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Is Work Too Important In Your Life?

Did you know that one in five people work an additional 7 hours a week in
unpaid overtime on top of their paid hours. Is that dedication or folly! If you find
that you come into this category, reflect for a moment on what else you could do
with an extra day each week. Do you ever wonder if work is too important in your
Clearly work is an important part of all our lives, it provides us with purpose,
challenge, occupation as well as necessary income, but, as the saying goes, 'no one
ever said on their deathbed that they wished they'd spent more time at work'.
For many people work is about providing a roof over their heads, the means to
take care of their children and family, support their hobbies and interests.
Whilst(while) it's important for us to do something meaningful and satisfying
with our time, it's also important that we nurture(to take care) and safeguard
the essential(existing) relationships and personal aspects of our lives too.
So, with that in mind, let's reflect on(to consider,to think)
whether work is too important in your life.
- Do you fear that you're not up to the job, are going to be 'found
out'(wyjasnit’) and because of this spend a lot of time double-checking your work?
Do you take on(brat’ na sebia) an increasing number(big number) of tasks in a
desperate bid(otchajanaja popytka) to prove your worth to your boss? Doing a
good job is important but being motivated by fear and anxiety(wolnenije negativnoe)
is counter-productive(obratnoje ot zelajemogo) od and results in stress and anxiety|
engzajeti| which often causes more mistakes.
In these situations it's important to consider if extra training or education is
needed to improve your confidence(uwerennost’) in your
abilities(sposobnosti). Reflect if is this the best job for you or are you under too
much pressure? Question how frequently(chasto) mistakes are made and whether
or not they're serious. We all make occasional mistakes. Being kinder to ourselves
allows us to be less than perfect, and reduces(ponizat’) the fear(strah) and
stress factor.
- Are you afraid to delegate(delit’sia)? Some people work longer and
longer hours because they're afraid of letting go of control, are concerned that
others may do a better job or that they'll lose status or seniority.
The reality though(hotia) is that teaching others to do some of our work
encourages(pooshrjat’) enthusiasm and work satisfaction in our
staff(personal), provides opportunities for them to suggest(predlogat’) ideas,
innovations and improvements(ulutshenije) and frees us to do other, more
important work, perhaps developing different areas of the business. It may even
allow us to have a little free time!
- Remind yourself about the reasons why you work so hard; your family,
friends, the important interests and relationships that you enjoy. These are probably
a significant(vaznyj) part of your motivation to work as hard as you do. Just
because work shouts loudest, is important and demanding(trebujushij) doesn't mean
that you should ignore or relegate(preumen’shat’ znachimost’) the other
areas of your life into second place. Free time spent with the important people in
your life, doing the things you enjoy enables you to recharge your batteries, reduce
your stress levels and feel happier about yourself and your choices.
Nurturing(to take care) your important friendships, relationships and
interests whilst maintaining(sohraniat’) a good work/life balance means that you're
better able to resume your work-related duties feeling refreshed and
recharged(wozobnowlennyj), with better concentration and renewed vigour.
Finishing work at a reasonable(razumnoje) time, taking breaks and allowing yourself
time to wind down(uspokaiwat’sia) after work all help you to successfully
manage(uprawliat’) stress and burnout.

I like to work fairly/honestly.

My destiny/my call of duty/my call/my mission.
I have noticed that…
a company/a firm = firma
to get promoted
to dedicate = poswiashchat’
a dedication = predannost’
to get nervous = wolnowat’sia
to try not to get into some conflict/to avoid a conflict=izbegat’
a reply/an answer
an approach to work=podhod k rabote
to call in 10 minutes= pozwonit’ cherez 10 min

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