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The time machine

O nce their lived 3 friends who

were neighbors. There was the
youngest girl named Coco, older
boy Michael & the oldest boy Ranger. It
was snow falling in New York City
(anyways, this is where they live)!!!
Ranger invited his friends for his B’day
party. But BFFs are BFFs only, so he
called the duo up. They were playing
happily when they saw a thing covered
with a white cloth on it. Ranger moved
forward, he pulled cloth & then?!
Nothing bad happened, they just saw
something made from an extraordinary
fiber. There was a template made from
steel which was there at the top portion of
time machine. It read “La macchina del
tempo anti dimensionale di Antonio”.
The time machine
Coco & Michael said together “Ranger!”.
Ranger knew some languages, so they told
him to try if he identify this language.
Ranger said, “I know this language, this is
Italian & it says,” “Antonio’s anti
dimensional time machine”. They all were
in shock. they were standing in front of
Professor Antonio’s success, his time
machine! Michael went in front &
touched the door of the time machine.
Suddenly the door went open & all of
them rushed inside the machine. The door
got shut & they stayed inside while
Ranger was fighting with Michael about
this disaster. Accidently, he pushed the
start button inside & the time machine
started it was set to the Dimension
Marvello. What would happen to them
now read to get it. The time machine was
The time machine
travelling faster than lightning. It
thwacked on the ground as hard as a
Metroid hitting the Crust of the Earth at
the end of the Mesozoic Era, when
dinosaurs were coming down to
extinction. They came out & saw the time
machine was broken. They must fix the
time machine to get to their own
dimension now. Michael & Ranger were
ready to fix the machine, but Ranger
denied. He said, “You both go & explore
Marvello. I’ll fix it, we will meet here by
five ask somebody the time.” They had a
farewell here. It was noon, & Ranger
fixed the time machine. But the fuel was
low!! He had 90 minutes to explore
Marcello & & find anti dimensional fuel
somewhere alone. When he was walking,
he realized that the dimensional time will
The time machine
be very different from our time. He was
worried. How will he meet Coco &
Michael now? He had 90 minutes
according to their time. He asked
somebody about this dimension. That guy
told that the color of the sky never
changes. He said, “So that is why it
seemed to be noon!!”. & that guy told it is
7:30! Ranger rushed to the time machine.
Coco & Michael were not there! How will
they meet now? Roaming around in the
other dimension lonely was not the thing
he was doing. He was thinking of plan to
meet his friends. Suddenly, he saw a
smoke signal which was coming from the
south-west, according to his position. He
said, “Must be other dimensional kids
playing”. But then Ranger realized it was
the S.S.S.D (smoke signal sending device)
The time machine
the trio has made! He ran to the south-
east direction. Really?! The S.S.S.D was
sending signals from the southwestern
direction. After realization, he ran
towards the S.S.S.D in the southwestern
part. It an hour of non – stop running
with no relaxation! Ranger was tired &
the S.S.S.D. stopped sending signals. Ha!
to late. He already founded the place. It
was an enormous building with a huge
letter spelled “L”. But a small hut was it
from where the S.S.S.D. was sending
signals. He opened the door & 2
dimensional aliens, really didn’t belong to
Marcello. Fortunately, the duet was there.
Unfortunately, the aliens noticed. But
their fortunes weren’t finished. With just
2 punches on their face the went in coma.
Fortunately (again), Ranger got x100
The time machine
stronger than the regular strongness.
Wow! Shouted Michael. A lot
astonishment was the expression of Coco.
Interrupting Michael & Coco’s surprise
Ranger said, “No surprises. Do you know
that we can’t exit this dimensional zone
now? The dimensional aliens reported to
his boss. Robots are everywhere guarding
the gate. We’re stuck here & we’re toast
from our parents. No doubt. Tell me who
kidnapped you & why? “I’m speechless”
said Coco. “What about you Michael?”
interrogated Ranger. “I think it’s
Laugner. He is a threat to Marvello. He
was Antonio’s friend & ‘cause of this
Professor. Antonio accidently sent him
here. He occurred to Marvello & the time
machine disappeared from this dimension
coming to our dimension & Ranger’s
The time machine
backyard. I don’t know how it was
covered by a cloth. But Laugner don’t
understand the accident.” “Astonishing
info Michael, I’m flattered!” said Ranger.
“According to further calculations, if
Ranger got a change in his body,
Laugner, me & Michael also would have
gotten a special power. Michael & me
need to figure our power. I hope Laugner
would know it in these years.” said Coco.
“Michael tell Me why are we going
against this man?” “His scientist have the
formula that can add infinite fuel to the
time machine.” Said Michael giving an
info. “not that. Why don’t we become
workers at the laugner & steal the
formula? & I think they will have a.d.
fuel with ‘em.”. Michael said that it was a
cool idea. Good news! They’ve got hired!
The time machine
After 1 marveloic week, they won
laugner’ s faith & now they’ll win the
formula too. In the lunch time, which was
of 30 Marveloic minutes, they had enough
time sneaking & by assuring no one’s
noticing it. Did they make it? Or ended
up being captured? Read! The only
option! They exited the snack room
without anyone noticing successfully.
Michael hacked the security, though he
was the least intelligent boy in their class.
Done. They had discovered Michael’s
power. X100 smarter! They went in the
science room & hid beneath the table.
Coco was trying to lift the formula &
realized she stretched her hand till the
end of the table. That’s it. The trio found
their powers for a recap: Ranger: x100
stronger body, Michael: x100 sharper
The time machine
mind & Coco: x100 flexible body.
Sneaking out would not be easy. Picking
up the formula sent signals to E.W.S.I.A
(Electric Wired Signal Intruder Alarm).
It was beeping right now. They came out
from their hiding spot successfully but
caught up with Laugner. One worker
opened the exit door with his ID & they
ran out. Ranger banged the ground & a
stone came out blocking Laugner. Coco
tied Laugner with her hand throwing him
away. Ranger said “Fast run to the time
machine”! They sat in the machine &
luckily it was set to their dimension.
“We’re so toast” said Michael in
frustration. They out of the time machine
& ran home. They were in shock.
Ranger’s mother asked that why did they
The time machine
come early? Good for them. They were
not toast.

The End

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