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After I graduated Medicine and passed the Physician Licensure Exam, I was immediately

employed to D.O. Plaza Memorial Hospital, the only referral hospital in the province of Agusan

del Sur. As a provincial scholar, I am required to serve the provincial government for 8 years.

As a fresh graduate, I worked enthusiastically. But as years passed by, seeing all my

classmates taking up residency, graduating and slowly achieving their goals as a consultant in

their chosen medical field, I felt failure and burnout from my work. It came to the point that I

broke down and it seemed that the job had consumed me. I was diagnosed with depression. It

was the lowest point of my life and I though I would never came out from the dark and endless


I am thankful that God gave me another chance and another opportunity to enjoy the

beauty of this life. He unknowingly prepared and open a new door for me and an environment

that could help me become the best version of myself.

With new job and new environment, everything just fell into its place. My life then

became full of joy, my passion for work is back, and my happy self became visible. It was a

whole new world for me and I was very grateful to God for a better life he laid for me.
I realized that If you’re not happy with a person, thing, environment, work or anything,

let it go. Do not let them consume and suck all your energy and life. Do not let those negative

persons or events overrule you. Attract all the positive vibes and accept that there are some

events that you can’t control. Trust everything to God and He will do the best for you.

I have pulled all my strengths to stand up again and fight from all those hardships and

trials I have encountered. Those failures and downfall became pillars for me to become stronger.

The lessons in life taught me to become more optimistic and hopeful for the future. If you know

and set your goals, you know where you’re going. And if you work hard to reach your goals,

you’ll get what you want.

There’s no shortcut to success. The road is painstakingly difficult and bumpy. I’ve

learned the hard way and quitting is not in my dictionary. Just keep on working and moving

forward. Once you start something, don’t stop until you finish the job. You will fulfillment


When I started my business, I thought I won’t be able to handle it and I was terrified that

my clinic won’t survive. Especially now that its pandemic, there are a lot of restrictions and

overhead expenses are still on. Plus non- medical people are already practicing aesthetics. The

competition is high. But we just need to continue and keep on going. Perseverance and hardwork

will keep your business going in this trying times.

Handling people in business and in work is also not an easy job. It requires a lot

of patience and the ability to adjust on each personality. Treating them nice and giving them

incentives will keep them loyal to you. Showing your empathy and concern will let them know

that they are important to you and your business.

Success won’t be possible without the help of those people who supported you. And your

success in your career is nothing if your relationships with your loved ones are tainted. Total

happiness can be achieved if there’s a balance in everything. Learn to be grateful to your loved

ones, to your staff, to your patients and to those people who became instruments to help you

achieve your success. Consider every person, thing or situation to be a blessing. A grateful heart

is the start of all success.

My character strengths basically sum up who I am. And I’ll use these strengths to live a

happy and fulfilling life. The most important aspect for me is having a solid family and supporter

who will be with me through success and failures. They are indeed my greatest investment and


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