construction of the cloud platform, situation and progress of a universal remote monitoring system
this paper uses four CentOS system computers to build the for Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The system can collect all
operation environment of Hadoop + HBase fully distributed kinds of information related to Parkinson's disease, such as
mode. The final research results can show that the efficiency of voice samples, gait information, etc., monitor early Parkinson's
metal exploration in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 has disease symptoms at home, and use all kinds of wearable sensor
increased by 3.4%,4.2%,5.1%,5.9%. technology, mobile computing system, Internet, cloud meter
Computing technology to achieve this goal. In [6], the author
Keywords: Cloud Computing Technology, MapReduce takes the metrology of the flow monitoring of the boiler
Programming Model, Non-relational database, Metal Exploration industrial pipeline system as an example, and realizes the real-
time monitoring under the environment of LabVIEW and
I. Introduction
MYDAQ. The results clearly show that with the help of cloud
With the development of economy, metal exploration has distribution, the fast computing time with low complexity
become more and more popular. However, most of the metal overhead is realized. In [7], the author regularly evaluates the
resources near the surface have been explored and dried up. vulnerabilities in the application online. If there is any change
Metal resources are increasingly scarce. Therefore, in order to in the code, webhook will trigger the vulnerability checking
meet the needs of social and economic development, deep tool based on hash algorithm to check the vulnerabilities in the
exploration has become a major trend in metal exploration. As updated application. The main goal of the system is to
a well-developed technology, cloud computing technology is continuously scan applications deployed in the cloud and check
also widely used in metal exploration, and has made an for vulnerabilities during continuous integration and continuous
important contribution to the development of metal exploration. deployment. In [8], the author discusses the performance and
At present, many scholars at home and abroad have paid efficiency of the cloud solution by using the virtual machine
attention to the research of metal exploration and cloud configured by the network simulator to facilitate the network
computing technology. In [1], the author summarizes the researchers. The simulation results show that for the scalable
literature on the integration of CC and the Internet of things in network simulation, the resources consumed in the aspects of
recent years to solve various problems in medical applications simulation running time, hardware resources and use cost are
such as intelligent hospitals, medical control and telemedicine much less. In [9], the author mainly introduces the cloud
services. In addition, it briefly introduces the application of service platform based on Hadoop, analyzes the application of
cloud computing and Internet of things in the field of health cloud service in agricultural informatization, designs and
care. In [2], the author takes the development of Internet as the realizes the design of agricultural fresh information service
main line, and studies the access control models and strategies platform based on Hadoop cloud computing platform, including
in different application scenarios, especially in cloud computing architecture, knowledge base, platform interface and main
environment, by examining different network environments functional modules. In [10], the author proposes a security
and user needs. The focus of the survey is on the relationship model in different domains, which applies different security
strategies to

978-1-7281-5904-1/20/$31.00 ¥2020 *&&& 765

%0* 10.1109/*$$&A50009.2020.00167

Authorized licensed use limited to: K J Somaiya College of Engineering - MUMBAI. Downloaded on February 06,2021 at 08:45:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
three domains: data storage, data processing and data II. Method
transmission. In addition, you can configure security policies
for the upper application based on its security requirements. A. Distributed computing- MapReduce programming model
Experimental results show that the security model proposed in MapReduce programming model has many advantages, the
this paper is practical and lightweight, and can provide most important of which is high efficiency, high reliability and
differentiated security protection for telecom services based on parallel scalability. MapReduce programming model can be
cloud computing with low overhead. applied to parallel computing of a large number of datasets and
scheduling processing when multiple tasks run together. First of
Starting from cloud computing technology, this paper all, MapReduce programming model can run the calculation
focuses on the analysis of its application in metal exploration. process of metal exploration in the computer, so as to improve
As we all know, cloud computing includes many kinds of
the work efficiency of metal exploration. Second, the advantage
technologies. This paper mainly analyzes the distributed
of MapReduce programming model is that scheduling
computing, namely MapReduce programming model, and the
processing when multiple tasks are running together can run
non -relational database, namely HBase. Secondly, through the
multiple tasks in metal exploration together, thus saving
construction of cloud platform and database entry, we can get
computing resources. MapReduce programming model can use
the impact of cloud computing technology on metal
multiple languages, such as Java, C, C + +, but this paper
mainly uses Java language, because Java language is a
relatively mature language at present. Figure 1 shows the
execution of a simple MapReduce programming model.

Application Manager
Client Explorer

Figure 1 execution process of MapReduce program

unstructured data. In this paper, we use HBase database to input

B. Non-relational database- HBase a lot of data about metal exploration. If we need to check the
HBase database can deal with many kinds of files, but it data in the process of metal exploration, we can immediately
mainly deals with a large number of small files, and the query find the information of the data from HBase database. HBase
speed of HBase database is very fast, and it can also modify the database is composed of two main parts, HMASTER and
data. HBase is a non -relational open source database, different HREGIONSERVER, in which HMASTER stores non data, but
from the traditional relational database, HBase is a database a mapping relationship, while HREGIONSERVER stores a data
that can store data by columns, and can handle more block. The basic architecture of HBase is shown in Figure 2.


HRegionServer HRegionServer Zookeeper

Figure 2 basic architecture of HBase

III. Experiment There are many methods for data entry. In this paper,
BLUKLOAD tool is used to write data into HBase database in
A. cloud platform construction batches. BLUKLOAD tool can not only write a large number
As we all know, the implementation of cloud computing of data into HBase database quickly, but also deal with a large
technology needs to build a cloud platform first. Only when the number of complex data. It is one of the most widely used tools
cloud platform is built, can the cloud computing technology be at present. This experiment needs to be divided into three steps:
better implemented. In this paper, four CentOS system
computers are used to build the operating environment of (1) First, we need to upload some data of metal exploration
Hadoop + HBase fully distributed mode. CentOS system refers to HDFS. We can set the size of data block to 156m
to the community enterprise operating system, which is an and the number of copies to 3. Once the data is
Enterprise Linux distribution version based on the free use of uploaded to HDFS, we can view the HDFS file system
source code provided by Red Hat Linux. The use of CentOS on the web interface to see if the data is perfect.
system is completely free, and it provides users with many (2) Through MapReduce job, the original data can be
convenient services. After the cloud platform is built, a series converted to HFILE format, which is convenient for
of metal exploration can be carried out. First, technicians database entry.
should analyze the geological conditions of a certain area, and (3) The HFILE file obtained from the second step is further
then analyze the surface metal conditions. If the surface metal loaded into HBase cluster, and the program
is rare, further exploration can be considered. The implementation in the second and third steps are both a
configuration parameters of software and hardware subclass of the main class, which is called and run by
environment for operation are shown in Table 1 below. the main class. The main class is mainly used to
Table 1 environment configuration parameters
configure the running environment parameters.

classification parameter IV. Result

OS Centos7.5 In this paper, we use cloud computing technology to carry
Memory 32G out deep geological metal exploration. In this study, we select
JDK version 3.6 the metal exploration data in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. These
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU data are the conclusions obtained by not using cloud computing
E5- 2620 0 technology and using cloud computing technology respectively.
@ 2.00GHz The research results show that the metal exploration efficiency
Hard disk 200G in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 The rates are increased by 3.4%,
Hadoop 5.2.0 4.2%, 5.1% and 5.9% respectively. See Figure 3 for details.
HBase 2.4.0 This shows that cloud computing technology can significantly
Eclipse 4.6 improve the efficiency of metal exploration, and can accurately
explore deep geological metals, and can quickly process a large
B. database entry number of complex data. It is a very widely used technology at

Figure 3 efficiency comparison of metal exploration

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