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My name is Miguel Angel Castillo Corona, I am 17 years old. I was born on April 6,
2004 at 10:30 p.m. at the San Alejandro hospital in Puebla, Pue. I grew up with my
mother, my brother and pets that were passing through my life.

During the years of my childhood, relevant things happened, one of them was that I
did not like going to school, I would cry whenever I could in order not to go, but it
never worked, at 2 years old I dropped a block of cement on my finger, but they
rebuilt it for me, I was not a very sociable person as a child and that made people
believe that I had problems when it came to socializing. When I entered elementary
school everything happened very quickly in my opinion, just like secondary school,
they were good stages in my life, although my life would change a lot when I
entered high school since my perspective of everything changed, what I wanted to
study It changed as did my friendships and grades. Luckily so far everything has
gone well, with ups and downs.

My plan in the short term is to finish my second year of high school, in the medium
term it is to finish high school and in the long term it is to finish a degree, graduate,
have a wife and live with me, her and many michis.

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