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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HOCHIMINH CITY Student’s Full Name: _______________________________


Student ID: _______________________________________

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS Class Code: ______________________________________

Full-Time Program
Instructor: _______________________________________

Exam Date: December 13, 2018
SECTION 1 GAP FILLING (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2
1. C 6. B 11. A 16. C
2. B 7. A 12. C 17. A
3. D 8. B 13. C 18. A
4. A 9. D 14. D 19. C
5. D 10. A 15. B 20. C

SECTION 2 ERROR CORRECTION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

error correction error correction

21. be killed have been killed 26. herself hers

22. is the capital of
France the capital of France is 27. to live living

23. taken been taken 28. waited waiting

24. sea the sea 29. you should should you

25. none any 30. despite because of

SECTION 3 VERB FORMS (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

31. have gone 36. would have called

32. may have been forced 37. had been working
33. had got 38. could have had
34. falling 39. insists
35. hadn’t heard 40. will have been
41. are leaving / are going to leave 46. to be
42. will be having 47. talking
43. have got 48. to have
44. spend 49. provides
45. go 50. has been dropping

Final – Advanced Grammar C1 – 1-Sem.2018-2019 Page 1 of 2

Full-Time Program – FT.AGr.1-Sem.2018-2019
SECTION 4 WORD TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

51. overexposure 61. stardom

52. premature 62. phenomenal
53. powerful 63. central
54. tightly 64. lasting
55. Protective 65. immensely
56. unavoidably 66. unsuited
57. related 67. contemporaries
58. overheating 68. producers
59. hottest 69. signed
60. non-alcoholic 70. unanswered

SECTION 5 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

One group of words separated by vertical lines (||) = 0.1 points.

Any answer fewer than four words OR more than eight words OR does not contain the word in bold
should NOT be scored.
71. must have been || awarded the medal 77. at which point|| I gave

72. had everything || arranged by 78. been for his help || I wouldn’t have

73. has been (very) || little improvement in 79. he may say || he has the intention of

74. later you work tonight || the more tired 80. no account || may you enter

75. asked me || to go sailing no account || should you enter

invited me || to go sailing no account || must you enter

76. heavy the || package is

TOTAL: _______/10

Final – Advanced Grammar C1 – 1-Sem.2018-2019 Page 2 of 2

Full-Time Program – FT.AGr.1-Sem.2018-2019

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