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Okay, my thoughts,

Machine guns, I kinda hate the cone of fire, makes it hard to focus a location
whilst running about inna light, that said, my aims kinda crap anyways, so it's
prolly saving me from failed shots just as much. Seems fine.

Flamers, they're great when I'm brawling with 'em, and annoying when someone else
is. I've mastered the fine art of holding my fire and letting my mates scrap flamer
lights offa me, as well as returning fire once I've the heat to do so. the 90% heat
cap seems solid, can't complain.

Tag. Eh, I use it on a few clan missile mechs, but for the most part I'd rather
take another backup laser. My aim's bad enough I can't keep tag on a stealth mech
long enough to matter, but no amount of buffing save for even quicker lock time'd
save me there, and I'm not sure how balanced insta locked tag's be. I'm thinking my
lights'd end up fearing streaks again.

Narc, I've... not really used since I got back... I reserve the right to hold

Streaks. I've lost one light mech to a streak boat since April. One. Outta over 100
matches in lights according to Jarl's. They need help, ya'll are working on it,
I'll give 'em a test again next patch.


Edited by Leone, 30 June 2021 - 04:11 PM.

#28 LordNothing

Ace Of Spades
Ace Of Spades
13,194 posts

Posted 30 June 2021 - 08:40 PM

a lot of these require a mechanics change.

machine guns are great when massed and useless by themselves. a lot of mechs with <
4 hardpoints have mg quirks. you can buff those quirks as a pretty straightforward
fix. but i dont think these quirks are the right way to fix it, makes the weapons
hard to tweak as part of a balance pass, as you not only need to tweak the weapon
values but all the quirks as well. most players simply omit the machine guns on
those builds anyway and if they want to use them they use a saturation platform
like the flea or piranha. changing the weapon from hitscan to projectile would make
it possible to use a ghost spread mechanic so you can trade saturation for
precision with different numbers of guns.

give flamers their old damage from before their mechanics overhaul, but let them
keep their new heat mechanics.

ive been a proponent for tag steering for years, one of the devs informed me during
a pts that there are technical reasons why this is not possible (likely hsr
related). its something id love to see. but in lieu of that id give the tag a bit
more capabilities in reguards to countering stealth/ecm.

narc just needs buffs. i like Khobai's solution.

streaks can be fixed by decreasing lock times at ranges < 180m. since the lock
mechanics are global this would also provide a small buff to atms when inside their
short range and clan lrms inside min range. im not sure if that is a good or bad
thing, atms got hit a little hard in the cauldron weapons patch. however if its a
problem, make the fast lock range < 120 instead. im fine with streaks sucking at
longer ranges, thats not really what they are for. better interaction with tag
would also be a good idea. at some point i used to use tag with my streak boats
when it still provided a lock time boost, but idk what it does for it now on my
streak mechs i swapped it out with a laser that can hurt things or removed it

Edited by LordNothing, 30 June 2021 - 08:41 PM.

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