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Sanita, Shaira Mica, V.


Art is not part of our basic needs in life but had been with us from
the start. Anywhere we look, we can see art in different colors, sizes,
forms, etc. Though art is not essential for us to live without realizing it,
art still partakes in our lives. Art is ubiquitous. At school, office,
highways, malls, parks, and even at our house.

Art can benefit us in different ways, physically, mentally, and

emotionally. Physically because those beds, chairs, lamps, chandeliers,
etc. are forms of art that we all use in our daily living, even the styles of
our house? it is an art. Mentally and emotionally, I know many people
who use art to express what they think and what they feel. They make
use of art as their gateway to convey their loneliness, joy, misery, and
anxiety. To temporarily escape from the real world, art is their way.
Through their imagination, they release everything that they feel which
can help them reduce pain, stress and can give them a sense of
fulfillment along the process.

Moreover, art preserves and portrays the history that we had.

Through arts, we can remember what happened to the ancestors that
we never actually saw. Through paintings, sculptures, and architectural
structures, we can remember what life our ancestors had in the past

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