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Precious ocado

Grade 9 luke science q1 w3

Activity 1

definition of biodiversity

the varety of life in the world or habitat or ecosystem this is the measurement of species ,genetic and
ecosystem level in simplier words are the number of living spies in the world like animals plants human
fungi micro organism

examples of biodiversity

plants animals people viruses tape worm insects bacteria worms etcs

importance of biodiversity

provides functioning ecosystems that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of plants,
pest control, wastewater treatment and many ecosystem services
people who are involve in biodiversity
 variety of life. ... Most people recognize biodiversity by species—a group of individual living
organisms that can interbreed
activity 2
article analysis

1. They use gun to kill of bruise the eagle

2. We contribute by not killing eagle by nit harming them ad if we see an eagle that is harm
go rescue it etc.
3. We can donate little money to the eagle foundation and we can help ppl rescue or we
can stop harming eagle be part of the movement so we can contribute in life of eagles


1 . I became more positive not in covid but my mental health through out this pandemic year tough
challenges arrived life wasn’t really that great but after realizing what’s the situation I made myself
more optimistic healthier I tried to be studious yeah but and I adjust by the help of my friends they
were always their whenever I had situations that needed solving I can fully say I adjust because at
the moment inaantok nako

2.we connect to each other we help each other grow and like how the respiratory and circulation
system connected they functioned harmonious they are in sync that’s how me ang my fam ang
neighbor are like when we need help they help and vise vera everybody grows in our neighborhood
3 I would protect them because as we can see in our current situation here in Philippines ppl rent
really realistic ‘some people’ aren’t realistic many people bully autistic people with disorder so I
would first protect them second is I would boost their self esteem / assurance because people with
disorder are some time downed because of their illness so I would support everything they want to
do last is I would love them

The tamarao To be honest we could have stop the extinct tion of

this animal if we didn’t hunt for eat
There are so many varies of meat vegetable fruit
out there if we just let it live
The tamaraw is known to live for about 20 years,
with an estimated lifespan of about 25. The adult
female tamaraw gives birth to one offspring after
a gestation period around 300 days. There is an
interbirth interval of two years, although one
 or Mindo female has been sighted with three juw enifes.
dwarf buffalo (Bubalus mindorensis) is a small The calf stays for 2–4 years with its mother before
hoofed mammal belonging to the family dovidae It becoming independent
is edemic to the island of mindoro in
the philippines and is the only endemic Philippine nlike the closely related water buffalo, B.
bovine. It is believed, however, to have once also mindorensis is a solitary creature. Adults of the
thrived on the larger island of luzon. The tamaraw species do not occur in herds or smaller packs,
was originally found all over Mindoro, from sea and are often encountered alone. Only juveniles
level up to the mountains (2000 m above sea exhibit the typical bovine herding behavior and
level), but because of human habitation, hunting, clan hierarchy often seen in water buffalo.
and logging, it is now restricted to only a few
 Males and females are known to associate all
remote grassy plains and is now a criticly year round, but this interaction lasts only a few
endanger species. hours. This solitary behavior may be an adaptation
to its forest environment.[5] Adult males are often
solitary and apparently aggressive, while adult
Contrary to common belief and past classification, females can be alone, accompanied by a bull, or
the tamaraw is not a subspecies of the their young of different ages.[13]
local carabo which is only slightly larger, or the Similar to other bovines, the tamaraw wallows in
common water buffalo. In contrast to the carabao, mud pits. This behavior may be employed by the
it has a number of distinguishing characteristics; animals to avoid biting insects.[16]
it is slightly hairier, has light markings on its face,
is not gregarious, and has shorter horns that are Another distinct behavior in B. mindorensis is its
somewhat V-shaped.i t is the second-largest fierceness. Reports have been made concerning
native terrestrial mammal in the country next only their fierceness when cornered, although most
to the carabao. are unsubstantiated. Threat posture used by the
bovine involves lowering of the head, and shifting
its horns into a vertical position. This is
accompanied with a lateral shaking of the head.

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