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CIA III– April– 2021

Degree / Branch / Sem: B.E/ECE,CSE,IT, BME,MED/IV

Date / Session / Duration: 06.05.2021/ FN/1.30 Hrs
Faculty/Slot Name: Mrs. PR. Buvaneswari /5W1-1 Total :50 Marks

PART –A 05X02 = 10 MARKS

1. Discuss why de-multiplexing of address and data signals occur in 8086 and which signal is used to accomplish
the same.
2. Calculate the physical address of 8086, when segment address is 1085H and effective address is 5538H.
3. Determine the control word,when Intel 8255 ports are as follows: Port A as input port mode, Mode of Port A is
Mode 0. Port B as an input port. Mode of the Port B is Mode 1.Port C upper and C lower are input ports.
4. What is the operation carried out when 8051 executes the instruction MOVX A,@A+DPTR?
5. State the registers used exclusively for accessing bit wise operations in 8 bit Microcontroller?


6. (a) Evaluate physical address of following instructions in 8086 and comment on both instructions:
i)MOV AX, [BX]
ii)MOV AX, SS: [BX]
6. (b)Depict a flowchart indicating attending of ISR and its return cycle to the main program. Explain the relevant
with suitable example.

7.(a)Write an 8086 ALP to convert a given binary number into its equivalent unpacked BCD and to count the
number of zeros of a given 8-bit binary number.
7.(b) Depict the timing diagram of i) reading internal memory ii) writing into the external device in 8086
microprocessor and explain the concepts.

8. a)Analyze an Interfacing Integrated circuit, which is used to transfer one-bit data at a time in a sequential
order with a microprocessor. Explain its command word format for both clocked and un-clocked mode of data
8.b)Illustrate about the hardware device controller that allows the I/O device to access Main system memory
Independent (without permission) of the Central processing unit. How the device can be initiated at first?

9.a)Depict the salient features of 8-bit microcontroller by giving its functional diagram. The diagram should feature
about the register which can be divided into two and its significance in addressing modes
9. b) (Write a program to check whether the given number is positive or negative. If the given number is positive,
then find one’s complement and store the result in same location.

10.a) Structure a coding sequence of 8051 for displaying LED as ‘SAVEETHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE’
10.b) Interface DAC to port 2 of 8051 and explain how to generate the non-sinusoidal signal with an example
Course Outcomes–
After successful Completion of the Course, the Students should be able
CO1 Learn the architecture and pin configuration of 8086 Microprocessor
CO2 To write assembly language programs using 8086 microprocessor
CO3 To interface 8086 Microprocessors with peripheral devices
CO4 To learn the architecture and pin configuration of 8051 Microcontroller
CO5 To interface 8051 Microcontroller with peripheral devices

Knowledge Level (Blooms

K1 K2 Understanding K3 Applying (Application of
(Comprehension) Knowledge)
K4 Analyzing (Analysis) K5 Evaluating (Evaluation) K6 Creating (Synthesis)


Question No. 1 2 3 4 5 6(a) 6(b) 7(a) 7(b) 8(a) 8(b) 9(a) 9(b) 10(a) 10(b)
Course Outcome CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO1 CO1 CO2 CO2 CO3 CO3 CO4 CO4 CO5 CO5
Knowledge K2 K4 K2 K4 K2 K5 K4 K3 K4 K4 K4 K3 K3 K3 K4

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