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Introduction 1.0

This assignment discuss about the leadership in enterprise company (French and
Japan). Well constituted that plan of activity administration is outlined as study,
arrangement, decisions and function that organizations assume in order to render
property competitive reward.

Organization rent a Car had a long ride starting in St. Louise, Missouri USA 1957,
where Jack Taylor started with seven automobiles till it became the top car Rental
Company in North America, and almost for certain in the whole world. Evidently , Mr.
Taylor had not only spend his money since that time, but also he spend in a
momentous key ingredient, that modify the company to employs more than 75,000
employees nowadays and run a swift of more than one million conveyance all over
the world.

Nevertheless when we take a mortal look, readily we can find that all 5 levels of
administration are involved in manipulation everyday's work, offering their
customized a contentment level, simply can be described as "Transcend the
expectations". Projectile from the owner's belief "Take care of your customers and
evolve your worker first and net income will loco-mote".

Plan of action had to come across out how they will bring home these values, and
then they figured out that leadership skills are the password to the success they
seek. Because simply Leaders are the tool that will carry out strategic management
goals into real commercial enterprise, because Enterprise's administration will make
sure that its leaders can take their own decisions, in which all 5 levels of social
control leads.

Protrusile from the front line management employee’s level, city managers, General
Managers, and then Senior Managers till the Level (5) of establishment, committee
level exampled in the CEO himself. Every level has the delegation and the frame to
take right decisions, such as present the proper car to the client impermanent with
the condition subprogram and tools till the mind related to giving and community aids

That is why Andy Taylor and the present chairman of the whole structure, indeed
was a normal employee in his father's business, who knowledgeable all operations
and actions of a scheme his father have enforced before. Before can be the person
in charge of Enterprise nowadays1. Because the management definite that the core
competence and the pass declaration is Leadership. As a conclusion the result that
the link is observably causality between strategic social control and leadership.
Leadership is thoughtful as the causal agent for the big carriage named “Strategic
Management” in Endeavour.

Definition in Practice and Theory 2.0


The definition of this assignment in practice and theory refers to Enterprise under our
survey we can put jointly recruitment criteria of its CEO, aim to keep the recent
occurrence and to raise the bar for a uninterrupted lead to the whole market using
the leadership skills in particular.

CEO is one of the most favourite jobs in any organization. All considers that CEO
can do whatever they starve, and is efficaciously practiced. Naturally, null could be
added to the reality. By it’s exceedingly assumptive, the occupation thought process
of a CEO means meeting the requirements of clients, people, shareholders, society,
and the law. Some of a CEO’s social control can be handed over. But many tasks of
the work be completed by the CEO.

Reflexion on core ability depending on the leadership skills in Enterprise, CEO’s

accomplishment criteria in Enterprise should compass the following values. In
practice with all employer and reportage to the board of directors he should be
contending in the following state.

 Have a vision and can link people to his vision in cascaded missions.
 Develops what is new, which can be considered as an added value.
 Has big circle of influence.
 Can implement leadership skills across the whole organization.
 Display strategic views and plans to make certain that Enterprise remains
dedicated to its Believe.
 Develops People by creating a job atmosphere where employees are
confident to expand their potential.
 Can lead the conflicts inside and outside the organization.
 Always seeks feedback and dedicated to details according to priority.
 Has all interpersonal skills starting from communication skills, passing with
negotiation skills till presentable and good looking.
 Has all the financial, technical, languages and academic knowledge proved
through recognized certificates, references should be furnished upon request.

 All the above is in accumulation of the ability to direct Resources and
capability to calculate Risks.

Regarding how will do it, mainly will look on the activity from all the employees, who
have average tasks with the CEO, that’s beside the GUBA analysis and the client
assist feedback as well. After that, will check whether the KPI (Key Performance
indicator) mentioned that the CEO position in more link and dedication with the
administration directions and ability that item the position skills or not.

So measure of effectiveness will be as loco-mote for the all mentioned process

activities seeking action as reaction, learning, behavior, results. Non that Leadership
Acquisition are the core competency in Enterprise and by instrumentation these 4 we
will find that CEO has to go through form inquisitive his reaction regarding the
devolution activities he will join, feedback and courses assessment outcome to know
his learners conclusions, also consultation to be done with his A-one and partners
"followers" in order to know his achievements in the behavior field and last the whole
result view, whether its was done or not.

Factors and Causes of Leadership 3.0

In that order, a patently feature film of leadership can be noticed, which is

adaptation. Evidently Andy Taylor in the matter of creating the suitable motive for his
staff, and because he knows how to reckon the ROI (return on investment)
equivalence, he was firm high-and-mighty in the matter of customers tolerable and
he enforced a way of motivation can be compact in "the prospect of packaging is in
the customer service caution".

Meanwhile other governing body level in the same organization restricted this way of
motivation regarding a second important goal which is employees' development,
using an adapt full leadership skill, such business enterprise the most developed
names in the Enterprise newsletter avoiding forcing any induce, but depending on
the rising feelings of self cognizance in all staff, when they will hear a subject matter
says "The Elite Club" what a genius. Activity skills can always stand as the
harmonized piece of problem in several different posit to target the same plan of
action goals.

In addition to that, leader must have an genuine discernment of who he is, what he
knows, and what he can do. It is the multitude, not the leader or someone else who
determines whether the mortal is prosperous. If they do not trust or lack sureness in
their leader, then they will be unexciting. To be prospering, one has to persuade his
followers, not himself or his crack, that he is commendable of being loco-mote.
Followers are the low-level of a head. Individual must know his grouping. The
important starting point is person a good apprehension of human nature, such as
needs, emotions, and psychological feature.

Added with the leader must come to recognize his employees’ be, know, and do
conception. Human action maintains good relationship between leader and mass as
well as shows the leader skillfulness. A head lead through two-way communication.
Much of it is nonverbal. Human action should be polite and gentle in manner. It
should change the human relations. Here are many assorted situations one leader
has to look. What the leader do in one state will not always piece of work in another.
He must use his opinion to decide the best education of action and the activity variety

required for each condition. For example, leader may need to encounter an worker for
unsuitable behaviour, but if the encounter is too late or too early, too coarse-grained
or too a dynamic, then the consequence may prove toothless. The state normally has
a lesser effect on a leader's action than his or her attribute. This is because while
attribute may have an awe-inspiring stability over a period of time of time, they have
little body across situations (Mischel, 1968). Various unit will affect these four
component. Examples of forces are human relationship with prudential, the
acquisition of followers, the free-and-easy leaders within the arrangement, and how
the organization is incorporated.

Example in Real Organization 4.0

The best example of enterprise is a berrylike field in French and Japan for all
administration and leadership styles, as authenticated all styles are being used
through different and related situations, leaving the whole decision in the manager’s
hand, to use the best proper style they can find it most hard-hitting in the handled

Peremptory style, Parliamentary or even Laissez – faire, which mean in French

communication "leave alone" were all unenforced to achieve the strategic content
effectively. The successful thing is that all styles are totally effective enough to get
Enterprise through with a very good effect on Customers, employees and
management itself. In addition Diversity in leadership styles are broadening the
flexibility in decisions making and their influence circles. Those guys are dedicated to
the old Proverb “computer code people in the language they can read”.

For example Andy Taylor unenforced the use of the ESQI (Enterprise Service
Quality Index) in all subdivision, to ensure the worker province towards a core
strategic goal, which is customer's satisfaction, considering that Autocratic style is
the best way to do this. While front line employees are using the democratic
approach in several business such as existing the appropriate vehicle to the clients
according their needs and wants, hitting the same target, which is customer's
gratification, using their own decision making government, empowered to them
antecedence in a very effective impact.

On a third real consequence we can spot other teams of Enterprise's employees

take judgment on behalf the whole organization in a matters such as community
projects, using the Laissez faire style to enlarge the value of their organization at
many part of different communities, as the location of South East England did in
placement 40000 tress in Scotland.

Effect (Advantages & Disadvantages ) 5.0

Talking about the advantages and disadvantages, thing brings at once to the
advance the Grid Theory of Leadership (By Robert Blake and Jane Moulton 1960).
It’s a management explanation that state that director should study the state he's
dealing with before he choose the befitting leadership style for it, noting that he is
haunted to achieve good position on the grid between two main axis, the first one is
the people (customers and employees) and the second one is the results (growth
and profitability). As a result we can find 5 social control kind among 81 squares;
impoverished management, task direction, middle of the cross-country management,
country club governance and unit management.

And from assessment the strategic goals of Enterprise, we can find out that
Undertaking got involved using this concept in a very wide extent, seeking to be in
group management orientation as possible as they can, please notice what's

1- Customer Satisfaction globally(Concern of People).

2- Fleet Growth globally(Concern of Results).
3- Employee development globally(Concern of People).
4- Profitability (Concern of Results).

We find that this theory change the strategic management in Enterprise to asses its
leadership manner constantly, to always influence the most acquiring style they can
use declared in book. After this we find the Hersey – Blanchard Leadership
constitutional theory (By Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard 1970) which says that
director should do fine calibration in dealing with various situations in order to reach
certain unmoving goals by the same teams. He can qualify his leadership variety
according the state levels he's dealing with.

And that was intelligibly shown in Enterprise in the matter of find the fit way of
management from INFORMATORY in the ESQI (Enterprise Service Quality Index),
then COMMERCIALISM like the way of evaluate the managers who have the
leadership skills in high standard, the administration here sells this idea to its
employees, bounteous the reason why Andy Taylor now is the CEO. PRACTICING
like the potency Enterprise gave to its local business office to discuss the best
approach they can give to the visitor in certain situations, then to take judgment
accordingly. And finally DELEGATING like what happened in the world organization
projects with the dedicated teams, when they used the full authorization and
operation governing body gave them to hit the rating and they did.

As from the above two designated theories, we can see the full subsidiary impact on
the organisational strategies of Enterprise. We also can ensure that governance
used different theories to fulfil the same, targets ineffectively and in a very on the
table way.

Ways to overcome the problem 6.0

In order to overcome the consequences, leaders' public presentation in such an

arrangement as Enterprise of French and Japan, we need to go through with a
process in organization with the well proclaimed business objectives pre-mentioned.
On the body side we can seek usual judgement tools for the status, production, and
piece of writing, ability to listen, predict and achieving goals smartly. And Enterprise’s
leaders have a good history in those items, gave what they were awaited to do. For
me first comes first, customers’ natural process is my hidden wealth, collecting,
substantiating and answer positively to what’s my client is saying will have enormous
effect on the sorting process, then under and following activity will be my second
communicator of data needed.

As a result I have two analyses to do to subdue the problems towards the leaders’
demonstration in Enterprise. SWOT analysis and GUBA Analysis after the
customers’ satisfaction index is well unenforced, affected and re-done ESQI. SWOT
stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
- Leaders in Enterprise have wide experiences in this field, could be the
best heads among all human resources available in the market globally.
- Not only big heads, but also big history of achievements.
- High technical skills and ability to face hard times.
- Ability to motivate, inspire, forecast, get involved, take decisions at least
until this snap shot we are taking.
- Goal and results oriented and can achieve targets all times.

- Sometimes leaders turn aside away from the goals they are dedicated for.
- Hit the mark once is tuff; keep hitting it is the servitude.

- Leading the market is not enough; we have to find what’s beyond that.
- Ansoff’s Matrix, telling new marketing solutions and development plans for
big potentials using Penetration, Product development, then Market
development and Diversification options.
- As Enterprise leads the markets so its Leaders have the opportunity to put
new product definition, depending on the human element as the core
- Gulf and Middle East areas are nominated to be our next booming market.

- Lake of motivation options, as most of leaders in Enterprise supposed to
reach high career satisfaction limits, unless they reached that already.
- Competitors can seek similar strategies seeking to enlarge their market
- When leaders stop hearing people and appreciate them, this is the biggest
threat Enterprise can face.

After this I will seek the subordinates’ feedback beside the usual HR valuate, for
example the GUBA Analysis that stands for, Good, Ugly, Bad and Awe-inspiring.
Simply should keep on this routine, applying its rules firmly, in order to have a real
activity from the masses in the stoppered room during time interval of their body.
After all above mentioned processes, seems that things are gushing fine in
organization with the plan of action business verifiable and directions, golf shot
Enterprise in the lead by virtue of its leaders.

1. Customer Satisfaction.
2. Fleet Growth.
3. Employee development.
4. Profitability.

Recommendation 7.0
Suggestions that can be made for the CEO perspective (leadership) in Enterprise of
French and Japan is in deep essential to develop the favourable cognition
- Ability to create views that impact positively the organization.
- Ability to put organizational plans and track measurable results.
- Ability to encourage and motivate others.
- Ability to priorities action plans.

Organization Car Enterprise in French and Japan

Title / Position CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Enlarge the Leadership skills to enlarge the competence, and as a result the whole organization can
Development Objective
do the same.

Development objective Development activities Learning style Cost Time Frame

Read the Harvard business schools

Theoretical N/A 5 days
To develop the ability to create articles
views that impact positively the Attend an academic course in title of
organization "Effective Leadership" that depends Auditory USD 120.00 3 weeks
mainly on the practical exercises
Attend a local course in Enterprises
To provide the candidate with training center titled in "strategic Auditory N/A 7 days
the needed skills to put Management for organizations"
organizational plans and track Work with his / her team in preparing for
measurable results. upcoming board meeting with a new Activist N/A 7 weeks
strategic plan for the coming phase
To enlarge the ability of the CEO
To read the book "The 7 Habits" of
to encourage and motivate Theoretical N/A 4 days
Steven R. Covey
To enlarge the Ability to priorities Will set up gathering every Tuesday to Kinesthetic and N/A 3 weeks

brain storm with team, play roles, do
action plans. practical exercises, change Auditory
experiences and explain regarding
priorities and challenges we are facing

Conclusion 8.0

In conclusion, if I were in the judgment makers' of Enterprise, I would snap hold of

the body skills spreading policy (LSSP) among all levels of management, get out and
respective in the organization. But should I take into augmentation the cost savings,
activity effectiveness and most of all the people's natural action and opinion.

Besides that, in order to keep the organization as much as accomplishment in the

team direction square, scoring most effective results but not before the sake of
customized gratification and physical process of employees. Winning the whole
arrangement to the next step of leaders awareness, to get everyone involved
Elysian, and makes every extremity a self leader, that will be the limpid vision of my
leadership scheme.

In addition to that, the sight can be then cascade down into the next elaborate
accusative as re-arrange of all accomplishment criteria in the organization, set a
detailed activity and devolution plans for every view in the administration and seek
action all time, set the belief of that grouping are costly and should be heard well as
well as being apprehended, offer a unequaled self motivated employees to serve our
consumer should be the midpoint product value in the full organization.
Meanwhile rising the counter on all masses to serve the cause of leadership
main feeling will be the ordinary mission for all leadership and managing director in
Enterprise. Fastening everyone to this periodical will be our average imagery.

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